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Selena and I go way back way way way way way way back I've been a fan of Selena ever since I was a little girl and I saw her on Witches of Waverly Place I fell in love with her she was my everything she was the reason why I made a Twitter account speaking of she follows me on there how come Selena follows me on Twitter and you don't follow me just kidding you don't have to I lost all my juice on Twitter I got 8 000 followers which is not a lot but nobody likes any of my tweets back in the day I would just tweet I love Selena Gomez and I had 10 likes because I just had to juice back in the day even Selena liked one of my tweets where you know and today we're going to be watching her documentary my mind and me and I am scared I'm always scared I always say that and I'm definitely gonna cry it's gonna be a lot about her mental health issues which I have too and about her lupus oh I'm crying already I'm already emotional I can feel it this is not gonna be fun it's gonna be tough it's gonna bring back a lot of feelings that I used to have back when I was 11. I adored her I still do I think she's an amazing woman she's so kind the way she just sits back every time and it's like you know what I'm gonna take the high road when I would be down there crawling in the dirt you know what I'm talking about let's get started [Music] it's like a 13 Reasons Why episode and so did you love me isn't it oh that was just the Apple thing because that was 19 Paris she looks so sad or maybe she's just tired oh she looks sad oh she's so beautiful though she looks so pretty I'm emotional already let me make a promise I'll only tell you my darkest secrets I want to know I Don't Wanna Know December 19th I have to stop living like this is this her diary why they become so far from the light oh and Awesome everything I ever wished for I've had and done all of it but it has killed me because there's always Selena Selena there were many Justin Bieber headlines [Applause] Selena Gomez the lead single good for you was a critical information recently dubbed the queen of the social networking app s again 2016 and 2007 since Lena was just a different level her Snapchat era that was better than King Kylie era the most followed person on Instagram she was just that girl do we like this just feel me if I was a guy I could wear jeans and just switch up my t-shirts outfit iconic girls and she sang sober I want to have the body to wear it proudly and then I want the booty that I don't have I don't want to be like oh wait I'm making sure I look like a woman and not like a 12 year old boy it's just saying who says and then she cries [Music] wanna be anybody else no no no no no no no no no no no you've got every right to a beautiful life [Music] [Music] I can feel my inner child coming out so bad and I hate how it opens up she sang that beautifully it just sucks is she crying all of it it looks so bad I have no idea what the [ __ ] I'm doing so I get the voice that comes in my head that says that you missed this that sucked that suck oh you get a glimpse of yourself on the screen wow that looks pretty [ __ ] shitty like it sucks the life out of me and I don't want to perform the pressure is just overwhelming because I want to do the best I can I don't want to disappoint John I don't want him to think that he signed some [ __ ] Disney kid he called me this morning about this song with Justin and I was like I'm like when am I gonna just be good enough by myself like what am I gonna be a like song Justin when am I gonna be good just by myself not needing anybody to be associated with like it's that makes me so sad my 11 year old asked what's on Twitter bro I fall for her name every day and it makes me kind of proud of myself not to flatter my own ego God that is so sad I mean I know there were a few songs that you recorded with Justin that were also leaked but was she supposed to release one uh I mean obviously make money of her relationship I'm so sorry how do you started I just like I don't want you to ever regret signing me everything looked so bad you're amazing I was rocking out to it it was awesome does it feel young I will want nothing more than to not be my past and it comes back I never thought it was that bad for her she didn't want people to think of Alex Russo when they saw her I never had that feeling from Selena maybe that's why it was so easy for me to not see her as Alex Russo anymore but it's interesting to see that she felt like they were always still in her past and her face you're so sad sorry don't apologize girl please it's too much I want to hug her she's so beautiful look at her she's so pretty pretty Chef hey girl I love her I love her curls right here this is for your lupus right yep it's mad to think that she was dealing with lupus already at that time because I think the public only found out about it when she had her kidney transplated if I remember that correctly but it's mad to see her already dealing with it 109 over 78 is really good we have a little gift for you and then we're gonna leave you alone can you start with this don't get me started on this girl Selena I love you with all my heart it's your life you can do whatever you want but do not get me started on this girl she always looks miserable she this is something we've collected for you for sure it's a good luck charm for you and every show is a different one that's oh my gosh so look at this I've been celebrating your birthday every year since I was three birthday parties cakes playlists everything you're so sweet she's 20 now I can bully her now I'm just kidding but like girl first of all since you were three years old you're celebrating someone else's birthday with cakes girl that's so sad but you do yes let's do it do you I love her curls she's so pretty with this hairstyle she's so pretty she's so pretty the amount of times I'm gonna say that thank you [Applause] [Music] also she's so sexy so I can see how she says she feels like a 12 year old boy I always thought she was so sexy the way she dances The Way She carries herself is she's so sexy I remember that I remember seeing that video surprise [Music] there were rumors that she had a drug problem at parties too much oh she's addressing it is she addressing it I'm about to go on stage wish me luck from Snapchat era are you jealous [Music] oh not that I'm mentioning Justin I'm so scared love it love it yes are you depressed very tired that's so wild that is so wild I couldn't handle it was dealing with anxiety panic attacks and depression at one point she's like I don't want to be alive and it was one of those moments where you look in her eyes and there's nothing there it was just pitch black and it's so scary it must be crazy the amount of panic and anxiety I got over these few Clips these people have no sympathy at all I cannot imagine dealing with a breakup in the public eye and having these questions all thrown into your face about his new girlfriend in general I can't imagine how she feels performing in front of these people who are your fans that you love and it's a part that makes you happy but at the same time it destroys you that's so [ __ ] up I cannot imagine how it feels I get anxiety when I have to go to the grocery store we heard about her mental breakdown through TMZ see they called me I wanted to know what my daughter was doing in the hospital with a nervous breakdown she didn't want anything to do with me I was scared she was gonna die I remembered that actually anybody saw what I saw in the state that she was in at the mental hospital I remember that drama between her mom psychosis can last from days to weeks to months to Years to Life okay my thoughts take over my mind often it hurts when I think about my past I want to know how to breathe again do I love my own self how do I learn how to breathe my own breath I can relate to her I found out I have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder I have the greatest friends and family especially my mom and my stepdad Brian I shouldn't have treated them the way that I did sometimes and they know it wasn't me so then when I wake up the next day they tell me what happened but they're like look I know that that's not you talking we love you we don't see anything different I remember certain things that I did and I was really so mean I keep saying thank you and I'm sorry and they're always like once we found out everything it made so much sense we never ever would give up on you and they haven't when they probably should have that's so beautiful though I didn't think she did anything she said but when she said she did mean and said mean stuff to them as a mother or a stepdad to just swallow that must be so tough but then still being supportive and being like Selena don't worry about it we love you when I first got out I didn't know how I'd cope with my diagnosis I needed to keep learning about it I needed to take it day by day that's the best way to heal yourself she looks so much like her mother is crazy you know my mom was always teaching me not to be scared of life oh that outfit outfit braided when I was like Daddy my dad has a lot of regrets and you'd be like I'm sorry man I just I don't know how to talk to you but she made me feel like I was like the prettiest young girl I miss him a lot worse but he knows that so I've always wondered about a father because I only knew about Scots I think it's her stepfather I'm not sure if I got that right no it just makes me wonder especially now that she says she misses him a lot like what every time I've come home I've always just gone to the places that I remember it's because I don't want to lose that part of me which is so important to always remember where you're from I need to see your driver's license if you're coming in the building please never mind I I used to go hear when I was younger my name is Selena so I didn't mean to bother you but thank you you're welcome bye to dinner I just used to come here and I wanted to see she was like that's Selena Gomez We're not gonna miss out on Selena Gomez the person who was on a call with her must have probably felt so stupid Elementary with Sammy Rodriguez then it was Dylan Alvarado Eli was in there somewhere hmm no not necessarily really yes okay you like watching this right now you're back yeah like [ __ ] I missed out so bad in school she didn't really talk to many people she had like her you know little two or three friends but not a lot of boyfriends if you know what I mean not me this boy was so confused he was like who is that I think especially when you're going through a crisis and you go back to where you grew up it kind of helps you to calm down you got this feeling of nostalgia and you're just grateful well if you've accomplished as much as Selena you're gonna be grateful if I'm depressed and I would go back to where I came from I'd leave more depressed than I was before but I guess this is a very successful million dollar singer actress it's fun this was the same door you should just hi come on in do you mind no I thought it's kind of weird actually right here yes he's knocking on the stranger's house hey can I come in I mean here the Privileges of being a celebrity just imagining going back to one of my old apartments and be like hi can I come in because I used to live here can I just look around everywhere my cat used to pee on no stairs do you still smell it stop this I mean I'm sorry if you've ever see this oh my gosh I remember that I remember her saying that she had a crush on Cole Sprouse that is so iconic oh my gosh I loved it I hope Cole sees this and reacts to it I remember she had a first kiss with Dylan on The Suite Life of San Cody but this is so iconic Selena loves Cole this is so funny she's taking a photo I'm looking at myself in the mirror and that's when I found out I booked Barney and there's a picture of me in here this is one when she was six I was seven years old when I got the first job artworking Queen because I got I just fell in love with these Escape things then I never stopped she's so cute eventually after doing this for so long I started to feel vain this selfie of her iconic so pretty so beautiful I feel like Lady Gaga amazing gorgeous beautiful fantastic I don't know any more words and then when I started touring it just got worse after I got out of the last treatment center I knew what made me happy was connection that's what I meant when I said it would make you feel better if you get home finding a connection that's what actually meant Priscilla sure no don't knock on that she had this beautiful dollhouse that I wanted so bad I would always pick on her she deserves it probably no are you gonna that is so weird I used to come here when Joyce lived here yeah knocking on doors I mean like no [ __ ] I used to hate used to live here can I just come in and destroy the dollhouse is that Joyce is that that's the dollhouse I can't get it baby it's okay bro I thought it was like this little girl she had one sided beef with an old woman I kind of get it I got a kidney transplant two years ago seeing her like this I can just imagine having a simple conversation with her I can imagine myself in that chair and just talking to her I feel like Selena is one of the easiest celebrities to have a conversation with what do you remember about me your dollhouse I hope you have a great day I'll be praying for you I'll be praying for you is one of the greatest things somebody can say to you I'm not even that religious but it just hits just be who you are Selena just stop trying that's so hard though no one cares about what you're doing it's about who I am being okay with where I am I am grateful for my family I am grateful for my friends I am grateful to be alive I remember feeling those words as you wrote you wrote to be okay with who you are I don't feel good it's like oh Cherry what or nurse makes sense she really has a great support system it feels like they all care about her so much she looks bomb girl I don't know hello Selena it's Raquel this is so cute this is a whole one-piece outfit Selena I love Shady Selena Selena and her Shady face I loved it I thought it was into the Latina category or no he rather models iconic oh the photo of Justin I don't remember his name and Barbara Palvin that she posted you had to be there you have to be on the timeline that was so funny Selena is so funny I just want her back sometimes I have juggled work and school and relationships for as long as I can remember I was suffering mentally and emotionally I sought support and the doctors were able to give me a clear diagnosis so I began to face it head-on I am happier I am healthier and I'm in control of my emotions and thoughts more than I have ever been so I'm very happy about that thanks also struggle with my own thoughts and feelings at times but this doesn't make me faulty this does not make me weak this does not make me less than this makes me human that was such a great speak it was really beautiful and inspiring she's such a great role model it's hard for me and very emotional to talk about my own feelings and my own thoughts to my friends and family but for her to do it in like a room full of people just takes so much strength then release it to the whole world it's just amazing I have so much respect for that if it wasn't for someone that was able to put the word out there it wouldn't make change happen that's so true I remember I was so ashamed for my mental health issues but now more and more people I start talking about it and now it feels normal to say that I'm struggling mentally and it's fine because of people like Selena being honest that night helped I texted Julia Michaels and Justin trantor and said I think I'm ready to just say I'm sad we wrote the song in 45 minutes song I've ever written it's about more than just a lost love no it's me learning to choose myself the song is about knowing that you completely lost every part of who you are and just to ReDiscover yourself again everything was so public any comment on Justin Bieber's engagement what's your favorite thing about Justin Bieber I felt haunted by a past relationship that no one wanted to let go of but then I just moved past it and I wasn't afraid anymore [Music] I feel like I had to go through the worst possible heartbreak ever and then just forgetting everything at the job of the hand it was it was really confusing but I just think that needed to happen and ultimately it was the best thing that ever happened and ultimately so your messages you didn't even hear me say it was the best thing that ever happened to me you just started talking oh I can't say it anymore no all right what do you want to ask me I just was it the best thing that ever happened so when do you want an album out January do you want to um perform at the amas yeah this year so we do want to do that we'll get into that right now are we going to get into it we're going to get into it I hadn't been on stage in over two years and I still didn't know if I was ready oh we're gonna get into it but what good is having a song if I was too scared to sing it after the amas I was going straight to Kenya Raquel and I were going to visit students at a primary school and a college for young women both schools that I helped raise the money to building Kenya for the Wii charity this is her first performance in over two years post all the Bieber drama and a short break from the biz I always mentioned dusting [Music] yeah Selena I love you I love you [Music] it sounded way worse though after that disaster or performance I would hide myself in my bedroom too [Music] um it's a blessing when it rains here it's considered a blessing I consider rain a blessing if you love me some rain I want to honor your drive forever look she's mom but we don't like her I don't care if Selena does I do not like her what's your name Diana beautiful I love their culture it's so beautiful it's so wholesome Selena likes younger guys oh my gosh same those younger guys but not words illegal I draw the line and illegal stuff I draw the line way before that one of my like goals in life is to create a bill it is required to have a therapy sort of class in elementary school on to high school what's closing you back from doing it that I'm not capable you know I'm not good enough yeah the very thing that makes you feel that is why you can relate to others so it's the exact reason why you are the perfect person it's sweet we also need to talk about like why you hate going home so much why you don't want to turn on your phone like that's you shouldn't feel that way do you know what I mean so it's like what can you implement in your life that makes you not anxious to turn on your wallet that makes you not sad to go home you don't have to live your life constantly in that state in a way that's just escaping reality or is this reality this is their reality this is this can be reality a few times a year that was actually very well spoken [Music] yeah they're teaming up if I was a celebrity I would jump at paparazzis more often you're gonna sue me who cares leave me the [ __ ] alone belly I don't know I just had a bad dream I could not handle the fact that there's so many people around me 24 7. waking up and there are only like 10 people in my room can you order some ties if you want Thai right now yeah let's make it happen maybe this is my self-centered side talking and my Leo Rising feeling like an assistant to my friend could not be my life being in Selena's position yeah get her way around could not be me point of the song is so that I really don't need to sit around and talk about boys I love her Gomez and I'm playing the Emoji games one DJ equals one word marshmallow fluffy what are these questions marshmallow in one word and she looks so tired she's like fluffy let's do the cover that's just some weird ass questions yeah it just seems like such a waste of time it does okay you imagine how those interviewers feel when they see this they're like those are some weird ass questions and they're like okay girl I'm sorry you never feel them any other time it's like a combination of all the things it's not even tired it's like you feel like you are just in a Knoll she's tapping if I was her I'd be like please shut up you're all here because of me please the next day nice just thought you would want to come I would but I'm not gonna help one day to adjust do you think that I'm complaining about my job yeah you sounded like you were not at all Raquel was saying I need to get rest the way that you said it's not what you said no I was not complaining about work I was literally just complaining that it'd be nice if I get more sleep I'm just waking up what else do you want from me nothing you don't know her anything she owes you her entire life what is she doing what are you working because you don't seem happy bro having fun good I'm so happy you're having fun like it doesn't seem like it who cares what it seemed like to you didn't know she was fun police this woman you're a singer you're an actor is there any other heart you would like to try she looks so tired she said she was having fun but she does not look like it that's good for me wow thank you I felt like you really understood all right are we good [ __ ] dumbest thing ever happens I'm done I can't do that anymore do you know how like cheap it makes me feel she's asking me questions like good ones and then she didn't even pay attention to what I was saying yeah because she doesn't care she's just doing her job I feel like I'm a product you literally are honey that's the industry you're in you are a product that they're selling it was like making me angry you know what it is does it made me feel like just I've spent years years of my life trying to not be that I [ __ ] look like a witch but the outfit doing it all like the wand again and you're watching Disney Channel I feel like you have to understand that what you're doing you are a product you're using each other basically you're using them to sell your product to the fans into the world and they're using you to get more views get more clicks get more likes so it's kind of a use use type of situation if you don't want them to use you then don't use them my Ultimate Dream is that I am able to save people's lives through something whether it's a song music or if it's me just speaking about the troubles and the trials and tribulations that I had gone through she does that every day I remember when I was 12 when I was having one of the worst days of my life I listened to who says and I was just a happy girl I was thankful to have Selena she smiles when everyone is looking but cries when she's alone she hides because she's terrified to show herself I want joy and hope clean air where I can finally breathe what has been is not what will be that is so true just because you experienced your past does not mean you have to repeat that I want to start today with discussion over deadly new virus I forgot that happened in 2020 guess what happens 2020 was such a wipe though I was working during that time because I work at an online shop so people needed me I was as important as a nurse we begin with breaking news about we charity the accusations against the weed charity made the work I had just planned to do with them impossible it broke my heart because I had seen their good intentions but now it was all so complicated covid-19 pandemic was beginning to cut us all off from friends and family and the purpose I had found in Kenya felt like it had been taken away than just when I thought it couldn't get any worse my lupus is this what it felt like before when you found out you got Olympus like in the morning when I like wake up immediately start like crying because it hurts yeah I think my past and my mistakes that's what drives me into depression we should give you another dose of our toxin your toxin is a treatment that they give you through an IV and it's about four hours it's really hard on your system at first I'm exhausted when I have to go to the dentist so a life where you're just in the hospital so many times having to go through this pain is just unimaginable for me it must be so tiring my shop oh she's a beautiful room why am I here why am I alive literally for something I love my friends love my family I think I'm a great daughter I think I'm a great friend and that means a lot to me but clearly I'm still here to use whatever I have to help someone else part of my heart is still in Kenya I felt guilty being there yes it was great do I feel like I left an impact yes but do I feel like I've done enough no but I feel like no matter what you do no matter what you give it's just never enough hmm there's no pause cute where's Coco I miss him finish the sentences strangers who would describe me as only I know that I am strangers would describe you as like a warm sort of All-American Girl and I think people would be surprised and only you know maybe how complex you are there's like a lot of layers to who you are what would you say yeah I think that's a great answer everything that has to do with Selena I feel like this Ashley girl is always just like yeah I just have beef with this Ashley girl you've never seen her in the documentary I believe everyone has a calling if so do you think I've found mine I think that you know what yours is but you don't always choose to walk in it agreed she just always looks so miserable Raquel she's chaotic as well but at least she's there and I feel like she's somehow a good friend to Selena I feel like she knows her very well but like Ashley she's just there not doing anything they just cut her out you know because they were like you're not doing anything to make this any more interesting so we're just gonna pretend like you are not here now I look like my mom what kind of question is Gasolina having my stepdad Brian his name is Brian why did I think Scott but what kind of question was that you look like your mom is your mom do you know who this is um it's Selena Gomez [Laughter] when you're struggling with your mental health the essential part of it is knowing what to do and recognizing that I had to relearn things they completely fell out of my mind he was like Hey you're not a bad person you're not a gross person you're not crazy you're not any of this but you're gonna have to deal with this I know it's a lot but this is the reality it's gonna be there I'm just making it my friend now I think that I needed to go through that to be who I am and I'm going to keep going through it but I'm really happy I'm at peace I'm angry I'm sad I'm confident I'm full of doubt I'm a work in progress I am enough I am Selena those were beautiful words what's that the end it was we're gonna listen to the song in a minute Coco I went through a roller coaster of emotions I just finished editing and I had to make a new video because after I finished it I just I was not making any sense I just thought you know what let's just refilm it whatever I think it was a very great documentary especially the beginning reminded me of why I fell in love with her I felt like 11 year old girl again she's so kind and graceful and she just wants to make the world a better place and you can feel that Raquel was right people would be surprised of how many different sides to wear to her the documentary really showed that but I feel like it could have been shown even more it was very much on the surface kind of level I would have just loved to know more about Selena like why didn't Selena want to have anything to do with her mother what happens just kind of a blur then you can see Selena talk about her mother and her stepdad saying that she said mean stuff to them what kind of things if you make a documentary called my mind and me you would kind of dive deeper into the my mind and Me part I would have just love to see what she did just to relate to Selena in that moment she cries and to me it just kind of feels like I don't know how bad the things you're describing are because I don't get an example of that and her father what happened to her father for a moment I was like is he dead I'm still confused of the relationship then in general I feel like a lot of the stuff was just skipped over the Revival tour don't get me started on that it could make a whole documentary just about the Revival tour I just would have loved to see how she handles being on tour her undiagnosed bipolar disorder her anxiety her depression stress of the touring and everything I would have loved to see a bit more of her life with her undiagnosed bipolar disorder how did she live life how did the people around her feel how did her friends were not like a daily part of her routine the day seeing his signs how did they feel about it what's just been interesting to know the whole making of rare album was skipped like how did that happen you didn't get to see any of it same goes for rare beauty that is such a huge factor in her career now and it was just skipped over completely how did she handle her mental health her bipolar and her lupus alongside of making the album and also making rare beauty that would have been an interesting topic to dive in but in overall it was a great documentary she's an amazing woman she just has such an impact on the world but yeah let's cut to the past and listen to the song under the table so you would never know people look when they're passing and never check on the passenger they just want the free shows [Music] but I wouldn't change if somebody sees me like this then they won't feel alone now oh that's beautiful it makes me emotional right to talk and feel heard when you always feel like a bird and don't wanna add to concern I know they already got if this song would have come out two years ago I would have cried my eyes out because that's exactly how I feel I feel like a burden all the time they're not the only one lost in my mind and all of the crashing every break he sounds beautiful I love her I love her so much I love her so much [Music] iPad okay Apple get that promo it's a beautiful song though it's a perfect fit for her documentary if you want to know what her documentary is about it's basically this whole song that she doesn't know what's going on sometimes but maybe if she shares it then somebody feels a little less alone and I think that's beautiful I cannot express how much respect I have for this woman I felt like I was back in my old room 12 years old on Twitter because this reminded me of why I loved her so much back in the day and why I loved the woman that she grew into yeah my washing machine is going wild I love Selena Gomez anyway I hope you had fun like the video subscribe if you want to so we can have even more fun thank you for watching if you stayed this long good night and goodbye
Channel: astrid's blushing
Views: 60,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Selena gomez, selena, gomez, documentary, my mind and me, reaction, movie reaction, song reaction, dylan is in trouble, ur internet mom ash, reacts by ash, trin lovell, chats and reacts, Selena gomez reaction, Selena gomez my mind and me, Selena gomez my mind and me reaction
Id: rVSx7EJsClc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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