Setting up ESPHome for Home Assistant - ESP32 SMART Home Made EASY!

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A few videos back, I promised to make a video  about how to install and use ESP Home for Home   Assistant. So, today, that's what I'm going  to do. For those of you that are not familiar,   ESP Home is an app that allows you to  easily connect an ESP32 to Home Assistant,   making your ESP32 into a connected smart  device that you can easily automate. If   you want to follow along, here's what you're  going to need. One, an ESP32. Any type will   do. I've added a link to a pretty inexpensive  one on Amazon if you're in the market. Two,   you're going to need Home Assistant. I'm going  to assume for this walkthrough that you already   have Home Assistant installed somewhere. If  you don't, there's a link in the description   containing a basic tutorial on ways to install  Home Assistant. All right, so let's get started.   ESP Home really consists of two components in  order to make it work properly. The first is   the ESP Home dashboard, and the second is the  ESP Home code that gets flashed to your ESP32. (...) The first step to getting going is to install  the dashboard, and depending on how you've set   up your copy of Home Assistant, there's  two ways you may need to install the ESP   Home dashboard. If you're like me and you  installed Home Assistant using containers   and not by installing Home Assistant OS or  purchasing something like Home Assistant Yellow,   you'll unfortunately need to install ESP Home  manually. Now, I'm not going to cover this process   in a ton of detail since most people install  ESP Home the easier way using Home Assistant OS,   but there is a link in the description of my  configuration and the container I use so you   can install it yourself. Now, for most of you that  probably have Home Assistant OS or Home Assistant   with supervisor,(...) just click this link in the  ESP Home website to install ESP Home or go to the   Add-On section in Home Assistant, open the store,  and add the ESP Home Add-On. After it installs,   check all the boxes and start ESP Home. ESP Home  will appear in the sidebar of Home Assistant,   and you can click it to see the empty dashboard.  All right, so now that you have the ESP Home   dashboard installed, next we're going to set up an  ESP32 and flash it with the ESP Home software so   we can control it with Home Assistant. Since there  are literally hundreds of different things you can   connect to an ESP32 and control with ESP Home,  I'm just going to keep it simple. Today, we're   going to set up ESP Home to control a single LED.  This keeps it simple so you can see all the steps,   but we also don't get lost in the weeds of setting  up some complicated accessory. First, using the   USB port on the ESP32, plug the device into your  computer. Note that you don't necessarily need   to connect the device into the computer that's  running ESP Home, as long as you can load the   dashboard using HTTPS,(...) you can flash the  ESP32 from any computer with a USB port. Next,   click the green button in the corner to add a  device. ESP Home is going to ask you what to name   the device. For this demo, I'm calling the device  Test. Next, ESP Home will tell you to connect your   device with a USB cable. If you already did this,  you could. Just click Connect.(...) One note here,   make sure your USB cable actually supports  data. Some cables are power cables only,   and they're not going to work here. Okay, right  after clicking Connect, a little box should pop   up asking you what device to connect to. You  should choose the USB to UART bridge controller   or something similar. It'll look like that. Then  click Connect. As soon as you do that, go back to   the ESP32 device itself, press and hold the boot  button on the device. Keep holding it until ESP   Home dashboard shows preparing installation on the  screen. At that point, let go of the button and   just wait for the installation to complete. After  it's done, you should see the device appear on the   dashboard. If everything goes exactly perfectly,  it should say that it's online. Now real quick,   this is another gotcha. Sometimes after  installation, it'll continue to show as   offline. If this happens, you may need to set the  IP address in the configuration manually. Just hit   the Edit button, and under the Wi-Fi section, type  the IP address that was assigned to the device.   You can usually find the IP address by logging  into your home router and looking at the list   of connected devices. After you get that entered,  save the file, hit Install, and choose to install   with the USB cable again. This fixes the issue  99% of the time. After it says that it's online,   you can disconnect the USB cable from your  computer and just power the device with the   cable by plugging it into power. It'll now be able  to update via Wi-Fi. Finally, now that you have a   connected device, figure out the configuration you  need for whatever you have connected to the ESP32.   Here you can see that I just copied an example  from the ESPHome website and changed the pin   number to match how I have mine wired. After  configuring the device, install the changes,   and this time you can do it via Wi-Fi. Then, and  some of you won't need this, but just in case,   click the three dots next to the device, click  Show API Key, and copy the key. After that's done,   go to the Settings section of Home Assistant and  then click on Devices and Services. For most of   you, it'll probably just auto-detect the ESPHome  device and ask if you want to install it. If you   don't get lucky, you may need to install ESPHome  integration yourself. Just click the blue Add   Integration button at the bottom and search for  ESPHome. Install it, provide the IP address and   port where ESPHome was installed, then provide  the API key that you copied just a second ago.   This is a one-time setup, and next time it'll  auto-detect, I promise. Okay, now after you've   configured your device, go to Entities at the top  of the screen and search for your entity. The name   of it will be the name of your ESP32 device, then  the name of the entity attached to it. In my case,   Test Test Light. You should be able to  click on the entity and control it. Alright,   that's the whole setup. I hope it helps you  get started. Until next time, happy coding.
Channel: Ask Cloud Architech
Views: 4,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esphome, esphome home assistant, ESP Home, ESP32, ESP 32, esp32 home assistant, esp32 home automation, esp32 home assistant projects, home assistant, home assistant setup, home assistant esphome, home assistant esphome projects, esphome projects, esphome setup, esphome tutorial, Home assistant s, home assistant esp32, haos, home automation, home automation ideas, home automation esp32
Id: 7PoUWszwaFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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