Setting up Installing Compiling GLFW Gnu-Make MinGW Cmake on Windows

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okay welcome to my little short tutorial something that's very frustrating and if you ever tried to do it up to this point because successfully you know exactly what I'm talking about I'm just gonna show you how to actually how to install GFW which is a event API for Windows and Linux so if you're programming and you're meeting gfw to be using your programs you're going to definitely need to know how to install gfw and it's not very straightforward the instructions are really not on the website and if you've tried after a point you're pretty very very frustrated so what I'm gonna do so first and foremost we're gonna need a couple of things I'm gonna need we're gonna mean make for those GNU make we're gonna also need the source files right because we're gonna be building from a source and I'm gonna need you're going to be doing anything any kind of program you're gonna obviously need to have meaning that we do so first you let's just cover this one which is pretty easy to do first you're going to actually need to download being W because that's the first thing you're going to need and for that it's quite obvious what you do just download installer ok there's a slight maintenance going on I know there is mentioned it okay anyway so when that starts obviously now you download it cuz I've already done you open it you install it once its installed and block them installed twice as already got it you're gonna have this option on your desktop right you want to go to the base setup click one of these because I've already done this I'm not going to repeating that click well these are install install them by applying the packet changes you'll see that right once that's done you can actually has meaning W installed on your system or of course it will give you an option to choose where you're going to actually put Ming W into and if you haven't already done your installing and don't know where to put it you're gonna probably probably go to aim to put it in C Drive and call it you know meaning that we the right that's going to have all the include files your library files and all that kind of stuff so you'll see when you just on your hearing option of where you want to put it and if you want to press it default I think in the folders gives you the option just choose that and install and once we've done that next thing we'll install right it's going to be make we're gonna need another thing I just remembered sorry and I need to make C make we're gonna need to see make as well but I'll get to that one after I do these two first I fathered easy sorry is fun and then under sue making in JFW so we just download the direct package setup type package so just tell her that you know setup it's gonna crop the solids so it's Forge it's gonna come up download it it's already got it open it oh it's gonna do its thing give you an option - is here so sorry says this is make C make I don't know what I've seen anyway so these to make you install it give you an optional way to install it I think the option is yeah but do you so it's going to be in gue say another thing obviously to talk about is adding all these two paths variable sister path variables at first for now I'll just install of this install make because I've already done that erase you log on to the end then we need to download C make yeah also also similarly you're gonna install the C make its taller right download it you got it do its thing bear in mind we're gonna have to add system variables for all those things my notepad oh yeah yeah makers need to add system variables C make neither for that's what we're gonna do for those for pretty much see nobody's I'm gonna need it okay so then once you've done that you install that this you install it you know pretty straightforward stuff alright so we're gonna make we got our C mate we have our being W as tall as all I don't need to run that go to here okay so to get to this you don't know how to get to it just using Windows 8.1 just go by our mental system come up there you can also search for it also in other windows systems or I think in Windows 7 years go to system administration it should be there somewhere if it's look for it's basically it's called any system environment variables right you know what you want to do you want to open the winners for your system not for the user because the user one will actually let you touch the one that's for system you know and once that's open we go down here to system variables not for user variables right and we edit and okay so what we need to do is we need to add all those three things I mentioned you know what exactly will you be adding if you might be asking that question well we first got to see may find out where it is it was installed here we got to add this this is the stuff we need because when we type into our come on prompt we want see maybe so that actually if you didn't have these things here I see make we never know how to do it right so what you do is as I said you add to your sister so whenever you got at the end just go right to the end of it I had a semicolon right and just type in your directory there so it's going to be files make sure you get this part right if it's the ATC is a 32-bit system actually you know each other they're not just live as program files not adding that information otherwise it's going to go to a 64-bit program for files for your programs that are 64-bit at the x86 and you know makes its gonna be obviously teammate cetera what and you have to write it exactly as it says you don't run it as it is exactly written there you're gonna have problems to make sure that you are perfectly correct and between it's just that one done I've already got her I'm not gonna have it again that one's done now we need to do gnu mate and ju makers also added the install to program file i think it was well you know keep track of where you installing these things when you're installing them there are you very so also again we need to add the bin to our system variables same thing some call at the end make sure you put the semicolon to end from slash program files x86 that such a genuine 32 as it says exactly and you see there copy it so it has genuine 32 have been so again so that if we running we run everything we just go make and make life she work of course it's not great to work now i'm just got my targets all right now once that's done alright the last noticed as mint mean w2 are just a very small same thing find out where it is oh it's just gonna be in this case see if you've installed it here being w and make sure you put bin because that's all well executable are you right and I said since when you see me as exactly how it says yeah I feel separately seen by semicolon now I already already know so I'm looking at it twice you said yeah everything is it where it's meant to be all that's left now is we have to actually install G n fw all right so what we do is we you have to download it firstly so we download our you go to our source package so come up on revonnah so go to our downloads compress for me where is it or is it dirty as ears you know nobody extract its extracted you know once you extracted gfw or are you here you are go into it and now what happens is here we've got a strange if you actually if you not familiar with linux storing things online x or whether you are familiar with it you'll notice that we have you know a c make list we have these all these various folders and things and related to our source file so what we need to do is we actually need to build this what we right now have is say the programming code behind the software and gfw right so we need to build it so how we gonna do that alright pretty straightforward we could find out where you see make GUI so you find your C major UI you can run it from the command from as well can run ocean with my own prompt you can actually just go see if you've done that system very well frankly load by by itself so now that we've done that right we need to first go to our source file which is the only one that we downloaded on the unzipped right and we need to go to its choose it and we need to find when we can actually put our builds I've already created a folder here called guru yeah build I need to create a fold another folder which I'm gonna call whoops in the wrong place so I'm gonna make another phone and call it you don't have to do these you can put her anywhere you want reading your files going to go all right so I've done it there just say we've that's how we build file here right and what we need to do next you still can't figure it to actually build for being W so we just choose me and W make files used to follow compilers which is going to be the ones that are in the Bing of May 12 which is those things we added to system variables GCC J + + cetera finish that he's going to start working and start looking for those things that it needs to run let it do its thing so does this first configure it's the first time we need to press configure again after this then we repeat press generate ok so that's done we finish with this one l we don't go to a compressed folder to our build which is here we need to actually go all so we have to get into this with our command prompt yeah - file now we're gonna have to doing here it is look at this make file right which is what we did we built a melt make file from that let me rent see make right see Mac uses information that's in the if you look back into this the see make lists right that's all a premature end if you really just know anyway once it did that it built it for a system which we chose obviously I mean W you could have done it for anything else as you see the options for which you might see for yourself these various options anyway so now we build this now what you want to do is you want to run make also one thing I should have mentioned before which I might have skipped back to see make you right there are you see make they are is we have a destination folder here is going to make me run make it's going to be missing the destination which is going to install everything you change that for example and prodigious to be W and if you want to change that around just configure it again figure again generate so that when I run Mike is going to be putting everything into that file right so that's what I'm gonna find the result of running mate so now what we do is we want to make pretty straightforward stuff maybe it's gonna do his thing right this is actually cool compiling it's actually compiling our files which is that object files it's gonna do its thing just quickly waiting for that I'm just gonna get I gotta find an example with an example okay he's an example file I hope you put that down I always say that CPP let's see how we finished yet I'm still going so now it's running its rate still just compiling a build for our first run pretty straightforward stuff while we're waiting okay so now what we once we've run mate we're gonna ready to install and once this is finished we're done if you get errors here if you can Aaron see you just put a post post in the comments and I'll deal with them so go now once we finish it's gonna give us as you can see here I was gonna wait what what was actually putting in who were files and stuff where they were putting stuff like that and we're gonna take that information now you're running meaning W that's that's what I pretty much said cuz he was doing it's running he's running for me when so this will mean you know they'll be running it for anything else has we've been different so anyway now that you've done that you go your GW file it's gonna include file right which is gonna be your header files you know pretty much take these copied them back to see back to you mean W folder go to include and you're gonna paste it into here in the folder create a new folder eaten include and put that in there okay right we're going to paste our other fire other file just go take pasties farm big GW copy this obviously and put that in indirect here this one goes in directly yeah we've got that we pretty much set up to use sorry just a show that works we just got my files as I've already built that file okay now we built a file Maya desk to CPP we're gonna run it now on G+ that's to test it just to the right okay and we are gonna have to link this with giving you free classes I have doesn't mean to you at least something here and you're gonna have to also clued me I said now our program will compile okay so and I said as I had a you've used its various functions and commands and you've linked the library you're getting to OpenGL and you're doing it to GT so anyway once you've added those two things to the link you should have your file if you're gonna run it it's just to help pathologies in this case anybody you can see because I haven't actually named it to anything right and there it is doesn't nothing I'm more interesting on Caribbean that actually has some OpenGL in then that more interesting has something in the show us that's it
Channel: Discrete Mathematics
Views: 20,989
Rating: 4.7185187 out of 5
Keywords: OpenGL (API), MinGW (Software), GLFW, CMake, Make (Software), Microsoft Windows (Operating System)
Id: LO1LnhWWIow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2015
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