Semi Truck Vs. People in Tug Of War

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big horse truck stanford speaking of horses there's five on a radio from under the ball taking on 500 people pulling on a ropes down tug of war who's gonna win hey i'm here with the boys and with we're doing a meet and greet at the tower yep it's still here everyone we're doing a heap of challenges we've got lots of people they're going to be in a competition to win an epic prize at the end and later on the war against the truck that's going to be big you guys are in for a treat it's going to be a great video let's get into it everyone well done first drop of the day is big brosie onto the pool and the ducks are going to go flying conveniently colored for blue blue oh green what about them red red everyone here they need to guess what color is going to be closest to rexy and that group of people will remain in it's a knockout winner today stanford gets their own golden rexy look how good it is wow let's get into it now we get a lot of comments about cleaning this area up which we do all the time but we figured a lot of people they look like some mighty good cleaners many hands make light work look at that thank you everybody that's amazing oh tripp says bang bang bang oh stanford's out come on come on come on got him got him i'm going to set myself up i'm going to go up there i'm going to top the tower in a while oh it's delicious you may have seen us drop nigel rest in peace big fella on one of these and he jumped yes can we play that splash town you guys need to know after this challenge we're catching like a thousand tennis balls dropping dishwashers we're tug of warring with trucks bruce is coming to join me at the top how good for the first droppy how's it going heron i'm good boys are you good do you want the people to count down derek people's countdown please stanford that would be tip-top [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] red are the winners you guys you're out of here [Applause] gawnsen closest to rexy red team takes the victory i think my mother's out of the competition she was in my camp thanks for your support mother but you're out [Music] that's a flippin big hole i freaking love this bucket flex tape the next challenge is we're actually gonna drop a thousand tennis balls from up there me scott and derek are gonna be down here with a bucket each and then who can catch the most the truck for the tug of war is here yogi from outback truckers has arrived look at that thing we are taking it on in tug of war we'll pull that thing up the road don't you worry about that we need the people's voice again [Applause] whoa it's heavy i can confirm one one guarantee i beat one 14 balls oh i had four green is still in here blue and red see you later i'm really sorry blue i honestly i gave it my best i've got bruises but i tried [Music] it's been a while those stairs are good eh yeah great we're just gonna take a moment to get our breath and in the meantime you can listen to me talk but i'm going to be somewhere else hi everyone it's me from the future and a very surprising turn of events we're doing some cooking with gonson hello fresh style stanford i'm going to make it exactly like yeah so that's the challenge of running halo fresh is an epic meal service that sends it to your door it's fun you make it at home i love cooking at stanford it's actually easy to follow recipes a guy like me can handle it very tasty the taste is big we need two centimeter cubes boys that's because the instructions asked for it next we need to be thinking about olive oil and salt you know what you need to be thinking about hellofresh will save you time you don't need to go grocery shopping or meal planning stanford [Laughter] now roasting we need the beef mints you just get the right portions there's no waste if i was out shopping i would buy too many veggies this is the thing they just know how many to give you there's less weight support yes that is if we're looking we're not cooking fry pan have you ever put a nut on a pan and not been impressed with the outcome let's just say you pick your meals but then next week you want to have a break or you're away or something yeah change it up easy suits your lifestyle holy smokes that hurts heron's not as flexible as hellofresh do you happen to know the last talking point fairly fresh it's that one about they're giving back yeah do you know how many meals they donated in 2020 four million meals four million that's the worst way to get yourself a fight oh no a bit of basil pesto if you don't mind what do you reckon folks wait it's not bad isn't it big thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this video quantum you got a deal for them hellofresh then you're gonna bang in the code harity killers 12 12 free meals is what we can get you includes free shipping which is awesome that's unreal so go check them out we're big fans eat it all the time love it well done some back to the video reckon amen next round it's all about these guys that's really loud closest to the jack but rexy is the jack all right and rexy is in danger and the people must choose who's going first no same time have you not been listening oh of course yeah whoopsies what could possibly go wrong this is interesting [Applause] mine's rolled back i was almost here just in good form today [Music] hey siri turn flashlight on welcome back big nick to the channel don't be deceived everyone that's not light i know because i threw it look at all these guys who are still in it well done a few of the peeps from granny have arrived at the top some of you may have noticed we haven't actually dropped a contest this year we've done 125 videos here at the tower we're only going to do more videos here when we've got great ideas that we want to pull off comment a great idea at the tower if you comment one we love and that we commit to doing how's this working going so we've got basketball well we've got three even camp there's no taking turns there's no being polite first team to get one right who's in blue team we need to find something extra this ball could be it just a little push we got this we need a three two one from the bottom [Applause] [Applause] we had a rim hit the last melon oh everyone down the bottom we're gonna figure this out another way i would have loved to get one in there but uh none forthcoming we really expected to hit one then stanford because meet and greet last time two went in first team to make a shot from ground level wins three [Applause] oh that's red these are our five left in big well done everyone all right now it's time for tug of war okay how good is this yeah yeah that's fantastic so we've got yogi's truck after we go to the hilux i think how many people are we going for the highlands oh everyone as many as you can get every year yogi can i just ask a quick question how heavy is this thing yeah around about 11 tonne 11 tonne i think the hilux over there is not even 2 tonne 3.2 million kilometers on it whoa 3.2 million kilometers on the truck let's see if we can turn that clock back oh great mud flat that's a regulation from toyota for the remaining five people they have to choose whether we are actually going to be able to pull the hilux backwards or the hilux is going to win i think i'm going to get smoked the knife editor jack can see it on the drone but this is a mighty amount of people it's a very funny spectacle everyone picked that the humans gonna win everyone all five pick the humans you're in trouble gonson we're gonna see what this hilux is made of this is definitely the most sketchy thing we've done actually if i feel like i'm going the other way the foot is getting heavier not longer big come on hi lux you were born for this here we go three two one go humble pie humble pie big everybody so we're gonna rig up the truck and let's take him down come on yeah look at these lines still confident yogi oh you're gonna be quietly confident yeah the weather conditions might be playing against the winds blowing the wrong way stuff like that but you know oh come on the final five stanford do we get them to lock their votes in now i think so people or truck make you call machine man flipping optimus prime look at this thing yeah that's a lot of human beings folks 580 horses under the bonnet too and i just would like to remind you that there's 300 people they're all way about 40 kilos when they lean back that's 12 tonne so you're gonna yeah yeah yeah so there's physics you're gonna pay attention in science because this is what it's all about you're gonna need to give the horses a giddy up [Applause] that could be the extra ton we need just five percent from that here we go folks man we're on we're on good luck and give it eight all right here we go fire it up boys oh whoa it's already pulling him back you feel that yolks the human beings are ready for it here we go three two one oh it's even it's even they're losing get on boys is gave it 110 i mean the stallions were working if you give us like an out of 10 how close to a leader winning give us diversity a feel one big question out there how many people do you think it would take to take you down yeah that's good and can we get a rematch oh yeah all right a thousand people thousand people i reckon we'll do it hey always can you remember don't write it all the golden rexy has come down to three and so there you go one two three [Applause] everyone's a winner except for the two that didn't win all right that's all she wrote big thanks to yogi for popping down if you won the rematch comment below yes yeah 44 club always thank you for your support love you thanks to everyone that came out um we'll see on the next video
Channel: How Ridiculous
Views: 2,471,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how ridiculous, rexy, 44club
Id: R-jYAmRGmnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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