How to Backup one Synology NAS to Another Synology for an Offsite backup using Tailscale

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So today we're going to be setting up a sonology NZ offsite backup using tail scale let's get started so in this video on the screen I did a while back it was a full-step guide to setting up a remote Nas backup using hyper backup today I'd like to build out the tail scale component then go back and edit the hyper backup task to point to tail scale so it can access the remote Nas using the tail scale Network all right so we're going to get started I'm signed into two sonology NZ devices this is the ds216 Plus too and you could identify it by the colorful background will refer to this Nas as the source Nas and then I'm signed into the ds920 plus and I have a solid blue background so we can differentiate this target NAS from The Source Nas that said we have to install tail scale on both sonology NZ devices tail scale is a third party utility available in the package Center so sonology makes it pretty simple so let's go ahead and get it installed so I'm going to come over and click on the package Center I'm going to do a quick search for tail scale and we're going to go ahead and click on install while that's installing let's do the same thing on the ds920 plus let's go to the package Center search for tail scale and click on install while that's working let's go back to the ds216 plus2 now we can open up tail scale and we get prompted to log into our tail scale account now I'm going to talk about this in a minute let's just go check the progress of the ds920 plus and again here we can open up tail scale now that it's been installed and again we're prompted to log into our accounts now I do want to mention a caveat here if this is the first time that you are trying to attempt to install tail scale on your Soni NZ you're going to be able to click on the blue login button and then it'll take you right to the tail scale page where you can create your tail scale account and get your devices authenticated ever because I've done this before and I've removed I've uninstalled tail scale from both sonology devices so I can make this video for you I'm running into a little caveat where the blue login button that you see on the screen here is no longer going out and fetching a response from tail scale so there is a workaround that I'm going to share with you but I'm going to emphasize that this is only if you've already installed tail scale and uninstalled it from your sonology Naz if this is a first time installation you're not going to have to do this next step okay that said let me show you what I'm talking about okay so as you can see let me jump back over to the DS 216 plus 2 and you can see I have the login page here now typically again if this was a first time install I can click on the login button and it should take me right to tail scale but because I've installed it and uninstalled it the fetch is no longer working so here's the workaround you need to enable SSH into your sonology Nas so we're going to SSH into the sonology NZ into the ds216 plus two and we're going to type one simple command that's pseudo tail scale up and you can see it returns a URL to authenticate so we're going to go ahead and copy this URL and you can see I don't even have to paste it into my browser once I submitted this pseudo tail scale up it automatically brought me to the signin page that the blue login button would have originally brought me to so I'm going to sign in with Google you can sign in with the service of your choice here and I'm going to pick my quick Tech Solutions account and you can see here it says you are about to connect device homeaz to the quick tech review tailet so let's go ahead and click on connect and it says your home Nas has is logged into the quicktech review tailet so that's exactly what we want we're going to go ahead now and do exactly the same thing now you can see here it is here's the home Nas and here's the IP address the tail scale IP address that was issued to the ds216 plus 2 so we're going to do exactly the same thing now via SSH on the ds920 because if I click on a ds920 login you could see it's going nowhere so let me bring up another terminal window and we're going to SSH into the ds920 perform the pseudo tail scale up command and we should be good to go so we're going to go ahead and connect the ds920 to the tail scale account let's click connect log in successful and it should show up here in a minute and there we go okay so we have the ds216 plus 2 successfully connected you can see the Green Dot and we have the ds920 plus successfully connected all right so again I want to emphasize that if this is a first time installation you're not going to have to worry about doing the SSH part however if you did have the SSH into your Naas to do the tail scale up command be sure when you're done to go back into your control panel and disable SSH as a security measure I really don't care that you saw my tail scale IP addresses Because by the time you see this video I will have destroyed that tail scale Network and finally before we get to the hyper backup task and edit it to point it to tail scale we need to do one more configuration on both sonology devices let's move on to that part of the video okay so this right here is a crucial step in making the communication between tail scale and sonology work as you can see here I have a help document on the screen it's from tail scale and I'm in the section where it says enabling sonology outbound connections and I'm going to read this to you right here this area says sonology DSM introduced tighter restrictions on what packages are allowed to do if you're running DSM 6 tail scale runs as route with full permissions and has these steps and these steps are not required by default tail scale on sonology dsm7 only allows inbound connections to your sonology device but outbound tail scale access from other apps running on your sonology is not enabled then it says here the reason for this is that tail scale package does not have permission to create a ton device so to enable ton we're going to have to go through these steps here and I'm going to walk you through them it's very very simple but they have to be done on both seny Naz devices I've already copied this command here so we should be good to go let's jump over to the ds216 + 2 and let's come over to the control panel and we're going to click click on task scheduler I'm going to create a new task and it's going to be a triggered task userdefined script I'm going to give the task a name and I'm going to call it outbound connection the user according to the help document says select root as the user and the event should be booed up then we'll click on task settings and in the userdefined script we're going to paste that script command that we see right here so let's go back to the 216 plus 2 and click okay and then it's just giving us a warning about modifying the system configurations we're going to click okay and the final step is to reboot the nas device so I'm going to go ahead and do that now we're going to restart the sonology nas and while the 216 + 2 is restarting we'll go ahead and perform the same procedure on the ds920 plus control panel task scheduler create a new triggered userdefined script again I'll call this outbound connection user root event boot up task settings paste the script hit okay acknowledge and then here it's asking me for the password apply and then finally we'll go ahead and we'll restart the ds920 as well while the ds920 is restarting it says here here's the final step reboot your sonology and then it says your ton setting should now be persisted across reboots of your device so we'll wait for those devices to reboot and finally we'll go back in and edit the hyper backup task where we'll point the ds216 to the ds920 M using the tail scale address okay so both devices have rebooted we're signed into the ds216 plus two let's come over and click on hyper backup to edit the hyper backup task we're going to click on tail scale backup you could see it says the target is online but it's currently pointing to the local IP address of the ds920 so we want to change this and point the ds216 + 2 to the ds920 using the scale issued address so let's come over and click on the drop down menu select edit then we'll select Target and the server name or IP address again is the local IP let's put in the tail scale IP address of the ds920 and let's go ahead and click okay and now you can see here it says IP address and it's pointing to the DS 920 on the tail scale Network it says Target is still online so if everything goes well we should be able to perform a backup now and you can see it's initializing the backup it's processing the data you can see we're backing up we're 95% done generating the summary just waiting for the backup successful notification so once you've completed the buildout of the tail scale component you can point the source NZ to the Target Nas using the tail scale IP address issued and then you could just take that NZ and simply move it off site and your remote backups should successfully continue I'd like to take a moment just to give a shout out to the digital Aloha Channel I learned about enabling the outbound connections from a video I saw on that channel if you'd like to see the full-step guide on setting up a remote Naas backup click the video on the screen thank you so much for watching
Channel: Quik Tech Solutions L.L.C
Views: 3,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hyper backup, synology tailscale outbound connections, synology nas backup to another nas, nas to nas backup, dsm 7 tailscale outbound connections, enable tailscale outbound connections on dsm 7, tailscale synology, synology nas backup, hyper backup to remote synology, hyper backup synology remote nas, how to backup your synology nas to another synology nas, synology hyper backup nas to nas, tailscale synology setup, quicktech solutions, spacerex hyper backup
Id: giQVI5nBB8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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