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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel thank you so much for subscribing for coming to you but I can't wait to put on this channel and you can see first time welcome to my channel my name is Daphne and welcome to internal Wednesday's I apologize about the noise if you can hear some noise it's something that they doing outside so apologies about that so let's go straight into the Word of God this is the one I was given yesterday yeah yesterday when these wisdom Wednesdays and these prayer videos I do them as I as I'm led by the Spirit of God and it is I'm led by the Lord so I was given this word um because God wants to do something in your life but you need to first make sure that you are in a place whereby he can't do it because sometimes we are not positioned in the place where God can speak to us where God can move so I pray on this word he's a woman season that you can use and cultivate in your life right now in this season so let's go straight into the word let's go to the book of Genesis chapter 13 verse 1 to 17 we'd say then Abraham went up from Egypt he and his wife and all that he had and lot with him to the south Abram was very rich in in livestock in silver and in gold and he went up and he went on his journey from the south as far as Bethel to the place where his tent had been at the beginning between Bethel and I to the place of the altar which he had made their first and they Abraham called on the name of the Lord a lot also who went with Abram had flocks and herds and tents now the land was not able to support them that they may dwell together for the impositions were so great that they could not dwell together and there was strife between the headsman of Abraham's livestock and the herdsmen of lots livestock the Canaanites and the parasites then dwelt in the land so Abraham said to lot please let there be no strife between you and me and between my hands men in your heads men for we are brethren is not the whole land before you please separate for me if you take the left and I will go to the right or if you go to the right then I will go to the left and lot lifted his eyes and saw over the plain of Jordan that it was well watered everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah like the Garden of the Lord like the land Egypt as you go towards or then Lord shows himself or the plain of Jordan a lot journeyed East and they separated from each other Abraham dwell in the land of Canaan and launched all in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent even as far as Sodom but the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord and the Lord said to Abram after the Lord had separated from him lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are not what southward eastward and westward for all the languages see I give to you and your descendants forever and I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth so that if a man could number the dust of the earth then your descendants also could be numbered arise walk in the land through its length and its width before I give it to you amen this is probably the longest wisdom Wednesday is whereby we have read a long long list of scriptures but yeah this is what we want to look at today so in this season for some of you to thank God is not going to speak to you and he's not gonna do certain things in your life until you separate yourself from a lot you see sometimes you can go into warfare we can do all these prayer warfare we can do all these fasts but until we position ourselves in a certain position until we move and separate ourselves for certain things then God is not going to speak and God is not gonna move until we do those things so here we see Abram you know from the beginning God had told Abraham leave your father's house and go to a land that I'll show you but Abraham disobeyed and he took a lot not was Abraham's nephew you see there's certain people in your life right now that are blocking the things that God wants to do in your life there's certain things and certain environments that are causing God not to speak into your life that are causing the Spirit of God or to move in your life until you separate yourself from those things go back to the word that God has spoken to you what has God spoken to you in your life what is the word that God has promised you you look back at that one go back to the word that God has spoken to you God spoke to Abram and he said go out from your father's house but Abraham took somebody from his father's house he took the Lord who was his nephew so because of a lot abraham was blocking his blessing you see some of you are walking around with people that are putting you in a box you think that you're walking together but that person is actually carrying you in a box that person is blocking you and you are in the box in the hand of that person separate yourself so that you can come out from the box you can come out from the limitation and you can come out from the place of disobedience you know when you read throughout these verses we begin to see that they began to be strife between the people that were with Abraham the workers of Abraham and the workers of a lot you know sometimes there begins to be strife because God is trying to provoke you there begins to be strife because you're in a place of disobedience then begins to be strife because you are not positioned in the right place because you are not fully obeying the word that God has spoken to into your life what has God spoken into your life as God told you to move to a different country as God told you to leave that person that you're with some of you are dating a lot some of you it's actually your family members that are actually a lot and you need to move out of the house you see when God begins to speak we have to be very careful and make sure that we are obeying every word that he speaks when God wanted an ark to be built God spoke specific instructions God gave specific instructions God is wanting to build something in your life and you have to take his instructions as they are if God is wanting to build something in your life make sure that you are taking these instructions exactly as they are it's God trying to build an ark in your life it's God trying to build something in your life today is there strife between you and your family members today is there strife between you and the wrong person that you're dating the person that you're in a relationship it just seems like things are not flowing it just seems like days tension every time you just cannot get to a place where things that unity what is that that peace of that joy it could be that you with a lot it could be that you're living with a lot it could be that you are in a university that is actually a lot she sometimes a lot can be a metaphor of certain environments certain things in our lives that are blocking the voice of God you see if you look at verse 4 the Bible tells us that Abraham called on the name of the Lord but if you read through on those scriptures you see that God did not speak to Abraham you see you can call on the name of the Lord for many years but until you separate yourself from that man until you separate yourself from that house of your parents until you separate yourself from that relative until you separate yourself from that situation from that job from that thing that is causing the voice of God to be blocked then God is not gonna move in your life until you separate yourself we are in the season when God is already doing things and you need to separate yourself if you're asking yourself why am I not seeing this thing in my life why am i seeing other people experiencing this white is this not happening to me maybe you need to look back at your life maybe you need to go back to the word that God spoke into your life have you fully obeyed the word that God spoke into your life two years ago one year one year ago if you fully obey the Word of God and God spoke to the Prophet or the servant of God if you fully obey the Word of God that I spoke to you through a vision or to a dream go back to the Word of God and assess your life today have you fully obeyed the word that God spoke into your life because if you're in or disobedience and you're going to miss the move of God Abraham went back to the place that God spoke to him before and he called on the name of the Lord but nothing happened except strife oh there was was strife between a lot of servants and servants you see there's certain things that can happen your life your calling on the name of the Lord you pray and your fasting you sing nothing only that you sing is the situation getting worse it could be that God is not in that place it could be that you're not positioned in the right place it could be that you are in a place of disobedience you see we can never bribed God with prayer or fast if we are in a place of disobedience we have to reposition ourselves in the place of obedience before we get here from God we have to position ourselves back into the place where we can hear the force of God where we can see the move of God in our lives assess your life today before it's truly assess your life today and see if your position in the place when God is able to move in your life because it's not God who is limiting himself in your life it is you who's limiting yourself by putting yourself in a box because you're hanging out with lots in your life so they began to be strife the land could not support a bride a lot God never intended for Abram to take a lot with him you see some of you think being kind and being nice being friendly means that you need to take stand people means that you need to helps and people you see there's certain people that you don't have to help there's certain people that you don't need to be besties with there's certain situations and environments that you don't need to place yourself in just because you're kind just because you're nice don't let the enemy for you don't let the enemy allow you to be naive don't let the enemy take advantage of you because you're kind because you're nice because you're friendly because you're approachable some of you are so approachable this is why the enemy has taken advantage of you he has brought a lot in your life because you're so approachable because you're so kind because you're so nice you see we need to use wisdom this is where the Bible tells us that be as wise as serpents but as gentle as dowse be gentle but don't be naive be gentle but don't be a fool you see Abraham was so nice so kind you just wanted to do the right thing you just wanted to be nice you didn't want to leave his nephew maybe his nephew begged him like I have to go with you I can't stay here there's no life in this place there's nothing for me to do here I have to go where you go because I see the presence of God in your life because I see the hand of God in your life Abraham I need to go with you I need to go whatever that you're going because the hand of God is with you you see some of you have people in your life who can see the hand of God on you and they want take advantage of it but if you let them it means that you are now in a place of disobedience don't let the enemy take advantage of your kindness so the land was not big enough the land was not strong enough to support them you see some of you are in really difficult situations because the land is not strong enough to support that relationship the land is not strong enough to support you in that job God wants to do more for you you see I remember when I was working an office I was a team leader and God began to show me something God showed me one day I was sitting on my desk and the boss in that job came to my desk and he could get to give me bread crumbs he was throwing me bread crumbs and when I woke up was like what is this guy you see God was trying to tell me that I have them all for you do you trust me do you trust me to leave this job and take your way I need you to go do you trust me to leave this position because I'm greater things than this you see the style of me that you're getting yes it's all the 20k but it's bread crumbs I have more for you you see some of you are in a job where by they paying you maybe 30k they're paying you 40k but it's bread crumbs in the sight of God God wants to do more fee because you're worth more because of your gifts because of your abilities because of your skills God wants to take you to a higher position he wants to do more in your life trusted do you trust God to leave that job do you trust God to go to a land where he wants to show you do you trust him you see some of you are in a job where the land cannot support you what you have is too heavy it cannot support you in that job you can't support you in that relationship can't support you in that engagement cannot support you with that man that you're dating you cannot support you in that friendship you cannot support you in that house of your parents you need to move out you need to move out from that country God wants to take you to a different country what is God saying during the season it's a season where we need to obey the voice of God to go back to the word that God has spoken obey Him it may look very scary rain look very difficult but God wants to work in your life he wants to move in your life he wants to show you great things that you've never seen things that you've never heard before God was to do that in the season God was to do that in your life in this season will you obey him will you cast away your fears will you cast away your burdens on TM today we've got a prayer the end of this video so the man was not big enough to support him and Abraham suddenly came to his senses you see sometimes the situation's get so hard sometimes the pressure becomes too much sometimes God brings pressure in your life so that you can now succumb and go back to your word so that you can go back into his presence and go back to the word ice first book go back to you as your first lover so Abraham said no Lord this is just not working out man this is not working out you see if you go to the left I'll go to the right if you choose that land I will I'll choose the other one so they came to a place of agreement do you need to come to a place of agreement today do you now need to make that decision to leave that job leave that relationship believe that country go to a different country do you now need to make that decision today decision today I have come to tell you making a decision today that Lord wants you to make that decision making this week made that decision this week go before the presence of God and repents for what you have done repent for the disobedience repent for not following his instructions repent today going to his presence and repent and saying god I'm ready I'm ready to do what you have told me to do I trust in you and give you my burden that you give my kids I give you my fears God take control that's all you need to do today you need to go to use presence make that decision and you see the hand of God you see the move of God in your life so lot and Abraham separated and when they separated it did not take time for God to speak some of you can't hear the voice of God because you're in a box you're in a box the lot is carrying you in a box this is why you can hear the voice of God you see when you separate yourself from those people from that lot from that situation in that circumstance you study at the voice of God you start to see the move of God clean God began to speak to Abraham and said lift your eyes now imagine Abraham was near Kaena I believe this place was this place where he was it's not really Canaan but he was next to Canaan God began to say you lift up your eyes now there's certain things that you're never going to see until you leave a lot Abraham was near the vicinity of Canaan but he couldn't see Canaan because a lot was blocking it a lot is blocking your sight separate yourself from a lot when you separate yourself a lot you begin to look up your begin to lift up your eyes and see the Lord began to say lift up your eyes look from the place where you are both would southward eastward and westward some of you will never see the southward of your blessing the northward in the east one and the westward of your blessing because a lot is blinding you is blinding your sight until you leave that relationship you've never experienced the north south east and west blessing the north south east and west grace of God the north south east and west fulfillment of God God wants to bring you into a marriage whereby you experience the blessing of God God wants to bring somebody in a marriage way where they experienced the blessing of God but but you're dating a lot right now you need to leave a lot you're dating a lot right now and you need to leave a lot you need to cut ties in that relationship so that God can take you to the realm of marriage where you experience his blessing that relationship will not give you peace you never find peace and until you experience the man that God has for you and God began to say for all the language you see I give to you in your descendants you see there's certainly legacy blessings that people who never experienced them go to the grave and they've experienced them because they wanted to hold on to a lot do you hold on to a lot holding on to a lot will cost you everything it'll cost you the voice of God it will cost you the move of God it will cost you answered prayers it will cost you a legacy it will cost you many D heritance it will cost you the fulfillment the fourfold blessing that is not limited by environments we are in a realm right now in a season whereby God is doing so many great things you know I only decide had more time to tell you about when God is doing what God is doing also in my personal life you know there's a four-fold blessing meaning there's a blessing that has no limit they're things that God is doing spiritually not wires he's edifying our lives in such a mighty way some of you will not experience this because you are walking around clinging on to lot instead of clinging clinging to Christ separate yourself from a lot and cling to the Word of God separate yourself I'm not in cling to Christ in this season I urge you I exhort you people of God separate yourself a lot cling to the Word of God cling to the will of God for your life the win of God which is good which is acceptable and which is perfect cling to that will the will of God and so God began to speak to Abram about what he wants to do in his life some of you are chasing prophets you're chasing so many people because you have not yet experienced God telling me what he's about to do in your life I want to pray for you today that you begin to experience the voice of God you begin to experience they had never got away by he speaks to me and he tells you what is going to happen in your life way by you don't wait for a prophet to tell you what is going to happen in your life God is able to speak to you directly but you need to position yourself get rid of a lot we're gonna pray at the end of this video and so God began to say to Abraham I will make your descendants like the dust on the earth you see God was not only telling him what he's about to do in his life God was not only in revealing to him that he's gonna give him a son even though you have all this wealth you don't have a son I'm gonna give you a son you're gonna have sons and daughters you're gonna have descendants that are more normal and the sand of the earth that have more numerable and than dust of the earth you see God wants to do more God wants to do more in your life he wants to do abundantly above what you desire abundantly above what you can think of what you can ask for this is the God that you worship El Shaddai God wants to do moon in your life and not only that God began to say to him arise walk in the light imagine a brand had not walked in this land he was with a lot all this time and he never got opportunity to walk in the land God is saying walk in the blessing that you're about to possess and give it to you possess it walk in it speak it D create this is your blessing some of you will never get to a place where by you can decree things where you can walk in it when you can speak it for it because your eyes are blinded by a lot it's time for you to walk in the inheritance that God asks for you it's time to go into that country and begin to walk in it to go to that different City to go and move out of your parents house to go to that apartment or that building that God wants she wants you to possess go and walk in it go and experience it because God is put has given it to you it's time to leave that relationship it's time to leave that job it's time to leave that lot and possess the things that God has for you in this season and that's the word that I have for you separate yourself from a lot go back to the word days that God has spoken into your life assess it and see if you have obeyed his instructions fully have you been disobedient have you taken certain things and you dance and things that God did not ask you to do when God gives us instruction we have to pay careful attention this is how arcs will go this is how the tabernacle was built people carefully took the instructions and did accordingly even Christ Himself he did not come here to do different things but it came for one purpose to die for our sins to give us power over sins and to give us life eternal that is what he came for you must pay careful attention to the instruction of God so if you have been disobedient today we're going to pray a prayer of repentance and we're going to ask that the Lord began to speak into your life as you make that decision to separate your stuff or not because when you make this decision you have to follow through so if you're ready to make that decision and follow it through then pray together if you're not that your mind is all click off because this is not a game this is real God wants to do certain things in your life so let's just pray in the mighty name of Jesus God Almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Israel you are God and there is no other thank you Father for life that you've given us for this grace of God in Christ that we have thank you for your Holy Spirit who consoles us who helps us all convict us and more shows us all truth to God you're showing us your true can the season Oh God for the some of us including the person watching this video father all the people that are watching this video even myself God Almighty father they're things that we have done in disobedience oh god there are things that we have done Oh God by not being obedient to you when you're spoken to us to do certain things God we have not done those things but we have chosen to cling to a lot instead of cleaning to your word instead of trusting in you O God Father this morning in this afternoon we were penned king of kings and Lord of lords we recant Oh God we ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ for being disobedient oh God restore us by your grace on God restore us today restore your people father watching this video restore them Oh God as they make that decision Oh God to separate themselves from a lot to separate themselves from the circumstances matter like lot to separate themselves from the people that are like a lot to separate themselves from the places of limitation so that you can speak into them into their life so that your spirit can move in their life so that the things that you want to do in their life may be fulfilled for your glory and for your kingdom father this we pray in the name of Jesus the name above every name father and I pray for strength give this present strength give them courage give them bonus father I pray it's in the name of Jesus and in the name of Jesus right now we arrest the spirit of fear that is causing this person in the name of Jesus not to be obedient to the Word of God spirit of fear we render you powerless and void in this person's life watching this video in the name of Jesus the name above everything fear has no hold and we decree and declare today that we have a sound mind we have a mind of power and love and we are able to separate ourselves from a lot in every area of our life let not be dispensed let not be removed from our lives right now in the name of Jesus no longer shall they be strife in our lives in the name of Jesus no longer shall they be strife in this presence life no longer shall they be stressed because they are walking around with a lot nobleness should this person be blocked no longer shall distress and be limited in the name of Jesus God I pray speak speak into this present life speak O God open their ears to hear your voice open the ears of this person on God that they may hear you open the heart to receive you O God to receive your word father I train to receive your instruction Oh God give them out of flesh remove the heart of stone oh guy pray in the name of Jesus the name above every name father this we pray in the name of Jesus the name above every name father the heart that will produce a hundredfold harvest org I pray in the name of Jesus as you sow your seed in their life as you saw your way in their life oh god I thank you that it shall produce even in the CFR in the name of Jesus remember their obedience remember their decision today I pray and release your angels in their eyes on God to minister to this press and father I pray even as you released angels in the life of dine your own God as he made that decision oh god I pray in the name of Jesus unless this present father I pray this in the name of Jesus the name above every name father we glorify you we magnify your name most high being glorified in our why is father on this day in all the days of our lives this we pray in the name of Jesus amen and amen amen so god bless you as he does new things in your life as you see the move of God in your life and as you hear the voice of God in your life God is doing right things and you will not be left out you will see the power and the glory and the presence of God your life as you walk in obedience so god bless you and I'll see you soon take care bye copy of my latest book incorruptible beauty on Amazon Kindle and iBooks [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 21,565
Rating: 4.9616518 out of 5
Keywords: separate yourself from Lot, abraham and Lot, Abram and Lot, wisdom wednesdays, dephne madyara teaching, Abram separated from Lot, behold i will do a new thing, new season of God, God is moving
Id: 4KWG10xWHaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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