Self-Determination Theory: 3 Basic Needs That Drive Our Behavior

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Ask people for blood donation, and you  might find many volunteers. Tell the   same people that they'll get paid for  it, and many will now decline to help. Why do you think that might be? Self determination theory argues that we  do what we do, because we are motivated   by three basic needs that drive our  behavior more than anything else. First comes autonomy. We desire to  have the freedom of making our own   choices and not be forced to  do something we don’t want. Second is competence. We want to feel  that we have the skills required to do   the work ourselves, and not be confronted  with tasks that we don’t understand. Third is connection. We want to  experience a sense of belonging,   of being needed, and not feel  useless or like an outsider. We can think of motivation ranging from  “non-self-determined to self-determined.”  On the left we have amotivation, in the center  extrinsic motivation, and on the right intrinsic   motivation. In terms of quality they range from  lower forms to higher forms. Along this spectrum   are, according to self determination theory,  6 distinct types, represented here by: Anton,   Mary, Taichi, Abeni, John, and Lalisa  who all have to study for a major exam. Anton does not understand the topic and therefore  feels disconnected to the material. His need for   competence remains unsatisfied and undermines  his autonomy — leading him to lose control over   the situation. As a result he begins to think that  school is pointless. He experiences amotivation. Mary likes to learn, when she  knows that if she does well,   she will be rewarded. But when no  one is around to stimulate her,   she feels disconnected. Mary is not  autonomous in her studies, because   she needs rewards that regulate her behavior  externally — a job her mother usually does. This stage is called extrinsic  motivation: externally regulated Taichi strives to win, or match the performance  of others. When he’s not among the top,   his desires for competence and autonomy  are not satisfied. He feels guilty when   he can’t be as good as others. The root  of his behavior is therefore external. This stage is known as extrinsic  motivation: introjected regulation Abeni values learning and sees herself as a good  student. To her, getting good grades is important,   because it confirms her self-image.  Despite the fact that she doesn’t   feel connected to the material, she does  well because she regulates her behavior   by identifying with the idea of being a  good student. She’s motivated by an ideal. This stage is called extrinsic motivation:  regulation through identification John thinks learning is important, because it  makes him a better human being. To develop his   intellect and become the best version of  himself, he tries to understand things,   even if they are boring. He feels connected  and competent. But since his behavior is   regulated by the desire to live up to an  idea, he is still not fully autonomous. This stage is known as extrinsic  motivation: integrated regulation Lalisa learns things because  she is curious and enjoys it.   She can feel completely connected to the  material and often loses track of time.   Studying gives her a deep sense of satisfaction.  She experiences complete autonomy and as a result   of her intrinsic interests, develops  the highest forms of competence. Now we speak of intrinsic motivation. Regardless of where we are along the spectrum,   we all have complex human minds with  changing interests and conflicting desires. Doing one thing, we may feel  fully motivated — autonomous,   competent and connected. But then, the next day,   life gets in the way and robs us of our three  basic needs — we feel nothing but amotivation. To regain your self-determination,  you might want to take a break,   seek a change in environment  or connect with other people. Self-determination theory was developed  by the two American psychologists,   Richard Ryan and Edward Deci, in the 1970s.  More recent research points to some cultural   differences. Many American students' seem to learn  to outcompete others. When Chinese study hard,   it’s often because they feel guilty  if they do not meet expectations. On the interplay between extrinsic and  intrinsic motivation, Deci said: “Sure,   money motivates, but that’s not the point. The  point is that while money is motivating people,   it is also undermining their  intrinsic motivation. ” So what do you think about the model? Do  you agree or disagree with the theory? And   what do you think about extrinsic rewards?  Share your thoughts in the comments below,   and let us know what motivated you to do so. 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Keywords: education, learning, science, sprouts
Id: _juPDoa3GBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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