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welcome to the last news take a top stories and crypto i'm bringing on a bite-sized pieces so just like the thumbnail suggests september is gonna be a pretty rough month but there is good news on the horizon so we're gonna quickly take a look at uh four years of september and what happened immediately after i also want to take a look at a couple different stories as far as micro strategy and mr wonderful from shark tank also some glass node data as far as long term holders and what they're doing with their bitcoin also a little stock to flow action and finally to finish all up a little story about nft recur and fidelity so today is not a great day uh we're a little bit in the red we're at 2.05 trillion uh things are down uh the daily sentiment is a little bit uh recessed as far as like average but bitcoin sentiment is still pretty high because i think that the people who've been here for a long time know what's going to happen in q4 so real quick bitcoin's at almost 45 000 ethereum's 3200 cardone is 2.45 and everything's down across the board except for polka dot up a whopping two percent watch out and uh that's really about it oh eleven percent for cosmos congratulations cosmos holders so really what it comes down to is let's just break into it and see what this good news is because we all know september's gonna kind of suck so to take a look at that there's these uh monthly calendars like to pull it every so often over at trading view and just so you know in the last bull run uh in 2017 great year great year 2017. uh over here we see this little red monthly count candle yes we were in a bearish month but ever since after that actually uh in october november and december look at that fantastic look all the way up now that was in 2017 the last major bull run after the having 2016. what happened in 2018 well we saw a little bit more of a dip uh after september here it is but it was uh winter bare winter for cryptocurrency then we go along a little bit more and then in 2019 uh somewhere around here july august september a red candle yeah a green red red green but then again in 2020 when we had the having uh look what happened here after september green grain green green green and then what's going to happen usually uh in the uh big bull the big bull year which i think is uh 2021 probably green green green but again this is not investment opinions investment advice this is what has happened in the past we could be in elongated state maybe we see it uh in january february march but again i think q4 is going to be if not the big quarter a run-up to a very big uh surprise as far as crypto so that is the 12 uh years of september so let's take a look at some some good news because uh you know it's always good to see what's going on as everything drips down to the red part so this was a great article kevin o'leary came out and uh he went through an interview and he had eight quotes from the whole thing i'm not going to play the whole interview so it's good but we don't have time for that time is money and a lot of things going on so this is what kevin o'leary says from shark tank he goes look ethereum is slow he says i find ethereum as a user it's too slow and so there's going to be other chains that are going to emerge another thing he says is that the regulators have pushed back on the lend product from coinbase and that is a slowdown i totally agree he says we want the regulators to actually make some decisions about crypto i agree with them here we want them to make some decisions about crypto however what i want what i would like is that we all have a voice in what is going on so to um help us out and to expedite that process we actually had uh done a video yesterday about the sec and what's going on they're going to have a hearing between all the senators who are in the banking committee and we talked about how uh the honorable as they call them i know some people don't like that word honorable whatever uh gary gensler was going to be there and i talked about do two things first of all reach out to your senator who's on the committee uh if you're in those states i showed you exactly how to do that and then just write them a quick note uh or an email or send them a message or or call them it doesn't have to be grandiose just say look genzo's going to be there tomorrow i would like you to ask him if there's going to be clarity we need clarity asap you don't want to make it super long just tell them we need clarity and have him put his feet to the fire for pete's sakes he was a uh professor at mit and he taught blockchain there's no reason why we can't get clarity now there's no reason why he's giving everybody else a pass as opposed to other different types of products that was the whole video right there so that would be great if you could do that and then also to finish up on this one if the regulator finally allowed financial services companies to call it an asset put it into an etf in the united states like they have in canada and other countries i figured there'd be another one trillion worth of buying in the bitcoin i have to agree with mr wonderful here i think we can squeeze out another one trillion if the people get comfortable with putting it into an etf why can't we just do that doesn't make a lot of sense it seems like all the other countries are leaving the united states behind just do what you are paid to do government you work for us and then to finish this up these states all the institutions are coming to the conference to discuss this very topic and apparently there is a salt conference this is going on from yesterday to wednesday in new york so when he says all the institutions are coming to the conference maybe this could gear them all up for q4 and what has happened to cryptocurrency maybe they can all come up with a great plan which i believe is this and uh i said this in the video yesterday we can wait for the sec to do their thing or we can go on the offensive and just go you know what if you're going to sue us let's go into court and there's a lot of money behind crypto and digital assets if you have a crack and a coin base of binance a gemini uh voyager and everybody else and different projects that just come together go you want it you want to do this let's do this let's get it on the open and let's just go to court and and go through the whole process i know some people say it's a bad idea i think it's a great idea and uh mark cuban did it and he won in 2013 for insider trading he beat the sec like a drum so the only reason they get away with this nonsense is because of the sec and they're afraid of them so go on the offensive everybody i think we've got enough money cost mark cuban 12 million dollars to to beat them i think we can do that anyhow let me know what you think about that in the comments section and let's move on to our next piece well before i forget uh we we're going over a lot of different material today as far as the news if there's some more news i think is pretty uh newsworthy one of those being uh fake litecoin news lighting things up and some different fight articles go over to alex masculi's show and uh check that out i watched it was pretty good but what's going on links in description and then check that out all right so the next piece uh as far as good news is this is very quick is michael saylor for microstrategy microstrategy essentially they not essentially they did this they purchased uh another 5 000 bitcoins for 242.9 million so when we talk about buying the dip there is no better master of this than michael saylor and michael strategy and um if you're looking for good news about who's buying up and and big companies get into the game there you go michael saylor so if he can buy the dip why can't i which i did this morning with a couple of different things so more good news on that point and on top of that let's take a look at some glass node data which uh this is from dylan leclair and uh it's pretty interesting little graphic uh very basic it says bitcoin supply held by long-term holders can these continues to break all-time high so right here this little uh squiggly chart as it goes up i can't see my mouse unfortunately see where it says 60k and the things that are going uh you know up and down down that is essentially the price so right here in september we're looking at around uh whatever it was uh 45 000 what not but these gold bars right here these are long-term holders and how they are holding on to bitcoin and depending on how um glass node defines i think it's for people who held it between six months and a year maybe long-term holders look at this mountain of long-term holding ever since we had that massive dip uh back in april and may people just holding it waiting for q4 and that is what is surprising to me also i took a look at glass node quickly and i just want to take a look at uh exchange inflow volume versus outflow and if you bring it over here you can see that outflow volume is 13 791 uh for uh bitcoin and i was like well and of course if we see a lot of inflow that means that people are going to sell potentially well let's take a look at outflow from the exchanges and see how that measures up so again we had the 11931 for the uh inflow and for the outflow people probably going in cold storage thirteen thousand uh 268 as far as bitcoin goes so there's a little bit of positive news and then what i want to take a look at was uh uh long and short term holders as far as glass node but my account is limited in what i see i pay a monthly account i have to upgrade that but it's kind of pricey it's like 800 bucks a month for glass though kind of crazy but um apparently what we're seeing here like it we just said over on this way long-term holders continuing to hold and that's good news for us anyhow let me think about that in the comments section seems like it's pretty good uh but on all good notes let's take a look at the flip side as far as what is going on and that is stock to flow so stock to flow if you don't know the model pretty basic stuff and um what we have here is this was from plan b on june 20th let me blow this up so you can see it and i always a good rule of thumb is that models are great until they're not and that is essentially what it is here so this is what stock to flow states as far as like price picture goes uh there is more a fundamental reason that we see weakness in june and possibly july my worst case scenario for 2021 is this august 47 k all right september 43k well we're almost there october 63k november 98k december 135k which sounds pretty good right let's take a look at august and he's saying that august about 47k right so we come back here and we take a look at august so 47k in august 2021 well not really because we were at 38 000 here 37 000 here so the 48 really doesn't hold true so does that mean that uh everything that stock deflo says is incorrect no a little bit of a hiccup and uh there's been different things but the big thing i want to make mention is that uh don't put your your faith into any kind of diagram any kind of data analytics uh there's nobody has a crystal ball and no one can predict everything so will september be 43k yeah maybe maybe it'll go to 40. heck maybe go to 38. nobody knows but i can tell you this uh if we take a look and just do what uh my man diddy says which is when in doubt zoom out just take a look at this chart right here 2015 bitcoin's 232 and look at this massive run-up in 2017 we were just talking about look at that big huge pump it wasn't anything and now look at this and then back here in 2013 you can't even see the pump you can't even see it because it's so small and that i think is what it's going to look at like in 2021 and in 2026 and 2020 whatever else you want to go for and that is the big thing about crypto and digital assets all right let me think about that and let's move on to some of our last pieces which is recur and fidelity so this was a a quick tweet that i found it's pretty interesting uh billionaire new york mets owner steve khan cohen excuse me led a 50 million investment into nfc platform recore which already has collegiate licensing deal and the whole article can be summed up in just these couple of paragraphs which is this recur recently completed a deal with the pac-12 conference if you're not in the united states that's all for sports college sports recurve will create nfts based on highlights of memorable pac-12 moments throughout the years that's a lot of money the pac-12s nft will be part of a new website that recur developer the company hopes will someday house nfts for every college sport in the u.s and just to be sure i took a look at recur what it is and it's not launched yet but it had a pretty good white paper and there was two things that i thought was interesting first of all to get the white paper you have to go to the website sign up for an email and then they'll let you download it and it's a great resource to figure out what nfts are different kinds and how they're going to fit in and just so you're wondering yes recur is going to be built on ethereum so that is how they're going to do it and they had this really good chart which made a lot of sense which was kind of funny how they did it but it says valued settlement ethereum versus transaction fees and on the right hand side you can see here like here's the volume of the of the nfts i think that's 0.5 trillion 0.1 one point one point five two point zero and two point five um and then over here here's the transaction fees so yes we always complain about the transaction fees of ethereum they go you know what those transaction fees aren't worth squat compared to the value of the nfts what's going on and that's how they uh deride it from that but in all honesty if you have invested into any type of platform with nfts if you're on avalanche solana cardano any of those ones phantom whatever else i think that's where the money is going to go and we see things actually go into those platforms because they have nfts so when we take a look at this if we're looking at where the next big play is that is potentially it not financial advice just financial opinion and then lastly to finish this all up uh there was a great piece here from fidelity digital assets and they just did a quick study about what is going on in the crypto market from december 2020 to april 2021. it was 1100 respondents and just so you know those were they was broken between financial advisors high net worth investors family offices pension funds crypto hedge funds and so on and so forth and the barriers to adoption was this i found this most interesting 54 of survey investors believe that price volatility is one of the greatest barriers to investment i think that's incorrect i think the thing as far as volatility goes that is an asymmetrical return and that's what you want to see because there is a lot more gains as opposed to putting into some blue chip stock in the s p 500 also 44 investors surveyed share the lack of fundamentals to gauge appropriate value as a barrier to investment i don't see why just go to dan teaches i show you how to do this in module uh four reviews just go over there i'll show you exactly how to evaluate each project with examples they should just do that super simple i mean for what it is and then to finish this up 84 of u.s and european investors survey indicated they would be interested in institutional investment products and 27 of us and european investors survey believe real estate has great potential for tokenization which is a 12 point slide and the big thing also was that there is a ton of asian investors and that's who gets into it so look that is what's going on quick down and dirty i know there's a lot of things happening but we try to go quickly there's so much going on again check out alex's uh uh youtube channel a lot of good information over there and that is it so if you found value here go ahead and give it a thumbs up a like um that is it for today consider subscribing thanks so much see you on the next one
Channel: Digital Asset News
Views: 30,918
Rating: 4.9601331 out of 5
Keywords: digital asset news, digital asset market, cryptocurrency, blockchain smart contracts, bitcoin youtube, ethereum youtube, ethereum decentralized finance, crypto news, crypto news today, bitcoin news, bitcoin price prediction 2021, btc news, cryptocurrency news channel, bitcoin news today, cryptocurrency news, cryptocurrency for beginners, bitcoin news 2021, ethereum news, cryptocurrency news today, bitcoin crash today, bitcoin crash coming, bitcoin crash 2021, crypto 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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