Sermon: "The Day After Christ Returns" by Rick Shabi, Sept 23 2017

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we observed the Feast of Trumpets last week we talked about what the world would be like before Jesus Christ returned the Feast of Trumpets we talked about what would happen in the world before the return of Jesus Christ and of course the Feast of Trumpets also pictures his return and he is king of kings and King king of kings and Lord of lords and I want to take a minute here to set the setting for where we are today here we are after the Feast of Trumpets we if we project ahead to the time these things are fulfilled Jesus Christ has defeated the armies that were gathered before him he is king of kings and Lord of lords you and I if we continue in the way that God has called us we will be standing by his side and we will be looking at a world that is absolutely decimated they will have been through something through the trumpet plagues through the Great Tribulation through the upheavals that will occur between now at the time that Jesus Christ returns and they will have seen the greatest armies in the world with all the all the technical advancements and all the weaponry and all the all the might that's there and they will be absolutely dazed and confused they will have seen everything they know blow up and they'll be wondering what is going to happen now who is this that has come down from heaven with armies behind him that has absolutely destroyed everything we counted on in the earth because you know that the people were looking to the beast power when the Babylon completely is destroyed and completely shattered they wail over her where's our work our merchandise where's the things that have made us rich everything is going the world is in desolation everything is gone where do we go from here and they will be standing there those that are left alive at that time and there will be people left alive there will be people live over into the millennium and as they stand there that day after Christ returns you and I will be looking out at them they'll be looking at Jesus Christ in us and they'll be wondering what is going on what is going on what next and you know they're gonna be thinking a lot more than that because even if they are told it's Jesus Christ Jesus Christ returned to Earth he's the one who shattered the kingdoms he's the one who is now King of Kings just as you heard those two witnesses say for 1260 days as they were on earth even though we say that just think about what they've been told they've been told everything they've been God has been blaspheme the entire three and a half years the king of the earth the beasts power has been blasting out things absolute mistruths he's been battling and trying to downgrade God so people are confused they don't know and you know what they are they look at Jesus Christ as an enemy Romans 8:7 says the carnal mind is enmity against God and they have been steeped in it they have been there and they have heard all sorts of things and they look out and they wonder what is going to happen now and they look at Christ and they look at us and they think what are you going to do to us they have doubts and they have fears and they are scared and they don't know what to do what will Jesus Christ do the day after he returns what will you and I do the day after he returns well let's go back let's read the last few verses of Revelation 19 because we're here on the Feast of Trumpets and another week we'll be keeping the day of atonement we understand what the day of atonement pictures and we'll be talking about that next week but a revelation 19 justice just to set the setting even a little more than what I've just done let's pick it up in the last three verses here of Revelation 19 the powers of the world are gathered in verse 19 John says I saw the Beast the kings of the earth the leaders of the earth are there and their armies gathered together to make war against him who sat on the horse and against his army that they see coming from heaven and the Beast was captured and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence in which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped His image those two were classed alive in the lake of fire burning with brimstone and the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of him who sat on the horse and all the birds we're filled with their flesh what a sight remembers the 200 million man army there's a lot of people dead there's a lot of people that the world realizes has happened instantaneously and then the very next verse in the Bible says I saw an angel coming down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in the sand he laid hold of the dragon that serpent of old who is the devil and Satan and bound him for a thousand years what the Day of Atonement pictures now the Bible goes from chapter 19 verse 21 right into the FIR chapter 20 verse 1 and that's the very next significant thing that happens is that what Jesus Christ will do the very first day he is on earth well he the very first day takes Satan and bound him and cast him into the bottomless pit for a thousand years it may be it may be that what he's doing but I'm also have always wondered why did God put a space between of nine days between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement is there something that happens between the deep Feast of Trumpets at the time of atonement and this is speculation on my part God and lo knows what he's doing and he may very well the first thing he does cast Satan into the bottomless pit we know he will do it and he will lay on Satan all the sins of mankind and he will bind him so that the Kingdom the millennium may come and people can learn the way of God but as he stands there and as we stand there and look at a world that is decimated scared uncertain doesn't have a clue who he is has been fed all sorts of misinformation about him what might he do if he doesn't turn or throw Satan into prison well maybe maybe we find a clue to what he'll do back in Isaiah 61 I say a61 remember the first few verses here of Isaiah 60:1 Christ quoted and it's recorded in Luke 4 he stood up before the assembly there and he ran to the temple the first few verses of Isaiah 60:1 and then he sat down in a dramatic fashion and said this has now been fulfilled in your hearing and the people marveled at what he said as he read the words that were about to read here in this afternoon chapter 61 of Isaiah first one says the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord God has anointed me of course is referring to Jesus Christ because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of the Vengeance and the day of vengeance of our God now that speaks to the time kind of describes what things will be like after the return of Jesus Christ there will be people who need to hear some good tidings there are people who need to hear some truth there will be people who are certainly brokenhearted there will be certainly people who have to understand and don't understand that they've just been given Liberty from oppression but they have now they won't understand that they had that they've got to be educated in that when Jesus Christ returns whether he buying Satan first or whether he finds or does something else first he will be teaching people and he'll be teaching them in a gentle way he understands what the world has done he understands what Satan has done he understands the misinformation that's been out there about him but you know everything about Jesus Christ and God is there not Willie that any should die they want the people to understand they want the people to understand who he is and to understand the truth the purpose that Jesus Christ is going to come to earth is to save mankind but let's go back to x3 save mankind from himself but from the time that he from the time that he returns and for the rest of the time in acts 3 verse 19 at verse 18 tells us what his mission and what his purpose will be acts 3 and verse 18 those things which guide foretold by the mouth of all of his prophets that the Christ would suffer he has thus fulfilled and he tells us repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out so that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord and that he may send Jesus Christ who was preached to you before whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things which God has spoken by the mouth of all of his holy prophets as the world began when he comes he will begin the process and you and I'll be working with him to restore all things that means restoring the world to the state that God had intended it to be people are going to know that automatically all they're gonna know is the agricultural and the way we treat the earth today was the way we treat the earth today isn't the way that God had intended for man to treat them there's a whole bunch of education that has to go on as the things are restored to the way that God would have us live on this earth and use it he has to restore truth and trust in people he has to let them know that they that he is God that he is Jesus Christ that he didn't come to destroy and make their lives miserable but instead he came to liberate them from the oppression they've always been under he's come to set the record straight so that their future is something that they are alive with and that they can look forward to and he will be teaching the people during all of that time he will be working with them and he will be educating them now on that first day certainly not everything is going to happen in one day it's gonna take a millennium of time to restore the truth to people and each succeeding generation is going to learn more and more just the way it is with us today that as we come into the church we hope that our children learn more about the truth so they are even better than us if we want to use that term and the succeeding generation after that would even be better sometimes it doesn't work that way in today's world but certainly in the Millennium it should work that way that each succeeding generation becomes purer and purer and purer and loves God more and trusts him more and turns to him more and becomes more and more like Jesus Christ having the character and the personality and the outgoing concern in the agape love for everyone that he is demonstrated that has to begin someplace the world doesn't know that they may remember what they witnesses did but they saw the world rejoice when the witnesses were were killed they have to understand that this is what the world will be from here on out I didn't come to make your life miserable I came to make your life good I'm not here as I he would be explaining to them who he is what the purpose for things are he will be teaching them because just like us he wants us to understand now when we understand and when we're called then we then we respond to him and Jesus Christ may well take the time to do that let's go back to Ezekiel let's see yeah let's go back to Ezekiel keep your hands and your fingers an axe I'm going to come right back here at acts 2 in a minute Ezekiel 36 [Music] Ezekiel 36 and verse 24 he says to Israel I will take you from among the nations I will gather you out of all countries I will bring you into your own land and I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean I will claims you from all your filthiness and from all your idols I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh I will out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them that heart of stone that we talked about on the Feast of Trumpets where people just had all these things happen to them trumpets blaring loudly but they just didn't listen they never repented they sealed their hearts against God God says I'll take that heart of stone from you I will give you a heart of flesh and they will be taught that and as he puts his Holy Spirit in them just as he has put his holy spirit in us the enmity between us and God should fade should disappear and that will fade for them and disappear not overnight because they're just like you and me but as they live and as they see Jesus Christ and as they work with you and me and the kings and priests that he's preparing us to be in that time they will come to understand this is a kingdom this is a government unlike anything we've seen before they'll learn about it but they're gonna have to live an experience it's just like you and I did they're not gonna become perfect overnight just like you and I weren't perfect overnight they may even have to sit that there they hear Jesus Christ talk whether it's before or after Satan is bound to think what is he saying you know some of us we heard the truth and it might have been years years before we responded to it though we kind of let it percolate in our mind and it was back there until we realized this is the truth you cannot look at the Bible and say anything else but it's the truth and for some of us it took a while for that to occur for others it was instantaneous now for those in the millennium it will be the same way because they have a lifetime behind them where they've either been rejecting God putting them in out of putting him out of their minds or practicing rejection of him everywhere along the line we don't know what their backgrounds are they're all different but at that time their minds will be opened they'll understand God will give them the spirit and they will begin to see what is going on as long as we're in Ezekiel let's turn back a few books to Isaiah Isaiah 52 verse seven how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news who proclaims peace who brings glad tidings of good things who proclaim salvation who says to Zion your God reigns how good is that they may not understand that the first day they'll come to understand it your Watchmen will lift up their voices with their voices they will sing together for they will see eye to eye when the Lord brings back tsiyon break forth into joy sing together you waste places of Jerusalem for the Lord has comforted his people he has redeemed Jerusalem he has made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God they'll see him returning they'll see they may not understand that he saved them from total destruction they will come to understand that they will come to see him as a savior and not a conqueror in the sense of the word that they have maybe thinking of a conqueror and they will begin to learn they will begin to learn the truth of the Bible just as you and I learned at the truth of the Bible and you and I will be there to help them do that you and I will be there to help them to do that we turn back to Isaiah 30 we're gonna get back to acts 2 but I keep having thoughts come into my mind so I'll turn back to your to Isaiah 30 [Music] let's pick it up in verse 19 the people will dwell a giant at Jerusalem you will weep no more Isaiah 30 verse 19 he'll be gracious to you with the sound of your cry when he hears it he will answer you and they lo the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore your eyes will see your teachers your ears will hear a word behind you saying this is the way walk in it whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left that'll be us well we see people going astray that's not the way here's a gentle reminder this is the way walk in this way now let's go back to acts 2 acts 2 verse 17 [Music] in that time Jesus Christ Jesus Christ will pour out his flesh his spirit on all flesh here in Peters sermon on the day of Pentecost after their hope they received the Holy Spirit he quotes from Joel - Joel - let's pick it up in verse 17 he says that she'll come to pass in the last days says God but I will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters will prophesy your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams and on my men's servants and on my maid servants I will pour out my spirit in those days and they shall prophesy I shall show wonders in heaven above okay and signs on the earth beneath okay I don't have to read 17 at 18 God will pour out his spirit on all flesh in those times now often we talk about and you will see as you read through Ezekiel God gathering is real back but God is gathering all people back anyone that calls on his name will see that here in a moment in that day when they are first introduced to Jesus Christ they are aware of who he is and when he may lay out his plans for what mankind is something they've never heard before and they begin to grasp what it is and as he tells them what the future is and teaches them of those things you know what they're gonna be like you and I were there gonna be ravenous for the truth they're going to come to the point where after time they are eagerly go up and look for the truth because it is so different than it is so inspiring and it is so invigorating that that's what they want to hear and we read about that in Isaiah Isaiah - you know we we were going to be going up to the Feast of Tabernacles and I hope we all go to the Feast of Tabernacles with the same attitude that the people will have in the Millenium because that's what God wants to see from us as we go up there Isaiah 2 and verse 2 it'll come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord's house will be established on the top of the mountains and will be exalted above the hills and all nation shall flow to it all nations that are left they will all go there because that is what God wants to do and you know what they want to be there you can't keep them away from there just like you can't keep us away from the feast if our heart is really with God and we are desiring what he wants us to have many people will come and say come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob he will teach us his ways we will walk in his paths for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem that's will be what will be like in that day people will be flowing to it automatically just like you and I do and should and certainly were when we first understood the truth so God will be teaching them of his ways and maybe that first day he will be letting them know what the plan is but you know what else he'll be doing as they look at him and they look at you and I and the other resurrected Saints there as they see David there they won't know who he is and Abraham there and all those men you see in in Hebrews 11 that we read about in the Bible I think he'll be introducing his team I think he'll be probably saying this is who these people are these are these people who through the trials of life they stood by me they used my Holy Spirit they overcame the flesh they overcame the world they didn't accept the mark of the beast they didn't accept the world and through it all they stood they stood and used my Holy Spirit and they chose me over themselves they chose me over the world they chose me over their families they chose me and they are here with me to help you become who you can become and he may even that day begin to show what some of the government is in Ezekiel a-- tells us that david will be over the nation's and and the 12 apostles it tells us in the new testament will be over the the 12 tribes of israel he may talk about some of those things i don't know what he will but you know isaiah 61 he'll teach he'll teach and that will be something that happens early on and then continues throughout the time of the of the millennium let's go back to Isaiah 61 he'll teach but there'll be something else too because you know words are very good and we can we can say words but people want to see the person behind the words too they want to know what the person behind the words is like in the chapter we're back from chapter 61 the end last sentence there or the last phrase of verse 2 says as Jesus Christ says he'll be there to comfort all who mourn to console those who mourn in Zion to give them beauty for Ashes because their world and everything they thought they had has been totally decimated but he will replace the devastation with beauty he'll replace the morning with the oil of joy the Karman the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and he'll do that because what he wants for them is that they become trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he may be glorified they may not know it at that time but they're in for the time of their lives that their lives will be more meaningful more satisfying more purposeful than they ever imagined possible the same thing that happened for you and me that when God called us out of the world and we followed him that our lives became so much more than they ever were when we were enamored and chained by the things of the world that kept us maybe busy took all our attention way never discount how important God's blessing is and the future that he has given all of us but when Jesus Christ returns he will be comforting he will be comforting people here's a people that have been hurt here's the people that have been confused here's a people that have been beaten I hope they're very humble I hope they're very receptive at that time but whatever it is Jesus Christ will be comforting he will be he will be a comfort to them Isaiah 51 and he will show in the way that he teaches in the way that he is they will come to understand he is someone they can trust and who is someone who has their best interests at heart and who loves them just as I said in John 3:16 and that first will come alive for them just like it's come alive for you and me when we understand that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that other that also whosoever believes in Him may have our lever lasting life chapter 51 of Isaiah verse 3 the eternal will comfort Zion he will comfort all her waste places and there will be plenty of waste places at the time after Jesus Christ returns he will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert like the Garden of the Lord joy and gladness will be found in it Thanksgiving and the voice of melody that's what will happen not maybe that very first day but they will see that and they will begin to see the picture of what God has in mind for them remember you and I always need to remember whatever trial we face whether it's a health trial or anything else that comes in our life God is not willing that any should die if he's not willing that any should die but he does want everyone to come to repentance that he may give them eternal life and that's will be what he tells the people of the millennium - I'm not here to see you die I didn't want anyone to die but people need to come to repentance so they need to yield to God they need to examine their lives and they need to get back to what God well in their case that you need to get to what God wanted them to begin with and not and not pursue their own interests anymore in Jeremiah Jeremiah 29 a beautiful verse that is set there in the midst of God's discourse - Israel 29 verse 11 says I know the thoughts did I think toward you says the eternal thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and the hope you'll comfort the people he'll let them know I have your best interest at heart I want to give you hope I want you to see your future I want you to understand it's not going to be the same as it was the last three and a half years but I do want you to understand that when you live my way everything you've ever wanted in life and more than you could imagine will come your way back in Ephesians Ephesians two occasions 2 and verse 4 God is merciful and the people will see he is a God of mercy and they will come to understand that chapter 2 of Ephesians verse 4 but God who is rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together with Christ by grace you've been saved and he raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of His grace in his kindness toward us in Christ Jesus kind loving agape not willing that any should die but that all should come to repentance and all should follow him that he may give eternal life 1st Peter 1 verse Peter 1 and verse 3 [Music] blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again to a Living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead if he's begotten us again to a Living Hope will he not beget those who live over into the Millennium into a Living Hope will he not paint that picture for them will he not help them to see over time what is going to happen and how their lives will be has begun as us again to a Living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that doesn't fade away reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time what he's given us he will give them now we have we are firstfruits they will have a different position because the firstfruits are those who are called in this life but people who are in the second resurrection and people who live in the millennium will also have a place in God's eternal plan and he is their selves a savior as much as he is ours Psalm 103 again remember this is the people who have been decimated they've seen their government top off they've seen the society that they relied on gone you remember the trumpet plagues and those seven last bowls the sea creatures are gone the water has been turned to blood there has there is total devastation on the earth they may be wondering how am I gonna eat what am I going to do where do I go tomorrow my house is gone there's no food everything is everything is is a mess sometimes if you meet the physical needs before you can reach the spiritual spiritual needs but back in Psalm and go back to Psalm here Psalm 103 probably some of you have Psalm 103 memorizes very comforting psalm but looking at it the context of what the people who come through the last three and a half years of Earth Psalm 103 and verse one read it with that in mind what's the Lord O my soul and all that was in me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits the world doesn't know his benefits who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases who redeems your life from destruction who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies who satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles they will see that Christ the king of kings and Lord of lords he is a healer he is a provider he can provide everything they need in the face of all that devastation they will have what they need he will not let them he will not let them starve he will not let them continue he will they will see what a good God and what a good Savior is they're the same thing you and I should learn through the course of our lives our lives he does all those things if we look to him first these people have nothing else to look into the to no government no banks no stock market no hospitals no physicians no bank books no homes no publics no Walmart nothing the only place they can look is to God and He will answer every need a lesson you and I can learn more and more and should be learning more and more look to him he provides let's go back to Isaiah 61 when Jesus Christ returns and you and I there as princess kings and priests working with him we begin to see what we will be doing and we begin to see what the people will be like and what Jesus Christ will be doing as he begins the millennial reign and then it will continue to to progress through time Isaiah 61 and verse 4 he will teach his way will have a part in that he'll be comforting the people we will have developed that spirit of agape in our lives as we do the things that we do today and we'll have that spirit that we will be a comfort to people as well as we are learning to be and in our lives now in verse 4 it says they will rebuild the old ruins they will raise up the former desolations they will repair the ruined cities the desolations of many generations the world will be just a chaotic mess everywhere you look there will be rubble where the people are where Jesus Christ is standing on earth it's gonna be a total devastation brought about by their own hands thought about by their own hands and they will come to understand how man did this to himself and they may be whale and they may be mortified when they understand we rejected God through all those trumpet plagues how could we have ever done that but they they will do that but they'll be looking around at total total devastation all around them but God says the world is going to be rebuilt he came to restore he will come to restore all things the world will be built again it's not a matter of nuclear waste that for the next thousand years this is how you live from hand the mouth or whatever no he's got a plan in mind that the world will be rebuilt and you and I'll be there as part of that rebuilding process and the people who live who are mortals during that time they will be part of that process price isn't going to come and just snap his fingers and say let there be a building here let this sit be restored there's going to be people doing physical work just like you and I do physical work today they're gonna have a purpose they're gonna have a mission and they're gonna know what the process and they're gonna have a vision of what's going on as Jesus Christ and you and I paint that vision for them it's going to be a world that'll be a beautiful world not like the world today where some countries have it all but other countries have virtually nothing it'll be a world where everyone sits under their own has their own house and looks out at their own vineyard in the backyard as it says in Micah 4 verse 3 it'll be a word that will be rebuilt it'll be a world of Plenty it'll be a world where there is plenty of food for everyone not just to select few nations they will be learning and being taught the way of God and the world is this replenished and restored will do the things that God wanted them done you and I you and I will have a part in that let's go back to Ezekiel Ezekiel 36 [Music] [Music] ezekiel 36 verse 6 under inspiration from God remember Ezekiel was prophesying after the ancient kingdom Israel had gone into into captivity and the cities of ancient Israel are never brought to devastation in chapter 36 verse 6 therefore prophesy God says to Ezekiel concerning the land of Israel and say to the mountains the hills the rivers the valleys thus says the Lord God behold I have spoken in my jealousy and my fury because you have borne the shame of the nations therefore he says I've raised my hand in an oath that surely the nations that are around you shall bear their own shame but you know mountains of Israel you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to my people Israel for they are about to come as God begins to call his the the nations of Israel back to the land he had promised them for indeed I am for you and I will turn to you and you will be tilled and sown I will multiply men upon you all the house of Israel all of it and the cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt I will multiply upon you man and beast and they shall increase and bare young I will make you inhabited as in former times and do better for you than at your beginnings then you shall know that I am the eternal this is what's going to be this is how it's going to be better than before God will lead it you and I will be there as part of it the people will follow and the people will be busy now when they're working and they're working hard and they see the is a fruit of their labors and they know that they're in tune with God and the earth and God and man are all in concert one another we can't even imagine how beautiful and how inspiring and how awesome that time will be they'll live it we'll live it baby they will have a vision of what where the world can be we should have a vision of what is going to happen as well we better be asking God to hone that vision in us and help us help help it to inspire us just as it will inspire them as they see the fruits of doing things God's Way in their lives and see how beneficial it is later on in the same chapter chapter 36 verse 33 thus says the Lord God on the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities I will also enable you to dwell in the cities and the ruins will be rebuilt the desolate land will be tilled instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who passed by so they will say this land that was desolate has become like the Garden of Eden and the wasted desolate and ruined cities are now fortified and inhabited when they see the process when they see what goes on then the nations which are left all around you shall know that I the LORD have rebuilt the ruined places and planted what was desolate I the LORD have spoken it and I will do it people will be doing it but they will be following his lead following his word he will be restoring the earth restoring man bringing joy peace and abundance to all people and not just and not just to the nations of Israel acts 15 max 15 and verse 14 next 15 verse 14 Simon Says has declared how God at the first visited the Gentiles to take out of them a people for his name what he's doing today because today is salvation is open for all of mankind not just the physical nation of Israel but all of mankind who God will call and who will respond to his call and after they had become silent James answers saying men and brethren the I went up a verse rather than down a verse verse 15 and this this is the words of the prophets agree just it is written here and he quotes from Amos 9 verses 11 and 12 after this I will return Andrew and will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen down I will rebuild its ruins and I will set it up so that the rest of mankind may seek the eternal even all the Gentiles who are called by my name says the Lord who does all these things all the world will have part in it everyone who seeks God and there will be nations as you remember from Zechariah 14 that will reject God at first because they have been steeped in ideas of rejection and it talks about it as a Cariah 14 that some won't go to the Feast of Tabernacles because they just don't want to go because that's what they've been programmed to do not listen to God and he says when that happens I will rain down withhold the rain from them until they realize blessings come when you obey God and we know that shortly after the Millennium as we read last week from Ezekiel 38 there will be a contingency who goes down and wants to to attack the unwalled villages of Israel the Gog and Magog of the world who have been steeped in anti God philosophy and even after they see the king of kings and the Lord of lords and they begin to see what's going on and things rebuilt they still want to go down and they still have that spirit of antagonism that spirit of enmity in them that they go down and they want to attack attack what God is doing and he of course utterly decimates them because there won't be evil in his kingdom people will learn to do what he has to say but it will be for all of mankind Israel may be the one who leads the way and yielding to God another nation see God blesses God works with them and God will do the same thing for us but it'll be a time a time when there is plenty for all the world and a name is 9 I won't take the time to turn to Amos 9 but you remember the verse there that says the plow man will the plow the flower will overcome the Reaper there will be such an abundance that there will be worldwide food and plenty for everyone and there will be joy and there will be gladness and all the things that God said he will be planting that vision in their minds that vision that you and I should have that this world isn't the end all and be all no matter what we have no matter what gives us and this God gives us in this world it's not the end it is only a very temporary and fleeting things now a fleeting thing and we need to keep our eyes on the kingdom and the vision of what he will do for us still doing all the work that we do still doing all the things to the best of our ability and whatever we find our hand to do doing it with our might but always remembering there's more than this world and what we do in this time is to be building the character that God wants us to have so that we can be there with him and do the things that sound I hope to you so appealing and so inspiring to know that you'll have part of that for eternity for eternity certainly in the Millennium whatever God has in mind Cassatt let's go back to isaiah isaiah 50:6 [Music] isaiah 50:6 in verse 1 thus says the lord or thus says the eternal keep justice and do righteousness for my salvation is about to come and my righteousness to be revealed blessed is the man who does this and the son of man who lays hold on it who keeps from defiling the sabbath who keeps his hand from doing any evil do not let the son of the foreigner who has joined himself to the eternal speak saying the lord has utterly separated me from his people don't let the eunuchs say Here I am a dry tree for zest says the eternal to the eunuchs who keep my Sabbath's and choose what pleases me and hold fast my covenant even to them I will give in my house and within my walls a place in a name better than that of sons and daughters I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off for 6 also the sons of the foreigner who joined themselves to the eternal to serve Him and to love the name of the Lord to be his servants everyone who keeps from defiling the Sabbath and holds fast my covenant even then I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations the Lord God who gathers the outcasts of Israel says I will gather to him others besides those who are gathered to him it's for all of mankind it's for everyone who lives over into the kingdom just like the calling of God is to anyone that responds or the salvation of God is for anyone that responds to his call today and that goes through the process that he asks us to do repent be baptized receive the Holy Spirit and live that way for the rest of your life letting God perfect and mold you and get you ready for what we will be doing in what might be the near future might be you notice I said might be Jesus Christ will do all those things the people will have a vision they will be comforted he will provide for them they will see him and come to see him as a good king they may reject him at first it may take some time to work all that out but the seeds will be planted you know the other thing he will teach them he will teach them why the world was the way it was in the time before he returned he will teach them about Satan and he'll go back and explain about Adam and Eve and how the world has chosen Satan and this was Satan's world and they will come to see as you and I see that Satan this year not for our benefit he's not here because he wants us to live he wants us to die he wants nothing more than to see you and me turn from God turns to the world and have everything else be more important than what God he wants to see us choose something over God he wants us to see and choose something and put God's second because just this one time just this one time when God is saying practice and learn how to put me first every time in your life he wants to see us he wants to see you he wants to see me lose the salvation that God has given us and the world will come to see that as well and they will see he was really the God behind that beast power that was out there it wasn't anything for them to hold on to now they have something to hold on to and Satan when he has put away they will understand why he was put away and they will rejoice that he is gone for a thousand years but that's that's something for the that's something for the Day of Atonement to speak of so as we go to the feast and as you learn and as you hear about what the Millennium will be like listen to it pay attention to it get yourself involved in the feast of tabernacles enjoy and rejoice everything that's there all the physical things that God wants us to enjoy but don't lose and don't forget the real reason you're there and that is to capture a vision of the kingdom watch out for other people take the opportunities for service be there among among God's people go to services every day go to the first holy night service enjoy and embrace it all and let God and his spirit lead you and guide you have a wonderful feast and we will look forward to seeing all of you when we all return [Music]
Channel: United Church of God Orlando
Views: 1,337
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Id: fHE8CPVtk3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 1sec (2881 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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