Send Personalized Emails from Excel using Power Automate

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hi I'm Jamie and today I want to show you how you   can send personalized emails  in Microsoft Excel with power automate let me run a demo of what we're going  to create today and then we'll go through step   by step creating it and you're going to see  how quickly you can do this so if you take a   look up top at the tabs go to automate and under  automate you're going to see this automate work   this is going to connect to power automate on  it and once this loads up you're going to see I   have a flow already created and I'm going to run  this flow this is the one that we're going to   create today so if I go to this right here and I  just click run it's going to go through and I just   have to follow the steps so now I can click run  flow hit done and then you'll notice right away   what's going to happen I just got an email to that  account and in a quick second this is going to get   updated over here notifying me that an email was  sent to that so if I go ahead and check the email   now so if we take a look at the email right here  you can see that the information from this row was   placed in this email to have it customized and  the formatting such as $1,500 or the date is in   the correct format over here so let's go set this  up now just a note before we get started the file   that I'm working today is going to be saved in one  drive so it does need to be saved online you can   work from SharePoint as well but today I'll have  this Excel file saved in my one drive for business   account the other thing I want to point out this  information in here needs to be in table format   you can see if I click in and I go to table design  I have this table right here called school fees   and you're going to see that pop up when I create  my flow but now let's go ahead and go to this flow   and I'm actually going to delete this flow so I  just want to show you can delete these from here   too so we're going to go and delete delete them  now we're going to start from scratch and to do   this we're just going to use a template that they  already have created so if I go just scroll down   you can see there's some templates here but at  the very bottom you can go see all templates and   that's what I'm going to click on and it's going  to open up power automate and this is where we're   going to build our flow if you're brand new to  Microsoft power automate and you want to learn   the basics I have a beginner's video about how to  use power automate and I'll put the link up there   in the card and down below in the description the  other thing I just wanted to point out before we   get started you can use Excel online for this  so if I just go over and open up another tab   I'm logged into my account but you can see I'm  logged in and if I check out automate here it   is right here so you can do this completely online  but let's go back to Power automate here and what   we want to use as our template is this one right  here for a selected row complete a custom action   so I'm going to go and select this one and it  gives you some information about it I'm using   Excel online for business and I'm just going to  go ahead and click continue here first thing is   I'm going to actually switch off the new designer  I find when I'm using the new designer I sometimes   lose connectivity to the file and then I have to  reput it in and save it again so I'm sticking with   the uh not the new designer here all right so what  we have first of all we have for a selected row we   need to connect the file that we're working with  so I'm just going to go show options and you'll   see that I'm using one drive for business we're  going to go to one drive for where my file is   and now I need to go where I saved this so I have  a folder called uh school fees right here so I'm   just going to select into it and I'll find the  file now I can go and connect the table so the   table is going to be school fees like I showed you  before so this is going to be the first step now   I need the Second Step which is going to be save  sending the email so I'm going to click new Step   here and we can click Send or WR send email and we  can find what we're looking for this way and we're   using Outlook and I'm using this one right here  send an email the V2 I'm just going to go ahead   and select this so this is where I can customize  the email and it's going to pull the information   from that specific Excel spreadsheet so let's  start who is this too so as I click into this   I'm going to add some Dynamic content because this  is going to be coming from the Excel spreadsheet   now if I take a look at this I'm going to be using  the email formatted so if I go over to school fees   here it's going to be this column so it's going  to be uh email this column is called so I'm going   to go back so I'm going to go back and now what  I'm going to do is just choose email formatted so   that will send it to the people there so if I go  to subject now what do I want the subject to be   saying I'm just going to go make it school fees  due for account and I want the account number to   come up so I'm going to add make sure the add the  dynamic content and it's going to be school fees   account number so if I look at this this is going  to be the account number that's what the column   is called I'm going to look for account number  formatted and at this point that's all I need   for the subject let's go create a very simple uh  email I'm just going to say hello and now I want   the first person's name of that list so I look  at the list here and I go first name formatted   and I could put uh the last name as well but I'm  just going to go and put a comma and I'll write   my short email and I'm just going to say when the  fees are due so I'm just going to paste this in   this is a friendly reminder that your school fees  are due on and where are they do on if I take a   look at the spreadsheet it's called due date now  the reason why we're using formatted all the time   I want the format to stay the same of what I  have it in this column so if I go and choose   the due date now I'm choosing formatted and it's  going to stay in that format that I saw in the   list so I'll just go ahead and just put the period  And I also want to make sure that the amount due   is listed so I'm going to go and just put that  in the mount do and I'll put a mount do do so   we're looking for Mount do formatted because if I  don't put formatt it this time it will pull the,   1500 but it won't put the dollar signs in there  so we'll keep that format so this is a very simple   email and I'm just going to end it at thank you  like so and now there's one more step that I   wanted to add remember what we wanted to be able  to do is make sure that once we send this email   that we get yes put in here so we know which ones  we've sent it to so if I go back to here I need to   add a new Step so I'm going to click new step and  this time I need to update the row in that Excel   file so if I type in update row you're going to  see I have the action here update the row I need   to go select the same file it's going to be the  same one that I selected from up here so I'll just   quickly fill this in so I filled this information  in but now I need to have a key column and a key   value so the key column if I look at my sheet here  is going to be this one the account number has a   a unique identifier for each person and if I go  back I can select this if I just drop down and I   have to pick the account number just like that  now if I go back to this one this is where I'm   going to pick the dynamic uh part of this and I  need to go find it over here so if I scroll down   it's going to be account number formatted one  more thing that I have to add to it if I keep   moving down it's email sent I just want it to say  yes so if I type in yes at this point as I upd   that row it's going to say yes at the end so we  have our steps in here what I want to do is make   sure we have a nice name for this that it's easy  to recognize what it does and I'm going to just   type send email and we can go ahead and save it at  this point Let's test this out I'm going to move   back over to the Excel spreadsheet I'm under the  automate I'm going to click on automate work and   now if you haven't if you didn't have one before  you should see with power automate you're going   to have a flow listed send email because that's  the title of what I called it that's what I named   that flow I'm can run this from here now so if  I I want to run it I need to select a row or   multiple rows I don't need to select the whole  row like this I can just click somewhere in it   and if I wanted to send to multiple people I could  highlight two different rows also but let's just   try it for this first one again with Ashton and if  we go over to here and go to the Ellipsis the more   commands we can go and click run the very first  time that you work through this you're going to   see that it needs to sign in to connect to these  I'm just going to click continue here and then   click run flow and then we can click done so I've  brought the email over you can see we have yes it   has been sent if I take a look the formatting is  all correct we have the account number we have the   due date the amount and the correct name let's  say you wanted to add a cc to the email so if I   go back over to power automate here and I'm going  to just adjust something under the C Emil and if   I open this Up and Under the advanced if you have  it opened here we're going to look at CC so if I   click in here I'm going to go and add that Dynamic  content now I'm the one sending this so it's my   account that's triggering this so I'm going to  say user email so that's all we have to do if I   have that set up like this this I'm going to go  ahead and save this now I'm going to go back to   this here and I'm going to select two different  rows so I could just select two like this and   I'm going to go over to send email and let's go  ahead and run it and after this I'm going to check   my scent and you'll be able to see the CC's here  I've just moved over to my email and you can see   here that I got two MA emails from those that were  cc to me one to Kathy and one from Ashton I hope   this tutorial has helped you out in understanding  about how to use power automate and that you can   find use for this I am curious how many of you  would be interested in another tutorial about   how to do customized attachments with this as  well let me know down in the comments but thanks   for watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see  you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 8,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power Automate, Excel, Email Automation, Productivity Hacks, Tech Tutorial, Microsoft Flow, Email Workflow, Excel Automation, Power Automate Tutorial, Email Marketing, Automation Tools, Microsoft Office, Data Management, Email Personalization, Business Automation, Microsoft Excel Tips, Email Integration, Office Automation, Streamline Workflow, Power Automate Excel Integration, teachers tech, jamie keet, send email with power automate, power automate tutorial for beginners
Id: OxBkrC4mHq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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