SEO is pointless in 2024 - this is your new customer journey

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SEO is dead in 2024 and AI killed it ranking number one on Google doesn't mean anything anymore hi I'm helmy YouTube funnels I started my career as a blogger and I've also helped other companies manage their SEO campaigns to rank a certain keywords on Google I realized from these experience is that a lot of business owners approach SEO completely wrong so I had a theory and to test this Theory it took me 3 years and two YouTube channels to prove my theory right what I found out is SEO is a complete waste of everybody's time as especially in 2024 and Beyond if you still want free organic traffic though you should do this one thing instead that we're going to be covering in this video if you don't do this your competitors who are quicker to adapt than you will gain all of the attention and traffic that could otherwise go to you so at the end of this video we're going to be covering three things number one why SEO is a waste of time number two my new strategy that works and number three how you can start this new strategy too but first let's start with a quick introduction of what is SEO all right so the general premise of SEO is that you want to get free organic traffic so people will search for certain something your job is to create content to answer those questions okay so when people search for it on Google your article will pop up as one of the results and if it's high enough there more likely people going to click on it be introduced to your brand and hopefully in your article there would be call to action to get into your funnel that's the whole premise this is such a big deal back in the days that companies hire SEO agencies to take care of that for them and that was what I did as a Content Li in a previous company that I work with we hired an SEO agency to help our company to rank better on Google so I had a opportunity to see how they run things so I realized that SEO is severely outdated seriously I think it's a complete waste of your time and here's why number one all these SEO people are trying to game the algorithm right so they're trying to figure out okay what does Google scan in my article in my content that they would think this is good therefore they want to rank me so that's their mentality then they would do things like oh we should do something to the title we should stuff more keywords in I feel like this is very outdated because this used to work back in the days when the Google crawler AI wasn't that smart so that's why you have to put in keywords so a good indicator back in the day is that if you have a lot of related keywords stuffed into your content therefore that should be a pretty good content but nowadays AI is so good and AI can read all of your stuff in a couple of milliseconds know exactly what you're about can have a response to you like they're an actual human being it's so advanced IT renders all these tags URL permal links the title metad data all that stuff doesn't really matter because AI they're crawling is so smart they would know exactly what your content is about so rather than you these SEO guys trying to game the algorithm they have a piece of content okay let me stuff some words here let me do this title here this will rank better rather than doing that why don't you focus on creating the best content so your target audience is searching for Stuff make sure you have the best most comprehensive answers in there all right because by the end of the day Google's going to update their algorithm what they're trying to do is match the robot as close to a human as possible that's it right so if you read an article this is a good article I'm going to share this right so basically that's what they're training their AI to be like oh this is not a good article I'm going to go back find another article that means the first article was not good therefore the ranking is going to go down okay so number two most companies track the SEO kpi by the amount of organic search volume that they're going to get so I don't know about you I'm a business owner myself I have an SEO blog and I managed to get few articles to rank on Google case in point this one right here I did this article about car wash business in Malaysia like how to set it up it's super thorough and if you Google this right now my article is number one outranking the other people who are actually doing business about that right so at the end of that article I get a lot of really good comments and then there's a book a call for consultation or if you want to work together so even though that article rank number one on Google I get a lot of traffic it didn't really translate to money for me as a business owner what do I really care about my organic traffic or money I only care about the money right so most companies when they hire SEO people they only look at oh how much search traffic do I get right because that shows that I'm organically awesome I think it means nothing if you're not translating that to money so reason number three let's say you open a bakery shop you're selling baking goods and then you write an article about baking 101 it's a tough keyword to rank but let's say if your article actually does rank number one and then you get a lot of traffic there so people go there they read the article thanks byy so there's no brand loyalty why would they ever come back to you so that's why I feel like what's the point of SEO like I'm getting traffic but I'm not getting fans I feel like fans is way you make the most money right so reason number four let's say I'm selling a service right now I'm selling YouTube agency as a service I help other people grow their YouTube channel so if I write a lot of Articles like how to do thumbnails how to grow a YouTube channel and then my articles rank number one when you search for that stuff and then at the end of the article there's book a call so typically when people book a call with me from a written thing they don't really know who I am you know it's just text right so on the call if I'm lucky enough to get a call they'll be like don't know who I am and I have to to sell my ass off to convince this person to work with me so that's why in my opinion SEO doesn't really work so reason number five going back to AI back in the day Google owns everything that's why everybody so hopped on to I need a rank number one on Google search but now people are not using Google anymore you know why because people use AI that could be chat GPT I use perplexity doai and why do we use chat GPT because it will consolidate all the answer and then represent it in a conversational way which is what we like so the AI has gotten so human like so conversational throughout the years that people tend to favor it over going to Google so much so that I've used AI tools all the time and I can't remember the last time I went to Google probably a couple of months ago seriously so I see a major trend of people just using the AI chat app on their phone or on their computer to just ask what they want so when everybody's using these AI chat Bots to ask for questions nobody's really going to Google therefore making all of your SEO efforts a complete waste of time so I had this one aha moment so I'm like okay SEO doesn't work Google ads doesn't work call email doesn't work everything doesn't seem to work so then I started to study some local influences who's doing really well so I want to tell you a story of this one guy I'm here in Malaysia so there's this one local celebrity his name is Kyu aming so he's some guy doing recipe videos so that's a super competitive Niche like everybody's doing recipe videos very hard to stand out but why is this one particular guy so famous and he's so stinking Rich right now is because he built a personal brand online so that means the highlight of the show is not necessarily his recipe but his personality people watch his video because they like him as a person so when people like him then he started to launch his own product which is a chili paste we call sbal so he only had 10,000 bottles at the time and he launched it at a live event and people buy like crazy he was like a overnight Millionaire right now he has a factory it's crazy so how can this guy penetrate through an incredibly saturated Niche is because he has a personal brand that's the key so once you have a personal brand people like you and when people like you you can sell whatever you want then there's no more competition because people like you they want to work with you in fact I bought his sball my wife queued up for that stuff we got it was it good it was all right it wasn't the best sball in the world but would I still buy it yeah why because I like the guy I want to support him you see so moving forward for you you need to build a personal brand writing SEO articles doesn't cut it anymore people want to work with people okay so the best place to work on your personal brand is YouTube so I tested this Theory out I learned a new YouTube channel to promote my own business right now which is this YouTube agency so I did a bunch of videos and then one of the videos went viral and when that went viral I got a lot of traffic people check me out they check out my landing page they book a call with me some of them converted into a customer right and that's how I make money and I only have about 2,000 subscribers at the time and I already make a few th000 per month pretty good so what I realized is I literally just build a personal brand for myself on YouTube so when people binge watch my videos they kind of have a guess who I am am and how is it like to work with me right this is it this is you and me me talking to you right now this is it and and when they like you enough then it doesn't really matter about your competitors because they like you they want to work with you you understand and again when they binge watch my videos it accelerates the no like and Trust factor a lot faster so much so that I have people messaging me like hey can we do a paid consultation and I'm like yeah here's the link and then they just bought it they didn't even talk to me first I didn't even know this person it's crazy it's crazy what a YouTube video can do for your business in terms of personal brand and it also trumps the channel who use AI instead of their face because the prospect they want to feel a human connection they like me they want to work with me this is it this is the guy this is how I talk this is how I act they want to work with this guy right and that's the edge of me putting my face on my YouTube channel rather than some other channel who just use AI for everything then you become a commodity and lastly it makes my sales call close a lot easier so when these Prospect before they Brook a call of me you know what they do they watch all my videos they just want to see if I check out right they check out my Twitter they check out my LinkedIn they go to my landing page they check out all my client testimonials then they book a call so they already have an expectation of who I am and I kind of want to work with this guy I like this guy right so they book a call to match my real life video to what their expectation is once that's matched hey you're the same guy all right what's your price let's do this so it makes the sales call so much easier to close so that's my experience and that proves that YouTube totally works here's further reasons why I think YouTube is definitely the Future Okay number one when you want to work with a client let's say you run some sort of AD you do call email you do contact before they want to work with you before they want to book a call with you you know what they're going to do they're going to Google your name when they Google your name they're going to see your website they're going to see your landing page they're going to see all your content and if you have a YouTube channel specifically about that stuff you seem a lot more trustworthy because if you're not a professional in this field why do you have a YouTube channel about it correct so reason number two people want to see a video of a real person like this right now they don't want to see a faceless YouTube channel there's too many of those already it's so boring it's so lame I tune out everybody who's Anonymous cuz I feel like I don't like to be manipulated by some AI okay three there's stats showing that people prefer to watch videos over reading text to find a solution reason number four unlike Tik Tok IG YouTube videos have a longer shelf life so in my First Youtube channel about personal finance I haven't posted in a year I'm still getting consistent traffic and then some of that video I'm selling some affiliate products and I'm still making affiliate income until today one year later after I'm not even posting anything on that old Channel because I have a new channel to take care of so the shelf life for YouTube videos is a lot longer so you don't have to post every day okay and the last reason is most of your competitors they're afraid of YouTube they don't want to be in talking in front of the camera like this for whatever reason they're scared and maybe you're scared too too but if you're brave enough to conquer this feere you have the advantage over your competitor so starting a YouTube channel don't have to be complicated I started with my cell phone and it's not even a fancy iPhone it was a crappy Android phone and a cheap mic that's all I did when I started and I slowly upgraded my gear the more I realize I like doing videos I'm making money from it but you don't have to start buying stuff you can just use whatever you currently have right now you don't need to spend a lot of money on courses either so if you want to know how to start your YouTube YouTube channel watch my YouTube playlist right here for all the videos about how to launch and grow your YouTube channel as a business owner 100% free if you need help specifically to help you oneon-one check out the links in my about section again my name is helmy see you
Channel: Helmi YouTube Funnels
Views: 2,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why seo is dead, search engine optimization, seo, personal branding, khairul aming, video marketing, digital entrepreneur, make money online, entrepreneur
Id: wTuFJqEqpQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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