Setting up Jellyfin on Docker using Ubuntu 21.10

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have you ever wanted to set up your own media server at home similar to plex or netflix hulu disney plus well we're going to do that today with jellyfin jellyfin is an open source app that aggregates all of your videos and photos and puts them into a nice graphical interface we're going to make this into a container and then use that container on ubuntu to learn more about this project you can go to and peruse its documentation or just see what it's capable of so to get started we're going to need a client and we're going to need a server so to get started let's find out the ip address of our machine host name dash i and we are we'll pull up terminal here type in ping 192 168.40.131 and we're going to reply so the two machines are talking to each other which is good next you're going to need docker first type sudo apt update this will find all the updates for your system please verify that you're online before you do this if you're not online you won't be able to download this and the easy way to test that is ping there's a website like google once ah so we do have an issue so let's release and renew our ip address dh client dash r that should resolve that now and good we're online so let's type this again sudo apt update and now we want to type sudo apt install docker dot io and say yes that'll take a minute or so i've already done it so it was a little faster for me next sudo docker run hello world this is a excellent program to tell if docker is running if you get that output that means that you have successfully installed docker let's download jellyfin now so sudo docker poll jellyfin is the user and the product name is jellyfin so it's user forward slash product this will take a minute again i've already done this so we went a little bit faster but now i want to get it running so this is a docker run script that i'll be using i got this from their documentation page if you go to forward slash docs general administration and installing you'll find that you can make a docker compose file or you can just do the run script which is right here so actually we can take this one right now actually well i don't think we'll need to do that one that's podban ray docker that's the docker compose here it is so this is the one that we're interested in now we do have to modify it we can't just run it as is so if i go back to my notes let me paste that and we'll make a shell script so it runs it automatically so i'll type in nano jellyfin dot shell add the shebang at the top paste our script okay so let's figure out the needed parts that are the parts that must be changed so we'll work top to bottom uh we have the shebang at the top that's don't change that docker run detach is dash d this backslash means move to the next line name of the container is jellyfin and the user the user id and the group id the way that you tell that is i could type in cat etc passwd and grep for the current user myself in ubuntu systems this will be 1000 and 1000 if you're on a red hat system they start at 500 so you do want to check this we'll say 1000. next i'm allowing hardware acceleration for these next two lines if you don't want to allow that that's fine you just comment or take those two out next host is saying that it will use the host adapter okay the config files i want to make a directory called jellyfin let's go into it and make two more directories cache and config i'll do another one here called media by ls you will see i now have cache config and media let's go into media and i'll make two more directories we'll say this one's videos and photos so if i print working directory you'll see i'm my user my name jellyfin media so let's go back this is what we'll want to put here type in home you have to type the full path on this jellyfin config and we'll do the next thing here so home your user jellyfin cache all right there's another one here for media so home and jellyfin forward slash media the way it's read is on the left side is the location on your linux vm or if you're doing um you know or whatever operating system you have on the right side would be inside the container you don't change the right but you do want to change the left now everything else is as we want it to be so let's save it run it now to make the script executable we have to chmod it [Music] chmod jellyfin dot shell and it's now rewrite executable and it's turned green that's a good way to tell that we can run it so to run docker or i still have to use sudo so i'll type in that jellyfin dot shell before doing this it's not a bad idea if you're in a virtual machine to make a snapshot just in case something goes wrong so if you've done this correctly you'll get the hashed value of the container shown there okay so now let's set it up go to firefox and let's put in our loopback now the port is eight zero nine six so you would put the ip address and in this case since it's on our system it's the loopback colon8096 good we got it so this is the start screen we want to click next and the username i'll just make it one myself and then i'll type in a password here now we'll allow it from here and click next um sure media so the content type for this one will be movies folders we'll click this and you'll see cache config media this is inside the container this is not your virtual machine so i click media and then you'll see videos i'm going to add again and i'll say um for media let's see we can do photos actually i need to take that out because that was for movies so let's add that we'll add that later prefer download language it makes it easier if you do fill this out i'll say english country see there we are now that's okay it'll automatically download metadata from these two locations automatically refresh metadata and that's okay save artwork into media folders sure chapter extraction why not good click next oh actually if you want to add photos here you would say photos and you go media photos click ok so we would have two albums now we got photos and movies that's fine allow remote connections to the server that's up to you uh yes i'm going to allow that port mapping no that's okay and we're done so i log in and right now there's no videos yet but let's get some so before we test it on windows let's get a couple of videos this is an open source movie from the blender foundation called spring and if i click this you can see i can download it here so i'm going to copy that and let's go back over to our container and i need to make it to that directory so actually we're already here so cd actually wasn't it media so media cd into videos and now i'm going to w get the file that was pretty quick and there's the video uh let's get a couple more in there just so you can see how it looks sintel is another wonderful movie it's very sad but it's a good movie and this one and again the w get command like that so now we have two of them and we'll add a third all right so we should have all three web movies and we do okay now let's go to windows and we'll type in the ip address and hey we got our jellyfin server so type in your user login sure save it and this is where the movies will be stored so it does take a minute the first time you see this so we'll give it a second for the the program to be able to catch up all right so about 30 seconds have passed and we now have our three videos here wonderful now there's no artwork yet let's change that i can click this and go to edit metadata here and you could add in all the stuff you want which is pretty cool but there's an option where we can make it add it right away so the way we do that is you click the movie as if you were going to play it go to edit and then identify okay so the one that we're on is called spring or no cintel i'm sorry so you want if you go to imdb you'll see the identity the identifier here the tt number if you copy that and put that in imdb id search and it will pull it up for you and i'll say okay to that and look it already pulled the metadata and the actors that are associated with it so great now let's do this to spring and click spring go to identify go back here imdb search and one more to go big buck bunny oops and we'll identify search pull this up click okay and look it's now pulled up the metadata the other ones it's finished downloading it so you can see like you can click the movie here or you can say hey maybe you'll like this one or this one now that once you have all that all the metadata installed you can now just click any movie you want then you can just start playing it just like that so in this video we set up jellyfin we put it into a container a docker container and that's running on ubuntu so you may find issues with playback on certain ones if you may need hardware acceleration if that's the case they do have a documented online but yeah have fun hope you enjoy it thank you very much
Channel: ProfessorRyan
Views: 24,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, docker, containers, ubuntu, ubuntu 21.10, jellyfin, media server
Id: i11zxwxNrO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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