SEO for Dummies: #1 Rank (Easily)

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in this video I'm going to show you how to rank number one in Google for the keyword phrase how to sprint faster and I'm going to walk through the exact process I would go through using a real life example so let's Dive Right In okay so I'm in the ahrefs keyword Explorer and right away we can see that this has a keyword difficulty of four for how to sprint faster and how to sprint faster has informational intent and I don't even need to look at the search results to know this this absolutely will have informational intents can be at the top of the funnel so we're gonna have to build the content based on that based on knowing that so a couple things to think about here when we're looking at keyword difficulty don't just look at this and think that it's a good keyword to go after because this is one of the biggest mistakes that people will make they'll see a low KD and they'll think that it's a really good keyword to Target this just isn't true there's some missing pieces to this puzzle to determine if a keyword is good to Target and I'll show you what that is here in a second but the first thing this is kind of our preliminary Metro we want to look at and this is just giving us a little insight into a keyword that has potential okay this does not mean we're definitely going to Target it but it's going to give us that potential now going through this what we want to do is first look at the overall opportunity here and overall looks good we have low KD we have good decent volume here we have good traffic potential and then we even have some opportunities to build more topical Authority by creating other assets to support this primary asset now what you can do is you can go down here and you can look at the search results and ultimately see what you're up against and you can see the makeup of these results but I don't recommend just looking here because ultimately this does not really give you a clear picture of what you're really working with until you actually go into Google you need to go into Google and you need to see what is Google actually showing for this keyword so let me show you how to do that right now okay so I'm in Google and the first thing I want to look at is just to see what is Google showing for this keyword and as you can tell right away that the number one result is actually a featured snippet so this is just an indication that we have an opportunity to steal this featured snippet from this top ranking result so this is something we really need to keep in mind and we need to structure the content knowing that there is a featured snippet and really the goal here is to try to just steal this from the competitor now another thing I want to look at is without even scrolling down you're going to see that the number one result here is feature said but you could say technically this position zero but realistically it's position one and wikiHow is number two but here's where it gets interesting we don't even see the third result because it's pushed way down below the fold because we have a video pack okay and this video pack is very very important to take advantage of and so if I was a brand who let's say was selling a Sprint training program let's say I had a course about how to show you how to sprint faster well what I would do is I wouldn't just want to rank on Google I would also want to rank in this video back because then we can capture more serp real estate so I would be thinking about okay what can we do to rank in Google but then what can we also do to rank in YouTube as well so we'll take the same exact keyword we'll take a look and usually the results that you see here will align pretty well with what you see in Google but not always so if you look at this it looks like we have outperform which is a sprinting technique and then how to sprint faster and then how to run faster so if we look at this it looks like some similar results but not a hundred percent so but regardless what we would want to do is we would want to rank in Google we want to try to rank in this little pack here but you can really only do that by ranking in YouTube and then of course we could get Traction in youtubing and visibility in YouTube as well to build our brand so tons of opportunity here and if we look at these top performing videos you know one million views 500 000 views 300 000 views 800 1.5 so tons of views and tons of view opportunities for this particular keyword so huge opportunity here on YouTube should not be neglected this is one of the biggest mistakes that people make they get so focused on ranking on Google but we also have to adapt based on what we see and Google is showing us that this keyword absolutely has video intent it doesn't just have intent where people want to go to a web page and read about it people want to actually watch a video to learn about and that makes sense because looking at images of someone sprinting is not the same as watching someone Sprint on a video or watching someone Sprint in real life so it makes perfect sense that this would have video intent so you have to do both so knowing that that's going to kind of change your overall strategy you need to develop a strategy for building out a really great web page and an informational asset for this but then you also need to build a strategy on how you're going to create an awesome video around this topic as well now keep going down here we're finally at the number three result here and as you can tell pushed way down below the fold so even if you ranked number three let's say you did an awesome job you ranked number three your CTR is going to be very very low I guarantee that the CTR the click-through rate on this particular result is very low and based on most studies the average CTR is anywhere between 25 to 30 and for the number one result so we can assume that that gets chopped in half going to number two which brings it down to about 15 or so and then it gets progressively worse from there now in this case it's going to be much lower I would assume CTR on this one is maybe five percent if we're lucky okay now it gets progressively worse if you go down but I've seen a lot of serps where there's a lot more serp results in this case there actually aren't a ton so we basically just have a featured snippet we have a video pack and then everything else is pretty clean and then some related searches as well now a couple key things to keep in mind when you're looking at these search results go back up and you'll see that Google's giving us these additional little search results and basically this is Google telling us that there is topical relevance on these ideas as well so when people are searching for how to sprint faster they're likely usually searching whatever their ideal sport is so like if I was a baseball player I'd want to search how to sprint faster for baseball or for rugby or for football so getting more granular and and realistically the answer is going to be the same pretty much for all of these but there might be some Nuance so Google is just telling you right away that you need to build out assets for this as well okay that's you know Google's not specifically telling us to do that but we can we can look at this and know that we need to build more topical Authority now we're going to go down here and we'll look at related searches okay and there's some other things going on here we have obviously Sprint and Sprint training but then linear acceleration wall drill okay very specific type of query here Hill Sprints resisted Sprint training and split squats so these are all things that are directly related to our core topic which means we either need to include these ideas in the content itself or build out separate assets that are specifically about these topics as long as they're not competing with the pure intent okay and then also some additional related searches down here as well so these are all things you need to be taking note of when you're building out your strategy because this isn't just you build out one really great asset for how to sprint faster you also need to be thinking about okay what are the five to ten other assets we're going to build that are going to support this main asset as well so this is the the value of looking at Google search results you can't get this same value by looking at hress or semrush you have to actually go into Google manually and see what is going on in here and ultimately get an idea of what you need to do like Google dictate your strategy that is the key you have to look at these search results manually okay so what I did here is I actually just exported the search results from ahrefs and threw them into a simple Google sheet and whenever I'm analyzing competitors I do this in two phases the first phase is going to be quantitative analysis and all that means is just a fancy word for looking at the data and getting a an idea of what we need to do to match the competitors and then the second part of this which I'll show you in a second is the qualitative analysis and what that means is I'm literally going to open up all these competitors I'm going to look at them and say okay what are they doing really well and what are they not doing so well what are the gaps that I can take advantage of to ultimately beat them okay because at the end of the day SEO is a competition and our goal is to Simply do is to do better than the competitors by creating an asset that's different and better than what already exists okay and so when I'm going to be analyzing these competitors you're going to see here in a second I'm looking for weaknesses that I can take advantage of to beat them okay this is a competition the goal is to beat them so we must find their weaknesses and sometimes I'll do a qualitative analysis of these competitors and find out that it's hard to find a unique angle it's hard to find any weaknesses and that's usually an indication that maybe you should move on to another keyword because it's going to be so difficult to beat their content that it's ultimately not even going to be worth the investment so in this case though that is definitely not the case so first let's start with the quantitative side of this process which is just looking at the data and what I like to do is I just like to look I don't even want to look at the page right I just want to look at look at what I'm seeing at a very high level and at a high level here you're going to see a few things so in this title category this is the exact title that that this page is using or that these pages are using and we can see that the first five results here have the exact keyword phrase in the title so clear indication that this is very important that we get the the exact keyword in the title and so I highlighted this in red because there's no point of Leverage here okay we're not going to be able to do anything better than what they're already doing as far as placing the keyword in the title attack a very simple thing but you can tell that we have four other results that are ranking without even placing the primary keyword in the title okay so this is a point of Leverage and just doing this alone you're already going to be better than these four competitors we're not even talking about the content yet just placing the exact keyword in the title that is it it's that simple now that's the first part the next part is we want to look is the keyword the exact keyword placed in the URL now I'm you know borderline psychotic about this but I think that you should place the exact keyword in the URL just the way I like to do things because I want to make sure that I can actually Market off the list and know okay I've optimized this perfectly okay and I don't have to wonder well should I change URL or is this not optimized so perfectly I don't ever want to I don't ever want to guess I don't ever want to wonder so the way that master classes set this up is exactly the way that I would personally optimize it I would have keyword in the title keyword in the URL so there's no point of Leverage here because they've done this perfectly looking at this but these other guys not so much okay wikiHow they have Sprint faster so they have a part of it so all these that I highlighted in Orange this just means that they have a part of the keyword in the actual URL so they're doing decently but they're not doing great and then looking at this one here how to run faster okay how to run faster and how to sprint faster are two different things okay because technically running could also apply to long distance running and it could also apply to just medium endurance run it could apply to all different types of running okay so but in this specific instance we're looking at sprinting faster so I highlighted this one in green because I know I can beat them because they're not as relevant as I can be okay so this is a good sign these other ones you know they're not going to be losing too many points by not having it because they have parts of it but even the URL structure of some of these guys is not super great you know we still have all these filler words in the in the URL so it's not a perfect structure but it's not going to hurt them too badly next thing I want to look at is the referring domains okay so we'll go ahead and zoom in so we can see us a little bit better referring domains is a really important part okay and when we look at this I just want to see that there aren't a ton of of the top results with tons of linking group domains going to the URL itself and in this case it's actually a really good sign if we look at this we'll go ahead and add a filter here so you can see but we'll do Z to A and it looks like there's only about two results that have more than 30 referring domains and more than 30 it gets pretty costly to start to rank but based on this we really have most of the results that have less than 10 referring domains so this is a really good opportunity like a really good one because we know the investment on the link building side is not going to be huge actually driving links to this specific page so very good sign here but this is the next part that I was talking about as far as KD when we're looking at KD on ahrefs here do you notice this thing you need about five linking root domains to rank okay that's partially true but it's not the whole story okay because when we look at this yeah you could get five linking domains going to your page but you're probably still not going to rank if you don't have the domain rating the overall strength to rank okay and this is where it gets interesting because you could theoretically get the exact amount of referring domains to your page but still not rank if you don't have any website Authority so this is a perfect example when we look at this athlete's Forge okay they have 12 referring domains but they have a domain rating of four they're ranking number seven all right and so when I look at this what I want to see is are there websites ranking that are weak okay and I want to see overall so are there any weak websites that are ranking what I would what would seem to be in an abnormal position and this is a very good example okay this is a not a super weak website it's pretty average but it's weak enough to know that I can beat them okay if I have a decently strong website or even in the same range we know we can beat them because they're ranking with a relatively average domain rating and they don't have a ton of links going to the specific page either so to me this is very exciting because basically it tells me that we can definitely get into this number four spot like no doubt about it just based on the quantitative analysis not even looking at the content itself just looking at the the data it's pretty obvious that we can sneak into this number four spot and the reason why this skips number three is because number three according to ahrefs is the YouTube video pack so this is technical the number four spot so this is a really good sign I'd be very excited about this and I'm also really excited about these guys who are ranking here as well so they're ranking number seven once again you know they have they have a decent amount of foreign domains going to the page but their domain rating is a four I mean it's virtually nothing so this will be very easy to beat so it it would be embarrassing if we couldn't get to number seven I mean this should be really easy to get to number seven and then lastly the number 10 spot there's just no reason we shouldn't be able to beat number 10. they have a low domain rating their site is not very strong they don't have links going to the specific page and they're not even really optimized for the Target keyword so there's just really no excuse to not beat these guys with a decent page all right so this is the beauty of just looking at this on a quantitative basis you don't even need to look at the content you can just look at this and find opportunity just by looking at the numbers and this is the exciting part here the real magic happens when we dive into the pages then when I really start to see how I'm going to be able to beat these guys but this is the first part where you can really dive in and then the last part of the quantitative analysis is actually to use a tool like Surfer and the beauty of surfer is a we can actually go really granular and start to look at how these pages are optimized before we've even opened up the pages themselves so for example when you go into Surfer and you go to the serp analyzer you can export all this data and so I basically just exported the ones that I think are important now once again we're looking at the top 10 or so and I just want to see a few things so keyword in the title we already know that the top guys have that then is there a keyword in The Meta description now meta descriptions don't matter a ton these days because Google will rewrite them but still once again going back to the idea that we want to check things off the list to make sure that we've done them this is one where I would just make sure that I've done it so that I I can sleep at night knowing that I've actually done the basics okay so we look at this it's actually really interesting we'll open up this number three result I'm actually above the number 1 result as well and using the detailed Chrome extension once this loads we'll go ahead and actually open this up and you'll see so they don't even have a meta description at all okay so this is not ideal they they definitely should have a meta description even if Google will likely rewrite it it doesn't make a difference we should still put it in there so we can beat them on this front that's a very good sign and then we'll look at the number one result and we'll see that they actually do have a meta description but the problem is they don't actually use the primary keyword how to sprint faster in the actual meta description so what I would do is I would I would put the exact keyword phrase in a very natural form in this meta description just to make sure that I get it in there so we want to have it in the title we want to have it in the description we want to have it in the URL and then most importantly want to have it in the first H1 possibly in the first H2 and then of course maybe a couple times throughout the page that's like bare minimum on page SEO go but believe it or not a lot of websites don't do that so you can win just by doing very basic on-page SEO in many cases so looking at this we have you know all of these results none of them have the keyword in The Meta description so right away this is an opportunity so I highlight green as opportunity this one here is interesting too this is how many keywords an actual body of the content itself like how many times did they mention the exact phrase how to sprint faster and so this actually this number two result doesn't actually mention it at all okay and that's a really good sign and then these other ones there's there's multiple okay but we would not want to see is pretty much every competitor that's perfectly optimized okay because that gives us less margin of error all right and this in this case going to be pretty rare where you're going to see that but in really competitive verticals or competitive keywords almost all the top results will be optimized very very well so but in this case that's definitely not what we're seeing the next one here is just pure word count so looking at this 1200 words 4 500 Words you know all over a thousand in the top three so that's good but then these these guys here we got three results that are all below a thousand words so just no reason that we shouldn't be able to jump in here at the only 400 words ranking okay that's a very good sign next one is the total referring domains which you already know is not a ton this is surface metric it's not as accurate as ahrefs so take it with the grain of salt looking at this this is how many in this column is how many how many keywords are using the strong tag or are bolded in the copy itself so this one's pretty interesting because no one has bolded the actual keyword in the body but these guys I think mainly by accident did it I don't think it was intentional but if we go down here you'll see that they did a summary of the the actual content here so how to sprint faster number one they they highlighted the steps and they you know this just maybe by accident was bolded maybe not by accident I don't know but they did actually bold it now does Bolding matter probably not but if you're trying to get the most bang for your buck you could just highlight and put a strong tag around the core keyword in the first sentence you know it's not going to hurt you but I don't know if it's going to benefit you a ton but once again it could be something that you just kind of Mark off the list then look up here this is how many times the keyword actually mentioned in the paragraphs in paragraph tags once again tons of opportunity most of these Pages aren't even mentioning the core keyword which is definitely not ideal next one here is the is the primary keyword in the H1 tag once again tons of opportunity most what most pages are not doing it is it mentioned the H2 once again most are not doing it and then is the keyword mentioned above the fold very very important the number two result is not above the fold which is very fascinating and if we look at this we'll open it up and we'll see just to prove that it's not how to sprint faster and you can tell that the only thing that's above the fold is the actual H1 tag so they don't even mention it here in the first paragraph which is a mistake it should be mentioned here in the first sentence to really optimize this page so honestly they could probably beat the the next person above them if they just did some of these basic things so that's one thing we want to look at is make sure that it's above the fold and the thing is we're going to be doing these things no matter what if we're doing proper SEO we're doing it the way we should we're going to be handling all these but it's more of just to see the opportunity that exists for us okay and clearly when we have uh six competitors who don't even have the primary keyword above the fold there's just no reason we shouldn't be able to perform Wellness this is very exciting and this isn't even looking at the content next one is just you a keyword in the URL which we know most do not have that and then the next one here is overall structured data structured data is definitely important but I think some people go a little overboard there's one result here that is like 13 instances of structured data I don't think that's going to be hugely beneficial and even just looking at the data we can see that the top result only has one instance of structured data so we'll go and take a look and we'll see when we open up the little tool here we'll see that they just have the organization markup on this this article so this is not even marked up at all this is just a site-wide schema markup and they didn't even mark this up for article so this is just kind of another example showing that schema markup doesn't really influence rankings a whole lot I think it's definitely overblown in many cases but once again it's not something that should be ignored but if we look at this you know some some do have schema markup but two two out of the top three results barely have any schema markup at all all right so it shows you it's not super influential in our rankings and then this is the overall score that Surfer gives you as far as your content score your on-page SEO score basically most have scored below 70. so for us if it's below 70 that's a good opportunity top two are 75. all right so good opportunity here to sneak in and then the last last part which is really important and I'll be looking at this on a qualitative basis but looking at the quantity of images on the page and I personally believe there's a there's a correlation between how media Rich your content is and how well it will perform from a user experience perspective from how many people link to it I think it's just makes the content better overall when your content is better overall it performs better with users and with people who want to link to it and then that leads to getting better rankings so when I see that there's a low image count to me that's a really good sign that I can create something that's really visually Rich that's going to be way better than the competitors so looking at this tons of opportunity we only have a few competitors who have a decent amount of images but about six of these competitors have virtually no images at all so when we do the qualitative analysis we're going to be able to see this with our own eyes now let's do that let's jump right into the qualitative analysis now all right so now we're going to do the qualitative analysis and really what that means is we're just going to look at this and I'm going to from objective point of view give my opinion about the strengths and the weaknesses of these ranking assets or these ranking competitors so ultimately what I'm trying to do here is I'm just looking for opportunities to win okay and so if there are certain Trends and certain things that are clearly working I want to take advantage of those but I also want to look for things that they're not doing super well so let's look at this first result here it's already doing some good things which I think is something that should be modeled which is they have the content actually above the fold which is good but then it is getting pushed down with this image and then of course another block here that's a call to action which is I think personally is a little too high up in the content because now if we're trying to satisfy the intent of this keyword and we're really focused on delivering the best value for the Searcher this is not going to benefit them at all this is not this is not going to benefit the Searcher and this is not going to satisfy the intent so I would move the CTA lower if this was my content because now because of that block it takes us forever to finally get to the content okay now we're finally here so let's look at this and overall pretty blocky pretty huge blocks of text not super easy to read and so right away I see a huge opportunity there's this is not a super well developed asset and what we can do is we would create an asset that leverages the the concept of the list post I think list post is pretty much always applicable and always good but the problem here is that this is just not well formatted and it's very difficult to read and there's also no visuals there's no media there's not really a whole lot at all so the fact that this is ranking number one is really exciting because this content is easy to beat just by making it more visually rich and so this is a great opportunity and I'd be really excited about this so now this is the second ranking result and it's much better much more visually Rich showing real life examples and videos of how to actually demonstrate what they're explaining and so this is actually a really great piece of content and if we go down continual stuff to break up the patterns and yeah this is a very legit piece of content this is very very good so I would say that this one definitely deserves to rank overall I think this is going to be a difficult one to to beat overall but this is also a very good model for what works but ultimately a good model for what a good piece of content looks for this keyword so if I was if Google could subjectively pick the rankings I would definitely pick this page over this one because it's clearly better and more valuable for the Searcher now we're on to this one and once again this is this huge image here might be nice for the design but it's actually bad for user experience because now it's pushing the content way below the fold so this content this whole block right here needs to be moved up above the fold so this should be restructured to make that happen ultimately so you can satisfy the intent better now going through here once again this is similar to the master class one there's just a call to action that's way too early way too early on this because this is just people are going to click off it's going to kill user experience it's going to kill the positive user signals that you need on this page so you don't want to you want to have ctas too high like this because you haven't even you haven't even delivered on what the Searcher came for the Searcher came to learn about how to sprint faster so this is taking away from that go back through here and this is really random you have just like a random Instagram post here not sure what that's all about and then going through here another Instagram post yeah so not exactly the the most in-depth or well developed piece of content so once again another good opportunity so really out of the top three one of them is good and the other two can be beat pretty easily next one here is from Livestrong which is a very well-known website and we'll look through theirs and we'll see once again another huge thing above the fold here called action and then this one is pretty rough pretty rough so this is what happens when a website gets so strong and authoritative what tends to happen is that as a website gets stronger their content quality decreases because they don't need to have exceptional quality content to rank anymore and so this is the the downside of it's almost the curse of success in SEO when you when you start to actually become successful because of your content the content quality starts to fall because then you focus on hitting editorial publishing cadences instead of actually investing in content trying to make it the best that it can be and so based on the the authority of this website that's really the only reason why this is ranking if you took this same exact content and you published it on a brand new website it wouldn't perform at all this would not rank because it's just not deep it doesn't have any visuals it doesn't explain anything super well don't even know who the author is really who even wrote this content why they're qualified even right about how to sprint faster so a variety of things going on here that are are not ideal but if we're someone who's trying to rank here we should get excited okay this is very very good now number five go down here and we'll see uh this one's gated so yeah that we can just skip right past this one and then we'll look at athletes Forge this one here this one is interesting you can tell that this one was actually written by someone who's legitimate it's not the the best design it's not exactly super readable in ways but you can tell that this this has depths to it there's actual real content here real expertise here just by briefly scanning over it so this is one that you would definitely want to take some bits and pieces from and see you know the good things that they're doing but I would say out of all these so far this one's actually probably the second best as far as depth of content design is not super great but if this was my page and I wanted to improve it I would just really upgrade the design because I I know that I have the depth I know I have the expertise but I just need to focus on the design and user experience on this page next one here we'll scroll down and this one is similar to the other ones not super deep next one here three scientific proven ways to Sprint faster we'll take a look at this one strength training plios practice and final thoughts okay so once again not gonna not gonna blow your mind on this one not super deep and then the final one here which is how to run faster we already know this one is a little odd it's not exactly how to sprint faster it's more about running in general so not exactly the one that we would want to model in general So based on all of this we really only have about two competitors that are really doing things pretty well I would say wikiHow is by far the best page is is like overall it has good content it has great visuals it great videos overall this is a very good page and it's really going to help satisfy the intent and ultimately help the Searcher get what they came for right they came here to learn how to sprint faster they're getting mostly everything that they would need to accomplish that goal so this is great and it's a really good how-to and a complete guide so it's really satisfying the intent now the other one that is also doing well is this one here athlete's Forge this is another great piece of content like I said it just needs a little bit of refinement but this this is very good so ultimately we have about two competitors that we can certainly pull things from but this is what you have to do when you're trying to rank you have to analyze these competitors and dig in and really make sure that this is going to be a good keyword to Target and now based on this looking at the competitors this is a very good keyword to Target because there's no one that's really blowing any Minds with the content that's ranking here except for one that's very very good but you know we're looking at this as a whole not just one and now the good thing about ranking in Google is that it's not a zero-sum game so wikiHow can rank but we can also Rank and we can also get organic traffic so this is this is the beauty of it so there's definitely room for us to jump into this this is what you need to do for every single keyword analyze the competitors look for strengths look for weaknesses so then from there you're going to develop your content strategy okay so now it's time to develop an SEO content strategy based on what we've seen from the competitors and so ultimately you don't need to overthink this but really the the key to being successful on any keywords especially if it has relatively decent competition is just to come up with a unique angle that hasn't been used before and so you can do that while continuing to satisfy the intent so if we look at every single website or page that is ranking here every single one of them is basically just a guide or how to type of posts and that's okay that's clearly what works here but we can create and how how to article but we can add a Twist to it to make it unique and when you add a Twist that will actually make it better for you once you're ranking because then you'll increase your Organics DTR you want to be a purple cow among these top ten and so the concept of the Purple Cow is from Seth Godin but basically it means that if you're looking at a field of a bunch of different cows and there's one Purple Cow there it's really going to stand out compared to just a whole field of cows and that's what you want when you're trying to rank in Google and so look looking at these we know that two of these competitors have good articles we know this one's good we know this one's good but what I did is I came up with the concept that no one else has done so far because no one else has brought other people on to explain how to sprint faster all of these recommendations and various things are from people who aren't super well known they do not have any brand recognition they don't have any real high level expertise so what we would want to do is we want to find people who are highly qualified to talk about how to sprint faster so I came with a few different ones it could be how to sprint faster in 2022 according to scientists or pro athletes or Olympians or even this one just to leverage Usain Bolt in the actual title tag here and then talk about his secrets and here's the cool part is I don't need to go and interview Usain Bolt to build this content I can just analyze Usain Bolt and his sprinting technique and then explain what those secrets are of what he's doing or what he does it's different than everyone else okay and so we're using different different type types of leveraging other people's names namejacking to ultimately drive more clicks and more visibility and more interest in this content because at the end of the day some of this stuff is a little boring right I mean seven steps eight expert tips with pictures and it's not super exciting so if we add a little spice to we add a little if a little flavor to this this kind of worn out topic it's going to drive more interest and ultimately help us rank longer that's what we should go for so when I'm thinking about my my SEO content strategy and this doesn't matter whether it's an informational piece of content it's a transactional page it doesn't make a difference no matter what keyword I'm going after I want to think about how can I make this page different than what's currently ranking so I can build a moat around this content and what that means is ultimately we want to rank we want to be able to rank for the long term we don't want to create something that's so easy to beat that a competitor can just throw up a page today and just wipe us off we want to be so difficult to beat that they're going to look at our page and be like whoa they put a lot of time into this they put a lot of capital into this and so we're just not going to try to uh outrank them ultimately so that's really what we want that's how we build that SEO content boat okay so once you've developed your SEO content strategy now what you need to do is think about how you're going to build topical Authority and so what I like to do is I'll I will just go right into ahrefs and pull ideas from here but you can also go to answer the public or you can go to also it doesn't really matter what method you use but at the end of the day we need to find additional ideas to support our primary ideas so if we look at this the primary topic we're going after is how to sprint faster and then what we did is we found a bunch of different ideas that are considered secondary keywords and so how to sprint faster in basketball or soccer or track or any type of sport these are all additional ideas now is sprinting faster going to be different depending on the sport not necessarily but still there may be some nuances for each of these so these may require a separate asset then we start to look at some of these other ones there's also questions okay does losing weight make you sprint faster okay it's a very specific question and it is not specific to the primary topic you could theoretically answer this question on here but more than likely you won't Rank and we can prove this just by copying this topic and going into Google and we'll see that we're probably going to see a whole different set of results compared to the previous one so looking at this right away we see a whole different set these are not the results that were ranking before for the broader topic of how to sprint faster so whenever you see a difference where you see variance between two different keywords it's usually Google telling you that you need to create a separate page or a separate asset so if I was targeting this I would create a separate piece of content around this specific topic does losing weight make you sprint faster and I would create an appropriate word count for that and then of course once you create that asset you want to internally link back to the primary asset and vice versa you could link from the primary to the secondary the second or the primary it's okay to link them together and so you want to keep doing that you want to build out as many of these assets as it makes sense and so typically whenever we create an asset we're going to be trying to create at least five to ten supporting assets for that one asset if that makes sense but the key is to remember that you're only creating a new asset when the intent is different and when Google is showing a different set of results so just use Google as your guide and then we'll look through here is the legal to Sprint faster than the speed limit I'm actually interested to see the answer to this myself but we'll go ahead and take a look and once again totally different set of results okay so this is this is another example where we would need to to create a separate asset so the point is pretty clear here create as many supporting assets as you need to rank and so of course you could go crazy and create an asset for all of these if if appropriate but it could also be Overkill so you have to kind of weigh the pros and the cons of creating more assets but if your goal is to be the the authority and the dominant Force for how to sprint faster then you should absolutely max out every content opportunity that exists and then once you've built all these assets all that's left to do is just start acquiring links to the primary asset and to these secondary assets and if you've internally linked them well you're going to drive authority to all of these different these different pages and a rising time to lift All Ships so all of these posts will perform better all of these keywords will perform better because you've built a really strong cluster and a really strong cluster of authority around this one core topic so that's how you rank for how to sprint faster so you've got a lot of value from this video and you want me to actually show you how to rank for a specific keyword then just drop it below and I'll create a dedicated video to show you how to rank for whatever keyword you want to go after so once again if you like this video please like And subscribe hit the Bell notification all that good stuff and I'll see you in the next video thank you so much for watching
Channel: Nathan Gotch
Views: 49,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rank #1 on google, search engine optimization, seo, seo for dummies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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