September 21, 2019 - #4 LSU vs Vanderbilt

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it is been a while since Vanderbilt has knocked off a top 10 team at home we have to go back 45 years for the last time that happened the opportunity is there for the winless Commodores Ellis LSU looks to prove that they remain among the nation's elite welcome to Nashville everybody Tom Hart alongside Jordan Rogers will get too cold Kubek in just a moment this is not your dad's LSU offense or your uncle's or your brothers in fact this is joe burrows offense and it has proven to be through the air the best in the country and an offense that we didn't know what was gonna look like and now we can firmly say this offense is electric it's dynamic the addition of Joe Brady is the passing game coordinator from the Saints has completely changed this offense but especially Joe Burrell he is playing at a higher level than any quarterback in the entire country watching film backs it up the snaps back it up he's dropping dimes all over the field and its really the offense that is setting him up to succeed they don't need to run the football anymore what have we ever said that at LSU the things have certainly changed Joe Burrell leading the country in completion percentage 83% and he's already thrown for over a thousand yards she's got plenty of weapons to work with meanwhile on the other side for Vanderbilt Derek Mason has to figure out how to slow this LSU offense down and through two games this season Vanderbilt's defense hasn't slowed anybody down Georgia I ran for 325 against him Purdue threw for 500 against him he wants to do something different how different can Bandys defense be well they've had two weeks to prepare and if you look at that Purdue game nothing works they couldn't cover on the back end so if you look at history for the LSU offense in a small sample size that we have against Texas they had success early getting pressure on Joe Burrell I think this difference that Derrick Mason and Tarver are talking about is pressure I expect them to bring pressure as much as possible against Joe burrow to try to affect the game they can't sit back there and let him pick part now let's use defense will be on the field to start for more on that lets go down to the field Col Tom a big get back for Dave Aranda and maybe get back for Dave Aranda Caleb on chase on outside linebacker defensive and will be available if needed and Michael divinity returns did not play last week due to a coach's decision not going to be an inside line back with a little bit of a position change he'll spend the entire game an outside linebacker as LSU tries to ramp up the pass rush with only four defenders all right awesome and good morning from Music City the LSU faithful have taken over the town as expected LSU had key players out last week caleb on chase unexpected to return today we'll see if that comes to fruition as they look to get a pass rush against Vandy LSU won the toss they've deferred so Vandy well received [Applause] [Music] early estimates 90% of the crowd in purple and gold Abraham's will kick us off justice Shelton Mosley the Harvard transfer won't have a chance to return [Applause] new quarterback this season for the Vanderbilt Commodores Riley Neal transfer from Ball State he's on the Johnny Unitas watch list he's from Yorktown Indiana Plus fishing and golfing he's away from football had a big growth spurt as he got in it's a high school and took over grant transferee he threw for career-high 402 yards and four touchdowns against Kent State last September I think two weeks ago against Purdue Rowland for over three hundred seventy nine yards excuse me 78 was a huge confidence booster for Riley Neal to see if he can continue in that trend he's got a great running back behind him Keshawn Vaughn and Vaughn will get an early touch in a huge [Applause] taken down by Christian Putin it's a 41-yard [Applause] [Music] are you gonna see number eight linebacker left side of your screen there Patrick McQueen Plus wide open for Keyshawn Vaughan you cannot give him a step he's dangerous longest run of the year for Vandy now they swing it to the outside khaleja Lipscomb a New Orleans native is able to take it for a gain of six he could not ask for a better start for Vanderbilt yeah that's huge and just really a mental mistake by Queen on that side of the ball he just read it wrong hit the wrong gap and that's all it takes when you have a dangerous running back by Keyshawn Vaughn he's one of the best in the SEC and Vanderbilt hasn't been able to blow the holes for him that they would like to but have you given an opportunity he is as dangerous as it gets bandes offensive line has struggled this season and they've had to shuffle some guys around even coming into this one on second at six it's Vaughn again and he makes his own hole after contact a pickup of four grant Delpit came in from his safety spot along with queen for the stop [Applause] here's a look at the starters for vanity on offense the weapons Lipscomb and Pinkney yeah if you're Vander but I think you look on the outside you don't love a ton of your matchups with the talent that LSU has but you do like the matchup with Jared Pinkney on anybody just five receptions through two games they've got to find ways to get him the ball tonight especially on important third downs they go a little bit bigger Pinkney and Ben Bresnahan on the field at the same time and a pre snap shift up 32 Blakelock almost ran out on him Lipscomb open on the out loud that's a first down for Vanderbilt track by Derrick Stingley junior that might be the first completion Stingley is allowed all season and they took a page at a LSU's playbook these tight splits create a lot of space on the outside Lipscomb this attacks that leverage and has a lot of green grass on the outside good accurate throw by Riley Neal and you're right Stingley is a tough one I remember Dave Aranda was well aware that this is a Vandy team coming off the bye week he said we won't know what we're gonna see until we see it so it'll be a matter of reacting freshman running back Kia Brooks enters the game for Vanderbilt four-man rush into the end zone a disgustingly that'll be an interesting matchup all afternoon Stingley and Lipscomb if that's out plays out Stingley almost got him back this ball is just late Riley Neal has got to let this go two or three steps earlier little late allowed Stingley to undercut the deep over out if that's thrown earlier that could be a touchdown because collage ellipse come out of step [Applause] I do like the aggressiveness though Tom van bolt gets inside the redzone or just outside the red zone take a shot [Applause] it's Neil who keeps it and Neil bends it back inside to Tim would we watch film the one thing we didn't see is Riley Neal keeping it up some zone reads and it's not his forte but we were talking off to coordinator Jerry Gutowski for Vanderbilt he said we have to do this early in the game if only to keep LSU honest and Braden Foucault's on the outside there got a little too far inside till is a great read by Riley Neal they're not gonna major in that but just doing that now will slow down that backside pursuit Vandy is only 3 of 6 in the red zone this season they come in averaging only 50 points a game a check from Riley Neal play clock is it - here's Warren chuckles he makes his way to the five with a pickup of five fish in Fulton finally brought him down one of the best in the country at gaming yards after contact coming into this game ninety seven of his one hundred and thirty yards on the season after contact the first guy never brings him down but good job like Jacoby Stevens there and neither did the second Vaughn already three carries for 50 yards in this game [Applause] Neil hands it off this time [Music] the carry some dudes rhythm all the way to the goal line and he's in touchdown Vanderbilt and the extra effort from the fifth year senior chief Jean Quan has Vandy on the board first [Applause] this is a great effort by Keyshawn bomb but also a great effort by Vanderbilt offensive linemen getting behind Keyshawn and pushing him into the end zone there Grant Miller sage young the center and left guard helping out big-time with that late push senior Riley Gay on for the point after [Applause] opening drive a success for Vanderbilt they cover 75 yards in just eight plays their fifth year senior in Nashville native by way of the University of Illinois Keyshawn Vaughn able to carry the ball and some purple jerseys into the endzone direction for bandy good third down pick up with Neil to Elijah let's go and then this is what they need do all day we're down this LSU team if they can but what a hot start I mean if there's anything that Derek Faison could have wanted from the start of this game it was to get on the board quick flight Edwards Hilaire Allen aren't Fernet back to return this is a lair and he will take it in the end zone and that will bring out the most proficient passing offense in college football led by the most accurate passer in college football and it's a surprise even today to say that about an LSU quarterback he grew up a Nebraska fan dad a long time folks there and started his golden boy career at Ohio State under Urban Meyer dad Jimmy coach with Derek Mason at Ohio he's somewhere in the stadium today I'm sure we'll see him shortly by the looks of it an M&M fan back [Applause] burro facing pressure gets it off complete on a slant to Jamar chase chase sit on his feet and finally thrown down for a gain of 20 so I asked you before the game what can Vanderbilt do differently than what they've done this season they gotta bring pressure if you watch the first quarter of that game against Texas Texas had some success with late and delayed blitzes getting after Joel Burrell if you sit back and give him space he'll do just what he did last play there's Henrik salera the big game he's Sanders and finally tracked down from behind odango with the tackle after a 47-yard one who plays 91 yards for LSU there's a breath of fresh air for LSU fans as much as you love lighting it up through the air love to see the running game get going early and so Vanderbilt brings pressure it seems they will be exposed can they limit that exposure will help determine the outcome of this one one of the nation's best offenses on a roll early here's could grab it he would have had six it was right in front of them again just a great job up front by LSU sealing off the movement by Vandy guarantee Edwards a layer has been waiting for a hole like that and oh sure onset offensively we just need to do simple better when it comes to the run game that one went 446 a check to the side line play relayed from the booth a layer again and inside the five the question is can this LSU team be elite and compete for a national championship if they don't establish the run game I think to some degree you have to and that's what Edwards was talking about we're not a good spread zone run team right now as you see no running back in the backfield and a touch sac catch by Justin Jefferson quick tempo that time that is the problem if you're Jason Todd the deep two coordinator for vandal you gotta be careful when you substitute they were late running a different personnel package on the field there LSU saw it they went tempo and Vandy was never ready and a great snag here on a little bit of an inside throw by jobber over the tempo is what did that Gabe York on for the point after it took him a minute 13 and just five plays to get down the field each team has one had one crack at it and each team has put one on the board get ready for a shootout on the West End 7-7 early plus you offense which comes in third in the nation in scoring at 55 points again just as Shelton Mosley back to see this kick from Avery Atkins a sophomore from Auburn no chance to return this one let's return it to the studio as we say hello to our good buddy Peter burns that was hard studio update let's go down to T town horse stop me if you've heard this before alabama first dr henry rugs it's not fair 7-nothing they lead Southern Miss right now in Tuscaloosa and on the first drive it was Kyle - Kyle Kyle trash finds Kyle Pitts for the touchdown 7-0 although Tennessee just got a fumble back to the Music City I can hear the South Park highlights right now with Kyle playing a key role second possession for Vanderbilt Riley Neal hands it off and a grind on the right side will pick up four before Michael divinity makes a stop goal you talked about Michael divinity playing a new position today for LSU how big a move is that for this unit well I think when you when you're looking at third and long as it's a big move because he can he's the second best pass rusher on the football team that we haven't seen 18 K LaVon chase on back out there yet but Jordan pointed out some missed assignments by the inside linebackers early in this game that led to big runs that's where divinity would have been you catch that Cajun inflexion on chase all from Cole chase on second down seven Vaughn is split out to the top of the screen five wide here for Vandy in a three-man rush and they chase him and Neal will throw it away good sign if you're Dave Aranda they've had a hard time getting any pressure with a four-man rush yeah and that's one thing he was worried about coming to this game how much would they see what Northwestern State and Texas did a little bit of with the ships the motions the empty sets and you see right there nose guard Tyler Shelvin working on Center grant Miller providing the pressure if they can get a pressure with three of their big guys in there not even their pass rush personnel it's a really good sign but right now you'll see this defensive front for LSU it's called their pay so set all their lean mean pass rushers on the line of scrimmage and they walk Patrick clean up into the a gap he'll come eventually Neal lets it go batted away and it falls incomplete grant Delpit preseason all-american Tom McShea has them at number three on his preseason draft board this is what makes this kid so good I mean best part of his game maybe blitzing the quarterback coming down around the line of scrimmage but in coverage look at this turnaround I mean how quickly did he transition from the top of that plant in the foot and getting down hill to break that up against a big physical tight end in Jared Pinkney Harrison Smith the sophomore from Brentwood Academy in Franklin Tennessee to pun it away freshman Derek Stingley juniors stands at his own 27 Alice she returned one fourscore last week Stingley takes it and gets taken down was looking for an opportunity never develop 37-yard punt one on return Brendan Harris with the special teams stopped for Vandy back to Nashville after this yeah I've bet they wish their in that often take a look at what they were doing back in 2013 251 yards a game in 36 points a little bit more prolific now under what Joe Brady was doing as a pass game coordinator I mean they got some good receivers here at LSU now look imagine of Odell had Burrell in this offense yeah yikes ty in Davis price a freshman running back is split out among five wide Jefferson and Terrace Marshall each have five touchdowns first pair of SEC teammates over the last 20 seasons for the least five touchdowns in the team's first four games Samara chase he's in a chase one play 6.64 yards LSU looks unstoppable [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow what's the common thread of LSU's offense especially throwing the football so far this year attacking the middle of the field they're doing it better than any team in the country and again catch mandible in a soft to high zone and chase the splits another point after for Cade York freshman from McKinney Texas was the SEC Special Teams Player of the Week two weeks ago and LSU's establishing win against Texas it may not be the high-water mark of the season for the Tigers tell you what this LSU defense is probably sitting on the bench over there going with it wait a minute we just see the Fraser what is going on here look at this sock cupboard to zone there chase just splits it we won't talk with Jason Chandra yesterday about picking up your receivers in his own handing them off at something to Emma and the NFL it's relatively easy without a lot of meeting time the college game it gets a lot harder especially the way Jill Burrell can pick you apart with levels yeah and right there if you're the inside linebacker to that side you know okay we got to high so where's the weak that's middle of the field if your slot receiver goes vertical and that outside guy doesn't attack you you got to keep getting vertical to close that window off so burl doesn't have that easy of a throw in such a big old well this is what LSU ranks in the SCC and today two possessions six plays 139 yards two touchdowns time of possession a minute 24 and I tell you what Vanderbilt right now not doing anything different I haven't seen the pressure I haven't seen the blitzes I don't know if that score and their first drive said hey let's maybe we can slow play this we don't to be as aggressive but it's not working right now 14 is 7 here PB what else is going on in the sec about this the rare 12 team rolling into Oxford they were at City grocery last time it's a 9:00 a.m. start for the Golden Bears might be rubbing some sand out of their eyes this morning that's early and I tell you what I'm a Northern California boy they don't know humidity like there is in Mississippi so it's early in it's hot Larry Scott off for that though right oh yes sure play as early as we can [Applause] Vande keeps it on the ground and no chance to escape the clutches of brain for HoCo speaking of heat coming up after us for Eastern three central Kentucky goes to Starkville severe heat warnings in Starkville today that the handing out water to try and stay fresh the SEC network alternate Channel will have South Carolina Mizzou at 4:00 Eastern 3 central and to find the SEC network alternate Channel in your area go to SEC network comm it feels like a must-win game for both of those conference games whether you're Kentucky Mississippi State Missouri or South Carolina especially for Mississippi State Jill Morehead they gotta get things going in the right direction Neal keeps it again makes the first man miss Riley Neal put the move on Andre Anthony it's a gain of four and a great read earlier in the game by Riley Neal but this time you're reading this guy right here what does he do look at him he slow plays this you got a hand that one off you only pull it if it's absolutely clear-cut especially when you're not really a mobile guy or a guy that's gonna break one in Riley Neal not a great read on that one he's got Keyshawn Vaughn in the backfield again Vonn averaging nine yards to carry so far today pressure and kneel able to get it out of the backfield to Vaughn it turns into just to gain up to the screen game for Vandy was so good last year on their offensive coordinator and be blood wick is that something that could benefit them today against LSU's defense it's absolutely good but but we're not seeing the same things in this offense that we saw under Ludwig the ship's the motions we've seen a little bit more this week but that's what made him so good at the screens they had an exotic look that they could get to for a number of different screens Camden Coleman is on the field for this Vanderbilt punt team this is significant because this is the first organized game Coleman has ever played in Bearcats taken last minute pretty cool story on Camden Coleman guys he came to a walk-on tryout here at Vanderbilt actually ends up making the team he ran track and played basketball at university laboratory in Champaign Illinois both of his parents are opera singers did not play a down of organized football in high school or college before this game today coach Tarver told us he is a 100 mile per hour guy every single snap in practice I talked to Devin Fitzsimmons the special teams Coast before the game he said he won that job in the bye week we could not keep him out happy that is amazing you show up by the way the first down of organized football you ever play against number for LSU things are moving fast for him but I bet he's having a blast pocket pressure I'm borough gets rid of it for a first down plenty more Terrace Marshall across the midfield and into Vandy territory and everything Joe Burrell has touched in everything that's been called by Joe Brady or Stephen finger has turned a purple and gold watch Joe Perot navigate this pocket steps up and moves better than any quarterback I've watched this year finding space creating the throwing lane for a big play LSU is receivers wide open David can't tackle gonna be a long day back there that's Tarrasch Marshall 420 that last play very reminiscent of that Texas third and 17 were burl navigated the pocket made the throw off-balance didn't see much of that last year he's doing that at such a high level and it's not part of his game we've got to see last year v play of 20 yards or more looking for the six caught falling back birds with a flag on it and a fantastic grab to set up the first down and that one's coming back I think they're gonna get OPI a pass interference racing the cap got a little racy on us Ken Williamson is our referee gup-d Pella shoes going into the roster he meant offense number 17 defense number 14 this is too bad is evil really need to do this the ball has thrown so well it's not egregious but if you extend the arm in any movement by the cornerback correction [Applause] defense number ten the offset replay the down some McGrath and odango the ones who got flagged racing McGrath McMath just came out of nowhere I mean they've got three legitimate wide receivers and he had two great side and she had McMath you John Trey Kirkland and then a 6-3 221 pounds like that oh just add that to the mix they've got Stephane Sullivan in adds it's a tin right now trying to run behind him Clyde Edwards elaire takes it to the five we're talking wood and always run yesterday and we asked him do you need to run the ball better or do you accept it given what you're doing through the air and he said well we need to run the ball better we can do that by simplifying things he said but then again every time I try to get on to somebody about our run game I look up and we've thrown for another 40 yards it's so true they're not able to practice it as much as they're used to because they're so good at pushing the ball downfield that's what everyone wants to do Vande bring pressure all of it and they go to the slant for our completion of Macbeth and might be just shy this could be third in short coming up have a shoot quickly on the ball third and inches Burrell gives it up a layers got the first town he's got the touchdown from 9 yards out [Applause] what took them so long that time nearly two minutes to cover 67 yards plays like that are going to be so underrated but this is Joe Brady at work they come out in a second down with three or four wide receivers one tight end in the game get into a third and short and instead of changing personnel they go to the tempo bring everybody the line of scrimmage and hand it off real quick before Vandy can get any big guys on the field Kade York's been busy this first quarter third point after is good [Applause] one if by land two if by air 21 on the offense for LSU a Bama to see who can burn the most bulbs in the scoreboard today both those does it he has lanes I mean do both these teams give it's unbelievable it'll be interesting once we get to that point to measure LSU's wide receivers versus Alabama's wide receivers Riley Neal delivers a strike to collage Lipscomb he makes Tinley miss and he takes it to the 40 yard line Vanderbilt trying to hang with firepower - 35 yard play and when we had Riley Neal week one I don't think he stands in here makes this type of throw because he has Polizzi Lipscomb great route great leverage and with guys in his face Riley Neal delivered a strike there we had him week one there was [Applause] on that time Andre Anthony comes up to make the stop Cole we haven't seen caleb on chase on just yet what did he tell you about his desire to play today I talked him before the game he said I'm asking Cotto if I can go I want to play and I talked to him earlier this week as well he said I feel good I'm obviously not 100% coach Horan told us in meetings he is available if needed have not seen him yet kay McClendon moved over to the defensive side of the ball we see him most likely in goal line situations Neal to the perimeter this is Pinckney down with no cable keen to find a guy who's gonna be the guy that can rush the passer some of the way k LaVon chase on K&N does when he's healthy is it going to be Michael divinity moving outside outside linebacker having opportunities Andre Anthony as well Dave Aranda the defensive coordinator for LS she was still trying to figure out the identity of his unit four-man rush either Sheldon brought him down and out looks like he's going to be juice inches short forth and a flick to go we got to go for it let go because if you give it back you give it up seven the other way would love to see some tempo here by Vandy as well similar to what LSU LSU did last Drive Vandy one of three on fourth down this season Neal under Center trying to sneak it and a whistle before the staff occurred [Applause] Thomas Egan the head linesman saw some ken Williamson will discuss it with them and they'll give Derrick Mason an option [Applause] Vanderbilt is taking a timeout to challenge your ruling on the field of the spotless shorter blind again wait a second that was a really quick whistle that was oh so they were looking at the previous play my bad my bad I think that's a good call I mean just from up here obviously it looked like Riley Neal got it and you even said it at first I'd be interested to see a close shot here his knee went down sooner than we thought but looked like they might have spotted him about a half yard short in that case it would be a first down in the spot came from the far sideline as Neal was up that far hash mark Riley Neal had a big game in high school for Yorktown high school against West Lafayette where he carried the ball 40 times in one game we joked with him about it yesterday remember the yellow line unofficial he's got to get begins to the 29 it's a first down knee is down where's the ball I see yeah knee came down a little shorter than it looked like live so I think that's actually a really good spot here's our yard to gain camera knee down yep it might be just over that 30 yard line but I could still shortly so if you're Jerry gaddafi the offensive coordinator in his first season as the OC for Vanda you've had time to think about a fourth and short play if you don't get the first down I think they come right back to QB sneak I mean if you look at the metrics of that play both at the NFL level and college it is successful but as the quarterback you saw Riley Neal on that last one he didn't have his feet under you gotta get your feet almost like a sprinter stance if your quarterback well behind you so you can get all your momentum in a big push so my second question is if Van Dien has to take chances to win this game on fourth and inches you've shown quarterback sneak would this be a play we could take a shot early on the field stands additionally the replay booth is attempting to contact the crew prior to the challenge therefore granda bill will not be charged with timeout nor the challenge I mean you you got to take chances to win this game if you're available I agreed Tom but you know maybe it's like the reverse psychology thing oh we just saw him do QVC today won't go back to it right and you do go back to it I just think right here you got to do something that's high percentage I would be very careful taking a shot it was me I come back to that quarterback sneak they had time to discuss it they come out of the huddle and Ryan O'Neal wants to get old gone to center he's got a power back to Sean Foran behind him and inches gonna be a sneak here's Vaughn bounces to the outside we will jacob phillips and christian fulton with the stop how'd you know one gonna be a sneaker you could tell by Riley Mills feat that he wasn't gearing up to sneak in I think they had a gap to the left of the center wide open instead they handed off the key Sean bond not a bad choice he's your best player but LSU a great job of rallying to the ball first one never gets into a great job there by Patrick Queen rallying and getting Vaughn down behind the line pretty good look there and why Dave Aranda said Kristen Fulton might be playing some more nickel in the future he has those kind of instincts to come up and help with the tackle behind the play they lost Todd Harris to injury last week they're looking for more bodies in the secondary and here they come back on offense Sadiq Charles started this game at left tackle he's in there now Thaddeus Moss back to action this week after sitting out last year timeout LSU first time out this half this will be a 30-second timeout 206 remaining in the first quarter LSU is average less than two minutes per drive each of the first three drives and they've all ended in touchdowns [Music] one of the ideas from LSU offensively in Stevens fingers that they've had an extra week to prepare just like Iran on the defensive side it might take us a minute to see what we're seeing and we'll get checks and calls in to Joe Pearl it seems like that has not been much of a roadblock no not at all and I think we we thought we might see more look overs but LSU's been able to use tempo early and it's been successful look at this support down Tom I mentioned there might be an area you can go here or here with the QB sneak you're telling me that Riley Neal at six six couldn't get a half a yard there that's why I really thought they'd come back to it the fella shoe doesn't score on this play I have a follow-up question that's a big if Edwards the lair in the backfield look over by LSU they like the play they'll keep it on borrow to the outside that's another first down it's terraced Marshall junior and that scenario does Riley Neal a veteran quarterback had the ability to check to a sneak or just take it himself and no not necessarily back in the day in junior college I had one we called a peanut butter cups of course I had a 400-pound Center so what was his nickname his nickname was peanut butter and so he's just like hey if you ever want to sneak just tap me and say peanut butter cups will just be you and me so I'm not sure if Riley has that opportunity but if he did he missed a big one there cuz I think they picked that up if they sneaked it Olien junior college with the center be nicknamed peanut butter cups and 400 pounds yeah Jamar chase lost his helmet loss to defend or play will be dead where the helmet came off it's like 50 first dates you know the guy in the kitchen made peanut butter cups that's where it came from I don't want to know anymore over your junior college stories save it for the feature film marshall up army chase will have to come out for a play after losing the helmet the question was a trip tar it was 15-yard penalty pendant run automatic first down BJ Anderson sophomore defensive back Tom ripping a guy's helmet off usually frowned upon depending June you can get away with at junior college oh yeah the helmets are velcro at least our chin straps were shot didn't have the money for normal it's John Emory jr. he is in the game at running back third different running back that LSU has used here in the first quarter pressure coming from the edge burrow goes that direction and it completes it for another big game this is terras Marshall junior leading the country in touchdown receptions with six vanderbilt now kind of stepping away from bringing the pressure that we saw a few times early in this game they're playing a lot more zone this time looks like now they might be coming back to a man across the board in one high LSU averaging 17 yards per play add to that this touchdown Jets come to march ace it goes for 25 it's just too easy right now burrow in this LSU offense too many playmakers and like I said Vandy a lot of zone on that drive as soon as they get into man what do you do go to your playmaker on the outside and one on one and LSU right now they're winning every one of those battles chase already 113 yards receiving two touchdowns did he have control and that left foot came down I think he already had it when that step before looked pretty clear to me remember the push off on the other side of the field a couple drives ago yeah Chiefs got away with a little bit of movement there but never extended the arm you don't extend that arm a lot of times it's not getting called what do you think Les Miles is thinking looking at all the points at LSU is putting up this season he's thinking man I should have found Joe Brady when he was what 17 yeah a little bit younger twenty-eight points is tied for the most in the first quarter in LSU history they did it against lot second o3 and Tulane in 1965 it is their most ever in the first quarter against an SEC opponent Joe burrows thrown for 199 at three touchdowns Academy sports and outdoors is making it even easier on you with in-store pickup it's all new and basically means you go to Academy comm order whatever you need and come get it in storage get in get out get back to having fun with your family so you mentioned Joe Brady he is the architect of this passing game he spoke to the LSU coaching staff a couple of years ago during a coaching clinic when he left the room a doze run stood who was he let's try to hire that guy they did borough with the hand on the brown the middle of your screen Steve ends finger the offensive coordinator on the right side of your screen he is his 29 years old he was a former walk-on wide receiver William and Mary spent some time with Joe Morehead a Penn State the last couple years been working with a guy by the name of Drew Brees is pretty good and his passing game to it and it'd be fascinating to stand right behind those two during the game because the play calling responsibilities are very shared they go back and forth bounce ideas off each other very much a collaboration the entire gamut and really a collaboration that get Joe Brady here coach o mentioned he sat down with Ensminger and said I want to go get the best talent I can to help out this offense and help you out and finger said let's do it that owes Ron about it he said Joe Brady comes to work every day the players love him he is the grinder is it every time I walked by his office he's got his big silver headphones on he's watching film he's dialing up front dialing it back simple way between the two and Oh Judd said I just keep walking let the guy do his work LSU is on pace for a historic day here last year they said an SEC single game record for points to a 72 in seven over times against a.m. without overtime 63 against Kentucky Saturday's in the South is our eight part documentary that chronicles the history of SEC football Tuesday at 9:00 eastern part four takes you into the 1970s for a look at Bear Bryant SRI commitment to the wishbone plus the roll sports on TV played in the SEC led by the voice of college football Keith Jackson you can only see Saturday's in the south right here on the SEC network and the ESPN app 63 points against Kentucky in 97 the sec hive for a non overtime game for LSU this is Jarrett Pinckney an Pinkney takes it for eight this is what you got to do with your Vanderbilt's offense with Jared you douse ki Colin play he's gonna find ways to get Jared pinking the ball see what they do here he's tight - line of scrimmage Jacoby Stephens number three is man to man but he's got two receivers he's got to go through so it gives a little space for Pinckney finding creative ways to get him the ball he's gonna be a draft pick next year and probably a pretty high one in the first few rounds he is a studious tat in he watches all of the old school greats youtube's his best friend in that regard back to the running game and Alice Shu stuffs it out Neal Ferrell junior it's a loss of one through 1/4 LSU has put up a hundred up army 200 - 61 yards here averaging 17 and a half yards per play 20 yards per completion and a lead Vanderbilt 28 to 7 LSU keeper the offense rolling here on Nashville's West End [Music] he's sad for the most points of the first quarter in school histories we welcome back to SEC football presented by Allstate LSU fans made the trip one of the best sports towns in the country and they have been rewarded so far [Applause] third and three for Vanderbilt Keyshawn Vaughan is the running back blitz up the middle out to the outside it's a first down for collision Lipscomb he's out of New Orleans Jesuit he's got a great tie-in with them this year and Jarret Pinkney he had a great one at Jesuit foster Moro the former LSU Tide enters down the NFL coming into this game just one reception on third down after last year having an SCC best 27 exact same play they ran for a third down conversion on their first drive LSU this year so far struggled with some of those tight and condensed formations which is surprising cuz that's what they do on top yes now they see it every day Neal looking for time back better [Applause] Pinkney was waiting for it and Jacobi's Stephens came in to separate him from the football that's a long developing play that vanload offensive line has to block for a long time and Riley Neal just not be able to put enough zip on that ball as he was backing away from the pass rush so it took a little long to get there obviously one that needs to be pulled down but Pinkney had quite a few yards there of space ball just took too long LSU's shows pressure from the edge play the day it's a gain of nine he was an FCS all-america two years ago at Harvard as a returner and three career punt return touchdowns all with the Crimson and is working on his master's in marketing here this time it's cam Jackson he gets past the first takes it inside the 30 28 yard gain for the freshman from Brentwood cam Johnson and chalked out play up to tempo and he was quick to the offensive line nice easy throw and carry Ben C was trying to get lined up so his late took a bad angle results in a big play to tie names in the game now for Vanderbilt Bresnahan and Pinkney Neil fires satellite broken up but Derek Stingley Junior [Applause] week one Stingley became the tenth true freshman to start the season opener on defense in LSU history he's just so talented locked in on man coverage gets his eyes around really early so sees that back shoulder throw coming from a mile away to be that young and have those kind of instincts this early he's gonna be special [Applause] and he's still learning the game according to Dave Aranda movement down free play and fall incomplete Neil Farrell Jr who had brought pressure earlier jumped and we got a second flag down in the secondary and that's a great job by Vanderbilt of keeping this play alive you go from a five-yard penalty for false start now to a pass interference call as Riley Neal has a free play and tries to get it to Pinkney down the field it's another area that tempo helps you out as well Jordan you go fast fast fast that defensive line comes up to the line of scrimmage they expect that football to be snapped right away yeah you throw a little double count in there keep the play alive and it's a freebie offside defense number 22 that family will be declined holding defense number 49 call it a holding it definitely was and the Jacobi's Stephens can be manned up with jarred pink Dean he just bear hugs him here at the top of his stem trying to run a corner out yep nope that's one way to do it serve as more had a busted coverage last week in the Northwestern State game that led to a touchdown bootleg Neal and he threw it to a cheerleader on his way out of bounds to be fair the cheerleader was open she's got to get her head around you know he expected that one quarterback it's outside the pocket you got to be ready for anything you need to put on the jugs gun maybe get some reps for these LSU cheerleaders still what it's hot out there yeah and you can tell if he's LSU guys hands on the hips I mean the heat in the tempo definitely get into them so I like the call they're getting Riley outside the pocket not stopping the cheerleaders now they're rolling her well-hydrated shaking down ten Neal endzones shot Stingley with the coverage was that caught Wow collision Lipscomb looked like you hauled it in but may have been out of bounds but what incredible concentration to haul that in through Stingley I didn't think there was any way this ball was getting the Lipscomb's hands and you know what I think we got to take a look at that one well it certainly wasn't controlled at the outset and was he still in bounds when he came down but yeah that's gonna be the tough part yeah by the time it hits his I don't know right knee and right elbow that that angle shows uh sets the side of the body that came down first how was it control exactly and his arm is under it but the nose of the ball does touch the turf as well and I'm not sure he had enough control before that let's see here balls ricocheting around his right arm is gonna come underneath it we've got Matt Austin back in our Charlotte studios longtime SEC official Matt what do you see when you watch these replays well this is going to be a tough one since the ruling on the field was an incomplete pass I'm not sure there's in conclusive evidence to overturn it to a touchdown it does look like he might controlled at the very end but you can't go on might so this one's gonna be a this one's gonna be tough and see I think that's the angle right there from behind is is yes his arm is under it but he doesn't have control by the time it hits his arm and then touches the ground dude really what a filter is confirmed I think that's the right call great effort by colliding Lipscomb on the outside but just didn't have control and the ground aids him in the catch here towards the end when I juleps gonna still without a touchdown this season first team preseason all-sec wide receiver came in on the Biletnikoff list is the best wide receiver in college football so be the tenth play of the drive for Vanderbilt a lot of movement for LSU priests and Neal steps up in the pocket gets pressured an LSU SEC those have been a rarity this season a loss of six they belongs to Justin Thomas and Riley Neal's just got to get it rid of the ball here once you climb up in the pocket you get to the top you can't go backwards at that point you either got to run and keep going forward or you got to let that ball go and take a shot towards the back of the end zone ninth sack of the season for LSU first today Riley gay on for a 41 yarder Scott Meyer the long snapper Harrison Smith holds and that one is good so Vanderbilt able to eat some clock an 11-play 52 yard drive with 28 10 here PB boy who's gonna put up better numbers today to uh a borough he's gonna come down to who stays in the game the longest LSU fans feeling right at home by the way oh yeah I'm a little slow start for them to they probably had some fun on Broadway last night they may have their smooth go let's take a look at this smoothest play brought to you by Velveeta right now Vanderbilt has no answer for Tamar chase Morris hey and making big plays in one-on-one coverage on the outside as well I'll tell you what Alabama's receivers look good but I'm not so sure you can count this LSU group out of the conversation on the most talented in the conference maybe even the country well as shoes got a measuring stick right I mean Alabama's wide receiving corps came in with all the headlines and heralded and deservedly so Lonard fernandez in a running back borough looking to add to the numbers and is complete at the stick Cole how would you break it down LSU's receivers versus bamas I think Alabama's receivers have a little more getaway a little more juice once they get to full stride but they don't have the big bodies the physical receivers that LSU does I think that would be the difference for me Alabama's maybe hurts you a little bit more straight ahead LSU's could do more in traffic fresh set of downs for Jill burrow LSU averaging 17 yards of play burrow gives it up so for now it's a gain of one large brother Leonard was the workhorse Thursday night for Jacksonville but he got caught from behind on one run don't see that very often I guess that's what happens when you're the only running back in the offense okay you get tired eventually oh he's still running a 4 for 8 yeah after 30 carries I'm second and nine twist up front Oh line picks it up boys got all day but nobody's open live-action his certain sister - that one up in the dirt and it goes for 28 I mean great play by borough but watch this block by Adrienne McGee's on diovan beau coming on a stunt watch this 73 oh no today baby he goes wait keep blocking don't Barroso got the ball back to action and Vandy gets penetration to take down borough 7 plays of 20 yards or more already for this yellow shoe offense Bass Pro is not passive fellas I mean we see that again that was unbelievable the dango is Vanderbilt's best pass rusher - and he's no small cat 6 6 275 and he got absolutely pancaked play after that Vandy picked up its very first sack of the year that came from Jalen Mahoney [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] LSU's gonna use the timeout here timeout OSU second timeout of the half this is cold cool extreme cold you love a line play how about a pancake on a blitzing defy so keep an eye on that if you're an LSU fan moving forward the Vandy coaches Derrick Mason and Jerry Gutowski the OC for both on Jimmy burrows same staff with Jimmy borough at Ohio they've known Joe for years and they said this guy simply doesn't lose he is a competitor we wonder how long you stick with him to try to avoid more injury Sullivan catches the tip pass and that'll go for six they said no joke Burrell used to run around the field at Ohio and as a matter of fact they had one of the older ball boys he was in charge of filming the Youth League games that Joe Burrell was playing in and Gaddafi there's dad Jimmy Namastey and Mason all joined together with Ginny Borough on Frank Solich a staff with the Ohio Bobcats after solet's was out of the game for a year fouling is dismissal from Nebraska third 15 pressure Burrell gets it out in complete and the Vandy pressure they had chance to tee off and it results in the first three and out by the first pun I should say for LSU that's a great job by Vanderbilt bringing pressure an empty backfield right there so Burrell knew he had to get rid of it early and you're gonna see pressure coming up the middle here getting in the face of Joe burrow he's got an out breaking around just has to let it go a little earlier than he would like and that's why it was just the foot outside for Jamar chase here's a former pitcher Zach van rosenberg oldest player on the team at 28 and that one taken inside the 10 a 31 yard punt perfectly placed by Vaughn Rosenberg so let's take you back to Ohio University where Derek Mason was coaching the wide receivers every day he went against Jim baro who was a defensive coordinator and coached the defensive backfield and Jerry Gutowski coached the quarterbacks Mason said I got to know Jim burrow really well he was a veteran coach at the time he had been a long time assistant in Nebraska he was helpful to me and my career because he knew some of the pitfalls that I should have been looking out for [Applause] tea on Brooks gets tripped up and finds just a yard out of a lot of webs and personal relationships throughout the game of college football interesting how the Burrell family ties into so many both of his brothers played at Nebraska and shouldn't here Mason just say he could see it coming to even just see him burrow at that young age like you knew he was gonna be a player you knew he'd know a lot about the game and that's what makes him so tough to scheme against yet you can't pull one over on him he sees every blitz every pressure trying to find room on the outside [Applause] and Alice you strings it out it's a gain of two and you know what we're learning LSU other LSU parents are learning hey you know what papa burros gonna be on TV I wanna oh yeah get a wave to the camera and I get some TV time - that's a Tom Hart move there yeah just just slide in where you can no shortage of LSU fans even though that guy's missing his shirt digging the look third down seven its Keyshawn Vaughn now in the backfield [Applause] play clock at three let's up the middle [Applause] in complete Riley Neal ends up on the ground [Applause] this is one of those looks daiva ran to talk about creepers he wants guys around the line of scrimmage maybe not on the line of scrimmage to bring that pressure so he drops Michael divinity on that play Patrick Queen comes from the linebacker position they still have enough guys in coverage and it's not truly a blitz but it looks like pressure to the quarterback it's almost like a zone blitz right it's only is yeah they drop a guy off bringing guys who are really just replacing numbers you're not adding extra guys but it speeds up the process for the quarterback and an errant throw there because of it what a view for Harrison Smith Stingley takes it at the 43 that might be a burst of fair catches it's a 46-yard punt and let's use high-powered offense we'll be back on the field see if Jill Perot can be steady but they punt it for the first time last time they cover a lot of ground and a lot of places to do it the only thing that kept him and kept her momentum from going last possession was the sack but otherwise joke burrow under the watchful eye of his pops all of his brothers are in town too and dad's got a lot to like about this one where's Simon 51 years he hasn't been on a football field in the fall he there's a player a coach you know he started his playing career at Ole Miss [Applause] [Music] sorry and Davis price play-action world over the middle and that's good for a first sound at Justin Jefferson been a great visit with Joe last week and he talked about being a better fit for this office one of the things he didn't like but what they used to run was something he wasn't comfortable with didn't have experience in and that was a lot of the play-action where he would turn his back to the line that time he got and Burrell gets up with a flag in front of him while Joe burrow just took a beating Vandy brings pressure off the edge there's a few guys Caleb Burt in there as good as anybody watched the left and the right side and somehow kind of like the third down play against Texas he still had enough to push it down field for a completion [Music] [Applause] pass interference defense number 28 that penny will be declined personal foul defense number 10 Telus shoe has a week off next week but still begs a question up twenty eight to ten how long do you leave Joe Perot in this game I'll tell you what I wouldn't be surprised if this game keeps going that he doesn't play much if any in the second half but then again he's a competitor I don't care what the score is he's gonna be tough to pull out of this game any point he wants to keep it rolling ref knees it turns Michael yeah there we go [Applause] there's one of those checks so Braden Steve Ensminger getting a look at the defense from the Box radio in the play down Edwards Alaric and the pile moves in extra yard or to gain of five it's truly amazing I think you want to look at the difference in LS you look right now no no big tight ends in the game one tight end in the game there and they're staying with tempo stain was spread missus just this is new LSU movement false start offense number 68 yard penalty remains second down senior Damian Lewis you know it's truly an identity when you're up big and you're in the red zone and you don't change you don't change the tempo you don't change the personnel sets this is who LSU is now get used to it mm they're gonna be tempo they're gonna have three four wide receivers in the game when they do have a tight end as you see Thaddeus Moss here at the bottom your screen right here they're gonna use him [Applause] davus price is the running back now my clock at five well to the Enzo no wobbler that's incomplete moss the intended receiver sent a pro Football Hall of Famer Randy Moss if he doesn't slip there that's a touchdown what I love about that play LSU put three receivers to the top of your screen to the wide side and they just decided to see how Vandy was gonna adjust Vandy sent an extra guy over there so they stood up Thaddeus Moss stepped him out a few steps and let him go one-on-one if he doesn't slip that's touched him pretty big good pickup by sitter glory cushion bury there as well [Applause] well 15 of 18 in this room third and goal [Applause] sweets they're fictional dime that's it acceptable and complete for when all wall but a Vandy bench the whistle death ain't dead the 14 yard line it is no return for Aundre mints [Applause] and burrows going back over to check on one of the Vandy guys well he's not checking nicely he had something to say to oh dang Bo oh dang well with a shove in the back in tight sidelines here carried burrow past the net and into the wall he did catch it in bounds but he never reached himself he stepped out of bounds you see any jumps from out of bounds to end can't be the first one nope you don't reassure yourself so should be no pick for mince but how about the extracurricular [Applause] how about not throwing that ball into xxx throws that's a mistake there for Joe borough he's got to just launch that and that's where we're always taught as quarterbacks sometimes he just lacks today's eclis toss it out about you got to throw that thing into the 10th row always be sure he almost just kind of skyhook that one I mean he grenaded it there you go 25 yard attempt for York [Applause] Derek Mason is still talking to the officials and not in a real nice manner they can get the side Judge up to where he's supposed to be Dirk Mason is fighting in Cologne for every inch that could have been a momentum play for Vandy that mints been inbounds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from 25 and halfway up the stands Joe Burrell took a shot late drew his ire Mason not too happy either got the Windex studio looking sharp today Joe Burrell looking sharp and also a little perturbed saw his competitive fire at the end of that last play no return for Vandy this is what transpired between Dale oh dang ball and jobber laughter Burrell was shoved out of bounds looks like he's saying hey man it was a really good hit really good job they're [Applause] probably not what he said that's great offensive line play by Sadiq Charles to be there for your quarterback always bodyguards but you know what I love I love the fire jobber oh I love waving at the fans at Texas I love having some words for guys after plate I wouldn't that's what makes him that's his DNA I want him to be that all the time if you're LSU you'd love to see it to Keyshawn Vaughn left side big Ronnie goes for seven Keyshawn Vaughn on any other team in the SEC would be an all-american candidate absolutely I mean I very confidently I think you can say from a talent perspective he's one of if not the best in the SEC but he's just behind an offensive line that yes has played a little better today then I think we saw in film but they don't give him enough opportunities enough holes to really capitalize on how good he is they're starting Jonathan Stewart at left tackle today Cole when you watch the film how impressed to you by Vaughn I the thing that comes to my mind tom is feature and I don't feel like they feature him enough he doesn't feel like a feature back when you study this offense on film the guys is durable as they come he always seems to bounce off the first second and third tackles he's never going down with one dividual but I would like to see him become the feature back in this offense and that's going to open things up for Pinkney and Vaughn down the field he had 17 Lipscomb excuse me yeah he had 17 carries against Purdue only 56 yards 15 carries against Georgia in the opener and part of that's hard when you're playing from behind uh-huh so much Vaughn followed up on the edge Jacob Phillips the first there it's a loss of a yard boy what explosiveness by Phillips we saw Patrick Queen miss really the hole early in the game on the big run by Vaughn that time Phillips read that and was there in a link that is not being good sign that's brutal for LSU that's just senior Michael divinity jr. Jack Marucci and his athletic training staff quickly out to look at that left leg in the left ankle I would I would dare to say he might be the most important player on the field for LSU and even moving forward his development with no Caleb on chase on obviously chase on will be back but they have to develop a pass rush he's the next best guy on defense keep an eye out for 45 and purple on the left edge this kids kind of rolled up and over there he is coming in on the tackle yes leg leg gets caught underneath him on the turf rolls back over it it's the versatility that divinity brings to this defense the ability to use him on the outside as a guy who can get to the quarterback he had ten tackles in his sack in the game against Texas had been moving inside and outside and Kayla Vaughn chase on number 18 out there to check on his buddy the senior from Marrero Louisiana so training staff still looking after Michael divinity jr. let's take you back to the studio Peter burns I thank you gentlemen 31 10 right now an LSU over Vanderbilt just real quick as we get ready to head back down there what have you seen for the Tigers so far in jobber oh I mean it's the same thing we've seen all year long just a lot of rhythm accurate passing and dangerous weapons in at the receiving core they're able to continue to put pressure on opposing teams to match them score for score and obviously Vanderbilt doesn't have the same power firepower to match it yeah and I think you know this different than last year last year you saw a revolving door at the offensive line they were trying to plug guys in guys were getting hurt there was all kinds of you know there was there wasn't any continuity now you're seeing continuity in an offensive line yes the receivers are there yes the the Boro thing is real about the Nashville right now Tom Hart and George Rogers on the call after the divinity injury tonight Peter thanks and Michael divinity being helped off the field not putting any weight on the left leg once again LSU has an off week next week but this is a guy they cannot afford to lose already without Rashard Lawrence and Glen Logan on the defensive line today as they have been the last couple weeks [Applause] second down 11 for Vandy [Applause] pressure and it is batted down a little push by tyler shelving up front the big dude 6-3 346 at a Lafayette Jersey can barely hold him we've got we said his name a few times already today I mean for his size he's got some he's got some jump to him he's got a little bit of twitchiness working on a double-team here look at that getting up off the ground getting a hand up it's a big body to get up and down like that yeah [Applause] he was a consensus number-one player in the state five-star recruit coming out of Notre Dame High School third and 11 Neal to wide and incomplete Kerry Vincent was on Chris Pearce and Vandy will be forced to punt it away why with no Michael divinity a really clean pocket there for Riley Neal he had time pass rush could not get there but one of the reasons LSU is always so tough on defense the ability to man up on the outside again comes in big got to win those one-on-one matchups if you're gonna beat LSU or move the ball and they haven't done that tonight today used to be in a night I'm pretty good low snap handled well Stingley as for a fair catch lets it go what a football sense turns into a 66-yard front we got pushing and shoving late and a flag on the play that goes against Ellis she looks like it's gonna be on Erik Monroe I think Monroe got into it with the punter during the kick holding preceding team number 14 ten-yard fillings from the into the cake first down [Applause] Benzie day of football throughout the conference today and coming up after us for Eastern three central Kentucky goes into Starkville to take on Mississippi State South Carolina Missouri can be viewed on the SEC network alternate Channel and then at San Jose State Arkansas nor SEC Saturday night matchup to find the SEC network alternate Channel in your area go to SEC network comm show burrow still out there he's joined by John Emery jr. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's Emery it's like a pop at the end but is able to pick up six chill bro ice-cold he's missed up two straight that's the first time he's done it in 76 attempts Wow I missed two in a row that is unreal that's how you lead the country and completion percent more impressive than any stat I've seen on Joe Burrell period 76 attempts it's a two incomplete tony gwynn strikeout numbers couple more and that'll set up a third and short jordan what was he fifteen or sixteen against the Blitz coming into coming into this game 15 of 16 and just hop top of my head I don't think he's missed one against the Blitz so far tonight today either third down although she keeps it on the ground and they'll move the chain slow to his feet as Justin Jefferson and the training staff quickly ought to check on their wide receiver [Music] it's a hot one out here today hopefully just a cramp the Michael divinity jr. their starting linebacker left with a lower leg injury and they're working the left ankle of Jefferson that's more than a cramp watch left side of your screen number two in purple yep [Applause] and Jefferson will gingerly make his way back to the LSU satellite boy you hate to see that you love to see him get up and put weight on that walking off because two really important players to this LSU football team both today and moving forward in Michael divinity going down earlier and now Justin Jefferson Jefferson's second in the country in yards and yards per game burro wants to throw complete to the edge and Jamar chase a pickup of seven walking out late tempo for LSU we want to move on the outside but John Henry jr. turns it into a gain of seven and we got action after this play was dead we got a big adrian mcgee getting into it the 15 yards away from the play with Dimitri more Adrian McGee's a finisher dude condemned lifts 600 pounds live shot deep and too much teres Marshall the intended receiver after seeing what McGee did Oh daneboe Bandys biggest properly guy on that side of the ball I don't know if I mess with him God pick on somebody else maybe a receiver that he's just three Dmitri more for a ride about 15 yards down the field that's one way you can pay him back isn't alignment huh that weighs more by 115 pounds - man rush [Music] good read their borough wanted the slant it wasn't there came off to the running back on the second option just little hot for two freshmen out there that balls gonna take a little bit off it for him you know things are still moving a little fast for two freshmen early in this season valuable reps for those guys though they didn't see many and the Texas game couple weeks ago third and ten five ride they rush three spyro and on the run across Iraq complete her first chance to flaunt Sullivan and a pickup of 13 [Music] should we the oppressor joke burro is doing this in this office in his first year in this office yes we should now these are all skills that we knew he had last year the offense didn't allow him to highlight that but he he's a coach's kid man he's been doing this and reading defenses timeout Vanderbilt first timeout of the half this will be a 30-second timeout 13 apartment 31 to 10 analyst you out in front of Andy coming up at the half he can watch the live performance of the spirit of gold on SEC network plus starts streaming now on the ESPN app Joel burrow is 17 of 23 for 306 yards and three touchdowns and we're still in the first half how many possessions does he play in the second half it depends what the score is I think it's gonna be tough to pull him out of the game just because he's a competitor but they're not just dinking and dunking that's what's surprising about this offense they are pushing the ball down the field attacking the weaknesses of the defense you see here a couple nice throws on the outside that one a great catch by Jefferson then attacking the middle his receivers - one - the catch one of the reason vince has been so dynamic something you really didn't see last year then the accuracy here but he is on full display with his anticipation accuracy is a fiery competitor but to be completing that high of a percentage in this op yes that's a great point it's not bubble screens and hitches it just makes that that stat all the more impressive they're averaging 18 yards per completion in this game burrow missed on two consecutive passes for the first time since the first quarter at Texas two weeks ago for Jamar chase second score of the day I mean he's so dangerous with the ball in his hands but one of the reasons this is this wide open at the line of scrimmage he makes a great move on an in braking route fakes outside comes back inside creates the space and again yeah baby yards after the catch it's gonna go down as a big number for Borough on a nice easy completion and it's gonna go down as big numbers for Jamar chase seven catches a hundred and 99 yards and three touchdowns on eight targets [Applause] Joe burrow the competitor pickin Vandy apart and then afterwards let them know about it [Music] you think he cares what the score is he knows what the score is but it doesn't matter if they're up 50 or it's a one-point game I mean he is that guy what was he doing there dad like so you know he's dad I told the story last week his dad was his substitute basketball coach when Boro was growing up and he got he got mad at Joe because he was shooting too much and Joe talked back to his dad he said dad shooters shoot I'm gonna shoot the ball that's what I do and he's taking his shots today to the tune of four touchdowns through the air in 357 yards we have five in the first half touchdowns against Georgia Southern I think to open the season sounds right he I mean he might have a shot but do that again it's amazing you want to know how the nation feels about Joe Perot his Heisman odds have jumped through the roof now he's one of the favorites after starting this season on the second page and you know what the biggest hurdle to the Heisman he's already checked he's had his Heisman moment it may have been early but he had his Heisman moment against Texas and that's one thing that you're always looking for and I think the most important part in that regard is to have more opportunities for moments absolutely Billy cannon had his punt return on Halloween night against Ole Miss and Joe burrow will have bigger fish to fry later this season Florida Mississippi State Auburn Alabama and AM to close the season all remain for Boro who's been untested today I mean that is stupid 3:57 two minutes for half come on Derrick Mayes who said we've got to be different and defensively they haven't been very different today Georgia I ran on him Game one Purdue passed on him in game 2 and now Joel burrows picking up where the Boilermakers left off 434 yards of offense for LSU in the first half Myles Brennan happy he's preparing for snaps in the second half no doubt second string quarterback on the right incomplete and you look at those numbers from LSU and you look at the Vanderbilt defensive side you're like how how is this happening well you lose a couple guys on the defensive side of the ball from last year and JaJuan Williams and Donovan Sheffield there were kind of erasers guys that you could trust to win those man-to-man opportunities which meant you could bring a little more pressure you could get a little more exotic on defense and you wouldn't have to worry about getting hit for those huge plays on the outside they don't have that Tony Williams second round pick of the Patriots he turned himself into an NFL defensive back [Applause] Burrell looking Stingley had his guy locked up near side and so Burrell on the run is able to find CJ Buller pardon me Neil on the run can you blame me ever know the past and borough is gonna get another chance here Tom how many times can you run two-minute offense and one half they've been running it since the first staff that's I was gonna say that's their offense now which I'd never thought I'd say about LSU really it'll be interesting I mean the Alabama game is the one everybody's pointing to as November 9th that could be a shootout Tylar Shelvin on the punt return team trying to blow people up and take a bandy turn almost ended up at Hattie B's it's down at the floor after a 64 yard punt [Applause] joke burro has been excellent at everything he's done so far this season he's a perfect fit for what Joe Brady is brought to this team and Brady got first got here he said well I didn't really know the personnel strength I wanted to keep it simple well I don't know if it's simple or not but it's certainly effective Burroughs numbers on the season by opponent and he's already got 357 and four touchdowns in one half today glad Edward solare the spin move honey outside wouldn't that have any more yards but it looked good DC Williams with the stop all of last year against SEC opponents burrow through eight touchdowns it's already got half that in his first game against an SEC opponent this offense is not just different it's completely different yeah 33 tray slot in the foamer or Trey Palmer in the slot right here as well if you did want to take a shot he's a super speed guy a talented true freshman it's getting a little more time as Justin Jefferson we saw walk off earlier a little banged up how's this for history 357 passing yards for Joker in the first half as the most by any player against an SEC defense in the last 15 years at least Wow 437 yards of total offense Joel burrow must been licking his chops because Vandy showed it was vulnerable coming into this game thank you 126 in the country in total defense which is the Parcher that you mentioned the personnel loss by Derrick Mason but a big departure from what was their strengths last year on their way to a bowl appearance yeah and look they don't have the talent that they've had in years past on the offensive side of the ball vanderbilt defense but Derrick Mason is a defensive guy and he's no slouch one of the best coordinators of his time before he was the head coach here in Jason Harbor spent his entire career almost in the NFL so there's a two great defensive minds that kid not bring anything up right now slow down as LSU often since Arbor is the West Coast guy Cali guy he said he spent a lot of time dusted off the old defensive play books to find solutions a lot of the crossing routes and the levels at LSU uses they spent a lot of time on that getting ready for this game it seems Vandy with pressure and they'll get in the backfield and get to Clyde Edwards elaire its McAlister with the stuff and that was a great job there [Music] so Vandy wants to get the ball back with under a minute to go they're gonna be talking about this one no doubt I'm thinking out loud with GMAC and Marcus I'll break down the entire weekend on a gridiron they'll break down that Notre Dame Georgia game tonight might be the most impactful game in all of college football this season thinking out loud right here on the SEC network in the ESPN app yeah you think an LSU guy and an Alabama quarterback are going to talk about how good this LSU offense is that's gonna be a fun one to hear those guys talking about it as we all kind of look forward as we shouldn't yeah it's early but we all kind of look forward and circle that one on the calendar a little more than we have in years past yeah because because they scored zero points last year against Alabama right the less that's been the difference for LSU for how long I'm clear about you can't beat Alabama but score 10 points again Oh Nick Saban into the Louisiana Atlantic Hall of Fame said this week that the biggest professional mistake he made was leaving LSU the most impactful moves in college football history to the Dolphins and then to Tuscaloosa Vandy gonna bring some pressure see what LSU checks to come from the edge [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jason Tyra pointed out McAlister said he's had a good week of practice you really need him to ramp it up but this was a gift from Edwards allaire who never had control of it LSU checks to a zone away from the pressure just maybe a little low but that's that's got to be one that Edwards a lair grabs with confidence and didn't look like they were on the same page there [Applause] LSU will get the ball to start the second half through the field and recovery for a touchdown the previous play is under review elbow breaks the plane right yeah his nose were down and then by the time he got it I think both his knees were off the ground that elbow right on the white line but it will depend well here's why I feel you look at the score and you say 38 16 as of now this is why I think this score could be imperative in this game if Vanderbilt is able to hang around that will impact directly how many snaps or series Joe Burrell plays in the second half [Applause] see these down there but it's up by the time yeah that's gonna be six if if the ball is breaking the plane right tough to imagine obviously from this angle but it's up to imagine it wasn't [Applause] you grab the ball you grab it into that crease of your elbow so just seeing from that angle the elbow on the line I'm sure they had a better one down there but you're right it gets interesting now I mean you if it's 3810 coming out at half you maybe give berola one sear like one series and move on now I don't think that's the case Reilly gay to kick and he punches it through [Applause] MacAlister with his moment courtesy of a layer tell you what though this LSU offense Joe Brady sitting up there next to Steve Ensminger I don't think they're just gonna hand it off and let this one go to half though Mike will see a pass play at least in the first two downs there see if they can get a chunk play and flip field position here maybe make a run one time out 50 seconds left [Applause] laid that Texas gay meadows run on the headset ass sieve Ensminger we're going to the 4-minute offense here brought some clock and Zamir said no sir put it in the air we got another score I put it out of reach [Music] [Applause] live drive unreturnable you still have an opportunity to help those affected by a hurricane durian your donation will support Red Cross preparation response and recovery efforts in the United States in the Bahamas but a WWF Cross org slash ESPN or call 1-800 Red Cross to donate now sob Andy brings some pressure as else who was backed up last Drive I would imagine they're gonna sit back in zone coverage here try to keep everything in front of them Burroughs throne for 357 of four touchdowns primary targeted target has been number one Jamar chase [Applause] [Music] Kenny and Baer New Orleans native out of Holy Cross was the first one to get there then Dale Deng boat cleaned it up whoa Dan Bohannon a great move to the inside on the right tackle osijek Ulis provided some pressure there as well so that's how the first half will come to an end here in Nashville Vanderbilt with a late score thanks to a fumble recovery in the end zone and that will make it a three touch sound game at the half and we'll see what impact that has I'm playing time for Joe Perot the high he's been candidate putting up big numbers in the first half 18 completions in 24 temps with four touchdowns chase with a buck 99 and three touchdowns the passing game has been on point for LSU almost as clean as the white purple white unis [Applause] and the fight Tiger caravan showed up in Nashville they got the money's worth wealth at the concession stand and in the stands the most productive first half my first quarter in school history goal stand by with Coach Oh Jerome you told us when we were discussing your running game earlier in the week that every time you want to try to run the football Joe burrow hasn't watched this moment how many watched this moment Joe Pro have that first half incredible quarterback but we got sloppy at the end we shouldn't have that bad exchange right there we got sloppy we came down here we have to play 60 minutes but ball what a half all of us and I know the injury to Michael divinity hurts you not just on the field with this production but in other ways what does it do to your football team in your defense no Michaels elite about that you still be back I think he's gonna be fine when we get here and kill him my back is gonna add to the pass rush we had a couple of second teamers in there the first series they did do their job but put the first same as in we stopped them Thank You coach go Tigers there's been a productive day all around for LSU even without divinity and Kaleb on chase on let's get you back to this studio Peter burns with Gene Chizik and Chris Doering Jim Tom Hart alongside George Rogers we expected LSU's offense to continue rolling did you expect them to move at this efficient a clip no I didn't I expected them to kind of ease their way into tempo as the game worked on and they he went full speed out the gate if you're Vanderbilt you're not gonna stop him from completing balls but take better angles because right now the yards after the catch for LSU was really what is making this offense really good and creating it explosive plays time at the time Oh kick for Vandy to start to have surprise surprise it's 44 the other way for the taggers dozen Myka Baskerville says you want to give us an opportunity I'll put us on the doorstep I'm trying to figure out if I agree with that call or not to kick the anse I don't think I do you're down 21 look at some point you're gonna stop them even if you get that you score you're still down 14 I mean at some point gotta just fixing things on defense trying to steal a possession here it's actually a pretty good kick bounces around but falls into the wrong hands if you're Vandy so Joe borough has two yards to go to put it in and we got a flag before the staff snap excuse me you know you think about it from vanHoose perspective they had the defensive touchdown towards the end of the half so they could build momentum by getting the ball back to start the second half of it it could make sense they're happy underdogs anyway I feel yeah I don't I don't mind the gamble look I mean Derrick mace when we talked to him this week he's like look we're playing with house money no one expects us to win this ballgame so we're gonna take some risks Allah an onside kick to open the first half both of all people after your visit to the river boat last week should know the definition of house money better than that yeah I think they were starting in a hole not too much house money on the table right now they're borrowing from Cole him that's been done Joe Burrell passes the check zone and Tracy McMath from six yards out it's just too easy for LSU right now Vandy doesn't have anybody on the outside that can lock up and man coverage and disrupt things at the line of scrimmage so the slants the quick throws are wide open that might be a Doge on saying how do you feel about one more series than take arrest oh boy five two DS [Music] just like I mentioned LSU with the line of scrimmage no matter who it is is creating separation down here in the low red zone just a quick slant squares up the defensive back in if your DP down the red zone you got to be playing heavier inside leverage than that make them throw the fade make them throw a low percentage but you can't play that off and not that far inside that's it's just too easy Joe Burrell has already set an LSU record with his fourth game with four touchdown passes or more in his career broke Matty Mauk school record four games of the floor passing touchdowns and is now tied a school record in a single game with his 51 if he wants that SEC Player of the Week he's going to throw another one because two or threw five again today to a tongue of aloha finished with five passing touchdowns and four incompletions in the win against Southern Miss and what will be a win so relatively speaking Joe Broz having a terrible game then she's got one more incompletion the touchdown pass it's okay coach gotta put me out back out there for one more series by the way the record that burl excited his own he threw for five against Georgia Southern to open the season let's go back down to the field our band a soul a man with the San Tropez tan Cole has the Sun it's warm it's out here it's high then beating up but you thinking that you mentioned those slants Jordan because coach Mason told me coming out of the half that he has to find a way to slow him down but he wasn't worried about the catches he was worried about the yards after the catch is said we've got to eliminate the Yaak yards it's killing us however we see that just getting open near the end zone can be effective as well and that's the thing yeah I mean I get it and that's what I said you got to stop the yards after the catch gonna take better angles when these receivers do catch the ball but you're inside the 5 or inside the 10 you can't give that guy 8 yards of cushion Vanderbilt will run in our first down and lose two yards brainfuck OCO and Andre Anthony back there remember we still haven't seen LSU's defense at full strength Rashard Lawrence Glenn Logan out with injury Caleb on chase on dressed out but hasn't seen the field today and encouraging news for Meadows run the cold before they went in the locker room that Michael divinity will be back certainly no need to bring him back out for Dave Aranda as defense in this game [Applause] but it looked like an ugly costly injury at the time this is cam Johnson and sting we can't bring him down tried to rip the ball out and Jackson will turn it into another 15 yards on his way to a 25 yard gain that's just a young player trying to make a big play and you love the the instincts of Stingley to go after the ball here but you got to wait till at least one other defender is there with you to help bring them down that's when you can really start punching out that ball here you have do everything you can to get him out of bounds or bring him down first then when guys rally around you can all go for the ball they're extinct must have a great dental plan he hasn't played with his mouthpiece in all game down break see makes the safety miss [Applause] she shows up on a 52-yard scoring run second touchdown of the day for vine and a timely answer for Vanderbilt this game has been teetering on out of reach really since the end of the first quarter without a touchdown here it starts getting really out of reach and Vandy just sticking around sticking around three point game let me see sorry three score game three score game that means Burroughs is gonna come back out look out to a count there's still something left to prove Riley gage sneaks it in the upright Vanderbilt gets a quick strike from Keyshawn Vaughn Vaughn is over a hundred yards for the first time this season he's averaging better than eight young woman brought to you by Allstate opens the second half of an onside kick and LSU turns it around on it taking it inside the five to set up another LSU touch that fast from joel burrow he is thrown for five touchdowns and 363 yards LSU has scored 40 points in four straight games this season just the third time in the AP poll era they have a streak like that in a single season in the previous two instances they reached the BCS National Championship and won at all in O seven that would have been 2007 in 2011 [Applause] well anytime we can get sexy Rexy into a broadcast we got to do it and he looked at historically what Jill Burrell has accomplished through 1/2 - it's a avala with 17 passing touchdowns this season it's the most in Sec history for the first four games Burrell just one behind him trying to tie him today and Rex Grossman and oh one did it with his first four games against Marshall by Louisiana Monroe Kentucky and a ranked Mississippi State team pretty good starting to fun a gun for Grossman back then they put 44 and LSU in game number five there's Tamar chase again Aniplex attempt this due to son mouse up or from a harvey louisiana picks up nine Bilborough continues his own school record he has completed 20 or more in seven straight games he's got chase to thank for it here's Edwards Hill our stylist up to the outside he takes it for understand let's again at 25 speaking of number one Jamar chase he's the first LSU receiver since Odell Beckham jr. against Furman in 2013 with a 200 yard day eight catches 208 and three touchdowns he should wear a watch here's Edwards elaire gain of six opj should be handing out those watches to chase and Jefferson right I might have to wait until the right right you're finished in school only a $600,000 watch jeez we're in a house on his wrist imagine trying to sell that on Instagram second down floor out of the backfield Edward Solaris stayed on his feet and out in another yard they think about this big picture for LSU in years past when it came to recruiting skilled physician players it wasn't hard for opposing coaches and recruiters just to point at the box cords they really dude yeah you want to go there you might as well clean a triple option if you're gonna go there now all of a sudden a dozer on whose recruiting has taken a leak for the last couple years especially the extension out to the west coast now of a sudden you are a lot more appealing he talked about in his press conference this week he said now whenever I text a guy that skill guys calling me back immediately [Applause] the lair needing just one on 4th and short see where the spot is [Applause] it's gonna be just enough [Applause] No take a look at let's go old-school let's bring out the chain crazy about that streak of Joe burrow and 20 completions it took him seven over times last year to get 20 completions versus an SEC school the only only time he did it this offense is just it's so different in the best way possible for for Joe burrow and what he was already good at and the talent they have on the edges now that are more mature than they were last year that's an LSU first down all right I hate to pick a part a supermodel here but what is wrong with LSU offense in the sense of where can they grow well I think still at some point yes it's it's sexy to throw the ball off to the field like this at some point the SEC against few the defenses you'll play you have to have at least a little balance you will have to control the game at some time you're gonna go up against the defense that will stop you at times and I think a little bit of balance is gonna be needed down the stretch of the SEC and right now I don't think they're quite there Barros got all day he's going for six inside shot back to maybe even more important Jordan situations like we just saw right there short yardage and goal line situations not even just milking the clock and try to close out a victory but they're going to be teams that you're gonna play that you have to score touchdowns against you're not beaten Alabama with field goals so they're gonna be short yardage and goal line situations where they have to come away with touchdowns they have leaned towards the pass heavily as they have this season which is such a departure from who LSU has been in their program history dandy dialing up pressure here going man across the board cover zero chase with another grab that one goes for five covers zero laying off again take the slant I mean Joe Brady when Steve Ensminger up there doing the check with me and they're saying okay they're bringing everybody but they're playing seven eight yards off take it easy throat can't go broke taking a profit [Applause] down game turns into a first down that's eight for the Baton Rouge native Clyde Edwards in there [Music] he's now over 100 yards Joe Brady build a screen see Ben's finger and the far right Kenny air Bay at the stop see kind of hitting this for that Vanderbilt defensive line up front lot of stunts lot of games run stuns twisting defensive lineman trying to find ways to get guys in gaps to take away some of these easy simple runs but the flip side of that we move a guy outside of a gap that they're running to it could be a big game and Andy's in that stand-up look no hands on the ground right now I gonna play some games try to get after Joe Burrell right now pocket holds another endzone shot beautiful picks and catch system our chase again his third touchdown of the game farm is fourth and its 16 yarder there Jamar Chase has been targeted 11 times he has ten catches including four touchdowns great move inside to set up what they've been doing all day slant routes this time sets up the fade route Manny brings some pressure goes man and again nobody on the outside that can match up with the talent that LSU has out there Joe Burrell has just set an LSU school record with his six passing touchdown of this game this new look LSU offense is halfway to a hundred and we're not yet midway through the third quarter joke borrow the grant transfer to LSU is playing games with Vandy Tamar Chase cash in a garret Schrader's beard they can Sawyer Smith that beard game is strong even though get didn't get knocked out when he got helicopters last week you know Grizzly Adams head of beard Garrett's traders beard by the way might be my favorite current Twitter following I mean it he's right up there but still right behind Gardner Minshew mustache right behind it's close but the stache is creating a legend of his own look at these numbers burrows 6 yards away from 400 he's set an LSU record with six touchdown passes and words and layers over a hundred and chase has 220 9 yards and 10 catches you know that the accuracy the precision the efficiency of Joel burrow this year is it's astonishing and I got a lot of critique on how I evaluated Joe last year but it's not only the offense he's a better player he's improved last year he was bad at times in the red zone last year 13 of 42 on the year he was bad in the red zone he was bad against good defenses at times he is he is not only set up to be more successful because of the offensive scheme but he is more accurate than he has ever been on some of the perimeter throws the deeper throw is I mean we're seeing a new offense and a much improved quarterback in his own right well and when we talked to him and he pointed out admitted to you like hey I got a game where I complete 45% my passes that's not good no and we were kind of joking because I was sitting there with it was like hey you know I know I've been tough on you and at one point he's like yeah you know while I was completing 44 percent of my passes so I get it right I mean he's just so much better than he was this year and what's amazing to me I know he appreciates this is the way he's climbed forget about the Heisman conversation right now but on draft boards based on this performance and the opportunities that are now open to him at the end of this season that would not have been there if he would have been in the same offense in the same quarterback absolutely I mean the efficiency obviously raises eyebrows and gets eyes on you but even the things he's done to improve his arm strength we were joking around about his time at Ohio State Urban Meyer hated to watch him throw because he had a weak arm said he threw like a girl through it like a girl and so he went to improve that while he was at Ohio State he worked hard on it this offseason and he's thrown the deep ball more accurately and better because of them pressure on Neal [Applause] if some old Clark is playing in Michael divinities spotty comes up with LSU second sack of the game [Music] Joe pearls got the helmet on [Applause] was some special teams touchdown it's that man again it's Baskerville who recovered the outside kick and now he comes in with the punt block get on the belt hey Micah Baskerville you can impact the game of special teams and he is cashed in today [Applause] kocha a little fired up there about that one he's seen the offense it's like I get it we can score touchdown there but head coach nothing that he loves more than Singh's special teams come up with a big one one a performance by this LSU team [Music] [Applause] LSU is the second school in Sec history to score 45 or more in each of its first four games Alabama is the other they did last year left side of your screen no right at the middle [Music] yeah that'll work forty one's got his eyes inside he's got to be scanning em had one of these since Jacob Hester blacked it against Arizona State no five and Craig stouts took it the rest of the way and there's your required Hester shoutout for the day as I mentioned a moment ago second of school history Alabama didn't laugh army second and sec history [Music] midway through the third and orange team is cruising now I would guess Burroughs day might be over yeah yeah I agree have to mess up the hair anything Andy's getting out of this one is the conception stamp sales which knowin LSU fans here in Nashville probably pretty good Mike Mike set a fur cap record today [Applause] Saturdays in the South is our eight part documentary that chronicles the history of SEC football Tuesday 9:00 Eastern 8:00 central part 4 we'll take you into the 1970s for a look at bear Bryant's recommitment to the wishbone flush the role of sports on TV played in the SEC led by the voice of college football the late great Keith Jackson you can only see Saturday's in the South right here on the SEC network and the ESPN app [Music] [Applause] Leo wants to t1 up and he'll go deep is blackened by stealing call Watson ass LSU team over the last couple of weeks and the excellence with so many different units it reminds me of the conversation that we had on the sidelines watching an Alabama practice a couple years ago when you have everyone on the sidelines invested in your team and the team success even if they don't play key roles they're not future NFL players that's what allows a total team success it's called buy-in and I think Edwards Ron is a master motivator you guys have been around and you've been to meetings with him I mean he's he's electric he makes you want to run through walls for him he's fun he's energetic he and I think one thing that he does is find ways to get all of his players involved and he competes in practice he competes in things off the field around the facility and he makes it fun there there are a lot in Jordan can attest to this there are a lot of college football programs right now with what it is beginning to turn into that are not a lot of fun day in and day out they're just not it's very businesslike you walk around that LSU facility you hang around it or drone a little bit it feels like fun now you put 59 points on the motor on the road that makes it a lot more fun but I think this program understands how to balance business work and fun a lot of fun when you can start your day with a victory and ended at walk-ons before the Sun sets over the Mississippi hit as he throws but Vaughn will turn this into a positive play and a Vanderbilt first down and you guys mentioned buy into I mean nothing and this is something maybe LSU wouldn't admit or you might not have seen but you play defense for LSU the last couple of years there's got to be maybe even a little bit of deep-seated resentment right with how the offense hasn't been holding up their side of the bargain and some of the big games at El Susan had an opportunity to take that next step so now this defense maybe has a little more buy-in seeing the offense put up numbers the way they do that elevates their focus their attention their desire as well not feeling like they're holding up their end and one sides not I think that's a great point and if you look at Dave Aranda success prior to LSU Neal with the scramble and we got a flag on the play it's his it's his ability to draw up plays in the classroom to get exotic by giving his players more responsibility and if the offenses in scoring points he's got to be more simple and as LSU continues to try to find ways you get after the quarterback Dave Aranda must know that if my offense is gonna put up 50 points a game I can take more chances with my defense I can maybe experiment a little more I mean you don't want to call it that but that's kind of what it is I mean when you're in tight ball games and you can't afford to give up one big touchdown well you got to play tight you got to play simple like you said now that there's a little bit of a cushion guy lack of a better term for a Rando with what the offense can do he can try more for sure which in the end down the down the road it's gonna be much better for that defense well if nothing else you can learn what you can and can't do right and if there's a limit to what you can do and there's no reason to go back to it Vaughn dropped in the back hey that's kion Brooks and Jacob Phillips at the stop Dave Aranda came in he'll issue from Wisconsin but when he was younger deciding whether or not he was going to go into the coaching profession he had a decision of it is a degree in philosophy and he chose between coaching and Divinity School he is a critical thinker that will often go deep deep into the weeds and break everything down for us in a measured but energetic tone and he has been yearning to have a healthy defense Neil goes deep [Applause] he is keeping alive a wonderful football family name [Applause] well it was bound to happen he's been following around collider Lipscomb nearly all day time and time again they battled he's won and eventually you just knew that he was gonna come down with the big play he's that talented and LSU put the ball back on offense yet again Tonka by llola hand it off that's a final Bama wins of 49 7 over southern minutes PB thanks Jill burrow still in the game which 90s power would you rather be right now Tennessee or Michigan don't answer that burrow to the slant [Music] like there was early action it was trying to get to ray Jenkins of all I'm gonna say the same thing looking for their a Terrell early well how about Stingley take for the freshman they told us he was the best defensive back on the team last year when he was still a high school player getting ready for the bowl [Applause] sting Lee's dad Derek played arena ball for a long time after being drafted by the Phillies and he's grandson of the late Darryl Stingley who played his college ball at Purdue and had his NFL career tragically ended in 1978 when he was playing for the Patriots then I filled spinal cord injury after hit by Jack Tatum he comes from a football family and he's got a great football feel lots of Andy coming off the edge here [Applause] Burrell lobs it it is too much Terrace Marshall the target [Music] lSU has sent an SEC record for the most points the first four games of the season better than 2014 Texas A&M 2015 illness in 1996 Florida Festus Shelton Mosley got his undergrad degree in economics from Harvard he waits outside of his 40 Vaughn Rosenberg with a beautiful point and a fair catch taken 48-yard punts 5924 Stingley back on defense afters picked a moment ago back in a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] how good as Derek Stingley jr. and the answer is really good he's been matched up against Elijah Lipscomb and his best receiver all day and he has made it really difficult on number 16 who's a good player and you just knew at some point he was going to get both hands on one bunch of pass breakups a couple good tackles and brought one home first interception of the year I think yeah yeah is that not about dream scenario for a cornerback that's your first interception your helmet flies off and you're able to just kind of walk around I feel yep it's true show me you'll have the air he was running around celebrating Zico wait oh I guess I should go get my home as reliable sanam has didn't everyone recruit in the country first down Keshawn blonde there are some folks huh and think about this this has been said in very serious context that he is the best recruit in the history of LSU football wow that is a impressive list and the family history is impressive with the Stingley family grandpa Derrick you may know his so far me grandpa Daryl you may know his story he was a fantastic wide receiver at Purdue before going on the NFL first-round pick in 1973 [Applause] and now is batted away on the opposite side of a Christian Fulton Darryl Stingley after taking the hit from Jack Tatum had crushed and dislocated two vertebrae in sting Lee's neck severely damaging his spinal cord he was rendered quadriplegic and would spend his remaining years in a wheelchair he passed away in April of 2007 at 55 years old Darryl Stingley signed Derek senior played pro ball pro baseball for three years before switching to football longtime player and coach and coaching to this day there's the tight-end Pinkney getting involved in it gain of maybe coal that's a heavy story and those are heavy accolades it people would put on him as a best recruit in LSU history what did what would he have to do to live up to that well I think it's more highest-rated recruiting in history of LSU football but it you can't say best right now when you have guys like Patrick Peterson who delivered for night that have come through but yeah I think about what Pat butan did just at the same position when he was at and just to have a similar career would be unbelievable for any player for thinline about Tyrann Mathieu they're gonna go play action Neal back the opposite way he's got Pinkney wide open and pick me you finally gets tripped up remember early in this game over for a fourth and one where was that one probably could've had the QB sneak again obviously they don't like listened to me so love it play action hard play action you sneak Pinkney from one side of the field you see him down block there on 94 and just release really good job there by Riley Neal's selling it to the wide side of the field and come back late pink name slowly makes his way over to the Vandy sideline [Applause] first Kerry Gavin so long Tommy Vaughn and Vaughn is also slow to get up left leg [Applause] [Music] they've lost two other key weapons our back-to-back plays [Music] kiha Brooks looking for a hole it's not there if it was it was quickly filled by jacob phillips where has a nice job to get in there my big tyler shelving in the middle of that defensive line for LSU you guys mentioned called his name a couple of times today but you can get somebody who can affect multiple run lanes with just one body that allows your linebackers to do just what you called out their tongue [Applause] Danny will take a timeout 30-second timeout interesting halftime show today had a baseball theme and that would make sense with Vandy being the reigning NCAA College World Series champions so Tim Corbin and his squad are out on the field to be honored today among the honorees JJ played a who was so good last year Derek Jeter made a special trip to come watch them then they used their fourth overall pick on a piece back on campus he wasn't the only superstar in that team Kumar rocker threw a no-hitter in his super-regional against Duke he is a rising superstar he will be part of a deep deep draft class in two seasons Tim Kovac squad took down Michigan in the championship series so we know about Kumar rocker cold tell us about his dad Tracy how good was that dude on the football field we weren't blocking him I mean he run you over Elite pass rusher from the interior to the defensive line Lombardi and Outland Trophy winner he's nasty man and he's turned into one of the best defensive line coaches and recruiters in all of college football heck of a guy Scott Brown had his pitchers out here yesterday the pitching lab here at Vandy this Hawkins field which is almost connected to the football stadium and the pitching lab where they do all their advanced analytic work is actually underneath the East stands of this stadium so they came out of the dungeon to get some sunlight throw on the field a little bit yesterday not uncommon here's glad you Lipscomb nicely then it takes his head of the in psalm 118 9 touchdown for babies first touchdown catch of the season for the preseason all-conference wide receiver and they were finally able to create a little bit of space at the line of scrimmage Fork Elisha Lipscomb had a bunch or a stack set over there which meant Ellis you couldn't play tight to the line of scrimmage and he's dynamic he's guy that would play on a lot of other rosters in the SEC as well when he gets to the ball in his hands it's been tough for Vanderbilt to do tonight he can make a pain [Applause] gay for the point after [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] frustrating day for Reilly Bailey's took a lot of hits a lot of tight coverage he's tried to fit the ball in today this really talented cornerback so nice one where he had a little bit of an angle at least not much separation but the formation allowed kalida to get off clean and Hilton was there just a hair too late you mentioned that pitching lab you guys to go work out that oh yeah yeah I had you know shoulder surgery rooms here at Vandy cells like I couldn't well no wonder what these baseball guys are doing so I'd go in there and I can't tell you all the trade secrets but you're the rap soda machine in there now and tell you extension you rotation not the only national championship baseball coach in the building today pulmonary made the trip to Nashville with several other LSU coaches including DD brawled of gymnastics head coach and we'll wait for men's basketball coach I was good to see the Commissioner Greg Sankey in the building too LSU's got 10 guys within 13 yards or so of the football I remember Vandy started the second half with an onside kick you wouldn't expect one here would you [Music] I wouldn't put it past them I doubt it maybe a little squid squid up the middle here [Applause] gotta cover it Vlad Edwards Alaric gets to it Wow I don't know if we're gonna see 59 points put up by anybody else today but more games come anyway on the SEC network Kentucky and Mississippi State from stark Vegas next South Carolina Mizzou will be on the alternate Channel then later tonight it's SEC Saturday night San Jose State and Arkansas you're looking for that South Carolina Missouri game you could find the alternate channel in your area go to SEC network comm joke burl remains in the game he was thrown for 394 yards and six touchdowns sorry I'm Davis price so two best quarterbacks in the SEC perhaps two best teams to a through five completed 70% burros thrown six and he's completed 72% to pretty average days I bet you they had a conversation with burro hey you know we're thinking about putting miles in rows like now I'm good - zither Excel remember a couple years ago and Peyton Manning was with the Broncos and it was late the gayness then decided and the backup quarterback was a Brock Osweiler couldn't a Wednesday to Samba quickly enough and Payton just ran right by him and went in a game like hey dude it's my team I can't get as many snaps as I can that's the kind of competitor Jill burrow is Peyton Manning used to lock the other quarterbacks out of the film room to keep them from competing with him when he was at Tennessee happened at least once LSU will be looking at a third and two how many snaps is Burrell have left in him today all Tigers slide a purple and gold take it over and shut it down Sabir here before half-time and the Alice shoe fans were lined up and gave the delivery man is standing ovation another truckload I believe it there you going nowhere I believe it too well it's just a pregame for Broadway and you don't have to go home but she's got to get out of here in about 15 minutes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] fresh-ground ball takes a hit got it away and burro is back on his feet and I think that's the that's the concern right now Kenny and Baron New Orleans native put him on his backside and number-one goal here should be protecting your quarterback and he was walking a little gingerly after a hit earlier in the game again takes another hit I mean DISA just it's just unnecessary at this point right 59 31 LSU's got a lot of things to look forward to in this season I would I tell him good job up we're gonna stop you at six consecutive three and outs and that one is going to trickle inside the five and it's batted back what a fantastic job by LSU Zack van rosenberg will end up with a 51-yard punt Jacob Phillips was a guy who got down there look at this play well sometimes he said make him plays all over the field to me his speed and athleticism it's impressive [Music] it's another special teams play made by this LSU squad the onside kick return the block punt great punt coverage [Applause] Riley Neal back at quarterback for Vandy [Applause] he's Sean Vaughn that bentback lost the football they whistled it dead because his forward momentum had been stopped and that saves Vandy from coughing up the football because that was coming out and Vaughn doing a little push-ups see I'm gonna have ten ten push-ups ball came out of his hands I guess for a fumble I know I think maybe you know a hundred and ten yeah are we talking about here burpees or just push it let's run anything you'll lock out on those Oh pshaw blonde has gone for 128 today here comes pressure from the edge and two yards on the left side call you think about LSU's defensive line tough to really get a read time because we haven't seen Glynn load but we haven't seen Rashard Lawrence know Kayla van chase on today I like what I see from Tyler Shelvin and Joe Evans got the start at nose guard today he gives them a little more quickness up front a guy that can move a little bit little more loose can help in pass rush situations but I like the middle based on what I've seen so far today and a lot of new faces so they're creating more depth and there's continued competition among those guys they're looking to fill in for the likes of Lawrence and Logan and any to chase down on the edge Mayo chased [Applause] was waiting when Neil turn the corner it's a loss of 11 for Brayden for Hulk Oh 91 destroyed somebody at the line of scrimmage looked like there was some kind of miscommunication on the left side of the offensive line lark comes completely untouched great job by Riley Neal missin making the first guy miss but there's some that pass for us we've been waiting for remember left tackle Jonathan Stewart getting the opportunity to start today for Vandy the sophomore from Lawrenceville Georgia they've got some snaps against Purdue couple weeks ago and in practice made his way into the best five hairs Smith and watch out here if Stingley gets an opportunity to return this one if they get it off he's gonna have no chance good job kicking that bounds that's gonna be short we'll see where they walk this one down to an LSU quarterback burrow or Brennan will have great field position afternoon by the way heartbreak for Ole Miss doesn't get easier you're in Tuscaloosa next week good luck getting over that loss around the SEC Bama no issues with Southern Miss Tennessee only managed three points in the swamp first start for Kyle Trask since middle school he threw for 293 and two scores Myles Brennan is now in a quarterback for LSU [Applause] brennon lame uniform hands it up to Emory by the way these uniforms are clean aren't they did you see the Twitter hit with Scott Van Pelt talking to a blogger about trying to get LSU to wear these uniforms more I love them it's rare that they wear the purple on the road in the SEC but I mean this is so sweet it's like a Sam Willard suit white purple white you love it Vandy decides to pull out the gray you knees and League told LSU where the purple can't wear white what they're wearing gray how many mannequins that we see in the LSU facility last week with different uniform combinations here's Brennan got down in a hurry and who's able to pick up five here they get a lot of lot of options walking into their locker room they all lined the entrance after you walk through an a door that has no handle it just opens for you like a spaceship Diloreto storage Tracy yeah their facilities are unreal absolutely unreal five wide-eyed keep an eye on this guy down here isolated Brennan looking that way let's complete first down 20 yard gain he's taken advantage of his playing opportunity tonight yes you know sometimes football is not as hard as everybody makes it out to be you look to the sidelines Joe Brady and see Ben's finger up there they go wow there's no one else really on this guy look throw that way and the gut athletes they make plays there's Emily trying to make a play left his feet got pushed back by Randall haini haini was unavailable for vanning the first half due to his targeting penalty in the last game against Purdue and again LSU using tempo in the red zone something we didn't see last year it's a new wrinkle there's Emily and the freshman is own 6-yard touchdown plunge will take LSU to the mid-60s [Music] and you wonder you know why it why the temple in the redzone right well you entered the red zone with Vandy trying to guard four receivers on the outside so you keep them in that nickle personnel one less big guy up front you keep the tempo up they can't sub now you have an advantage we run the football between the tackles seve Ensminger told us last week to be fair to Myles Brennan when he gets a chance I want us to run the offense and we will run it as long as a head coach lets us run it they've been running plenty and I'm guessing LSU fans have darkened every door in this town especially lower Broadway tutsies is still open guys those guys have had a day job row six touchdown passes Myles Brennan leads a touchdown drive on his first opportunity and no opportunity for a return well it's extra yard for teachers week and they asked us to talk about our favorite teacher it was easy for me I'm keeping it in the family and my mom Suzie Hart who was my elementary school teacher you had the pleasure of meeting half and so Suzie here's a shout out to you extra guard for teachers week we take you back among your thirty years of teaching and as an educator in multiple states xgr for teachers week is an annual celebration led by the college football playoff foundation that honors great teachers across the country go to CFD extra yard or search the hashtag extra yard week was she harder on you yes I bet she was yes that you were a handful a matter of fact one day in sixth grade I fell asleep at my desk she hit me in the back of the head with a book I said hey take it easy my mom had me up cleaning my room all last night deuce woloson at quarterback for Vandy nothing doing you have a favorite teacher yeah Tony Carlile fifth grade favorite teacher I've ever actually took me to my first ever pro football game a little competition in class and he had Niners season tickets and me my best friend Todd kinda know how we got I got the opportunity he took us their first football game I've ever seen probably swindled them a little bit probably to it yeah Congrats Todd you get your first shout out of the season second down at ten Douce Wallace with kion Brooks in the backfield Wallace from Sevierville Tennessee delivers a strike that is then dropped and they will rule it incomplete it's Susie watching back home in Columbia Missouri today [Music] so deuce Wohlers who had a competition with Riley Neal for the quarterback spot in the offseason they said it really came down to the very end between these two Wallace came in late against Purdue saw some action against Georgia brother chase plays baseball at Tennessee and he lets this will go off his back foot and in completely [Applause] this can't be an easy situation for duce Wallace santur into no not at all but but good opportunity for this staff to continue to evaluate him he's the quarterback on roster that gives a little more of the mobility using his leg something that Vandy might need at some point as they continue to struggle to get consistent holes for Keyshawn Vaughn but as of now it's still clear-cut Riley Neal is the number one despite the competition in the first few games but good that he's getting some reps here at the end against good competition brain for HoCo being tended to ALS you can't afford to lose any big guys up front well back in a moment they've done it with every type of style they've used to ground juvie but the more impressive than Jamar chase with the ball in his hands and even making circus-like catches on the outside something Mandy couldn't stop all day when he got running he wasn't stopping him Joe you might need to throw up another finger there she at six five touchdowns is a big day yeah pretty good day that's a passing report card he had a hundred ninety-nine at half J state have some beliefs saying Trey Palmer returned a punt last Saturday night at Death Valley for a score he'll have a chance here look got one hand on it looking for a block he got two of them phone finally wind out of bounds my back it up a little bit 43-yard punt six yards and the return and three flags in the field during her personal file saving team blindsides walkthrough 17 this is something you're gonna see in big moments I think in college football this season and old-school people doesn't look like a foul at all most of the time but it is now yeah and this is something they're really trying to get out of the game and see how high he was on that defenseless player what he's got to do is turn his back to him that's what these reps want to see turn his back getting his way but don't initiate the forcible contact it's very likely that they're reviewing targeting as they are and of course that would impact LSU next time on the field and it is a defensive defenseless player and racemic matt has had a really productive day in the offense five catches 48 yards in a score I think this is targeting no question yeah indicator he definitely rises up at least a little bit at the end there but it's forcible contact to the head or neck area to a defenseless player that's what they're trying to get out of the game they want you to shield them off and not initiate that contact we got our rules expert back in the studio Matt Austin watching along Matt what are the indicators that they're looking for trying to decide if this is targeting well you already mentioned the big one he is a defenseless player so any kid above the shoulders can be targeting plus he does lower the head there is significant contact I would not be surprised if they turn this into a targeting phone yeah Matt thank you [Music] did you hear that Matt I said you were right Wow you know when he used to whitehat for the games I played and he never used to say that they should tell him all the time that's come on roughing the passer come eyes like now come on that's the first time he's ever said I'm right McMath would have to sit up first Africans Utah state in a couple of weeks block number 17 is being charged with targeting [Applause] now let you fans reacting the same way to the beer vendor when he ran out of pops that's this is a tough one for coaches because this is a tough instinct to coach out of guys because a couple years ago that celebrated everyone's going crazy I mean you are a hero for those kind of hits and a lot of times where that block occurs that's the key to spring in a big return absolutely so the efforts there it's just and I guarantee Coach o talks about pretty calm truth Mondays or tell the truth must tell the truth Monday he'll put that clip up there and say hey I love the effort but this is a learning moment we can't have this happen here's how you have to do [Applause] sorry and Davis price coal what did you think when we were talking with Coach Hill yesterday about how he handles Mondays I love that tell the truth Monday that he has and the thing I liked about it the most was he said we don't really direct it at individuals it's all team based and it's how we need to improve it's things that we're not doing good enough areas that we can get better but they do also celebrate certain things as well but he said we go out and throw for 480 yards we're not putting Joe burrow up in front of everybody and say hey guys look what Joey did we're gonna talk about the entire offense why we had success throwing the football as an offensive team not just one or two gods well he's got a lot of help over on that sideline @osha Ron does including a guy he brought in this year John Robinson who keeps coaches ours even though he's not officially a coach on this LSU staff Robinson primarily based the West Coast for years a couple of since as the head coach at USC was the head coach of the Rams has coached a couple of Heisman Trophy winners and every Monday when Eddowes Ron shows up at the facility John Robinson walks in the office and he has a list usually about ten items and said I've got some thoughts for you there's a good legend you know Ron said I've always had a mentor in many ways a coach who's been through this before that can help me that will tell me not what I want to hear but what I need to hear that isn't that is an incredible resource for him to have everyday and a guy he says grinds just as hard as everybody else there at 6:00 a.m. leaves at 10:00 well you had a chance to talk with Coach Robinson a little bit what struck you about your conversation I'll just being able to throw back talk about some of the big games that he's been involved in coaching moments he's been involved in I thought it was pretty cool I asked him about something that Ord Ron told us and that was when he was the interim head coach at USC he invited Coach Robinson bag said hey I want you to come be a part of the program I want you to be around the facility and no other Southern California coach had done that at the time he really did mean a lot to coach Robinson when when coach Joe stepped out and said I want you to come be around us well they originally met when at OSHA I'll go across campus campus to speak every week they Ian Coach Robertson would share a golf cart back towards a football facility where Robinson was parked and what a great resource for these players to have them it's just an entire holistic approach to building a successful pro game that kind of role he's allowed to think outside the box a little bit that Monday meeting that you mentioned with Coach OH every week this last week it was hey this guy he got it tight in TK McClendon I think it could play pretty well on the other side of the ball I mean that came from Robinson and now he's gonna be starting in the goal line package and he might have a chance to work his way into an impact player on defense when nobody else saw that he was a tight end last week Robinson grew up with John Madden dear friends is Glennon takes it for a gain of nine elderly third and short Kojo said he spends his time with the offense is in the offensive line meeting rooms you can imagine coach Craig coats in that a line having a legend in there every day just to be able to bounce things off of pretty cool head coaches have found different ways to supplement their staffs in recent years with various analysts tomm I think it goes back to what you talked about the culture of LSU football right now and in there is minimal ego from the top down head order on obviously you got you guys talked about what they did with that offensive staff how they re engineered the offensive staff earlier in the broadcast how much leverage he gives Dave Aranda running the defense but at the same time Matadors Ron will go down every day in practice and coach the outside linebackers one on one when he becomes their position coach for a couple periods he's not afraid to take advice from anybody not afraid to have guys bring other ideas inside the program Zac van Vaughn Rosenberg against a heavy rush gets it away it won't be the prettiest but he got it in the face of a rush to carry 24 yards 607 remaining in the longest game in college football history Kell who is leading this fundraising effort through Turner's Heroes Markel it's had in from Wisconsin part of this fundraising effort today they kicked off at kickoff with an 82 our fundraiser they're hoping to raise money to help fight cancer and as part of that Derek Mason has agreed to match whatever they raise over this 82 hours to $25,000 these battle ready uniforms for Vanderbilt include a helmet with 82 rivets in it to honor their former Titanic who wore that number we had a great visit with Cody Markel yesterday and he talked about that trip to MD Anderson meeting with his friends oncologist dr. Amy Hessel who by the way is a Florida grad and a visit the pediatric floor when they're at MD Anderson and the inspiration to spread hope to youth we're fighting pediatric cancer not just here in Nashville but it's already been extended back to his hometown of Madison Wisconsin now what a fantastic story to come out of tragedy I thought it was so cool sitting now than yesterday he knew nothing about this until this offseason fundraising aspect of it the research the grants that you can apply for and get that he's trying to help aid with this fundraiser he's been working on it all offseason the trip to MD Anderson last December came after Turner khakhra who was an Atlanta native passed away and it came in conjunction with the Vanderbilts trip to the Texas bowl and they had a chance to do a great fundraiser in Houston for that event and surrounding that event it was really cool how the Baylor players and the Baylor fans were involved as well on first and 15 it's our line is moving turns into a gain of seven [Applause] Jamie I'm Marlo with a chance to carry the ball here for Vanderbilt late in this game [Applause] that one was low but caught let's get you back to the studio find out what's going on with Auburn and am 19 yards rushing against AM they've already got 67 thanks to world class track speed looks like Coke Oobleck right there Anthony Swartz 57 yards of the house Tigers up 7 zip Anthony Schwartz is a track guy oh you call how do you handicapped the rest of that one at Kyle Field well Anthony Schwartz piling up some rushing yards but he's not one of the running backs that's gonna need to do work tonight if they're gonna run the football I think they need to do it out of four wide sets they did it 14 times last week for 174 yards but then protection comes a bit of an issue and running backs are your extra protection here boobie Whitlow against Kent State getting run through forced sack against beau Nicks Malik Miller one of your bigger heavier running backs comes in to help in protection he's going to get trucks ticked these running backs in the Auburn offense if they're gonna find ways to create space and create yards and four wide sets they're gonna have to be good in protection because at some point time bonus is gonna have to flip the football in the air the Auburn running backs have been abysmal in pass protection this season I believe that's gonna have to change if that office is going to find space consistently that previous play is under review trying to see if you got his hands underneath it and if indeed it is a catch what have you what have you learned about beau Nicks to this point in the season well I think he's a gamer obviously we knew that from the fourth quarter against Oregon as we take a look at this play but you know when I look at Auburn as a whole kind of through the context of looking at LSU what does LSU doing so well this year they're attacking the middle of the field when I look at Auburn and you look at bone Nicks kind of up and down complete and balls little erratic at times they have attempted Tom attempted five throws from the five-yard line to the 30 in between the numbers that's a huge portion of the field that Auburn doesn't even try to exploit so if I'm Gus Malzahn in a game where they're going against Texas A&M with a really good defensive line they can cover on the back end get some easy throws for beau Nick's that would that's what I'd be watching for early in the game additionally the replay booth was then able to contact the officials on the field prior to the challenge there for LSU is not charged with timeout nor will they lose their challenge seems like we've had a couple of buzzer issues from the booth to the field so Bresnahan the freshman from Georgia with his first catch at a West Forsyth High School pretty big one in the classic City tonight Notre Dame is in town to take on Georgia I think I'm gonna get home just in time for that I think I'm having my flight lands about 10 minutes before kick think this game's gonna be over before that true actually four minutes left look at 9072 five points in this one and five timeouts remaining [Applause] Douce Wallace wants to let it go too much cold Georgia and Notre Dame I'm not sure this Notre Dame defensive line this is gonna be able to stand up to the best offensive line in college football and keep Swift and Harriet and company from piling up rushing yards Notre Dame's allowed 19 rushes of 10 yards or more of this season only 13 teams have allowed more all 13 of those teams have played three games Notre Dame's played to Georgia 5th in the country with 26 runs of 10 yards or more this season I expect they will have a dominant performance on the ground second down here for Vandy induced Wallace from exit' 407 of the West End [Applause] what a play by Steven Chu junior for just down the road of Murphysboro and that's just a great break on the football and a bad decision and bad throw by Deuce Wallace you're throwing to go right on the outside if your receiver does not get outside leverage that balls gonna be thrown on a line because he's now five yards closer to that safety playing single high Reed induced Wallace his eyes that's the reason look at that not even outside the numbers that ball got to be thrown on the line or it's gonna get picked every time Jacoby had a great break on the ball so LSU's offense is back on the field go back to that Georgia Notre Dame game Canion book be a difference maybe maker can he'd be enough for Notre Dame I think he can he can make some plays now I'll say it's got to happen outside the pocket and that's what I'll be watching as Georgia looks to try to find some semblance of a pass rush where's Emory when he's finally tracked down a gain of 21 as Georgia tries to establish themselves and find their pass rush they got to be careful of not rushing past the level of the quarterback if you rush too far up heeled that's when he get booked the ability to get outside the pocket and he has zero incompletions outside the pocket this year he'll make you pay if you give him an opportunity but again I see Georgia wearing down Notre Dame at the line of scrimmage and I don't think it that close at the end of the game Kirby smart new defensive coordinator Dan landing wanted to increase the havoc rate this year for Georgia they've done that to an extent but still improvement to be made in that area in terms of pressure on the quarterback hits in a quarterback take away and that could be a key tonight first top-10 matchup at Sanford Stadium since the 1960s let's take it back to the studio Liberty Mutual Tommy Stevens in street clothes will not be playing for Mississippi State remember you got injured against k-state so it'll be Garrett straighter gonna get the start against Kentucky remember the Bulldogs have won eight of the last ten against the Wildcats that game coming up about five minutes Garrett's raiders beard Schrader's beard is down at Tootsie's on Broadway right you know what he's more of an East Nashville yes [Applause] but there's a flag on the pen back in the back field at the 30 as it stands it's a 42 yard interception return for Haiti and Brennan took a huge hit as he released that ball which probably led to the location and allowed Haney to step in front of that one they shot the fireworks off but they might be taking those points off the board they might be looking at roughing the passer here I'm trying to figure out where that Flags laying it takes up [Applause] and to hurry this up personal file marketing number nine in the defense prior to the change of possession 15-yard penalty previous spot automatic first down the previous play is under [Applause] caleb pier at the linebacker number nine and one charge retargeting this would be an interesting one it'll wipe the interception away whether or not he was targeting sea his head doesn't necessarily lower but does he raise up at the end there a little bit I'm trying to there's definitely forcible contact see his head doesn't dip but there is contact right above the facemask of the defender which he would kind of classifies the crown of the helmet there let's bring Madison in another couple of looks of that back in our studio back in Charlotte Matt what do you think about this play well I I agree with Jordan there is definitely an attack he does have a slight upward thrust into the head or neck area and I do think this is the definition of head or neck area he doesn't get him with the crown of his helmet but he does get him almost in the ear hole or just below it so I do think we have a defenseless player we do have an attack and we do have forcible contact to the head neck area so I think they're gonna go with targeting on this one checked all the boxes Matt thank you just what do you want to defensive in to do hit him lower he get the gets around the tackle and he's already low yeah but you got to get your head out of the way you see how his facemask stayed square [Applause] was there not a personal foul in addition to targeting I thought that's what he said in the initial flaw give Matt back on here touch touch sands for Haney if that personal foul happened I mean obviously didn't happen at the conclusion of the play because the play was still going on and led to the interception he's got miss her but I thought we had roughing the passer prior to targeting and in addition to targeting yeah 47 yard return so Haney he gets his first pick and it leads to a touchdown [Music] is not available at the moment Zach yeah I'm confused why we had a personal foul penalty with targeting in addition to targeting targeting has taken off the personal foul penalty should have still stood yeah I agree and to the targeting they must not have seen the attack and that's really the word that these refs are looking for in trying to see the intent in the attack you saw forcible contact to a defenseless player but they must not have seen enough of an upward thrust because there wasn't a defined crown lowering of the helmet you need to see an upward thrust and attack and they must have deemed it not quite enough to call that target which I'm not sure I agree [Applause] [Music] all right we hate to do it but if you want to watch the end of that LSU vendee game god bless you that game is going over to ESPN at news but right now let's get you out to Starkville Mississippi
Channel: Boys From The Boot
Views: 806,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LSU, LSU Tigers, LSU Tigers football, LSU Tigers Football 2019, Coach O, Joe Burrow, Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt football, Vandy, Vandy Football, Vanderbilt football 2019, Vandy football 2019, LSU vs Vanderbilt, LSU vs Vanderbilt football, LSU vs Vanderbilt football 2019, LSU vs Vandy, LSU vs Vandy football, LSU vs Vandy football 2019, SEC, SEC football, SEC football 2019, college football, college football 2019, 2019, NCAA football, Heisman, Boys From The Boot
Id: cGjhl8r3vAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 24sec (10524 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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