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that's it fam it's on its own I'm seeing these World Records I'm seeing some freaks of the mic some incredible beatboxers with some incredible speed now I have decided to try my hand at it so we have a beatbox world record technically unofficial but the caliber of the beatboxing and the beatboxers merits it so six years ago we have Alem as you can see right here Alan makes a video six years ago 100 sounds in 5.15 seconds oh my God I'm so boiling heat wave in the UK is the worst anyway check it out okay how many sounds was that 10 sounds so he's got to do this combo 10 times fair play so it's hard to like make this so like official and perfect because you just have to trust the single sounds you're hearing you have to trust your own adjudication basically and trust that the time is pressed at the start and the end correctly okay so alum's done that that's mental I was six years ago now in my theory here uh tkk goes there's tons of different ways to variate the sounds involved [Music] coming inward there's a lot of different styles so my route here would be to go with something like that I think so one day three four five six okay and it would just be that four times but the starting time will change so that should make sense for you I hope that makes 24. so if I did that four times we're gonna be at 96 so I'll just start with no I won't I'll start with all right yeah so we're gonna go and then my combo four times which is [Music] four times six twenty four so it will sound like [Music] whoa that's hard okay okay intro and one of the combo so two more of the combo and I've got the 100 sounds all right we pulled this up okay that should work here we are attempt one actually so and then go in okay we've got it all right I hope that can come off on the screen okay we've got that from Alem Alem get neneed done out sent to the boom docs Alem no all jokes aside he created this challenge so all respect to the absolute Legend and bruh here's beatbox speed like not just spamming out sounds you should hear the way he beatboxes like when he's just doing it that's freakish so we've pulled that off however yep that's right there is a however you thought that was fast it was but whoa I'm b art from the Netherlands well I'm the art who sub five seconds this bad boy 4.83 just to keep the challenge going so we have um that's uh nine sounds and then it's 13 times wait 13 times seven no no no what uh so we have oh I get it okay okay okay okay so the one sound com no the nine Sound combo and then the sevens and then it's 13 times uh okay 100 times and uh 13 more times yeah that makes a hundred yeah yeah or high whoa nah that's salesman um Madness my challenge back to LM please show me that you do it faster all right did you think that was fast from BR did you whoa whoa I'm remix anyway guys the pattern that I've written anyway guys why are you making this happen now it is 14 sounds so we had 5.15 down to 4.83 and Now remix is suggesting 4.69 14 hundredths faster so like I explained in the previous one uh the pattern is oh 14 sounds right and we're gonna do that about seven times seven eight times around there which should give us a hundred and or above 100 sounds so we're about to try this now wait so 14 sound combo seven times it would make you 98 sounds uh let's have a look yeah I'll try to really pronounce everything so uh basically truth pronouncing the sounds is important right and we're gonna do that one okay sure this one's harder to break down okay so the pattern now so and then so we'll listen for a four times yeah but that last one having three so [Music] so this is causing me skeptic when I hear the pattern combo not skeptic but like we have to observe that he's doing the four so and then four of them in three now because it's too bloody quick and he's too quick I just can't hear it three two one this one's really hard to break down and he's got a slow down version which is just neuro synth Funk future delay zero millisecond attack speed so it's hard to even Define it I mean maybe let's try okay we count so I've just paused it on so we're listening for every time [Music] [Music] okay and then the end of the combo alright so because of the breakdown we can actually Define those little syllables so every pattern he's done is completely right so how many times did he have to do it because he was less he was less good at explaining let's figure it out so four of the threes twelve plus fourteen okay so he has to do it yeah seven times plus two sounds at least two sounds so let's count it so we got [Music] wait a second remix hold on wait let me figure that out I need to re-watch just in case I messed it up so starting on okay we're gonna count one more time so now we used to do seven complete complete repetitions of that plus a little extra at the end so [Music] so I I think if if after breaking that down remix is gonna have to sit there and add the combo once more to that so this is the best void attempt I'm considering I'm I'm not the uh the world record uh judge but we're hearing that breakdown makes it clearer to me now I'm gonna go and check the Arts I can't that's the end of my attempt to try and break that down I can't so as it stands right now alems which has the correct breakdown we managed to pull that off now I could less let's say you've rewinded this clip and you you've broken it down I may be wrong there however BRS does exist now and it does sound right it's a freakish combo so technically we have to try and beat 4.83 seconds my issue here is I can't do it I think with that combo now granted I have only tried it once but it was 509 um it was what was it again um okay all right let's try it provided I can pull the combo off with no mess up I'm there's only short leeway there so let's see what we've got okay okay um [Music] the consistency 5.09 and 5.1 so in other words without heavily training I can't do it with that combo [Music] am I sneaky can I worm my way around can I find a new combo will this sound be my secret trick this sound is not easy it's not practical but my dumb ass has decided to put that in very fast combinations which gives me the opportunity to think of combinations weird stuff it's weird [Music] so I think maybe repeat the shortest repetition so that might be the one so this is seven seven sounds [Music] that is Speedy and I believe [Music] so it's seven sound combo only so I will need to repeat that 14 times fourteen times seven will get us to 98 and I will need two more sounds to finish so I'm probably just gonna slide out two sounds at the end now let's truly see what I can get to keep this light an engaging enough video that makes enough sense I'm going to demonstrate my first attempt whether it's good or bad okay so 14 times so we're listening for this like if you want as the most definable sound per pattern so [Music] so you are going to want to hear 14 plus clarity through the combo to to observe a successful repetition [Music] all right all right 14 times sludge out two sounds probably like that at the end attempt one okay [Music] thank you [Music] I'm in I'm gonna need someone to slow-mo me all the sounds and the finished time tap because I think we've pulled it off [Music] I'm gonna try again see you on a good attempt [Music] nah bro I just tried two more do you know what that's it that's that was it it was 4.7 wasn't it so as BR says he wanted to keep it rolling I've kept it rolling so shout out to LM shout out to the very brave and breaking it for years BR and then therefore inspiring this so GG honestly to a lemon BR go and check out their original videos and the challenge May Long continue but as for right now I'm the speed King little Dan hello Dan from England I'm gonna go and tell my year free teacher I don't even remember her name cheers for watching everybody
Channel: Dlow Beatbox
Views: 66,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C3YGL5kR6z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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