Semi-Pro Football Player in CONSTANT PAIN & CAN'T TRAIN ~ Gets CRACKED by Dr. Doug!

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wow got it all right all right I'm really excited I have desan here today desan uh plays ball uh he grew up in in Queens uh lives in New Jersey right now but plays for the New York Dolphins which is a semi-pro league so he's still playing you play defensive for them yes I try my best but yes defensive end yeah and but you've had a lot of collisions in your life right yes yeah it's it's intense I played football till I was uh a senior in high school but then never played again and I played a little rugby in college and I enjoyed that but I can't imagine playing at your level cuz they just get bigger and stronger everybody gets bigger and stronger the more levels you go up right it becomes impossible as I'm s yeah but you said one of the things that's been bothering you is your lower back right yes my low my lower back hip area and it keeps you from lifting as much as you want to because that hurts correct yes and I'm not able to work on my legs the way I want to and need to because of the lower back pain and you probably also play in pain too 90% of the time I'm I'm hurt while you're playing yes don't tell anybody that and then his friend's here uh that's Ste over there so if you see him back there he's coming along to uh watch all right uh let's do a full body adjustment on you we'll do whatever we need to to loosen up your back back is there any position that you can get in right now where your back hurts like touching your toes it's good right now like I can touch like but any pain doing that or tenderness um it's a little stoppage okay little stop and how about uh leaning back is that more tender which is worse forward or back back back is I would say I would say leaning yeah so stand up now how about back to the left don't crack it though okay all right yeah it it stops like right here all right it catches there now go back to the right but don't crack it it's worse to the left right yeah how about straight back where you just push your hips forward any tenderness yeah it's a lot of stoppage okay like Stog you can't go any further before there's more pain right okay all right well let's get cracking I'm going to have you lift one leg at a time let's do this side first and then put that down then lift this side which one's harder do you think and lift it up as high as you can okay okay I got you start on the right side as high as you can and I'm going to leave the stick there okay and put your leg down and now put the other leg up as high as you can they both come up to the even which one feels so this one is more um restricted restricted okay yes and that's important so sometimes you'll see one leg clearly not come up as high but yours were even they both came up to the stick the left side clearly feels to you restricted or like a stoppage correct yes and did it have pain or just tightness like crazy it it just tight IT tightened up right there okay so in high school did you play defensive end or did you play different position um I play both sides of the ball in high school I play def ENT and um and guard Right Guard and Right Guard did you pull a lot yes I was I was the leading pulling guard so you must be fast too you got some speed yes I feel that cuz they usually have a pulling guard as a fast guy yeah they they really worked me crazy in high school and then right away did you do special teams also um yeah I played every I played everything you played every second of every game right yes talk about sweating were you pretty exhausted afterwards I would Beyond exhausted but since I was younger it really like I love to could move around yeah you probably wanted to be on the field every second right yes so now I'm my right elbows in his right lower back do you like what I'm doing now do you feel these muscles yeah I definitely feel that I mean you can feel it right yes right in there's another one right so I'm I'm going hard into the elbow into his lower back muscles specifically the ql muscle and right here how do you guys do is it a pretty good team you have um they're they're pretty decent they're they're pretty decent it's a new season so like new players new fa yeah yeah I just want to make sure that I'm at 100% yeah do you feel this right there yeah I definitely feel that feel that hip move yes so remember we were lifting one leg at a time yeah so put your head straight down and try it again right leg then left leg okay bring it up as high as you can good and how about this leg how's it feel feels looser feels looser right yeah cuz we already started to move it got you oh you feel that crack yes that was good that was good let's go to the other side got it all right Li face down again I'm going to lift this up again now try your legs one at a time good good can you feel how much higher your legs come up yes so before they were coming up to about here and I'm not going to hold the stick in your way but do it one more time yeah I mean he's just all happy in there like those are flying and they don't feel stoppage right uh-uh it's just loose big breath in and blow it out actually I think I'm going to kneel on you that should feel pretty good for you cuz you're a big guy you like that yeah okay now watch this is going to be a big one okay going to come right up in here big breath in blow it out big breath in and blow it out big breath in and blow it out did you hear those cracks yeah how many I felt them like three three big definitely felt up good all right next I'm going to have you moved to this other table for a minute okay before you go to this table lean back and see what that feels like better right yeah if I was a if I was a actual stretcher I'll be down there you would have done a back BR yeah so lie on your belly for a second come stand up now and walk again so that's some strong drop you call a drop table you just knocked the crap out of your back J good are you ready let's go oh thought you was ready no I'm moving you would kill me no no no no no noef it guys yes so um there's more so now you're going to line on your back so I took care of the most important thing first there's more to do on you but that's where you had the biggest worries because there a like he can't train the way he wants to he's always in survival mode like the back hurts you're just getting ready for the next game you don't get to do extra lifting he needs the power of heavy lifting to be able to handle all these big guys that that you're up against and some of those opens of alignment are huge right like freaking 350 350 there we go right a few more pieces cuz we got his upper back when I double knee dropped them which is not really a technique but it work though right I'm going to come under here like this tilt your head wow how many was that it was a lot probably like 3 four it was a lot I'm going to do a little different D what did you think of that did you hear that yeah that look crazy right you can hear from all the way over here yeah yeah some big stuff all right let's keep going L on your back next all right I do want to do a little bit of the Y strap on you okay okay big breath in and blow it out what you feel on that one pull pull me out the strap you got me pulled you right out of the straps the straps broke through all right so now I'm going to have you come sit up come stand I want you to touch your toes and then lean back so that's should feel really easy oh my gosh I can touched my toes yeah you weren't really getting there too easy before right no not at all this time go down and don't bounce just stay there and try to touch yeah you're there and now lean back and see if that's nice or now you're getting full release right yes all right man so it was good right it was perfect all right good thank you he needed this leave him a nice comment he's a nice young guy who trains hard and still is living the dream of playing sports he works full-time and finds time to go train with the team and probably don't get paid gray but you do it for it cuz you love it right I do it cuz for the love yes yeah and few people get to play football for the love after 18 years old it's tough and so he must love it I have so much respect I really appreciate it really amazing it's tough to do that um thank you so much and uh leave him a comment let's go oh bet you was ready no I'm you would kill me no no no no no no pretty F gu yes
Channel: Dr. Doug Willen: House of Chiro
Views: 51,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chiropractic Channel, chiropractor, chiropractics, asmr, satisfying, neck pain, back pain, occiput lift, neck crack, cracking, New York Chiropractor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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