Sensors Used in Cars | Working of Sensors | Location and Uses (Explained in Detail)

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foreign [Music] we will see about all the sensors  used in modern cars most modern car engines are   fitted with an array of different sensors  which gather data to calculate a perfect   air-fuel mixture for the best fuel economy and  best performance in all situations sensors are   classified into three categories sensors for  engine control sensors for body control and   sensors for other components such as brakes  suspension and transmission the engine control   unit or ECU receives information from various  sensors on the engine Compares that information   to predetermined programming decided on by  the manufacturer and then sends outputs to the   spark plugs fuel injectors and other components to  allow the engine to run as effectively as possible the first important sensor is the  crank position sensor the cranked   position sensor is usually located in  the crankcase over the toothed wheel   on the crankshaft it monitors the  Pistons TDC position in the engine and also measures the rotation speed of the  crankshaft it counts the number of diff on   the crankshaft sending this value to the ECU  where it finds the position of the crankshaft   and pistons the rate of positional change is  used to calculate the engine's rotational speed   number two now let us see about cam  position sensor the cam position   sensor is typically located in  the cylinder head of the engine   the task of the cam sensor is to find the  exact position of the camshaft and valves it works together with a crank  sensor for perfect ignition timing if these sensors fail starting  of the engine is not possible number three is the mass airflow sensor   the mass airflow sensor is located between the  air filter and the engine's intake manifold it   is used to calculate the amount of air that  enters the engine during the intake stroke the measuring of air helps the ECU to  determine how much fuel must be added   for the perfect air and fuel  mixture to get better results number four the manifold absolute pressure sensor   or the map sensor is a device  situated in the intake manifold and is used to calculate the pressure of air going  to the engine it is very similar to a mass airflow   sensor which measures the mass flow of air  and a map sensor measures the pressure of air the higher the pressure the higher will be the  mass of air and hence more fuel can be used this   sensor helps the ECU in determining the amount  of air and fuel that has to be sent to the engine   number five knock sensor commonly knock  sensor located outside the engine block foreign the term knocking means the ignition  occurred even before the actual time this creates the high-vibration  and high-sounding engine the knock sensor identifies the high-frequency  engine vibration of knocking and transmits a   signal to the ECU when the ECU receives an  electric signal the ECU Returns the ignition   timing and stops the occurrence of knocking  inside the engine this improves the economy   and power of an engine number six cool and  temperature sensor a car engine produces a   lot of heat when it is running and must  be cooled continuously to avoid engine   damage generally this is done by circulating  coolant liquid through passages to the radiator the   radiator contains thin metal fins which  give more contact area to the radiator   to open air in the atmosphere and also  radiator holds an electric fan which   transfers the heat from radiator  to Atmosphere hence the coolant   in radiator cools down and sent back  to the engine and this process repeats   the coolant temperature sensor is located in  between the engine and radiator passages this cool   and temperature sensor monitors the temperature  of liquid coolant and sends the signal to ECU the   ECU uses this reading to calculate the coolant  temperature and from there it adjusts the fuel   injection and ignition timing and controls when  the electric cooling fan is switched on and off this information is also used to send  an accurate reading of the engine   temperature to a gauge on the dashboard  number seven fuel temperature sensor   this measures the fuel's temperature  and transmits the signal to the ECU when the fuel is warm it's less dense and burns  more readily so the ECU injects more fuel when   the fuel is cold it's denser so the ECU injects  less fuel this optimizes the engine's performance   some Brands places this sensor on send a  unit which is located inside the fuel tank   or in some other brands it is located on  high-pressure pump attached to the engine number eight crash sensor for airbag  the airbag system is one of the most   important components in your vehicle's  safety system crash sensors are small   pieces of electronics designed to tell when  the vehicle has been damaged in an accident   the sensor signals to the airbag control unit  within milliseconds after Collision when the   control unit determines there is an accident  it sends a signal to the inflator system the   inflator immediately fill up the airbag this  all happens in an instant usually within 25 to   50 milliseconds this airbag provides a cushioning  system for the people in the car and saves lives the   crash sensor is located in the front  side of the car behind the bumper and   also inside the side pillars  or doors of the vehicle's body number nine we speed sensor for anti-lock braking  system in this system the brakes are applied and   released numerous times in one second and hence  the system ensures that the wheels do not lock up   under hard braking the vehicle slows down while  maintaining its grip and the available traction   allows the driver to give steering inputs this  helps the driver steer the vehicle to avoid an   accident the advanced anti-locking braking system  offers significant benefits over normal brakes   in a vehicle we'll speed sensors are located  on all the wheels that monitor the speed of   each wheel the ECU reads the signal from each  sensor after the speed sensors detect the speed   of any of the wheel is reducing drastically  compared to others the ECU sends the signal   to the valves of the respective wheel to reduce  the brake pressure and the valves get closed   after this the wheels start to accelerate again  and the signal is sent to the ECU one more time   which in turn sends the signal to open the valve  and increase the brake pressure and hence brakes   are applied the cycle repeats itself until  the application of brakes becomes normal number 10 parking sensors parking  sensors are proximity sensors for   vehicles designed to alert the driver  of obstacles while parking it is   located in the back bumper and also  in the front bumper of some vehicles these sensors work either on ultrasonic  or electromagnetic principles when the   driver engages reverse gear rear parking  sensors to get activated automatically   and send ultrasonic waves when these waves  hit a nearby object they get reflected and   are captured Again by the sensors this  process measures the distance between   the sensor and object this indicates the  driver about the distance between vehicle   and object with visual indication and  sound in the dashboard for safe parking number 11 rain wiping sensor the rain sensor is located on the upper end  of the windshield glass senses the amount of   rainfall and controls the wiping cycle for the  proper interval it sends out a beam of infrared   light when water droplets are on the windshield  the light is reflected back at different angles   this tells the system to activate the  wipers as well as adjust wiper speed   and frequency based on the intensity  of the precipitation combined with the   vehicle's speed the more it rains the  faster the wiper operates automatically now we completed discussing commonly used  sensors of the car thank you for watching
Channel: Motoring Masters
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Keywords: types of sensors, categories of sensors, different types of sensors, types of sensors and their uses, how many types of sensors are there in the world?, car sensors, car sensor, sensor, car sensors explained, car parking sensors, oxygen sensor, front parking sensors for car, coolant sensor, o2 sensor, camshaft sensor, knock sensor, throttle position sensor, engine sensors, different car sensor, function of car sensor, car repair, map sensor, car engine top sensor
Id: ceIykzivaw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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