Senua's Saga Hellblade 2 - Nvidia RTX 4090 4K GPU Benchmark Test

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I'm going to be testing hellblade 2 on my 4090 I'm going to do it at 4K so we've got that set here I will be doing it at Native 4K so I've got resolution scale set to 100 here we do have the LSS and frame generation on the game I'll check that out in a little bit Graphics wise I've got it set to the high preset which is the highest it can go so every setting here the max it can go is high so uh let's have a look okay so I'm starting right at the beginning here and straight away at least in this little scene here look at this not even barely even breaking 40 FPS and obviously on the first game FPS was pretty rough with rage racing on now this is Unreal Engine 5 so we do have built-in Lumin in that you can't switch it off child does look good graphically though at the moment the dark land push us back she's so far from home all but this is obviously native 4K I'll have a look with the LSS and stuff in a little bit should hopefully see it be a bit better but I was hoping at least would maybe be a bit closer to 60 here but it's looking pretty tough but graphically always at least at the moment it looks pretty good remember so at least we have that we've been to Hell before now I have had to drop my CPU clock to 5.5 as well I have this issue that's come out recently with Intel CPUs being unstable I I only seem to really have the issue in Unreal Engine 5 games though if I leave it at a 5.7 it just crashes loads and gives that error the video memory error she's going to fall so I just have to drop it down a little bit but at a 5.5 it seems fine CL your so I don't know if I'm controlling this here stup come on I am controlling it she's too exhausted I just got to push up on the analog stick too much don't look down don't let the fear get to you was that so although our FPS is pretty low our pokon per isn't too bad 29 it's not too bad from where we are what is going on climb this is intense isn't it us she cannot falter the voices draw her onward so yeah not I am noticing obviously the frame time does look quite choppy but I'm not noticing any stuttering in the game definitely better than the first game that started like really badly she carries them with her maybe I'll speak to you soon but at the moment at least it seems better I know this is kind of a cut scene a little bit I am controlling it but she is afraid exhausted it's not like the full thing so maybe things change a little bit once I get into the uh the full game controlling it to carry on all this death she clouds her mind with fear these graphic crazy stronger forces drive her on but yeah similar FPS here just about around that 40 FPS area power the GPU power doesn't look too bad 350 obviously vram is not as bad either in our Engine 5 compared to four I know I think on the first game at 4K we were using probably 15 to 16 on average gigs of VR we're using about just over 11 here so definitely easier on that on the on the hardware for that needs you but I'd say overall so far pretty impressed I know obviously the FPS is not great but I give it a bit of leeway considering how good the game looks game looks incredible and the load aren't too bad to the stuttering and stuff like I said before you can see in the frame time looking a bit choppy but I don't feel anything in game if we weren't measuring it there I don't think you'd know no like visual stuttering get AC definitely gets hit hard there though 35 FPS when I look at the water careful easy do you think it's a bit of a shame we can't switch R tracing uh like Lumen off in arm Engine 5 there were some games you could uh do it I think RoboCop you could switch it off purely said we could just see with it off you know performance- Wise but seems like a lot of the games not everyone you can there symol what does it the slavers I'm now going to take a look with the LSS and frame generation on so I've got the upscaling set to Quality and then I've switched frame generation on here Graphics wise I've still got everything set to the max so it's all set to high so straight away here we're breaking 100 FPS which is obviously quite an improvement for what we had we had about 40 FPS at Native so you're looking at about a 60 to 70 FPS increase at the moment between 110 so a big increase obviously you would expect there to be quite an improvement I'll play for a little bit here and see see roughly uh how it goes if it can stay roughly in that region friend Tom looks a little bit better but it is still fairly choppy by the looks of it not seeing any noticeable stuttering in the game itself but it's still getting those micro STS in the frame time I've seen power come down by quite a lot there as well about 60 wats I'm going to have to get in a fight here are you going to oh my God what do I do what do I do oh that's what we do got a sword now we're going to get in a fight this is going to be a fight isn't it so in terms of image quality as well I I would say you can tell a little bit from native 4K at least I can tell a little bit it's more maybe the anti-aliasing I can tell I can see that dlss is on it'd be like the daa anti-aliasing equivalent compared obviously uh Native just the way some of the stones and stuff look doesn't look bad though I'd say I am sat quite close to my monitor most people probably wouldn't notice what the controls in is it the same as the first game we us she is the best damn so it doesn't drop too bad in that combat either we did are seeing it dip below 100 a little bit 97 98 FPS not too bad seen vram obviously increase a little bit switching frame generation on as well but for frame generation I'm not noticing any latency at all I am on controller so I do think that sometimes suits it a bit better you notice it a little bit less how do I can I block I'm not sure if I can block I don't know if you can block I forget how to do it I think it's all be actually face finishing M are crazy you must you have to survive for us I'm going to take a look now with just dlss upscaling on so we've got that set to Quality and I've got frame generation off with that on it gives us about a 20 to yeah kind of a 20 to 30 in that range increase of FPS compared to Native which is round about normal for dlss Quality normally in that range uh that is obviously giving us about a 40 FPS decrease from having frame generation on those so a bit luck that can mostly keep us at about 60 I'll seeing some dips down oh dude I'm not very good at that am I combat is cool though oh no time that terribly so yeah it is mostly holding that look at this .1% low though 9 FPS it's definitely stuttering a little bit going to reset that can I just block some of these attacks nice little Parry time the Parry right so yeah to keep at least 60 at 4 4K here going to have to have at least the LSS quality on one of the two either frame Generation by itself or D LSS quality I'll try that out in a sec as well didn't really notice any issues with frame generation on there's no image issues no noticeable latency or anything no like ghost thing or anything like that oh this this opening scene is so intense I'm now going to take a look with just frame generation on so I've got that switched on here and then I've got it set to daa and that seems to be giving us just under 80 FPS so we had about 60 65 with the LSS quality frame generation definitely giving us a little bit more here look like average is more about 75 so maybe about 10 FPS more on average quick run through does dip down a little bit but I am starting to see some weird image if you look into the distance there on the like the fence that definitely just that doesn't look right at all does it when I'm moving when I'm moving really quick that doesn't look good at all I'm not sure it almost looks like it's screen tearing but it's definitely not screen tearing because my monitor's 144 and it doesn't quite look like screen tearing so quiet no further something's wrong what happened here it smells like death he doesn't want to settlement has fallen to the D so I didn't notice any image issues like that before but definitely seeing that there I don't know may maybe could be daa that's causing that I'll maybe switch frame generation off in a second see did you hear it did you hear but I didn't see anything like that with dlss quality someone is suffering help me you need to go inside you need to help them someone needs your help everyone has in there everyone help us you want to join them you came here to help let's go listen to yourself what is beyond there is too dark we are leaving now don't give me orders slaver we'll find another way in see it seems to be when I move the camera really fast I'm not I'm not even entirely sure you'll be able to see it on the video I don't even really know how to describe it it just the image just can't I guess it's like where it's generating I will take you to my people like I said if I walk very slowly like this with the camera it's it's fine you can't see you have but if I do this really quick what you're walking into creates like Jagged image no we can't leave but aside from that it's holding above 70 FPS with this I normally would never really run with just frame generation I'd I'd much rather just have dlss quality or something if we're above 60 in this game I'm kind of all right with that if I can play at 4K with that I'd probably leave it at that I don't really need both on them so I don't really need 100 FPS people he does I'm going to take a look with dlss on but I'm going to have the preset set to daa so frame generation is off as well so effectively this is just native from own with daa just the antialising of dlss so FPS wise pretty much the same as uh as what we had like full native with no dlss on maybe slightly less we had to average of about 46 47 so it's maybe one or two FPS Less in terms of image quality I'd say it probably looks a little bit sharper than TSR when we had that set to 100 uh rendered resolution but to be honest at 4K I think it's always a little bit hard to tell unless you have the it side by side I think the the difference is always a bit hard to tell just flicking between you kind of notice anti-aliasing less I think it depends on the game some games you do notice it a bit more but overall overall average I think it's a bit harder to tell sometimes I'd say maybe the grass looks a little bit crisp or crisp to me still looks good either way if you've enjoyed this video click one of the videos on the screen now to see me testing more gpus and I'll catch you next time
Channel: Benchmark Boy
Views: 5,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: benchmark boy, rtx 4090 benchmark, 4090, 4090 rtx, rtx 4090, rtx4090, RTX 4090, 14900k, 4090 benchmark, rtx 4090 4k, 4090 benchmarks, rtx 4090 benchmarks, nvidia rtx 4090, geforce rtx 4090, rtx 4090 i9-14900k, senua's saga hellblade 2 rtx 4090, rtx 4090 senua's saga hellblade 2, hellblade 2 rtx 4090, hellblade 2 4090, rtx 4090 hellblade 2, 4090 hellblade 2, senua's saga hellblade 2, hellblade 2 pc, hellblade 2, hellblade 2 benchmark, 4090 4k, hellblade 2 4k
Id: HEqAkTraXZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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