Selecting the Right Grain Mill for Emergencies and Everyday Use

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which grain meal do you want to use to grind your flour [Music] hi i'm jonathan and i'm kyleen and we are the provident preppers today due to popular demand we are going to talk about grain mills or wheat grinders but there are two different main categories one is electric that is much preferable to use on a regular basis because it takes a lot less work and the other are hand grinders that you put the weed in and you have to grind it by hand some of them are much better than others so today we're just going to review some of our favorites we also took a trip to the bosch kitchen store in orem utah and we're able to experiment with a few of the ones that we don't have we are kind of geeks when it comes to food storage and so we have several of these and a couple more in our pantry that will go into the pantry and let you see john demonstrate them all but hopefully this will give you a really good overview of some of the wheat grinders or the grain meals that are out there and what you should buy so that you can make best use of your stored foods this is the back to basics grinder back to basics no longer exists but you can find this under other names this is a very basic grinder it's going to be a lot more work because you cannot grind this very quickly however it does get the job done especially if you have kids or grandkids that can crank on this but you can adjust the coarseness of it using the little knob that holds the handle on if you turn tighten that down tight you'll get a finer flour if you loosen that you'll get more of a coarse flour or a cracked wheat a good quality and yet still inexpensive model is the wondermill junior deluxe it runs about 300 um but it's a manual grain grinder that can be used for both dry and oily grains so you could make nut butters or masa with this one as you can see ben's cranking this handle and it is a bit of work to get this grinding done but it can both crack grains and grind flour so it definitely if you're just looking at this for emergency preparedness but you want something that's good um the wondermill junior is a good option another one that you might want to consider that's a really good quality is lehman's own hand cranked grain mill it's only 219 dollars and it will grind all grains and beans as well as those oily materials like the soybeans the coffee beans peanuts sesame seeds all that good kind of stuff so it is a really good quality one for 219 and we will leave a link in the description of the video to all of these grain meals so that you can quickly find them this is our pantry right here we have our golden grain grinder and normally that is powered with electricity this large motor does a great job we're talking about hand grinders here this one does have a backup in case there is no power we can put this handle on and use this grinder to grind our wheat just below our golden grain grinder is our country living grain mill we have this set up in here i built this little shelf it's pretty stout because this does take some abuses as you're grinding that so it's on there really well we keep a cover over this just to keep the dust out of it and we have this extension that allows us to put more grain in here you can use it without that extension the coarseness or fineness can be adjusted right here with this wheel it can go all the way from very coarse to quite fine using this adjustment [Music] if you're going to use this mill i would certainly encourage you to get this extension you can just get this wheel with the handle on it but this extension makes it so much easier that little bit of leverage makes a huge difference so i would highly recommend getting that extension handle we also got the just in case kit uh this was given to us by one of our kids as a christmas present which was a very welcome gift this is all the replacement parts in case anything goes out on here and this just stays right back here behind the grinder so it's always available always handy we know where those parts are if we break apart there are two augers for this particular grain grinder the one that comes standard with it is for grains the other one is for beans and corn and we opted to get that as well because it just makes this so much more versatile so just a note about earthquake safety we live in earthquake country here so and because this is very heavy i put this plumber's tape around and strap this to the wall so that if we have an earthquake this isn't going to come tumbling down and break or possibly hurt someone in this case it's just bolted securely to this uh stand here and that will be just fine it'll ride through just about anything right there and if you're looking for the rolls-royce of manual grain mills you'd probably have to look at the diamond hand grinder this runs about a thousand dollars but it is very well built it's going to last forever and it is very versatile it can grind everything from grains and beans and corn to coffee seeds nuts the things that are a little bit more moist it will do it all it's got sealed bearings which eliminates a lot of the maintenance issues so if money is not an issue that may be a really good choice for you now we're going to move into electric grain mills and this one i tried to find a place that had them they said they won't have them back for six months it'll take them to get in stock but if you can find one of these little babies i i think it's really cool but i'm kind of strange too um this is my setup so i have my wheat right here and i have this handy dandy step stool and i just reach back here turn it on and that's all it takes okay so this is the kitchen mill this is old this is like over 20 years old maybe 25. anyway um it was a k-tec it's now being sold under blendtec um but let me show you what i what i did like about this and one of the reasons why i bought it is because i can make bean flour and the flour that it makes is so incredibly fine and so when you're using bean flour that's one of the things that i want i don't want little pieces of bean in there because a lot of times like in bread and stuff it just won't soften up but the bean flour works really well but you see this little thing right here so this is a little sponge thing that just goes right in here but sometimes it doesn't do a very good job let me let me i call this my airplane right so let me let you hear what it sounds [Music] like okay so you hear that it's super incredibly obnoxiously allowed and it spews that flower all over so quite frankly when i use this i go put it on the back porch because i don't have to worry about the noise there whatever flower gets spread all over the wind can just take care of um do i think this is a good mill yes it produces a great final product and maybe they've made some good strides in not having the flower spew all over okay now we have we know how i feel about it how do you feel about it just about the same way it does a good job but it is very noisy it sounds like a jet engine and the spewing of the flower into the air just kind of makes a mess everywhere so um outside's fine not inside it's a good thing for outside this is the nutri mill grain mill and it's not my favorite but it does do a good job um we'll go ahead and put some grain in here it is a little loud as you will here [Music] [Applause] with this meal you will want to make sure this drawer is all the way pushed in because i found out the hard way my first time it blew flower all over the front of me so you got to make sure this is pushed in all the way you can adjust the motor speed you can adjust the feed rate so that you can get the right flower that you want it is a little bit messy cleaning it up is a little bit of a hassle but it does do a good job so and with this one like this drawer it pulls out and then to get your flower you have to twist this which i'm not sure i'm strong enough to there you go it's new so it's a little bit hard and then your flower is inside here so it's better at not spewing flour all over because that little sponge thing is inside there instead of on the side like it was with the kitchen mill but the thing that i like about this is that it's lightweight i can move it around i could never move my cabinet grain mill around um this can just be tucked in the pantry and be brought out whenever you need to use it or you could just leave it on your counter if you're doing it every day i'm actually really glad to have this and to add it to my little arsenal but like john said if you when you put this drawer in if you just tuck it in like that it's going to come out all the way you just need to make sure that it snaps nice and tight so overall it's a great grain mill especially because it can grind those legumes you're still not going to grind the oily stuff right like the peanut butter in here but being able to grind dry beans is a really valuable thing because sometimes in storage it's hard to cook up old beans and you have to use certain techniques it can totally be done in fact click the link in the corner and we'll send you to a video where we show you exactly how to cook up really old dried beans but if you just grind them into the flour it's perfect and you can use them and all kinds of things okay so sometimes we either don't have space for an additional appliance or we just financially can't afford to pay 300 for a really nice blender and 300 for a wheat grinder and so this might be a good option for you if you're not grinding it all the time in order to you just put the wheat berries inside of the blender and it you need a high-end blender to do this right or it'll destroy your blender or you don't get a nice fine flower but you're just going to put it on low you're going to turn it on and then in one minute or less oh i should have let it settle down you have flour and so this is a really cool option if you're not ready to actually get a green meal yet another option that might be good is the nutri mill harvest stone grain meal the thing that i really like about this one is that it sits on the counter top and it's beautiful it's like got this bamboo exterior um it does not have a drawer that the flower goes into it you have to put a bowl or something under it and you just pour the grain in the top and it comes out the side and so that might be a really good option for you it is designed to be able to grind both grains and beans corn and legumes however it's not going to do the nuts or the seeds or any of the oily type products another one is called the wonder mill and this is kind of a really cool setup where you have the grinder on one side and then it has this little tube that leads into the canister that holds the flower i didn't purchase that one although it's just a little bit less expensive um just because it was going to take up more room on my counter but i do think that having the canister that holds the flower separate is a really nice feature and it grinds crazy fast like a hundred pounds of flour in an hour it will also do the rice and the legumes and the dry beans and things like that and it will make some super fine flour okay i hope that we have not overwhelmed you because i know we've showed you a lot of different tools but you don't need all of these you're not crazy like us you only need to be able to have one to grinder wheat i personally think that it would be a great idea to have both a manual so that you could do it in the event of a long term grid down event and make sure that you're able to use your stored foods as well as an electric one because they make life so super easy um i would encourage you you know if you want to understand why you need to store wheat or how to store wheat click on the card in the corner and it will send you to a video that we created all about wheat but the grinders are so much more than just wheat because you can you can grind so many different types of grains and legumes and things if you have the right grinder but make sure that you know what your grinder will handle and what it will not and why do we want wheat because it makes life so much better when you have fresh hot bread or you can make cookies or cakes or all the different things that you pizza that you might need wheat for or grains for it it just makes sense to be prepared and to be prepared with the electric as well as the manual grinder and you could also use backup power to use the electric ones but pick what's going to work for you and now for the question of the day what is your favorite way to use flour comment below and thanks for being part of the [Music] solution you
Channel: The Provident Prepper
Views: 3,576
Rating: 4.9768114 out of 5
Keywords: Lehman's, Prepper, SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, Grain Mills, Wheat Grinders, Stored Grains, Flour
Id: cbNXwbhTxdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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