Set up a 1.20+ Spigot/Bukkit Minecraft Server | High Performance | 1.20+

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hey what's up I'm troubleshoot and welcome back to another quick video in this quick guide I'll be showing you how to set up a spigot or craft bucket server and host it on your own computer completely for free using your own Hardware you can have as many friends as you want to join Etc it's all completely yours to play around with and host yourself to begin I'd usually say head across to the craft bucket or spigot download website and download the spigot build tools essentially we're downloading a program to build ourselves a server jar file for either spigot and or craft bucket but that process can be a little bit confusing so I've gone ahead and automated it through the use of a really simple one-line install script these do take a bit of time to create and of course mail more time to maintain so if you find these useful make sure to click the thanks or join button down below now you may be asking why don't I just point you to a download for a server jar file well you can do that but usually they're filled with viruses malware Etc as currently the spigot and bucket team are not able to share jar files that they create themselves under Minecraft's Euler and lore if you download a jar file for one of these from a different Source it's completely up to you whether you choose to use it or not if you do you can skip past this build tools section of the video where I'll be showing you how you can build it yourself it is only one command but it'll take around five minutes to build anyways without further Ado how do we do it well on Windows 11 open up terminal as administrator otherwise on Windows 10 or if you don't see terminal open up a Powershell as admin instead now if you open up the terminal make sure you see Powershell at the very top otherwise click the drop down and choose Windows Powershell now that we're all in the same place let's go ahead and run IEX space and inside of records irm and close brackets you'll find this down in the description below this install script is completely open source and transparent so you can see everything that it does start to finish when we hit enter it'll give us a troubleshoot spigot MC installer head up and showed me after It'll ask us where we'd like to place all of these temporary files currently it's telling me it'll put them here but I don't want to so I'll go ahead and create a folder on my desktop called spigot and I'll open it up and inside of him I'll click at the very top select all of the text that's here right click copy add in the console right click to paste we'll get it to set up in this folder here I'll hit enter and shortly after it'll go ahead and download the build tools jar file here and check to see if you have Java installed if you don't Java will be installed and handled for you now it'll ask you do you want to build a craft bucket as well spigot is the only one that's built by default if you'd like it choose Y and hit enter otherwise Type n or just press enter without typing anything to not build a craft bucket only spigot now this is where things will take a little bit longer to set up it'll go ahead and download a few programs and start building but eventually this will finish in about 10 minutes or so it really depends on the speed of your computer and your internet now if if you'd like to change this and get craft bug to build later you can run the same command choose Y and as long as you leave all of these extra files here the build process should be a ton quicker alright so now that it's done it'll open up our folder here and it'll also tell us everything's done opening this folder in Explorer awesome so if we close our terminal now you'll see spigot120.jar this is exactly what we're looking for as well as a start.bat file that I added here just to make life a little bit simpler for you it's already got some information on starting our spigot server awesome so all we do is copy these two files here wherever we would like to set up our server or of course you can just delete the rest of these files if you don't want to update it or rebuild it in the future I'll make a spigot 120 folder on my desktop as such and move them in here now we're ready to start setting up our server in order to begin I'll just double click otherwise you can open it up with notepad and customize exactly what's happening such as for example you can change xmax 2G to add more and by making it 4G 6G however much RAM you have available in your system eventually it will air out and tell you about euler.text press any key to continue and reopen uland.txt where inside of it will be changing Euler false to Eula troop control s and close it now we can run the start.bat file once more and it'll go ahead and start building our servers one of all the required folders for plugins Etc eventually it'll actually get to starting up on Port 25565 the default awesome there we go now of course you can place your plugins in the plugins folder here and customize your server as you see fit but for now let's go ahead and actually connect to it for this I'll open up Minecraft we can use Minecraft 1.20 or Minecraft 120 with client-side mods whatever you'd like it is still somewhat a vanilla server craft bucket and spigot are different from Forge and fabric and that the mods are only really added on top of the vanilla game instead of replacing huge elements of it usually alright the again all I'll do is Select maybe OptiFine 1.20 if you'd like to see how to install this or anything else you'll find links down below and I'll go ahead and play it there we go I'll head to multiplayer and always do to connect to our own server is add a server and in the server address type in otherwise known as localhost this is our own computer now if I connect to it we'll be connecting to our spigot server in the background and here we are and in order to give ourselves admin privileges we can type in op space tcno which is my username so op space your username and just like that you'll have admin on the server so you can type in game mode see for example on game mode creative and you'll be in creative mode as such super simple now you're playing on your own server but how do other people play on your server realm it is usually very simple but instead of going through the Windows Firewall and trying to manage things there manually I'll have automated it through the use of four symbol commands you can run which you'll also find in the description down below it'll add an exception for Port 25565 both in and out to your firewall do note if you're using a third-party anti-virus firewall or something along those lines you will need to go ahead and add an exception for 25565 there as well so pulling up our guide over here in the description down below you'll find these four commands simply click the copy button next to it and inside of an administrative Powershell or terminal window once more so I'll open Terminal as admin and then select Powershell if not already selected all we need to do is right click to paste in these commands here and just like that it'll add four exceptions to our firewall just hit enter a few times to make sure everything has run now someone's sitting next to me connected to the same router should be able to connect to our server here simply by going to their multiplayer list adding a server and typing in the local IP of my computer here in order to get this you can open up a terminal window or command prompt once again and type in ipconfig one word and hit enter this will tell us all of the information about our computer's network connections we'll look for the way that we're connected to the internet in my case it's ethernet you're looking for an ipv4 address this one here is what people will use to connect to my computer on the same router 192.168 something something I'll be copying this with right click after selecting it and we can paste it into our server address bar him otherwise your friend can type it in or other device Etc I'll click done and just like that we should be able to connect to our Minecraft server just by double clicking on it as per usual awesome so what about people outside of our local network connecting to our server to play with us well that's a little bit more advanced it involves port forwarding but don't worry before you get worried about it port forwarding is super simple it just sounds scary and in the description down below you'll find a full guide on how to port forward Minecraft that should really break it down and make it simple and I've even got a guide there showing you how to port forward if you have more than one router between you and the internet essentially when someone tries to connect to your PC it slides straight in but if they reach your router or internet router on the way to your computer say they're connecting to your computer from outside of your local network they'll be blocked by the router's security settings port forwarding simply allows Port 25565 through the router and it'll tell it exactly where to go on your local network so someone connecting to you from afar will be redirected straight to your computer and they'll be able to join your server as you'd hope now of course when you're done playing around how do you save and close your server head to your console type in save hyphen all and hit enter this will save the world and everything in it then type in Stop close your server gracefully it's important to type stop instead of closing it outright as if you do it may cause corruption and data loss things like that not very fun just a quick note that once you have closed your server people won't be able to reconnect to it until you reopen it as you are hosting it on your own Hardware as long as it's open people should be able to connect and play that's why it's completely free because it's using your hardware and nobody else's that's really about it for this super quick guide so I hope you found this interesting Money's been troubleshoot thank you all for watching and I'll see you all next time ciao foreign
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 68,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: server, spigot, spigot server, minecraft server, forge 1.20 server, how to make a minecraft server, 1.20 spigot server, spigot server for 1.20, spigot 1.20 server, minecraft spigot server 1.20, bukkit 1.20, bukkit server 1.20, bukkit server minecraft, how to make a bukkit server 1.20, minecraft bukkit server 1.20, how to make bukkit server 1.20, how to make a spigot minecraft server 1.20, how to setup spigot server 1.20, spigot minecraft server 1.20, minecraft server plugin 1.20
Id: RgutSM9wwW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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