Install Visual Studio Code, GCC C++ Compiler, and CMake

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download visual studio code click on the download link select the windows download link wait for the download to complete install visual studio code follow the instructions click on open the installer begins accept the agreement click next you may decide to change the path in my case i do next click next default options are okay click next select install wait for install to complete this will install visual studio code however you need other tools to compile and run c plus programs which is what we will do click finish install the gcc c plus plus compiler follow the link log in to your acc email after logging in find the download link at the top right click download download anyway wait for the download to complete this downloads a zip file you will need to extract the zip file go to downloads extract the zip file you have to extract it to this folder see users public it'll make things easier further down the road wait for the zip to finish extracting you should see a cpp folder under the user's public a main gw folder and those folders that i just showed you now download cmake which will facilitate compiling c plus programs download the windows version wait for the download to complete i will talk more about cmake in class it's a utility that allows you to compile and run c plus programs click on open click next select a license agreement click next change the download path to see users public cmake click next that was the install select install wait for it to complete after the install is complete okay it's complete let's verify that it installed correctly users public cmake configure gcc compiler to visual studio you have to you have to download extensions which are small programs that will help you link the c plus compiler and cmake to visual studio code open visual studio code click on extension cycle on the bottom left of the far left side of the screen look for c plus select install and now install the cmake extension do a search for cmake select cmake tools install and now you have to link cmake to visual studio code that way visual studio code knows where to find cmake click on cma tools configuration we are looking for the cmake path and we will go to users public see users public simic bin select that whole text at the top control c to copy ctrl v to paste backslash cmake.exe at the end and this will allow c c plus i mean c make to be found by visual studio code up the gcc environment variable again this is to allow visual studio to find our c plus plus compiler and that way it will be able to run our c plus programs click on the windows icon select env click on environment variables on user variables select new cpp and we will go to c users public see users public cpp bin a m m g w b i n okay okay okay and finally okay and this will allow visual studio code to find the c plus compiler this will enable us to run c plus plus programs
Channel: Art Gonzalez
Views: 987
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: VtEstN5gOts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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