Setup A WireGuard Based Connection To Your Synology NAS With Tailscale

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if you're interested in setting up a wire guard connection to your synology nas and you want to keep the setup simple and straightforward consider using tail scale tail scale is an easy to configure service that coordinates wire guard connections between various nodes in a single mesh network to allow connectivity between the nodes in this video i'll specifically be configuring my synology ds920 plus and my macbook as tail scale nodes to demonstrate how easy it is to set up a secure wireguard connection with tailscale before going through the actual setup i'd like to provide an overview of how tail scale works and i'll be referencing this blog post from tailscale which goes into the details of the entire tailscale system i'll leave a link to the blog post in the description below as well if you would like to read through it to get a more thorough understanding of tailscale as mentioned in the intro tail scale uses wireguard to connect the various nodes to each other in what tail scale calls the data plane in a traditional vpn environment a client would connect to a vpn connector or gateway to gain access to services available through the vpn in a hub and spoke architecture this isn't the most efficient setup if for example you have this scenario where the vpn gateway is across country but you want to access a resource that may have a faster or shorter route that you may be able to use this is where mesh networks come in where each node has a direct wireguard tunnel to all other nodes this would provide more efficient connections between nodes that minimize latency and optimizes speed but imagine setting up and administering a mesh network manually in this example there would be 90 connections in an environment where there are only 10 nodes so you can see that this becomes overwhelming very quickly this is where the tail scale control plane comes in where a coordination server helps manage the exchange of the public keys of the various nodes so direct wireguard connections can be created between the nodes the last thing i'd like to mention is that tailskill doesn't manage logins or two-factor authentication rather they outsource authentication to single sign-on identity providers such as google or office 365. i'll provide a link to the list of supported providers in the description below to learn more about tailskill have a look at the remainder of this page that covers topics like not reversal and incremental deployments i'll also leave a link to a blog post specifically on how nat traversal works and how tail scale implements natural reversal to magically make everything work seamlessly in the description below as well pricing for tail scale is listed here on their pricing page which i'll also link in the description below for this video i'll be using a personal account which is free and which allows for one user up to 20 devices and one subnet router which lets a tail scale node allow access to other devices on your network that you may not be able to install tail scale on directly you also get secured peer-to-peer wire guard connections with the various single sign-on and two-factor authentication identity providers as i mentioned earlier the free account also allows for sharing or inviting other users to access your devices and magic dns which provides automatic dns names for registered devices i won't be covering sharing or magic dns in this video but if you would like me to cover these or other options available through tail scale let me know in the comments below with the information on tail scale and its pricing covered let's look at running tail scale on a synology nas if you have a synology nas model listed here on screen you'll be able to install the tail scale package on your nas tailskill also has a knowledge base article with installation instructions that you can follow as well i'll leave a link to both articles in the description below i'll be running tailskill on my ds920 plus so i'll run through the installation steps by heading into the synology package center and search for tailskill i'll install the app and open it up when done with the installation i'll click login on this screen which redirects me to the webpage where i'll use google as my single sign-on identity provider by logging into my gmail account once authentication is successful i'll close the window open the tailskill app once again and we see that my synology nas is connected to tailscale next i'll set up my macbook as a tail scale node i've already downloaded and installed the tailskill app for mac os from the tailscale download page which i'll link in the description below and i've launched the app as well i'll log into my gmail account like i did on my ds920 plus and close the tailscale login webpage after authentication is successful now i can see that i'm connected to tailscale and i also see that my ds920 plus is listed as a device that i can connect to from my macbook i see the same information on the tailscale webpage for my account under the machines section as well to test that the connection to my ds920 plus works remotely i'll connect to my iphone personal hotspot copy the tailskill assigned ip address for my synology nas and confirm that i'm able to connect to the dsm login page which looks to be working properly now i'll disconnect from tail scale and if i refresh the page i get an error that the page can't be opened also note that even if my macbook is on the same network as the ds920 plus but i'm not connected to tail scale i won't be able to connect to the synology nas through the tailscale ip address but if i enable tailscale i'll be able to connect to the ds920 plus just fine i hope this video on tailscale provided you with a wireguard based vpn option that you may want to consider using and if you decide to use tail scale let me know how things go by leaving a comment down below and make sure to give this video a thumbs up as well also consider subscribing to this channel and make sure to check out the other videos listed here on screen for other vpn options you may want to try out thanks so much for watching
Channel: Digital Aloha
Views: 9,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: connect synology nas directly to pc, synology, synology nas, synology nas setup, tailscale, tailscale synology, tailscale vpn, wireguard, wireguard synology, wireguard windows
Id: x7SVbkHaEaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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