WATCHING THE **K-12 FILM** ... finally

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grab your popcorn lovers because it is movie time get yourself comfortable grab a nice little drink because we are watching the K12 film ever since I finished the album I've been so excited to watch the movie because I think it's such an interesting concept to make your whole album as a movie is so creative and talented like you have to have such a vision behind it and I'm excited to see melan's mission for this movie I wish more artists would do something like this because every song gets a music video which is always fun not a fan of music videos but I'm thinking about you guys who are living for these music videos but still it's so fun to have like a little movie I don't know I'm just really Amazed by it if you couldn't tell Belo hello hi oh n I'm excited to see crybaby school years where she gets into class fights and goes against the principal but first of all what am I seeing here RP crybaby does Kelly with the fat ass beat her up so bad that she dies well wait crybaby does because there's portals and that's like the afterlife of Crybaby so are we seeing how crybaby dies ouch you're hurting me oh my God is she like transitioning to her next era here one second I was looking at when she released the film when she released the album because I thought maybe she released the album was like okay let's sit with this eror for a moment and K12 pronounce k through 12 wait a minute what oh my God these grades are kindergarten K and first through 12th grades oh my God I didn't realize why did nobody tell me and I was like what does K12 me I thought that might be to school I didn't get that you know also I think it's so funny in English that we say kindergarten for kindergarten because I'm German and kindergarten translated to English means Children's Garden so when I had a conversation with someone online I don't know we were talking about something and they said kindergarten and I was like oh my God you just spoke German cuz kindergarten is Sherman and they were like what no it's not and I was like yeah it is kindergarten is a German word and they were like kindergarten is kindergarten that was a weird Awakening for me but anyway back to my thought process that I had before I thought she released K12 the album and I was like you know what half this era half the album let's have fun with it and a few months later she released this film and at the end it's kind of like a teaser for her new era but she released all of it at the same day so that doesn't make sense this reminds me of the beginning of 13 Reasons while [Music] oh wow cute little alarm wait girly what the hell is that kind of hair how the hell did she do that anyway first day of hell as I step into what will inevitably be the worst years of my life that's funny romanticize it off to a world in which girls are to only wear pink dresses and boys blue pants what did she said about girls only wearing pink and the guys only wearing blue pants made me realize that the whole aesthetic around crybaby and K12 being all very Pinky and as I said in my kid12 reaction that the production and her songs feel very girly is probably because there's this assumption that pink is like a girl's color and blue is a boy's color and I don't know how to feel about that right now Felipe what are you doing in there don't scare me like that bro are you for real you cannot put that thing on my screen written and directed by Melanie Martinez talented girl K 12 K through 12 as I now just recently learned or she already crying okay gy I understand do you think we'll make any friends probably not where is KY with the fat ass and Jason why is he blue seriously she has such a soft voice gap tooth [ __ ] this hits home because I used to have a really big gap between my teeth and we didn't have enough money for braces I hatte it so much that I like learned how to talk with only my bottom teeth showing sooner or later I got braces and now it's cool but I feel her pain well I was not want to talk back or stand up to my bullies but if I was her in this situation I probably punch all of them in the face because look at these idiots look at this 40-year-old man what are you trying to tell me look at your mustaches of hair you want to tell me anything I doubt it sleep [Music] over SK and she's her down his pants not [Music] not what kind of special powers does crybaby have is she like Supernatural by the way if you think why is Belo so hypnotized it's because he's watching Cat TV but what kind of magic power does crybaby have and why doesn't she use it to shut all of these people up like if she use it on the bus driver use it on these blue balls holding it [Music] down oh my god when I was six I didn't even know what chib it was well they already have it I knew it e e [Music] e I knew this 40 looking dude was going to be Jason you can just tell who's a Jason from like 100 fet away not the [Music] Coca-Cola they all have some kind of power what in the Supernatural is going on here oh who's this 10-year-old is that Brandon he literally looks 10 years old byee not yes what the hell Titan iic the school looks so good kind of looks like a castle in Vienna you know if you want to see a building like this go to Vienna perverted ass driver oh my God I don't know why that scared me so bad I thought the bus driver made their skirts fly up but I guess it was them you start in the room and you end in the Tomb somebody commented this on one of my videos and I was like damn that's really creative but this is where it's from we've come full circle guys getting kind of a creepy chill down my back I love it is this Harry Potter but in a girly way is everybody drink Coca-Cola here when side seat let's listen to that again some of them forgot the whole sentence but they're like Chim in at the end when the RS must seat all must stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Henry on your feet States of America okay wait a minute nope he's a revolution starter hear that liberty and justice for all that's [ __ ] okay King go off grab the boy get this one get off me first of all why are their tables so high up or are their chairs that small anyway that felt very political I liked it a lot because he said justice for all or and something else that's [ __ ] if you're a white person you're very much privileged over every other race and I don't know why at the end of the day we're all just Skin and Bones and there's no difference if we're black white whatever because we're all human middle of there's some tension there between brenon and [Music] crybaby you at rees's rip [ __ ] you do not mess with crybaby she'll [ __ ] you up nap time why is she bleeding is this stranger things what is going on nap time should be normalized in today's society it doesn't matter if it's kindergarten school a job everyone should have a nap nap nap nap people would not be as stressed people would not be [ __ ] if everyone must take a nap what the hell is going on who drew this that girl Kelly I think she's trying to like rip my head off or something well what are you going to do my Amazon package you have superpower period Angelina why don't you call your mom and ask her what she thinks you should do oh wait I forgot I was like why is she telling her to call her mom like that's so random but then I remembered the chorus where daddy CH and go for the throw and everything a snake Kelly is in her reputation era like that's ugly see there's some connection between Brandon and crybaby are Brandon and Kelly dating or not why is Kelly so worked up or is Brandon in like what's [Music] happening Kelly fights like a [Music] [ __ ] the Angelina's like yeah [ __ ] do your thing young ladies like you you my mom spent good money getting these ears done all over a boy I shouldn't have lost control like that she's not a bad person she's just projecting her insecurities onto me oh prob bab's so mature oh is that the principal oh it's the principal you said you're dressing as a woman now yes I'm transitioning from now on you want us to address you as Miss Harper correct Mr Harper you're fired I like that she's touching on all these political issues in this movie I was not expecting it and the whole film is supposed to be about the album but I like that she's like putting all these political issues in there bro you have some issues what are those he forced us to take these pills why is he forcing medication on everyone to control us so we can't leave what is her issue for realy seeking always keeping [ __ ] creep son a Cru [ __ ] it's I love [Music] them Ah that's why the prescription pills I like it [ __ ] our dreams she looks so good I like that it switches between scenes of her like looking like a child and then we're back to this image or she's looking like a woman I like the [Music] contrast I think the second time that I listened to it is I was like wait this could not only be like about school and the teacher and not helping the kids but also very much about politicians and with this film it very much brings a light to a lot of political issues so far and so this becomes more and more of a political song there's so much happening in the world and you feel so helpless and then you watch all the people people in charge make horrible decisions and say stuff where you're like [Music] what [Music] be that just made me so emotional because you just feels so helpless about everything that's happening in the world when she's saying the more you try to [ __ ] us over we will be there yelling at your front door politicians just make decisions that are so questionable and so against human rights and that just Mak me think of all the protests and all the movements in the world because that is the only thing us normal people can do right oh if only it was this easy oh these these things scare me that reminded me off the smile movie what the hell I'm onpl for all you [Music] I like her choreography looks very good I really like this that's why I'm just watching not saying anything because I'm really Amazed by her performance I think it's really well made though I have to say I have no idea what's going on right now I don't know what we're doing I don't know what's happening here but I'm enjoying it [Music] so no clue what's happened here oh nurse's office you did not have to show that are you bringing her back to the yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I wonder if she really sings like [Music] this these nurse is giving everything we love [Music] [Music] it are you leaving us here we need to come with you you've had many bodies before this and you'll continue to have more you're Immortal so a portal just opens and this [ __ ] came out looking like a fairy this was a teaser for the portals album right you wouldn't get it but now that we know this is like an Easter egg this is all too much there's so much happening at once I wonder if she had created crybaby story in her head and then she created like the albums because it seems like she already knew in 2019 what she was going to do with crybaby in 2023 like she really planned out every detail of Crybaby story I'm so amazed I'm going to be late for class who cares at this point true I'm so exhausted same I do not like the girls acting for Cry Baby Everything feels very authentic and real but for her it's like I'm not feeling it this really feels like Harry Potter in a different Universe girl please stop giving me heart attacks is it possible to get assigned a different role like a film director or the president of the United States Harlot perhaps [Laughter] your kind are too soft and too sensitive to handle a man's job having a larger capacity to feel and express emotion are one of the many qualities that make us Superior to your kind period sis I promise you if there would be more women in politics the world would look much much different much [Music] better not the smile scene again this is so creepy what is this girl girly what are you doing girl it's not giving I feel like there should be more of a smile there [ __ ] your Auditorium I think it's pretty boring and I never signed up for your drama drama club you're being brainwashed what is she doing go get her get off of me get off wake up never signed up oh [Music] damn oh my God you ain't going to do this much okay like she I think I need to a doctor yeah here's your the ball is floating away oh [ __ ] I just saw that's a ball wall you have to I feel like I'm not supposed to see [Music] that oh yeah boys acting like animals oh that's [Music] pretty I like this image that cheese the cake and the boys are just cutting the cake even though who said it was for them you know oh that's very impressive what's wrong my dear I just don't want to do this anymore any storm you face will transform itself into a crystalline rainbow in Divine timing that was so portals coded what the hell I feel so sick like this is the worst stomach pain I've ever experienced oh no ton should be free what do I do period I have to buy tons I don't have a choice cuz I am a woman and I have a period they're so expensive they cost like five or6 I don't want to spend five or six on tampons when I could be spending it on I don't know what is that Kelly where's Brent oh she looks so pretty a leopard with long straight hair and this is so Marina and diamonds coated like Electra heart the way her Lash look here also while I was editing the K12 video I thought that one of these songs remind me so much of the Electra heart era they have like a similar [Music] wi I love theography in this film and also Melanie is really talented like everything she does looks really smooth she's a really good dancer and everything looks like really well done and I don't know just smooth oh he's falling oh that's [Music] cute oh I love that she I would break my ankles holy [ __ ] she one of us but how would we even go up to her she's sitting with Kelly food fight anyone no I've always hated fui when I see fui movies it's like girl first of all there's such a waste of food like I don't want to be that person but still there's so much food wasted that you could just eats and second of all and most importantly it's disgusting disgusting like I don't want ketchup in my hair I have mert seos phobia phobia of ketchup my brother once got ketchup on my cheek and I started crying get the [ __ ] I hate ketchup not the blue balls get out of my way she's leaving with kellly all right good luck [ __ ] what did you say all right good luck [ __ ] good luck [ __ ] oh no this one's going to trigger me I can't watch Kelly is such a [Music] [ __ ] this is really beautiful I like the theme I like the colors the orange with the green very aesthetically [Music] pleasing all of these girls look so beautiful what are you [Music] doing why does this remind me of squid game want to know something I learned about bodies they don't Define us we aren't in our bodies they're just temporary everyone's deserving of Love true that's simple this is FL she has like a gang now not the Bunnies what's up with the bunnies the principal sign who started this oh no who that [ __ ] crybaby shut up this is so oh I like the [Music] outfit it's so 70s oh I like it she looks so good with the ponytails and the outfit she looks good okay girl the new Queen everything all Melanie these dance Mose [Music] sheesh pretending everything's all right [Music] I yeah cry baby's a creepy girl a I said lover boy you know the principal son he's kind of you know I caught a sparkle of light in your eyes that day I bathed in it was trans love letter from who I don't know it doesn't say okay guys back to the plan boy are you guys for real you guys making this plan while he hears everything [Music] e e a she got a star to my my favorite Student please stay after [Music] class not the Photoshop pigs but honestly if you were a student how could you resist that you're young naive it's giving [Music] wets give it to him piss eyes out I was expecting it but I was kind of like not expecting it you think they're really smoking that I guess smoking that gives you more creativity I now realize where all these ideas and fantasies of melan's come from took me too long speaking of magical plans I don't know bunnies are kind of creepy I don't like bunnies cocu sometimes reminds me of them we this is so portals again these are the [Music] our voice is so pretty here where is lover boy I just looks pretty with the moon in the [Music] back oh did she do this that's funny she's really a good dancer everything about her looks so aesthetic [Music] pleasing period I like this miror [Music] shots I thought we were going to get a scene of her and lover boy a this looks pretty but where is lover boy there he is oh he's so [Music] cute you all right oh no I wanted to ask you oh no I would like you to go to the dance with me really wait he wrote the letter with that poetic touch I just assumed it must have been written by a girl damn well you know what they keep your friends close and your enemies closer I love to go wait what did she say it must have been written by a girl well damn is she disappointed that it's not for a girl oh funny I like their chemistry though lover boy I'm sorry I feel bad for him it's such a conflict because I like them kind of I like the enem lovers wanting to kill each other kind of Mr and Mrs Smith but also I love lover boy he's so cute and sweet oh the upside down I made you you guys are nothing without me okay Regina George get run over by a bus then oh love boy you're so cute why is she here there was no way in hell you had enough time to get rid of Leo yeah shouldn't you be up there I got us to the dance by Leo what you let that monster manipulate you Mario so mean look I'm sorry I guess I was just being selfish wait n it's fine just let her go she's fine L boy he's so cute you [ __ ] up the whole plan period sis don't beat yourself up what is Moaning Myrtle doing here before I let you all get back to dancing all night I would just like to say cry baby I know what you've been up to I've been watching you for a long time now you have that you could just kill my father get away with it have your nice little dance and leave I guess not tonight the doors are locked [Music] D you know don't you see it [Music] we need to find crybaby and stop this now my Powers won't start AR just just going to dance to death hello Miss who's that okay where's lover boy did he run out as well okay well you are in you see he's kind of something had a dream like this one yeah I knew it was going to be her a they're really going to dance to Death School immediately go now hey let's go come on no because if she leaves she loses everything school is all she has oh there's lover boy oh he looking for cry baby oh my God thank just leave what are you doing up there never boy I'm here to help look I appreciate that but I really I the one who wrote The Love Letter how do we destroy this place first of all get out of it the ball we can LIF the school up in a bubble okay let's try it why don't you just leave I don't get it you're supposed to get out or you're going to get trapped with the school aren't you we need to jump right now on the count of why didn't you just leave [Music] now is that another portal are you coming what the hell okay that was it but I'm not getting where's the thumbnail the thumbnail clearly says rip crybaby but that wasn't in the movie oh wait a minute did she change the thumbnail on all of her videos maybe because in Portal she died yeah okay okay okay I thought this was going to be in the movie well sheesh I really like this movie I like all of the music videos I think the story is cute Everything is Everything is very aesthetically pleasing I'm really glad I watched it because I feel like I understand more now about crybaby and the whole story I think I might watch the crybaby music videos as well which I probably should have done before before I watched this it would have made even more sense but still why not just so I can understand the whole thing and if there's ever going to be a portals movie I'm obviously going to watch it as well but Melanie is really really talented her dancing was really well done I love her voice and I think she has a really beautiful Aura yeah I liked it I'm really glad I watched it and as I said more artists should do this because it's a really fun thing to do but you need a lot of dedication because planning everything out ahead so that it makes sense for an album and a movie is really hard to do I believe but it was really good I loved it I really did I hope you enjoyed watching thank you guys so much for watching if you like the video video please leave a like comment and subscribe if you haven't already thank you so much for watching if you saay this long and bye
Channel: astrid's blushing
Views: 16,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 990tjqB5hHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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