Senior lives in beautiful Tiny House on social security

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hey there welcome to my channel where I take  you on tours of tiny and unique homes with the   holidays just around the corner today we're  featuring a tour of a tiny house that's been   super decorated for Christmas this tiny home  belongs to Luanne and she's going to tell   us why she decided to downsize and how it's  afforded her to have the life of her dreams   luanne's tiny house is parked in one of the  largest tiny house villages in the entire   country and if you're interested in seeing our  tour of this Village make sure you check out the   link in the description and if you like these  kind of videos make sure that you subscribe   and hit that notification Bell so that you know  every single time we publish a new tour [Music] hi I'm Luanne this is Bentley and  this is my tiny house the nest [Music]   I was immediately fascinated by tiny homes  I knew that that's what I wanted to do I   wanted to live in a tiny house I didn't know  anything about them yet I didn't know what   size but I was fascinated about living in  a space with just the things that you need   I think I was just so ready to downsize  that it wasn't heartbreaking to get rid   of these things it was kind of freeing it was  freeing to not have all of that anymore [Music]   so when it came time to actually buy a house  I'd been watching a lot of videos but I'd   kind of honed in on incredible tiny homes  with Randy Jones and just felt like that's   where I wanted to have my house built and he was  building communities here which was huge to me   I got this house for just under seventy  nine thousand dollars it was about a year   and a half from the time that I put my first  deposit down to when I moved into my house   I've lived here a little over a year I'm not in  my permanent lot yet I'm suddenly seeing this   lot but people who live in this community  pay 200 a month for their rent we pay an   extra like 25 a month right now for water  and then we pay our own electric which is   an amazing deal I just retired I can live  on my Social Security here which is great [Music] for the outside of my house I went with lap  siding just a wood lap siding because I wanted   it to have a real natural feel but I wanted  white trim to make it pop a little bit and   then went with the black metal for the roofing  the sound of rain on the Roof Is Magical even   though Bentley doesn't like it very much the  dimensions are 10 feet wide by 28 feet long   and I believe it's 13 and a half feet tall I  had stayed in uh eight and a half by 19 foot   house for a weekend and knew that I wanted to  have something a little larger than that for   my permanent home so when I knew that the 10 foot  wide was available I wanted to go with that just   to keep the price in the area that I wanted  to 28 feet worked out perfectly and I love it   were also decorated with my 12-man Seahawks  flag because I lived in Seattle for 23 years   before moving here so go Hawks this is the  Seahawk contingent here incredible tiny homes   I love to decorate for Christmas and I actually  did decorate it for fall I don't normally decorate   all the time but I love Christmas here's  the start of it wait till you get inside   so let's head over to the  front of the house [Music]   but I was playing in the house I wanted to  have a lot of light coming in so I plan to   have nine Windows which kind of brought  light in from all sides of the house   just to have a little variation in the siding we  put Cedar Shakes up in the Dormers which is just   a nice change of texture [Music] okay I want to  take you over to the shed so this is my little   mini me shed I painted it so it would look kind of  like the house I've always wonder where I store my   Christmas decorations and tables other things it  all goes in here which is wonderful incredible   tiny homes built this shed we all have exactly the  same shed but we can decorate it however we want okay come on in I'll show you the inside [Music]   as you can see this is the main living area  in the house which I love the 10 foot width   because it just gives so much room for  living I love how this all works out   we can actually fit 10 people in here for a  dinner party so it's been really fun dinner   parties we did a Downton Abbey tea we've done  craft days here the community is a huge part   of being here and I've made some wonderful  friends it's fun to gather people together [Music] so when I was planning the house they  said it's a really great idea to have Windows   opposite your door so when you walk in it  doesn't feel really closed in you feel like   you're looking right back out into nature so  that was really important to me to place these   windows here and the other thing that I wanted  to have something dividing The Loft from down   here because I didn't want my dog to take a header  off the Loft and it worked out great because I can   put all my books up there and it gives privacy up  in the Loft if somebody else is staying here too   so let's head into the kitchen now [Music]  so in the kitchen this is my pantry and then   just other food storage Bentley has his own  little drawer with all of his goodies in there   and then all the pots and pans and that type of  thing are all in the corner cabinet and it works   out great if I was going to do anything different  I might not have had the cooktop put in the   counter but have a portable one that I could lift  out which would leave countertop free if I'm not   cooking necessarily what I use the most is this I  don't know if it's called a toaster oven but it's   a dehydrator an air fryer it does a little bit of  everything so that gets used the most and then and   then the cooktop and then there's a microwave up  here too which is also really handy one thing that   people like and I had seen it in another tiny  house is putting the shelf across the windows I   like the look of it and it gives you more space  to store things so that's been a great addition countertop is Butcher Block which is what  came with it but I love it and then they   put in a little drop sink here so that  works out great and there's actually   another piece of countertop that I can drop  into the sink so when we're doing a buffet   it just carries over and and covers over  so it can use the whole the whole counter and then moving over here this is like my work  area it's where I eat or I do crafts I wanted   a table that I could do all those things at and  found this wonderful antique table in the town   next door so that was a find and I love having the  window here I've got a bird feeder right outside   so I can watch the birds while I'm sitting here  but this has been a wonderful part of my tiny   so up above me in the Loft you'll see there's  the mini split which provides heat and air   conditioning so the air conditioning is  great it works on its own the heat is   good but heat rises and it's a pie and the  fan that I bought doesn't have a reverse on   it to bring heat down so there's also on my  fireplace it gives off heat so between the   mini split and the fireplace that works  great and then actually in my bathroom I   have a little space heater that I'll use  in the morning when I'm taking a shower   okay let's head down to the hallway now when I was  downsizing I knew that storage would be a really   important thing I knew I wanted this calyx shelf  from Ikea because it would have so much storage   in it it serves as my dresser as storage for  sewing materials for so many different things I wanted to have a place for hanging clothes  so I figured at the end of the bookshelf   I could do that here and kind of hide it away the  hangers stuck out further than I planned on so I   got children's hangers and it works out great  because they just don't come out quite as far   so it doesn't come out as far into the hallway so  let's head upstairs to the bedroom foreign [Music] love this bedroom it's so cozy it doesn't  feel claustrophobic at all I have a queen   size foam it's not even a mattress it's just  a high density four inch foam that I have in   here so I'm five foot seven I believe this is  43 inches from the floor to the ceiling so I   have plenty of room to sit up it's easy to crawl  into the space I actually got an extra piece of   foam and put it right by the top of the stairs so  when I'm crawling in I'm crawling on foam all the   way in this is the back side of the bookcase the  slab has just worked out so well foreign [Music]   come on in it's so nice because it's very  spacious for a bathroom and a tiny house   I knew when I was designing the house that I  wanted to have the stairs going up the back of the   house so my biggest concern was that the washer  dryer would fit underneath the stairs but it   worked out perfectly so I got my combo washer and  dryer which I love it some people don't like them   I don't know why because this has worked perfectly  for me and then I have on-demand water [Music]   and I've got a 36 inch shower in the  condo that I had in Seattle in the   master bedroom I had a 32 inch shower  so this feels really spacious to me I didn't plan on the keystone arch the carpenter  that built the stairs and did all the woodwork   here on the inside he just did it on his  own but I love it it's beautiful I had to   be careful the first couple times hit my head  on the corner but you learned very quickly not   to do that [Music] I think the best part of tiny  living is just how it simplifies your life but   also just the Financial Freedom that it gives  my house is paid for it's kind of incredible   I can't tell you how many times I've just  sat and just looked at my house and I'm like   I can't believe this was all in my head and  now I'm sitting in it I just want to thank   incredible tiny homes what they're doing here  is amazing and it's making tiny house living   affordable for people this is a miracle  I can't believe this has happened because   of them I've got this sweet little house  my little cottage the life I want to live thanks for watching this week's  video please make sure to like   share and subscribe and don't forget  to check out a tour of the incredible   tiny house village where Luann is parked  via the link in the description foreign
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 625,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, tiny house village, incredible tiny homes, incredible tiny house community, tiny house community, tiny home tour, tiny houses, tiny house nation, senior tiny house, tiny house retirement, christmas tiny house, small space design, small space decor, small space christmas decorations, small space christmas tree, tiny house design
Id: o6XQm9Hgx8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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