September 26, 2021 Sunday 9:30 Live Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you see two becoming one is a tremendous challenge but when it happens it is a magnificently beautiful thing to observe you know the most powerful witness for christ that anybody here can make myself included is to see when two become one they become one flesh and that's where we would say gorilla glue or super glue comes into being and we're so intertwined with one another in every way and every attitude in every situation and that marriage that is alive for god in christ is the most powerful witness we can give to the world there's nothing more powerful than that to see a couple that's got it that's glowing it's a beautiful thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you see two becoming one is a tremendous challenge but when it happens it is a magnificently beautiful thing to observe do you know the most powerful witness for christ that anybody here can make myself included is to see when two become one they become one flesh and that's where we would say gorilla glue or super glue comes into being and we're so intertwined with one another in every way and every attitude in every situation and that marriage that is alive for god and christ is the most powerful witness we can give to the world there's nothing more powerful than that you see a couple that's got it that's glowing it's a beautiful thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning second family let's stand together as we see [Music] what a wonderful change in my life has been wrong since jesus came into my heart i had lied in my soul for which long i had saw since jesus jesus came into my heart [Music] since jesus came into my heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] in jesus [Music] with [Applause] [Music] is far away he's coming back [Music] is let's give you the praise this morning amen dear heavenly father lord your name is above every name and worthy of our worship and praise lord we pray that the posture of our heart would reflect the words on our lips we pray that the preaching of your word will pierce our heart and change our lives that we may reflect your love more fully and share your goodness more freely in jesus name amen [Music] our pastor is welcoming sarah grace babcock and her parents addisely and arthur babcock dr young is presenting to her her own copy of the new testament the book of life and as a church family we want to pray for her that she will be reared by her parents in this church and in the ways of the lord it's a joy and a privilege for me to welcome you to the fellowship of excitement we're glad you are here in worship with us especially if you're visiting your honored guest and we'd love to give to you a visitor's card so if you're visiting would you hold your hand high in the air our ushers are going to step up and they're going to see your lifting hand and they're going to pass to you a card when you receive that card i'd ask you to do a couple of things for me first of all if you'll fill it out completely if you'll place it in the offering plate in a moment when it's passed that'll give us a record of your visit the second thing i'd ask you to do is to peel that emblem off it's the logo of our church if you'll place it on your clothing before you leave our family's gonna personally tell you how glad we are to have you with us and welcome you at the conclusion of our service over here to my left your right is the red door if you're visiting we'd love for you to come by and let us meet you personally we have a gift for you we want to get to know you and tell you about the second family at the conclusion of dr young's message he will have a prayer it's a prayer of invitation he's inviting you this church family is inviting you to make sec at your home if you just stand and come down these aisles and stand in front of him will joyfully welcome you let's continue to worship as we celebrate in this baptism [Music] in imitation of our lord and savior jesus christ and in obedience to his divine command we baptize calvin asher lear in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit [Applause] let's stand again this morning love the songs about the cross [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love that old cross [Music] for a world of lost [Applause] [Music] has [Music] glorious [Applause] [Music] let's sing it out [Music] is [Music] [Music] i want is to sing this next verse [Music] glory forever [Applause] and i will and exchanged my [Music] [Music] rest beyond that river [Music] across is [Music] is [Music] heavenly father we uh thank you for the privilege to worship to you today in this beautiful place father we are thankful for the knowledge that no matter how crazy and confusing this world gets that you lord are in control and that your will will be done please use these tithes and offerings for spread the good news of your son jesus that's of his salvation and saving grace for it's in jesus name we pray amen [Music] i was a wretch i remember who i was i was lost i was blind i was running out of time sin separated the breach was far too wide but from the far side of the chasm you had me in your sight so you made a way across the great divide left behind heaven's [Music] broke my chains freed my soul for the first time i had hope thank you jesus [Music] you jesus it has washed thank you jesus you have saved my life brought me from the darkness into glorious [Music] took my place laid inside my tomb of sin you were buried for three days [Music] for i have been transformed by the blood thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] brought me from the darkness into glorious [Music] [Applause] [Music] through [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is is [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thank you [Music] brought me from the darkness into glorious [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] patsy duncan this is mike duncan sent my wife a text this week and she said i know we're talking about marriage but she told us something that i'd never heard before she mentioned mayberry that rings the bell with everybody doesn't that little fictitious town where that ongoing drama continues to be displayed day by day on channels all of these years and she reminded me was something i didn't know i guess i'm not reminded of something i didn't already know but she informed me about the inhabitants of mayberry and all of us would would love to go to may bed wouldn't you like to spend some time in a real mayberry where everybody knows everybody everybody loves everybody they don't have any big problems and she said look at the characters in mayberry let's see if we can name them together there's andy and there's of course barney and opie and aunt bee and and floyd and goomber goober and gomer and otis and floyd and you get a whole name of them and notice something about the characters all of them were single except otis he was married he was drunk all the time i don't know what that says but we're going to get to singleness as we've been talking about marriage and we've been in the deep deep refines of relationships that's what it's all about i thought what if you and i had a gps system by which it was directed right to almighty god and we'd ask god to give us the way to live the way to life we'd say god i know you're there i'm sending you this message straight to your throne room give to me give to us the way to live the way to life would you be interested in the answer i know exactly what the answer would be in the bible he talks about the broad way that leads to destruction he talks about the narrow way that leads to life and his son jesus says i am the way the truth and the life so lord show us the way we are to live the way from here to life forever and the signal would come back and i believe that he would send to us first corinthians chapter 17 no chapter 15 no chapter 13 because we know it so well 1-13 the great love chapter now we go to weddings sometime and usually they'll have some member of the family to stand up in a pious little voice read about love and we'll say isn't that sweet oh this is what love is love is this and love is this you could has a little music playing under it but when you read this first corinthians chapter 13 in context it's a whole different thing because we've been studying corinth and the city of corinth and we knew how decadent was how international it was you had people all over the world who came there it was a booming city and a fluent city and entrepreneurs go to cities those who want to move on in life go to cities because that's where the action is today and that where the action was back there in the first century and so we see corinth had all kind of understanding of love primarily love that we call erotic love eros physical love noted for their sexual immorality ancient cards were so decadent that it would have made las vegas look like jerusalem wild woolly all kinds of distortions and some of that had infiltrated the church the church was made up of all kinds of people and they had all kinds of conflicts in the church people would get drunk while they're at church how about that that's the church at corinth they were suing each other in the church brothers and sisters over matters of the law there were lawsuits all over the church they had conflicts about incest they had conflicts about who'd lead this and who would do that who would direct that and so therefore it was a church that was full of gifted talented men and women and young people and they had all the spiritual gifts operating what are the spiritual gifts we look in the 12th chapter of first corinthians there's a whole list of them when people come to faith in jesus christ many times their talents become spiritual gifts and therefore all kinds of gifts were operating the church and paul says all gifts are equal we have different kinds of gifts and he uses a beautiful analogy of the church as the body of christ and some may be a little finger some may be a big toe some may be an eye some may be an ear and how it all works together the giftedness god gives us to operate in his kingdom in his body of the church and so there's a whole list of these gifts in the 12th chapter of first corinthians and another list by the way in romans chapter 12 and other places mentioned just sort of spasmodically throughout the new testament now we come to the 13th chapter and it is a parenthesis it is within a parenthesis look at it if you would if you have your bibles with you we go to the 13th chapter and we go to the last verse of the 12th chapter paul says and yet i will show you the most excellent way that's our word right way i'll show you the excellent way that's one end of it the other end of it is the first verse of chapter 14. follow the way of love so you have first corinthians 13 defines and tells us about love and it says that find the most excellent way and then there's all the chapter on love the other end the percent of the uh enclosure there in the parentheses it says the the master way the excellent way is love so gotta talk about love love is like sex we talk about it we think we know everything about it but we really don't i'm gonna have several series of messages on that so hang on bring your asbestos suits with you but love is so confusing to most people in the modern world and it especially was there in current and it also is today you find some people say in the greek language they had nine different words for love some say eight some say six various various understandings of love but in the bible there are only three different words used for love eros is used in the old testament that is that sensual love in the new testament we find the word phileo friendship love i love you as a friend and then you find that big broad pregnant magnificent word called agape and that word according to j.i packer is almost almost unique that's not really good english but i think it fits it is almost unique to christianity it is a sacrificial love it is a total serving love that is a total unselfish love it is a love willing to lay down your life it is a love that will go to any extreme at any time and any place for anybody whoa a unbelievable word for love agape and all the way through the new testament this is the word that describes a christian we are to have agape love now this is one of the times when i run into that and i say lord that's far beyond my capacity i mean i you know what in the world what kind of love is this i mean that's that's so high and wide and impossible to me and i'm sure to all of you to have that kind of overwhelming love until we begin to understand that love is something you do and first corinthians is a verbification big word verbification and that word means that you take a noun and change it into a verb it's a verbification and first corinthians 13 is a whole chapter of that a noun is changed into love illustration google search engine right but you say go and google something the noun becomes a verb you say the word party a gathering of people having fun partying but in the 1980s you go and let's go party party a noun becomes a verb and so you see here we have love is a noun but the verbification of it it becomes a verb it's something you do and first corinthians 13 is all about action agape is not an emotional thing it is an action thing that's where we get confused how do we get agape man i found in first john a very little verse there that says when we obey and live by the word of god we receive god's love agape and we are complete and we're going to run to the word complete in just a minute we obey god and receive this kind of supernatural love it's not such an emotional thing it's something that we can do we can practice we're motivated by when christ comes into our life the holy spirit dwells in our life we just begin to overflow with this kind of selfless love and it's supernatural and this is what paul describes to us magnificently in the little parentheses there in the 13th chapter look at it and it tells first of all that love is indispensable and paul begins by talking about himself in the first person look at it if i paul speak with the tongues of men or of angels and do not have love i'm only a resounding gong or a clanging symbol in other words if i speak in the tongues in current fed people all over the world they spoke every language every dialect paul said if i had the ability to speak in whatever language whatever tongue somebody would have man that would be something i could communicate eloquently like that he said even if i had the language of angels and by the way all of this is hyperbole it's an exaggeration to get everybody's attention to wake everybody up paul was saying if i had this kind of ability to orate and speak in any language at any time but i don't have this agape love in my life all that i'm doing is a gong boom boom boom chow or clashing symbols in other words it's just noise right if i don't have love though i have this great ability it's just noise then he goes on he said he said another if is there speaks up he said if i have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge if i have a faith that can move mountains but i do not have love i am nothing what's he saying there he's saying if i could understand gnosticism big in that day if i could understand mysterious things about god and all the workings of the world he said that would be good but if i don't have love wouldn't mean anything he said if i had the faith to move mountains and that means that if you had the ability when you were in a meeting or in a situation where everybody was boxed in it seems there's no way out in this suggestion that suggestion paul said if you had the ability to see through that and of faith to find answers in that situation he said that would be big and important wouldn't it we've all been there boxed in he said but if i even could move that mountain as a tremendous leader he said if i don't have love it doesn't mean a thing in the world you have nothing and then he says if i give all i possess verse 3 to the poor and give my body to hardships that i may boast but do not have love i am nothing listen what's he saying take everything you've got everything i've got we give to poor people they have less they have nothing we just empty all of our resources they hear i give it all to you boy we would say man there's a christian boy that person really sees something i so admire this kind of sacrificial living paul said even if you do that you don't get one point with god one point with god and if i go out i become a martyr for the faith i stand up when everybody else is sitting down and i stand for god in christ on this biblical principle and i am martyred he said that doesn't amount to anything yet either because he's talking about motivation ladies and gentlemen when you check motivation well edwin why do you preach sermons ah oh why do you sing solos oh why do you give money whoa you know why do you visit the sick hello why what do you listen to people why do you counsel why do you reach out why do you why do we do all these wonderful things that we do in the body of church but if we do it without love it's just noise has no meaning no significance and somehow we can do it to say hey look at me oh it's subtle we know how to engage in humble bragging do we not we know that about we can brag humbly well i hate to bring it up but uh the humble brag paul says if we don't have this agape we don't have this agape it's nothing and little graph will tell you exactly without love great giftedness doing all of this stuff minus agape equals zero it's noise nothing nothing now that should shake us up shatter us and let me give you a little simple illustration it's from charles haddon spurgeon spurgeon said there was a great king and a man had a little garden and in his garden he'd had for many generations in his family suddenly there appeared a large carrot and it was so beautiful he said i'm going to give that to the king and he took the carrot and he went into the throne room and told the king because he admired him and he loved him as his monarch this is the finest thing that he's ever seen produced in his garden and he wanted the king to have it and the king expressed his gratitude and the man turned to go out and the king says wait a minute i see that you're somebody i can trust next to your little garden i've got a thousand acres of land that i never used i want to give it to you and let you use it and your garden can become a beautiful farm and the man was overwhelmed well a nobleman was listening in he said ah for carrot he got a thousand acres whoa i raised horses and he said man i've just had this beautiful stallion i'm going to give that to the king and so he took that statue of the king he said king i so honor you i want you to have the most magnificent steed that i have ever bred in my farm i want it to be yours the king says i see through you you saw a carrot for a thousand acres and a beautiful horse you thought i'd give you more you brought that horse to me for yourself and not for me now that's a simple story a simple story but we have to be so careful about our motivation and without this agape love flowing through your life in my life all this stuff becomes nonsense but when that agape love is flowing man beautiful things happen especially in the body of christ and then we get a clear definition of what love is you say well what is this love he tells us clearly look at verse verse number four he said love is patient time out we go to church we hear words love is patient well i'm not patient listen stay around patience for a while love this kind of supernatural love is patient man i looked at that and said oh lord i've got a million miles to go love is patient and then love is kind don't you love to be around people who are just genuinely kind genuinely thoughtful genuinely listen love is kind are you kind am i kind am i patient are you patient see we have to take this and let the lord work in your life and in my life and then he tells us what love is not it does not boast it is not proud it does not dishonor others it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered oh i have a temper no no no love is not easily angered it keeps no record of wrongs man you know this that that's the third time he's done that i'm telling i don't know remember i thought about peter he went to jesus trying to brag he said jesus are we to forgive people seven times that was a big thing jesus said oh no no no no you know you to give people seven times seventy four to ninety times and there's no end to forgiveness we do not keep a record we just are a forgiving people love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth do you ever delight sometime in somebody who had cut you down neglected you deceived you exploited you and you hear that poor she got what she had coming to her that ever happened oh yeah delight in evil and then it says it is always protected in other words we said this is what love is this is what love is not this is what love does it is always protects it always protects loves always puts an umbrella over people i like that we're protected love is protective it's protective this is what love is patient kind this is what love is not and then we see what love does it is protective it's always protective it always trusts always hopes always preserves do you see how high this is but how magnificent it is what does that operate in your family in this church in relationship would anything be different by the way this is what heaven is like it's just full of agape it's full of love full of joy full of celebration so we see paul says very clearly if i have all this don't have uh have love doesn't mean a thing he uses hyperbole then he says this is what love is this is what love is not and this is what love does he gives us four things and then he says something that's boom over the top staggering listen to this verse number 14 he says love never fails your translation might say something else it may say love never ends it may say even love never falls that's a trained word isn't it but but love never does fall we talked about falling in love but love never falls away love just keeps on coming the more we practice love we don't run out of it the more love we get begin to move with the holy spirit in your life in my life in these areas amazing things begin to happen it's supernatural love never fails never ends never falls away the more you use it the more you begin to get in this agape sense and then he moves on and explains it even clearer he says but there are when there are prophecies by the way prophecy used in the bible is used to foretell the future and it's used to tell forth prophecy is more proclamation than it is prediction by the future when you see the word pro well there pred no no it's proclamation he says but where there are prophecies they will cease were there tongues maybe glossily are there there be still where there is knowledge it will pass away then i'll love this night verse for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when the completeness comes what is in part disappears and he mentions part again down in next to the last verse in other words everything we have now is in parts here we got a part of this we know a part of this we've experienced a part of this it's like having a giant puzzle then paul says look at that word when completeness comes remember first john we obey the lord we get the love of god and that love completes us or when maturity comes your word may say perfection what does that mean all these parts with agape love they begin to come together and there is a completeness there there is a maturity there there is a perfection there and all of a sudden you and i in christ begin to function and live in a way we never thought possible never thought possible take a beach to whale i've seen pictures of that big old whale thousand pounds on the beach in the sand that whale got that thousand pound tail wiping the sand wow man you get under that tail you're in trouble catholic and the whale is moving giant thousand pounds digging deeper in the sand exhausting itself that whale is not going to thrive on the beach but somehow i've seen it they get those big whales when they're beats and they put them back in the ocean have you ever seen a whale operating the ocean it's it's unbelievable it's like a giant submarine that's moving at at speeds and accomplishing things jumping out and it and that big tail that was ineffective in the sand derogatory in the sand dangerous in the sand in the sea it is a powerful powerful thing that's what happens to us when completeness comes you see all the life begins to come together and there's maturity there there's an understanding there and this part i didn't get over here in my life boy i began to see how it fits over here and that which i could not comprehend and that which i thought was terrible all that completeness comes there and then he talks about what this maturity is he talks about child children he said but we know in part and when we prophesy in part but when completeness there's our word comes what is in part disappears then he says when i was a child i talked like a child i thought like a child i reason like a child but when i became a man or a woman bar mitzvah whatever i put the ways of childhood behind me listen when i was a little guy i played marbles a lot of you maybe you got i played marbles i'd climb trees i built forts man i fought everybody that would come by i had a little sword i was a child you know i thought like a child i reason like a child i live like a child nothing wrong with that but you know what when they showed me a football and a basketball and a baseball you know i didn't spend time shooting marbles or building forts or climbing trees i just that was all behind me it was over that's what happens to us in christ we grow up we mature and there's a completeness there there is a wholeness there that's what agape does to us that when our motivations get proper that's when our motivations become pure that's then when our motivations in life become knowledgeable to god he says that's my boy that's my gal that's my son that's my daughter that's my family completeness comes and then he moves on in this passage he says for now we see only a reflection as in a mirror then we shall see face to face now i know in part another one of those parts then i shall know fully even as i am fully known in other words by the way corinth made mirrors they were known for mirrors they would take steel and shine it and they would look at it and you would see an image a partial image and in that day they would take bone and that's what windows were made out of bold you could see out but it was blurry you could see an image in that poly steel but not clearly but paul says once we'll see face to face face to face you see a picture then you see face to face boy that's something that's the anticipation of us graduating and being with god and somehow some way we have an image what experience with god in christ but one day we'll see face to face and as we have known we will begin to know the word no in the bible is a intimate word a relationship word adam new eve boy that's intimacy and to know it says as we have been known intimately so we will begin to know intimately and we'll see face to face and we'll get assignments from god all the way through eternity and then the last little verse here is a powerful verse and now these three remain faith hope and love but the greatest of these is love now wait a minute you mean we're going to have to have faith in heaven it may remain these three remains absolutely because in heaven you see we're not just float around with our wings folks i'm sorry to tell you that that's not going to be the agenda in heaven we're going to be able to fulfill all that we didn't get to fulfill on this earth man all all of it and he goes and we have to have faith that boy the next eon that we'll have what god will give us faith to grow and expand we don't shrivel up we don't say the same that's the faith is an act we have hope of we can't imagine what will be c.s lewis said if we met somebody we've known all of our life and bang we'd be before them in heaven it would be such a magnificent special specimen that we want to bow down and worship because there's a whole new resurrection body there a whole new resurrected life there we'll know as we've been known and we'll have to have faith and what they have hope and we will have to have love because all of heaven's domain is filled with agape love can you imagine it you know i thought about just taking people out of the audience here and bringing somebody to say man just love this person completely love that and we just go around and boy if that was an atmosphere it'd be fire and lightning and joy and celebration we walk in one another's shoes we pour ourselves into another life man that agape love is overwhelming and by the way remember this is the way we're trying to find a way aren't we we gps sent to god he said the way you live and walk is love i can't do it but he begins to love us and that love flows in my life in your life and it flows out in the lives of others it is something we do it's action when we decide to live our life god's way paul anka young man then became friends with frank sinatra he would write some music and words for frank and frank told him towards the end of his life he said i'm through i'm finished i'm tired of everything i do the acting the singing the drama all i'm involved in he says i'm i'm through i'm throwing it in i'm finished the end is near for me career everything i know it so paul anka then went to france and he heard beautiful music and the words were in french he didn't know what the words were had no idea but he went and found the one who wrote the words and music and said i want that song and so the french author composer said well i'll sell you the music but i won't say you the words he didn't want the words anyway god didn't know what they meant so paul anka brought back this music and he thought about frank sinatra and so he put words in that music that he thought described the life the biography of sinatra and he called sinatra who was at caesar's palace in las vegas and says frank i'm sending you some music with some words i want you to sing it because i think it fits your life and sinatra did and he called up paul anka a few weeks later and he says kid listen to this and see what you think and he sang my way i did it my way paul anka said he cried the sad thing is ladies and gentlemen in england today the most requested song to be sung in funerals is my way and my way is as secular and as godless the words are as anything you would ever hear it shows how far england has fallen into a godless atheistic almost society i did it my way 2012. some of you may remember i took the music from my way and rewrote the words i changed only about ten words in that beautiful music and it's amazing absolutely amazing how it comes out so let me try to walk you through that ten words from a secular godless song to a song that is totally different which is my testimony and the testimony of many men and women here [Music] who have found the way of agape and are finding the way of agape in their life so and now the end is near [Music] so i face the final curtain my friends i'll say it clear i'll state my case of which i'm certain i've lived a life that's full i've traveled each and every highway and more and more than this i did it god's way regrets i've had a few but then again with love forgiven i did what i was called to do and saw it through without exception he planned each charted course each careful step along the highway and more and so much more i did it god's way yes there were times i'm sure you knew when i bit off more than i could chew but through it all when there were doubts he took the cross he lived it out he faced it all so i stood tall and did it god's way i've loved and laughed and cried and had my feel my share of losing and now so tears subside i find it all so amusing to think i did all that and may i say in my way oh no oh no not me i did it god's way for what is a man and what has he got if not the lord he has not to live that life of one who kneels and say the words that he revealed the record shows i took my blows and did its christmas [Music] our heavenly father just ten words were changed but lord how it changes everything some here today need to come and the way they're walking is not the way of agape sacrificial all-consuming love for others and for you may this be the moment they make life change decisions and they get a sort of gps from you lord and say give your heart to christ experience a new way of living a new way of loving publicly unashamedly come to christ others father are christians they eat a church where they can worship and serve and they may not have planned on it but you planned on it for this will be the time when they give their life to you and say i want this body of believers to be mine speak to those you lead to come as we stand here and sing this great hymn of invitation for we pray in jesus no one moving no one's stirring we sing a himba decision have thine own way lord let him have his way give it all to christ as a christian come to the life of the church as he leads come and stand right down in front of me as we sing this wonderful hymn of decision and invitation [Music] [Music] just come to the family oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] masters [Music] [Music] has [Music] welcome these who come into our family as they move out this way let me pray lord thank you for your touch upon our church may we grow with these remain standing or seated i have a gift for you today i'm going to give everybody a cup one per customer now i know your husband may be sick and you want to take him one you can't do it or your great-great-great-grandmother she would want one you can't do it you have to come to get one okay no other reason no other reason come right on down come right on i'm sorry welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome so when you go out everybody will get a cup on this cup it has our verse for the year remember what it was philippians 4 4-8 it says don't be anxious about anything would that be great but but in everything by by prayer supplication with thanksgiving and then he says our anxiety is replaced by the peace of god it's on the cup it's a gift one per customer [Music] no exceptions they can come up here and get one during the week if they'd like but that is a gift from the church to you and to me to remind us of that powerful powerful verse voter registration ladies and gentlemen we can complain and talk and do all of this about what's going on in our schools and our let me tell you something shut up or vote very clear so if you're not registered to vote and you're not sure go out in the halls out over this way we have tables there they'll clear it up for you it's not complex it's easy if you're not sure you've moved i voted here go and make sure we can do that right there follow the benediction and we'll vote we say well it's a long time before we vote not really we have an election on october the 18th we're voting for school board find out who to vote for because if we don't do something revolutionary in our schools quickly and rapidly and stay with it all is lost with our kids so vote and i always tell everybody if you don't want to go to heaven don't vote i mean it's fine you have that choice but i hope you'll go out and do that make time to do that if you're visiting with us my my left your right go to this red door for the benediction and we'll tell you what you need to know would like to know about the life of this church thank you for being tolerant today i always said to the musicians if preachers would preach and singers would sing and singers would not preach and preachers were not saying we'd be better off i think that's still true heavenly father how far we feel so many times away from that selfless love that you give us in christ may we understand it's not so much an emotion or feeling it's something we do you gives us the capacity to activate that love as a fire everywhere we go lord may that fire explode in the hearts and lives of many of us who know christ so we can be a part of the difference makers [Music] the lovers in a world that desperately needs pure love flowing through people like those of us here we do love you o lord may your love be expressed in and through our lives in every way and every relationship is our prayer made in the name of him who blesses america even our savior jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] from oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] thank you for being here this morning god bless you as you make your way out you
Channel: Second Baptist Church, Houston
Views: 2,586
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Id: f5rs1o3CY3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 44sec (4604 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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