Set Actions in Tableau

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sorry hello everyone thank you so much for coming to our webinar on set actions today your presenter is going to be mark Reed he is part of our tool consulting group specifically within the the data school I'll let mark talk a little bit about his experience before we go on but I was really impressed with mark and how he really got stuck in into one of the betas where it actually talked about the set actions feature he had already written a blog post on it and so when it came out there was all his fervor at the conference after in it it was the first time I saw it I thought it was an amazing feature and lo and behold already at till we had somebody who was doing all this stuff in the summer so without further ado I'm gonna pass this on a mark will talk us through a set actions ok yes I couldn't find you change to listen to her oh ok it's just asking me to to present my screen I need to get an extension so apologies for that I have to just do something real quick yeah no problem because it seems like the room is filling up real fast we are already at 32 attendees thank you so much oh by the way while this extension is downloading I should put up some guidelines so for everybody who's in the great who's in the in the audience thank you very much obviously there will be questions as they pop up much appreciated if you could type out your questions in the comment section and what I will moderate them in the chat so perhaps it's something that I might need to interrupt mark with but it for overall we're gonna try and reserve questions for the very ends we can keep this running smoothly hope everybody understands that all right that sounds good looks good I can see your screen oh great great now ok so let's get started so so good morning everyone thanks for joining session today my name's mark Reid and what we're gonna be looking at today is an introduction to to set actions so we just talked a little bit about what we're going to do today so first of all we'll kick off with looking at some examples of set actions which I think will be useful for people who have perhaps not seen them before and then I will go on to talk a little bit about how set actions differ from the other actions that are available in in tableau already today and then we'll go on to build out some of the examples that we're about to look at and this is actually where we'll spend most of the time in the webinar today we're building out the views in tableau creating the sets and the set actions and so on so it'll be quite a practical focus and then finally I'll share some resources with you we can go on to find out a lot more about set actions and have a look at some other examples and some more advanced use cases so with that I will switch over to tableau here and we'll just have a look at some examples so this first one is looking at proportional brushing so proportional brushing allows you to make a selection in one view and have that update of a different view which shows you the selection that you've made so in this case we can see that the sales for example in our West Region 35% of those sales are made up by these selected products here and as I continue to select more products you can see that this proportion increases that you would expect and this is really quite a useful function because it allows you to really see the context of your sales in this view so just to compare that to if this was a filter here if I switch this over to be a filter you now only just see the sales that you have but you don't really have the context of how much other cells you've made of other products so switching it back to the proportional brushing view again using the set action we can then see what proportion is so it's it's quite useful view and in this case here I'm also reusing this set to then highlight by a means of size of these dots on this scatterplot here and we're labeling as well so you can see that only the marks that I've selected here being labeled and resized so this is one of the use cases of set actions where you can reuse the set across multiple views okay this next one is looking at dynamic vis in tooltips so this is one of the examples he used in the blog post that Emily mentioned so as we we hover over mark here we can see that this vision tooltip pops up and with the set actions are able to then modify the selections that are made within the view and have that dynamically update the visit tooltip as well so you know again this is can be quite useful for providing some context as we drill down here ok and then this next one is looking at dynamic drill down so this is being very popular since set actions have come out and this allows you to drill down into a hierarchy or values and be able to expand this tree dynamically so this is quite a nice feature which you were able to do to some extent previously using parameters but this makes it much easier and more dynamics we will look at building this out later and there's also the tree map version of this as well where you're drilling down into literally the same hierarchy but in a more visual view okay then we have this next example is looking at being able to select dates interview and then using the set action to capture the set of these dates and then we'll look at creating a calculation to capture the the earliest date and the latest date and then using those to then generate a reference band so this reference band is now dynamic as you make selections it moves along and then again reusing that same set to filter this view here and in the lower side and then this final example is looking at comparing the same dimension against itself so in this case we are looking at for example the customers that have made a purchase in both the Washington State here and say also in Delaware Delaware so there's nine customers that have made purchases in both states and this is quite an interesting use case because we will be creating a sales measure from the same dimension but from different values within that dimension which have been selected and then plotting those against each other in the scatterplot it is so this is quite useful for basket basket analysis and you know comparing for example you know we're using States here but these could be dates so you could look at who has made a purchase in a recent date versus you know a day in the past for example okay so let's just jump back to slides for a second okay so just to give a bit of background about the different actions and how they compare so the previous actions that are available before the release of 2000 18.3 included the filter action and the hull action and the URL action which I'm sure many of you have used and these really have one primary purpose each so the filtration tutors make a selection filter in a different view and the highlight action to make highlights in other views and the oral action to either open a URL in a separate browser or within a web object within your dashboard and there is some flexibility here for example you can combine a filter action with LOD ease and dual access chart to create proportional brushing but it's a bit more complex than it is using the set actions that we'll use today you can also use for example URL actions to pass filters between views so there is some flexibility here with these actions but nothing like what we have with sets and set actions so let's just have a look at what the kind of things that are possible with these new actions so the fundamental concept at least for me I think is whitsett's is that you can reuse them in many different places so as you interact now with the marks in your view you can dynamically change the set and you can do that across different views and then with that set that's been updated you can then use that with directly in the view you can use it to encode marks in the view on color on size you can use the set on a filter shelf to filter the view and you can also use it within calculations to create other values which can also be reused so they're really very flexible and there's a lot of dynamic interaction between these as you update change the view this will change the view that you're looking at and then you can make more selections and update the set again so really quite a powerful feature okay so with that we will go back and start to build out some of these examples and we'll see him you know how they're made how you create the sets and the set actions and so on so this first one will board out is around the proportional brushing so I'm going to start off with having a category and subcategory in the view here and we'll put sales on anti view and sort this and then we can maybe color this by profit okay and then we'll bring region to the view and sales make this entire view so now we've got the main t views for the dashboard and we can just bring those in here okay and then next thing I need to do is create a set on this first view here so I want to create a set on my subcategory so right click here go to create and set and I'll just call this my subcategory set and we can add some examples some selections in here doesn't matter which one we choose because we're going to be updating that with the action okay and then I'm going to use that set that I've created now to change the color of this view here so now what this is doing with this set on on the color marks card here is that it's telling me which of the sails are made up of the subcategories that are in the set in blue and that's in and then which of the cells are made up of subject subcategories which are not in the set I either out of the set so I'm just going to move this in to below here so that the in parts at the bottom should be easy to read and then we will drag over all sails on to the label and I'll turn that into a percent of total and we'll have that running across the view I'll just make that a bit bigger so it's bit easier to read probably don't need all the decimal places okay hopefully you can see that now okay and now we have our basic view here so with the sub countries that are in the set that we want to initially created it they're now showing up here now the other thing we need to do now is have this become dynamic because as I make selections nothing's happening so now I want to make this set update based on my selection and we do that via the set actions of course so we go to set action the actions for dashboard and here you can see where we heard the previous actions which you may have used before and at the the bottom of this list is the new change set values that's the one we're gonna be using today so I'll talk through this dialog box in a bit more detail for this first time and then as we go through we'll probably move through this dialog box a bit quicker so I'm going to name this update my sub category set and then I need to give it the source so it's going to be come from this top view which is the proportional brushing one and then I to give the target for which set I want to update so first I pick the data source that the set exists in so the set will only exist in in one data source and then I find the set here on the second drop-down so that's the set that we created that's the one I want to update and then you have the option to of what you want to do when you clear your selections so in this case when I click away from any of the bars I want them all to come in so that then I'm seeing 100% of sales so in this case I'm going to add all of the values to the set and I'm going to trigger the interaction based on a selection so like the the previous actions that are on in tableau you have the option to haven't be triggered by the hover or select one menu and we're going to be using select for pretty much all of the actions today okay so now as we make selections here we can see that the the set is updating the new values are going into the set and that is changing the view down here so we have now created this proportional brushing view so that's great and now we can go ahead and we look in this this example that we created oh we have this scatter plot here as well so we can just go ahead and create that real quick and we're going to reuse the set here as well I'm going to bring in the same dimension so subcategory onto detail make this make this a circle and it's a bit bigger but what I'm actually going to do is put the the set that I used I'm going to put that on to size because I want the the marks that I've selected to become bigger so let me just make a selection here I'll go back to the view now at the moment the default is to a little bit strangely but it makes the the selection that's in the set be smaller and the ones that are out largest so I'm just going to double click here in the size legend and reverse that and then I'll make the ones that are out a little bit bigger as well okay I think that's okay and then we could also put this the same set I'm going to drag it to color as well so now we can see that the ones are in a blue the ones are a gray okay and then I can just drag that into my view as well get rid of this legend for now and there we have it so now I say we make selections we can see that the these marks are being colored and this is showing the proportion or brushing view there's one more thing we can do here as well which is create a calculation to just label these these selecting marks as well so let's do that so I'm going to create this calculation and I'll just make this a bit bigger so this is the first time we're using a set of the calculations so these calculations tend to follow quite a similar format so I'm just going to call this the selection label so basically what I want to do is if the subcategories in the set then return the name of the subcategories so I'm basically going to call this the I'm going to put the subcategory set here so if it's in my set and the set actually acts as a boolean so it's either true or false so the subcategory is in the sets true and if it's out it's false so this is saying if it's in then true then just give me the subcategory name otherwise don't do anything or we can actually put just return a blank and then Hey and then what are we - now is drag this to the label shelf and you can see this is only returning the values where the sub gravities in the set so it's only labeling those those ones that are in the set which is just what we want it to do let's make those a bit bigger and I think we're pretty much done with this view now so as we go down we can make our selections the scatter plots being labeled and highlighted and resized then we have a proportional brushing so that's the the first example here alright let's move on to the next one which is this dynamic vis in tooltips okay so I'm just starting off with a map here with the cities in the view for Europe and the first thing we do is just color these by a sales area which is part of this hierarchy so now we can see that we have we have this area in the north and then a central and southern regions here ok great so that's the map view now I want to create the tree map which we had and I'll just just go back to reminders what that looked like so we're now going to create this this tree map view here so that's what we want to do so I'm gonna go to this sheet here and pick sales and my different geography dimensions and just create a tree map using the show me menu and then I'm going to bring profit on to the color card here so this story map now shows our sales which are sized by some sales and colored by profit okay so the next thing is to add this vision tool tip to the view which we can do from a tool tip I'm just going to go down here and go to insert sheet and if is intuitive tree map and I'm just going to reorder these dimensions that the top P I want needs to be in the order of the hierarchy so it's gonna be sales area and then country state and then City okay turn off these command buttons but I'm going to leave on this allow selection by category and this is what allows us to make a selection and change the the selected marks in the view from with inside the the tooltip okay so now we're seeing the the business filter which is great but if we it's not actually showing everything it's actually directly filtering down to the mark that we're hovering over and the reason it's doing that is because tablet Auto generates this set here we haven't made this set this has been Auto generated by tableau so if I just delete this for a second and then roll back you'll see if you watch this area here as I roll over a mark here you can see that this set is also generated every time so we need to stop this set being generated because we don't want to filter the view based on the mark that we're hovering over we want to filter it by a set which we're going to create shortly so to stop this being generated we go back into the tooltip and we just delete this part of the visit tooltip code here which is the filter section so I'm just going to hit delete that disappears and then we can click OK I think I'm going to do is just change this to on hover and that's going to make it a little bit easier to make our selections okay so I can delete this again and now you'll see that as I hover over it's no longer creating that set here which is which is good news okay the next thing we need to do is create the set now so going to hover over any of these marks here right click and I'm going to create the set here and we call this city set okay and then I need to have this update dynamically using a set action so we're going to go to this time to the worksheet and actions I'm going to add an action to change the set value recall this our city has set up gate here and sheet selected we go to the data source find the set and this time when I clear the selection we want to have them all go into the set again trigger by select ok so now this time when I make a selection we should see that they are they've gone into those have gone into the set now which is great and now I can go to the business tool tip and I want to use this set now to filter the the vision tool tips and now it's only showing the data for the marks that we selected in the view which included France and Spain in this case ok so now as I hover over we can see that as I change the selections in the view based on this vision tool tip selection these business all do is updating and we may just want to make this a little bit bigger as well so we can go back into the tool tip and we change the size here maybe to 600 okay and we can see that is now updating so there we go that is the dynamic vision tool tip ok great alright let's move on to the next example which is going to be looking at drill down so remind ourselves what this does so this is going to build out a hierarchy here and be able to drill down into to the hierarchy so that's the plan here alright so we've got a country we're going to put a country on the on our view in rows and then it might be tempted to to bring the next level down which is state but actually what we need to do here is create a calculation to generate a state only if this first view is selected in our set so in order to do that the first thing we need to do is create a set on the country so I'll right click here again go to create set and we'll call this country set and we can just buy an example of safe in London here okay and then what I'll do now is create a calculation that will be we're going to call this the level two and it's gonna be the state and what I want to do is return the state if the country is in the set that we've just created so again it's gonna be if this time it's going to be the country set so the country is in that set then and the state else turn just a blank string so you'll see this kind of format of calculation will be used again and again as we go through these examples this is quite useful format of calculation to understand what's happening so it's essentially is again checking is this country that's in the view in the set if it is then return the state and otherwise then we just returned a blank string and then we actually bring that calculation into the view and we can see that that is just returning the state for the country that we initially put into the set which is what we expect okay so then we basically to repeat that procedure now for the next level down which in every city but now we're not creating set based on on state here it's so we actually created on this level it's that's in the view so it's the l2 state so we're going to create the set based on the calculation create this set here and we're going to call this level to state set and we can just pick one of these to get us started and okay and then I'll go ahead and create very similar calculation this is going to be for the level three now the city and so again it's if this time it's in a level 2 state and return the city else ok and then we bring in this level 3 calculation to you and now it's showing that one city so that is good news so that's working so nothing's changing the amount because we haven't set up any set actions so that's the next step ok so now we'll go to worksheet actions and we'll create the action to update the country ok and it's going to be in the this one so pick the country set first and again it's going to be we're going to remove all this time so that we want it to remove so that when we clear the selection it doesn't go ahead and add everything in expand the whole hierarchy out so that's the reason for that okay that's the first one and they want to create another action which is going to be the level to state update ok and that's gonna be the same great sauce since the level two states set that we were updating and will removal on select ok so now as we move around here now we can start see these things are happening things are opening up and we're going to run into a problem though because as we click the country now we can see that it has actually gone expanded the the whole view and the reason for that is if we open up the set for the level 2 state here we can see that the blank value that we have included across all of the the states is selected since all of these opening up which is not so good so to fix this we need to edit this level three because really we only want the the cities to show if both of these and two levels above it are in their respective sets so we're going to go and edit this level three calculation here and I have this be basically add an extra condition here such that if the country is is in the country set and also the level two state is in the level two state set then show the city so let's just apply that and hopefully that it's now working so so now I think we've got the right behavior here we can see as we as we navigate around now things are expanding as we expect and you know we have this working now which is great okay so that is is the drill down so the next thing we might want to do is have this be a tree map and that is fairly easy to do we can actually just duplicate this sheet here and then simply go up to the show-me card and that's interesting oh I need to put a measure on here so let me just drag on sales and you can actually just sort these as well and then I think we can now actually create a street map so there we go and one thing I just need to do is reorder these into their hierarchy so like server so we have the right order here so country state city and that will just make sure that these don't move around when I drill down so as we move in here the same actions in place the same calculations so everything is working exactly the same way it's just visualizing it in a different way so is the drill down tree map okay very good and just for reference of you so desired you could also go up here and turn this into a drill down bubble chart so again you may just need to reorder these country state city and there you go there's your expanding bottle shop if you so desire to do so alright so let's look at the next sample now which is going to be creating this dynamic reference band so we're going to create out of this view so let's switch back here we're going to bring in our order dates and it's going to be continuous months okay and then we're gonna bring sales into the view that's our online chart here and then I'm going to create a set based off of the month in the view here and I call this the months it okay and then I need to create a sort of heat map for the second shot and that's going to be using order it again but this time it's going to be discrete months on this view and it's gonna be the day of the week over here so weekday and then we'll put profit on color here and on labels so I've got heat map we'll just have that fill the view and they will just send to these labels and have these be a bit bigger as well so you can see them okay and then we can start to build out this dashboard so we've got the line shot and our heat map and it's labels are a little bit too big these twelve okay so we've got the the basic dashboard we've created the sets then next thing is to have this set up date here so I'm going to go to the dashboard actions and create the set action to update the update in a month set this time separate a month set and want to do from this top draw the reference band and it's in superstore and here's the month set and when we clear the selection I want to add everything to do to the set okay all right so now that is updating values in a set and I want to use that set to to filter this view so I'm going to go to the heat map view and I take my months set here drag this onto the filter shelf and that's now being filtered so as we change our marks here that's being filtered in the view below that's good news and next we want to do is now actually capture the first date of all these selected dates which are in the in the set and the final one and so we're going to create two calculations to capture those two dates and then we'll go ahead and use those dates to generate our reference band so let's go back to this view here and we will go and create calculation and it's going to be the squad start date so very simple calculation we're going to do stuff with the if and bringing the the month set so if the the markers in the set then we return that and I'm just going to drag in a month from the view here so I get the right month and then just end so that's gonna give us so what this character will do now is return actually all of the dates that are in this that are in the set but what I really want is just the first one of those so what I now need to do is get the earliest of these dates and to do that I simply wrap all of this in a min calculation so now that's going to give me the earliest date okay so we just okay on that I'm going to turn this convert this into continuous because it needs to be continues to be used for the reference band and then I can duplicate that and we'll edit this one and this one I want to be the end gate so change the name here and then I'm simply going to change this meaning to a max so it's exactly the same thing is returning all of the dates in the set and then it's read this max function will give me the latest date of all of this of all those ones returned okay yes so now we can go back to the view here and we can now create this reference bounce on a right click here add a reference line I used to do one more thing actually it's add those into the view so take the start and end date and just bring those drop those on to detail so I can use those and we'll come back here go to the reference and and then I'm going to do this from the start date and up to the end date and we can cover this kind of red to pink color and I'll put some lines either end and then we actually will show the value of the date the start and the end date there so you can see those okay and then hopefully that will update as we change here so and then we can just change me the format of those dates if it wants to cooperate okay here we go a format and we'll just make these a bit bigger and we'll change the the format lists I think I'll just make these a month of the year I'll make them a three character month okay so now we've got Jan 15 to 10 and as we change the reference man updates we can see the start and the end date and it's filtering this view below which is what we wanted to have happen so there you go that is the dynamic reference band and you can see we're doing their work we're using the this set action is to create the set set has being used to generate calculations which give us values which we can then go on to use to create reference pan but of course we could also use these values to create a further view and we could perhaps for Hyundai look at what is for example the the maximum sale between these two days or we could compare the sales between these two days with the same the same months in the prior year and so on and so on so it kind of gives you an idea of the the flexibility of how you can use set actions alright so the final one we're going to build out is this looking at dynamic calculations been able to compare the same dimension against itself based on selections within each of these views here so let's go ahead and build this out so we are gonna start off with just bringing stayed out into the view and I'm actually going to add state to text as well and gonna make this a bit wider and I'll put sales on color and make this height table and I'll sort these and then I can hide the header and I'll just have this fill of you for now okay and then these are going to be the states that go on effectively will form kind of the y-axis so I'm going to create that and then I can just rotate that around and then just need to modify the label and bring them down to the bottom here and this will form the kind of states that all show long effectively will be the x-axis hey and then I need to create some sets based off of this dimension so it's the same dimension in both of these views here so I'll create I'll create this based on state here actually you just in the view so I create that set because the state so it okay um and actually I need to modify that now just realize I have two things have two of these so this is going to be X sorry the Y state set this is our Y view and then I would have regretted on I can actually create this in the same view because I'm creating a set based off of the dimension not the view so and go ahead and create another set and this is going to be the X straight set okay so we've got two sets now based off of the same dimension and now I'm going to create two calculations one by based on each of the each of these sets so the calculation so this is going to be the sales result from any sales that are made from states within the the X selection so you just call this X sales if X Tate set I'll zoom in a bit here then sales and okay so that is our sales and then I can just duplicate that because the next calculation she probably guess it's gonna be very similar and that's just going to be Y my sales just change that to a why hey and let's just go ahead and build the view so what I'm going to do now is actually have this scatter plot so this is gonna be so I'm not gonna plot these dynamic measures that are created against each other so got a why sales here our X here and then I'm gonna bring the customer into the view here so I'm gonna break it down by customer little bit bigger okay so let's build the view and then I'll explain a bit more about what's actually happening here be easier to explain when we see the view I think okay so this is the y-axis gonna be the x-axis just gotta hide the title in both of these and then bring the scatterplot out and we'll just hide this for now okay and then we can it's kind of clean this up a little bit space in here okay so I've got our view here and let's just create the set actions so what I need to do is have this update the the Y set so I'm going to go ahead create the dashboard action here so this is going to be just on the Y and I want that to update the Y the Y state set on selected when I clear I'll add everything into view okay and I'm gonna do the same down down here so it's gonna be another dash for action that's gonna be going to update the Y the Y sorry the X state this time and you can see it's gonna be there's missing fields in the view so I need to just make sure that only triggering this from the X state set where the the dimension is present so just call this update X everything to review based on select okay all right so let's see what this does now so as I click through here now it's updating the set of states that are in this Y set and as I update down here it's doing the same for the X and then it's if I just hide I can just filter out any of the nulls here so what this is now doing is saying okay it's going through the underlying data and it's saying okay only show me those customers because we've got the custer dimension in the view where they have sales originating from states that are in this set in this case washington and also they have sales from states originating from this other set which in this case is Oregon so this can be quite useful to you know figure out some kind of cohorts I guess trying to track down which of your customers are making purchases in certain states so in this case the advantage of being able to use sets interactions is because we're dynamically making selections in view you can also make multiple selections so you could say okay I want to find out those customers that have made a purchase in any of these states here and also made a purchase in Idaho for example and actually we can go ahead and see so this is custom here James has made we can see that the amount of the purchase as well and we can go ahead and click on there and look at the underlying data and we look at the full data and expand that out we can see this states here we sort by the states you see all the ones that are selected at the top and then also Idaho down here and we can see that those will add up to the value that's enjoying the view so so yeah so that is how that works so it's the idea of being able to create dynamic measures from the same dimension and then being able to compare those measures against each other and as I said earlier on this in this case is using States but this could be for example product groups so you can compare those customers that are brought you know furniture goods versus those that brought technology have they bought also brought bought technology goods or this could be time frames which customers have made purchases in 2018 and also purchases in you know an earlier year and so on so again it's quite flexible yep so that is that final example so the next thing I wanted to do here so yeah so we can just talk through again we've looked at some examples how we've used the sets in a variety of different situations either in the view encoding marks in the view whether on color or size on the label shelf we've also used them to filter the view we've used the same set in calculations to generate measures and all of these things will then update as we interact with the different various views so hopefully that that's given an idea of the range of things that you can do with set actions and they're kind of new interactions that they open up to us so the only final thing I had to share are some resources so so this first one is a website called art of the visible and we're just going to take a quick look at that and have it open here so this is really excellent resourceful for learning much more about set actions and a very wide range of applications and many more advanced examples so and all of these were put together by my Beth Alliance who works for tableau and the site was was constructed by by create Bloodworth here is one of the tableau Zen masters at the information lab in collaboration with method Alliance so so it's a really useful site for each of these examples you can click in here and there's a video tutorial which will explain how this how this works and there's a downloadable workbook which is live in the site here and you can also interact with that so it's a really a really really really great resource to learn much more about these set actions and hopefully there'll be some future content added around them of detail as well we're lucky so that's the first thing and then there's a couple of videos from the tableau conference which wanted to call out as well these first couple by Betty lands also and there's some overlap in the content here but definitely worth watching those as well and then there's a couple more videos which by fully pursue also works tableau is a product manager and this is not so much on set actions although there are a couple of set action examples but really focused on sets but obviously set actions are based on sets so having a good understanding of background knowledge of how they work is is really useful so definitely encourage you to check out these videos and learn more much more about sets and set actions from those so that's pretty much all of the the content I wanted to share today so happy to to turn it over to anyone who has any questions thanks mark I think I'm looking at the comments and I haven't actually had many questions so I'll just fill it up with some of my own comments as people are thinking of them and maybe they if they want to enter them into the chat please don't mute your mic so there's 41 people in the group it'll just turn into absolute chaos let's put some of our questions in the chat I really enjoyed the part where you talked about the dynamic reference lines I know that in Bethany sessions she she kind of refers to that sort of technique as like a visual calculator which i think is really useful as as were like providing guided analytics to our customers so I thought that was really good that you demoed that I also really liked the example where you go through the drill down and the tree map I thought you explained it really well and when I did that in the workout Wednesday it took forever and a lot longer than what you just did yeah that's the trick you want to get you head around so it's not not very intuitive I think you have to think that one through yeah definitely okay all right sorry I just saw one comment come through just give me a second here let's see the first comment was can you share the slides with me is this recorded yes we can post the slides if Mark is okay with that and this is that's what it so that's totally fine we will be posting on to combo and we will do our best to try and post it on to the YouTube channel as well we will also let you guys know when the meetup group when that has been done Neil wanted to say that it was a great presentation and he feels very inspired and how do you set actions for in the future that was yeah really really good I think the session was really useful because you you were quite you know a process-oriented and and how you were demoing how everything was created in some of Bethenny's videos she does do some of that but also of course you know she's got so much content as you could see on the website that having somebody walk you through some of this was really helpful so thank you for the question another question come in Phil says Lily says miss webinar do not worry yes things are things are recorded Phil says great session good to see more use cases ah yeah I really enjoyed the vision tool tip action that was fabulous how do you think dashboard design is going to be affected by this feature mmm great question yeah good question well I think it the nice thing about these set actions I think they can be used in so many different ways that you know I wouldn't focus into you know particular use cases necessarily but or verticals or product areas it's it's really anywhere where you want to engage the consumer of the report even more and have them directly interacting with the view so I think it will create much more interactive types of visualizations I mean the really nice thing you'll notice that in all of these examples there wasn't any that uses any kind of quick filter actions or parameters all of the selections and all of the dynamic interaction was made directly by interacting with the marks in the view so it really keeps the inner of the report I think more engaged with the data so I think that's the real plus point for for how these set actions will be used yeah I totally agree with that I mean I remember when I first saw this feature I was really impressed by tableau and how they like rolled this out because I remember for a long time and probably still like they kept saying dynamic grammars is such a difficult feature to implement but obviously so powerful for all of us as analysts because we're trying to do like scenario modeling but suddenly here we have an opportunity to do that with without having to go back to menu items we can still interact with our data so I was really impressed on how they they still kept to the ethos of of what we're trying to do a tableau but still deliver on the functionality that we needed okay and absolutely olafemi thank you for enjoying it no worries that you're new to tableau I think knowing this feature will make all of your reports a lot more powerful so thanks for stopping by all right I think that's kind of it for questions for those of you who are on the center of excellence feel free to ping mark Reid I'm sure he will have an entire fan base now so maybe we should call it a day give everybody seven minutes back and for those of you who are interested it takes a bit of time for this video to be processed so look out for it maybe later on this afternoon great and thanks everyone for joining we appreciate you taking the time to tune in and thanks again and have a great day all right thanks mark thanks everyone and end the meeting now have a good day
Channel: The Information Lab
Views: 10,329
Rating: 4.90625 out of 5
Keywords: tableau, set actions
Id: zlTIVCpjN64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 31sec (3211 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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