Top 5 Most Common Basses (In Beatbox)

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work one today we're doing another thing today we are doing something slightly different I'm gonna be sharing with you my ranking of the top five most common bases in beat boxing so this means done by anybody that beat boxes the most common instance of usage so it's including things like how many beatboxers do that sound or how many times one beatboxer does that sound factoring in a lot so for this video I created a short list of bases and I watched a couple of things here and there and I really sat down and thought about it there is multiple different ways of doing one base title for example tongue base but what does that mean because oh these are loads of different techniques and positions so I'm talking more about One Singular sound that has minimal variation everybody sounds the same when they do it or close to it kind of just to avoid that variation because those different tongue bases I kind of give them different names really so I'm just going to give you the One Singular sound minimal variation and give you what I believe is the top five to this day this time of recording so in the year 2023 this is the most common five if you asked me this 10 years ago completely different that's the cool thing about it some of these bases have only been around for maybe 10 years or less so here is a list of the top five now it does need to be said there is 20 plus times more beatboxes or whatever right now than there was all those years ago so in the past doesn't weigh as strong as right now so coming in at fifth place do [Music] and its processors which are also vocalizing [Music] okay I think this one sits in fifth a very versatile base that you can do one of the easiest sounds to pull off when you're learning beatbox but it gets way more complicated to master it and bring new things out but yeah the lit base just comes really and then assert more of a bass intention with it but this one is in the top five there is variations of how to do lip bases like various kind of roles but I'm I'm talking about right like that name me a top beat boxer that can't do that bass name me an intermediate or battling level even battling all battling level beatboxer that cannot do lip Bass I'm pretty sure if you have lips you can do this space so it sits in fifth because it's not often the choice that's why it's not higher it's not the choice of bass for the composition okay moving on to four this one is chest Bass from the chest of course and also its vocalized versions all oh oh all of those little variations but it all stems from the same sound now this is used very commonly at the start bars of Beats so right there like that and the fact that it can be vocalized and very micro positional changes make different crazy sound effect bass lines to come through it's very common choice for people to use again easy as well this is in the easy side it's rare to be of a decent beatbox level and not be able to do it it's rare you know but do people use it or not well I personally don't use a chest bass if it's not vocalized and I'll only really use it with a heart a full set of vocal I use that sometimes but the ones that do use it their entire beatboxing is using it the ones that have good vocal mastering over it use it as the feature sound it is chosen for the drops and the ones that use it without vocal are very strong with it and they use it in their standard instant nothing special kind of beat so it's very common even to this day I'm interested to see these two lit based chess base and where they go in the future okay coming in at third the third most common base that's gonna be in my base a lot of people's inward bass sounds different but because it's an inhale through the throat it means that those little variations are all acceptable to what I consider inward bass now this one is a bit more complicated definitely harder than the last two and that's probably the only reason why is only in third because not everybody can do it or even the intermediate beatboxes towards the highest level there's quite a lot of people that cannot do inward bass or they can only do it a little bit so they don't consider it a comfortable or strong sound so they they don't do it the ones that can do it use it a lot me myself in my case I'm actually very known for doing that sound however I don't choose to use it very often just because that's my preference it's not my favorite but it is definitely a fan favorite a lot of people like this sound a lot of beatbox fans really enjoy understandable it's overpowered it's really low frequency it's very loud volume and it sounds unrealistically cool especially if I was with you in person and I went you'd be like what so I put that in third so what does that mean there's two left are you thinking are you a beatbox fan are you already thinking of bases even if you're not maybe you can think about sounds you may have heard whenever you've heard beatboxing wow second place [Music] this is going to be the throat base now not as easy as the chess base or the lip base not as hard naturally as the inward Bass we have fruit base this one is an exhale it is a growl in the throat somewhat similar to chest Bass and it sits higher than chess base even though people that can't do fruit base often do chess base and at a beginner level of beatbox it's hard to diagnose the difference so chess base really does sound like this oh and throat base really sounds like this everybody with throat bass sounds very similar the difference is the way that you perform it the factors of the mouth placements and the pitches but at default tone it's throat base and you will be able to Define that always throat base is slightly more of an old base and in the new era that we're in currently it isn't used actually that much if you if you was ranking it a top five bases right now I don't think it would even be in there but it for years and years it's been the staple go-to bass sound to beatbox with so the history of this base makes it still to this day second place and people that are really good at it use it a lot I'm good at it I'm not the most elite with that bass and I'm probably better than average with the bass and I use it quite a lot I really like it it's a very easy throat tone you can beatbox over it with a lot of lip and tongue sounds foreign for example if you ever hear this bass then you'll know exactly what it is because it really does sound like that and it's a very common viral bass I've noticed with beatboxes that go viral on online social media a lot of the time throat base is being used it's a very captivating base for the general public and it's also the most natural occurring base from the lot you could say because this is in classic aboriginey pronunciation so this has already been used by humans prior to beatboxing beatboxing didn't find this sound some of some basses were found by the practice of Beatboxing this one was not and then finally into number one can you guess it what might it be [Music] oh I've got lip Pro in number one spot this is called a lip roll it's basically a better name would be inward lip Bass that's how it should be called but whoever started flinging around the lip roll name back in the day got their wish lip roll but yeah lip Pro or inward lip bass now difficulty wise I'm gonna say possibly the hardest one of the bunch to match the inward bass and third is very tricky but the lip role is all about learning it finding the frequency the method when you've got it it's going to be pretty good and it's fun not the worst adventure to develop further in with base or some other basis fruit bass can be really irritating to develop lip Pro is fun more simple to develop but to get it can take years weeks there's a massive difference it's almost luck based sometimes just a side note I have a I have a lip roll tutorial online if you type my name and lip Pro tutorial it might be around somewhere to help you learn it and if you've got it well just feel good about that because it is so close to an 808 Baseline and a lot of produced bass lines when done correctly now this is tough because there's different methods of lip roll a very common one is sub bass version which sounds like which is a different way of going but we're going for like this style of lip Pro in this position with this level of power I consider this the most common that's because I consider this the most common right now with inward bass as a very close second but lip pro has been a little bit more prominent for a little bit more years than inward bass has it all comes down to who is inspired by what pioneers create sounds that people obsess to learn and lip roll and inward bass have definitely been two of those I mean they all have obviously if you think about it they've all been done before and inspired a lot of people and give some fun shout outs that come across my brain so lip bass I think because of the nature of the sound is so easy to do that I don't think there is many direct Inspirations kind of similar for chest Bass with inward bass you have a beatboxer from Spain called Marcos who kind of started pulling it off the first time you have um you have myself uh inertia vocoda villain biat and I hope you understand that I could set a name a lot but there were some names that came straight off the bat that may be common to inspiring with that sound throat bass I gotta say reaps one just Springs to mind I think a lot of people do that base because of him it was done previous to that in the past a lot of the French beatboxers were pulling off throat bass as well I would also say cod fish in a newer era revamping the sound for people to want to learn and lip roll uh definitely Napalm you got Ball Z likely myself as well I was by the way really using lip rolls before inward bass if you didn't know so yeah um ballsy Napalm myself they're more for the bassier type of lip Pro as well though other lip roll Pioneers I would also say Frosty and you have these like crazy ass Styles like all of this weird stuff I think um a Chilean beatbox are called Wally inspired a lot of people with that too and I'm obviously missing out big names so beatbox Fanatics I'm sorry okay I know I've I've missed out names I know but there's some for you all okay just thought I'd share that some facts with you on top of that so they're my top five most common bases now how how was this format interpreted by you did you like this style of video do I do more or do I not there it is anyway how would this video look in a few years maybe I'll do it see you later everybody MPS if you have all five of them down you are obviously a beatboxer aren't you
Channel: Dlow Beatbox
Views: 67,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8Gmpdlvok-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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