Selecting a journal for a publication

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hi my name is Shari Atia I'm an assistant professor in sustainable architecture at leas University in Belgium and I'm going to talk today about selecting a journal for publication and the question mainly I'm trying to answer is what kind of journal should I select for publishing my work well I'm inviting you to look at previous videos on my channel and subscribe to my channel to have the latest updates if you find this video interesting I invite you please to like it so the content of today's presentation it is going through the types of journals I'm going to present the types of journals what are the bibliometric indicators used to assess and evaluate journals to be able to select them and finally how to make this selection choice my audience that I'm expecting to watch and benefit from this presentation early career researchers who are in the masters or PhD or even in the postdoc or after to have an idea what is it about when it comes to a selecting a journal for publishing well at the end or at the beginning actually forgetting we should not forget that it's all what counts is the quality of your work the more you have a solid work the more it represents your quality and this was a video presented before but we have to keep into account that we in order to show that we have solid work and we are capable to do it we need to publish well publishing is important and all it matters is the content do not have an important role in selecting curating the most relevant important impactful papers so therefore we should target journals because they are the gate of quality donors are today's contemporary method or vehicle to make sure that the research is of good quality there is the first thing I'm going to talk about is the types of journals so let her look let's have a look first of all before knowing what are the types of journals you need to know what is peer reviewing peer reviewing is a scholarly peer if scholarly peer review is the process of subjecting and authors research to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field before a paper describing this work is published in journal meaning that to publish a journal you are a researcher you submit a manuscript other scholars or peer scholars in the same field of specialization they will review the work they will modify it and suggest improvements you take these modifications you improve your work and you respond to the audit to the reviewers suggestions and comments and by then if they approve the work your work can be called published based on a peer review peers means people who are like similar to you most of the time when your earlier researcher career assertion the peer reviews will be more experts on the level of knowledge compared to you but that's the only way to pass the work through those peers well we have something called blind peer review double blind peer review or triple blind peer review and these are different levels of reviews where every time the reviewers cannot know who is the author and in the same town the author cannot know who is the reviewer so keep in mind that peer reviewing in general is blind and should be blind and it could be double or triple and even the editor can sometimes become blind not knowing who submitted and this is the role of printing or publishing houses that they take the manuscript from you without they are playing the role of the intermediate person they take the publication without telling you who will review it they will inform reviewers if they want voluntary to review the work or not and the reviewers will accept and the publishing house should make sure that your data and information does not communicate your identity so this is the peer reviewing and how it is blind in most of the cases review process takes time you have to take into account so you are now looking for a journal also look at how fast does the process go there are some journals it takes 2 years 3 years before your paper get published and there are other journals you can make it in 2-3 months assuming the same quality of work cost 3 in most of the cases donors are for free at least in the field of architectural engineering and construction where I am working in review process is very rigorous so it's serious it's tedious it will it will be a very serious process your credit for your publication will be always in the form of citation so after you did this work and you published your work you will get credited mainly by others citing your work make sure your journal paper is peer reviewed if it's not peer reviewed and it's if it's not blind peer reviewed then you should doubt about the rigor of this journal as you can see in this image here are the different representation the researcher has she or he good data they start to write a manuscript they submit the manuscript to an editor the editor of a journal is kind of managing and reviewing also the quality of work assigning external reviewers external reviewers communicate only with the editor and give their opinions if the editors find these comments useful for the author he will or she will pass them to the authors to take them into account and address them and finally if again this process of coming back to reviewers to approve the work that the author has modified if the reviewers agree that the work is good they give the recommendation to the editor to accept the work so this is the process you should to take into account so that before I start about what are the types of journals you are already aware about the process of publication well publishing houses they are playing this role of intermediate medium between reviewers and authors and they are responsible to make sure that there is quality in this work or in this process we are talking about forty five million documents they are indexed in the web of science and they are published in the largest or the biggest publishing houses in severe clinger Wiley Taylor and Francis and sage saga they are the five main publishing houses worldwide they have most of the donors are published under them and as you can see these are some examples here this is Elsevier I already recognize the logo of of those publishing houses and severe Wiley Taylor and Francis Springer sag and so on stage so you can see that those are different public journals and each journal is identified according to the publishing house though the old published those are more the old published more than half of all academic papers in the peer review literature in 2016 so those are big publishers so you have most probably you will find out that your journal may be I guess high chance 80% chance it will be associated with one of those publishing houses okay what are the types of journals we have we have three major types the first type is the limited access journals those are donors they are available online or printed but you can only access them through subscription or paying per view so those are limited access journals you publish for free yes but accessing your published work is not for free okay and in universities that can they had a university that has the budget to make subscription they allow you to download or access these limited access journals without paying but only with your University identifier or access code so this means that when you are in university and you search and you find a journal paper and this means that the university is paying to the publishing house because by default limited access journals they are not letting their public the publication's getting accessed without paying fees ok so this is the first type of journals and this is the most common type that we find today the second type of journal is the open access journals and this is donors that allow publishing and in the same time downloading or accessing the publications for free it's called open access but take care of something you will pay for publishing so you add the author you will pay for your publication while in the first case readers will pay so you will figure out and ask maybe okay but why there is already a payment well there is a payment because there is a lot of cost associated with the production of publication and I will show that later on so you have to keep in to account to publish it cost money the question is who will pay this money in the first case of limited access journals readers pay the money these readers could be big libraries they could be countries and so on or kind of associations in the case of open access publication the publication will be available online for free but the author will pay for it I personally I don't prefer authors to pay for it I prefer always to work with limited access journals assuming that you are in a university that is paying subscription fees to access the publications and in the same time we should take into account that even limited access journals they allow you to have the publication open access but if you pay fees to make it open access so today it is possible to have a limited access publish an open source publication sorry open access publication in a limited access journal but their policy in general is having limited access journals okay so those are the two types we have the third type which is called the predatory journals and those are very dangerous publishing houses I warn you to not publish in these places there is a special video I call it avoid predatory publishers their publishing houses that are pretending that they are good leading to good research and good quality publication but in fact most of the time they are using young researchers they require you to pay money and in the same time they have a very flawed or even not existing review process but the problem is that they are making a lot of noise they are very making a lot of marketing and in the video I explained how to avoid this so I would say those are the three main publication types that you have make sure that you always either publishing in a limited access journal or in an open access journal my advice if you have a budget and a project that is funding your project you can pay to make your publication open access because this is a big discussion in Europe and Europe is trying to through different mechanism to say how are we funding money and research and then journals keep it from the public we want to have publications that even the public would that are not part of universities they can access directly to these publications so we are now in the middle or in a transition phase and a big discussion about open access journals versus limited access journals but so far I advise you to work on limited access journals because also they are allowing for open access publication if you pay the fees for a specific paper well if you look at this example you can see here that this is the article processing charge and as you can see that the processing charge cost money and there is subscriptions to cover that and you can see the different revenues in millions of British pounds according to statistics of 2014 and when you look at any journal publication I advise you to look at the financial part or the cost part behind it any publication that is with a subscription printed or online as you can see it has one part of it voluntary peer-reviewing that's for free we are not happy with that but that's the case there is the cost for article processing which means administering peer-review assuming average rejection rates editing proofreading typesetting graphics Quality Assurance these are all tasks related to article processing then we have other costs related to editorial cover covering editorial issues write rights of management sales and payment printing delivery online user management marketing communication helpdesk and online hosting so this is the third component in the cost then we have management and investment cost this is a bit discolor in in yellow and as you can see it includes the cost to establish journal assure 20% for for subscription and finally we have margins these are assumed to be 20% so publishing houses they make profits and they are profiting every year and these are included in the calculation or the breakdown of costing for publishing now as you can see this is the print online scheme the highest cost when we move to subscription only online without printing because take in the past when you get published you would be asked that they will send you a printed copy of your journal publication today it is not it is rarely happening most of the time people are just getting the PDF so they are just getting a digital format for the publication but in the past it was a Hello printed paper kind of thing and it was also costing today also most libraries they stopped having any physical copies for journals they are mainly relying on the online access so you can see the difference in costing reduced from moving from printed hard copies to soft copies and then the least costly publishing process for journal is the open access as you can see the open access is cutting a lot of the cost of Management and investment because you are putting them online there for free and they are stable you don't need a lot of maintenance for that and then the cost is going down so you can see also these are some representations to make you aware that publishing cost money and therefore when I talked with you earlier saying that limited access journals they are living and thriving based on subscription this is the reason why actually publishing houses they are providing a very good quality a very good service for the scientific community not all of them but most of them and this quality includes these different tasks I talked about article processing management investment and setting this framework for publishing just a little example Elsevier one of the largest ones reported revenue 1.5 billion US dollar for first half of 2014 this means that there is money it's a big industry and the point here is to make sure that we understand how it operates okay regarding predatory publications take care publishing and frozen and Jonases criminal so even if you are intensive in intent you have the intent to publish in a predator journal and you are aware that this is not right it is considered as a fraud so I advise you again to watch the video about avoiding predatory publishers okay talking now we summarize the previous part we have three types of publication we have limited access publications we have open access and a publication and we have traded three publications those are the three types let's go now now talk about the bibliometric indicators and the impact factors what are those things well in order to be able to know what is a good journal and what's a badge earner we need to have a way of classification and ranking okay worldwide there is different indicators that are used to assess two things we either assess a journal so these are called journal ranking indices all we assess our assertion like like the h-index okay so I all talked about the journal ranking indices first and then I will talk about the h-index but you have to keep into account that this is still a new way of making sure how to assess the quality of journals so it is still evolving but we are now in a kind of maturity to assess that the first journal ranking index it's called the shim ago journal ranked shim ago June ranked it is powered by Scopus and what is it doing it is mainly ranking the juniors it's creating a list of journals every year it is ranking them per country you can also see the ranking on the country level and it's providing visualization tool to do literature review and correlations so this is the first kind of ranking internationally recognized ranking for juniors is called the shim ago June I'll rank it is freely available from their website you can look at the website and it's also available on Scopus it considers three years of journal statistics so it's seen this journal in the last three year how many citations how many publications from the same journal it measures the contextual citation impact it looks at self citation sorry self citation is limited it limits the self citation so that the journal itself relies on self or internally published journals that are citing the same journal it's focusing also from mainly on external citation from other donors to the publication's of that particular journal and citations are wait by the SGR index so the shim ago journal ranks provides for each journal and index and this index called SGR this SGR index is simply indicating the quality or the rank of the journal so you go on the list and you can see it together I will show you some example this is an example of a list I typed this address on the website I've come up on the website I went to engineering architecture then I selected Western Europe where I work and I said I want to have ranking of all Jonas 2016 so sitting simply these are the parameters I'm trying to identify what are key I am asking this platform to give me a list of journals that are in Western Europe that are in the architectural engineering fields for the year 2016 and I'm asking them to rank them and as you can see they come up with a list of publications and this is ranked according to the most impact that they are creating so the highest journal is the most impact having the highest impact and the least it goes it's a very long list it means that it has less impact and when I see this list I can say a koala these are deeds or the journals that are in my field according to their importance and their impact in the same time next to this information it is giving next to each journal publication something called SGR number so you can see here 1.2 it's going down suddenly became 0.5 meaning that this is an indicator that shows the impact of the publication and like that when we start to communicate I tell you ok I'm going to publish in the Journal of architectural science review then you can say ok what is the SGR number I can tell you ok it's point 6 and then somebody else says I preferred that you draw you publish in another journal the Journal of building performance simulation for example because it has a higher SGR number and so on so we start to be able to compare donors according to their impact ok this is another example for the same platform I just click on this button there and by clicking on this button I eliminated all journals that are based on online subscription which means that I only see now donors that are open access open access meaning what that it's not the reader we'll pay the fees it is me as an author if I have a budget it's good for me and this means that the publication will be available online for free accessible at any time for any person in any country in the world for free so this is the advantage of the Shema go junior ranking it is transparent it allows you to classify and look at different publication and it provides the SGR number to make sure that you are able to rank the publication's well let's look at this example this is a journal it's called city culture and society I went to about this journal I googled the journal on internet I found a website I looked at about this journal I click why I'm doing that because I want to know the bibliometric index of this journal and here it tells me shimamu journal ranked SGR 0.335 so this means that this donor is communicating the value of it's important according to the SGR index so it is a way to make sure that this journal is not a predatory zone okay moving now to another type of bibliometric indicator i talked already now about the Shema go and the SGR on the left side I am now moving to another journal ranking index which is called the science Citation Index it's another journal rank I told you that the previous one was about Scopus here we are Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters is responsible for it and this our science Citation Index rank is a citation index for papers produced by in the Institute of scientific information which is today owned by Thomson Reuters and the institute of scientific information adheres to strict evaluation process to assure the credibility of journals the isi database provides some measures of the academic impact of the papers indexed in it and the science Citation Index covers more than 8,500 not notable and significant donors across 150 disciplines the index is made available online through a different platform such as the web of science so this is another type of indexing the first type was under Scopus this type is under Thomson Reuters and you always have to make sure my advice that your journal is listed in the science Citation Index well this is how it looks you can see different publication and you can see their importance ranked according to their importance and the science scientists index they develop their own factor that measures the impact of the index which is called the impact factor this impact factor it's a calculation it happens every year and it happens every 5 year and it happens for the journal and it's a ratio between citations and sizeable a items published in a journal so they collect all the publications the number of publications of a journal in a year they count them all and then they see how much those publications were cited and they devise this number on this number and finally they come up with a number called the impact factor so this impact factor shows how much journals were published here in this how many papers were published in this journal and how much they were cited and the higher this impact is it shows that this mean it means that this journal is important and it means that this has an impact and many people cited and also many people publish in this journal so the impact factor is another Citation Index and it's related to the science Citation in okay so this is how it looks and you can see in the recent years always this kind of data signed a shin index Thomson Reuters this is a sign even emerging Partridge owners that still were not listed they use these logos to communicate that we are a quality Journal so make sure your journal is listed in this list the impact factor it is a cumulative contribution of articles with different citation rates to total journal impact and it's a correlation genres impact factors are determined by technicalities unrelated to the scientific quality of the articles they are depending on the research field a lot there's high impact factors are likely in journalist covering large area of basic research so you will find that the whole engineering and architectural engineering engineering in general does not have a big or a high impact factor we are talking about four or five or six as an impact factor compared to the medicine which is sometimes twenty or exceeding xx an impact factor so these are some disadvantages of the impact factor because it is reflecting the popularity and the size of the community that is doing research in this area so sometimes there is critics but unfortunately it is used article citation rates determine the journal impact factor not the scientific quality so be aware that the impact factor is not representing and also the SGR factor of Chicago is not representing the quality of research but it's representing how much this work is cited and recognized by others okay another example I am putting the SGR factor coming from Chicago against the impact factor coming from the science Citation Index and you can see both on the screen here this is a journal it is called city culture and society I look at about two no data and I found out that they have our number 0.335 okay in the same time I'm trying to look here for an impact factor I cannot find it they don't have an impact factor this means that this journal is not recognized with an impact factor by the science Citation Index but it is recognized by the Shema go index let's go to the second example this is another journal called energy and buildings and I can see here SGR number 2.0 93 and I find explicitly mentioned impact factor this means that this journal is indexed in both lists it is in the Shema go John ranking and it's in the science Citation Index ranking John ranking meaning that it is cited in both today in the research community we are looking to have the impact factor more reliable or at least I am talking about myself in this sense I am relying more on impact factor in my work so I try to only publish in journals that has impact factor so I advise for that well it is I cannot claim this is better or not better this is out of the scope but all I can say that I am relying more on the impact factor to make sure that this journal is strictly adhering to scientific quality measures okay I am still in the discussion about the different journal ranking indices we talked about shim ago and we talked about the science Citation Index I'm going to talk about the third one which is the called the eigen factor the eigen factor is a free available online it is evaluated citation weighted by the eigen factor based on the citing the journal self citations are excluded and it is a project academic project developed in the University of Washington and it is it has a similar calculation process to Google page ranking it is still not so much used but it is one of the new emerging factors compared also to the Google Pagerank so to summarize we can say we have mainly the Shema go and the science Citation Index next to it we have the eigen factor I'm just it's a new one and we have also the Google Pagerank those are four million ranks but personally I am advising for my own work and my scholar scholars working with me to follow the science Citation Index with the impact factor okay now what is the H index as you can see it's here talking about people so these were indexes for journals and this is another index for people the h-index may the index is an author level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publication of a scientist or scholar and the index is based on the set of the scientists most cited papers and the number of citation that they have received in other publications and the index was suggested in 2005 by Jorge Hersh a physicist as a tool for determining theoretical physicists relative quality and is sometimes called the Hersh index or H index so this is the history about H index and it's simply representing productivity and the citation impact you have to make sure that you have a H index you know Albert Einstein this is just a joke you can see already has a H index of 103 he cited many times and he has a profile for sure this is not true just an example and you can see that the H index is based on a formula where it shows for example a scientist has a H and X of five if her or his top 5 cited works are cited five times at least so this is the correlation for the h-index and i advise you all to look at your h index as a quality researcher now to summarize what I was talking about it is very important to look at the following now we have different ranking junior ranking and this is I advise you to work on the following when it comes to looking for a journal publication make sure that it is in the Thompson writer science Citation Index when it comes to the h-index we have mainly two indexes for the h1 is made by Google and one is made by Scopus ok this is my own H index and you can see on Google Scholar I have a H index of 15 okay it's a high number why because the same H index but not on Google Scholar on Scopus is 9 so it is the value of 9 this means I went down why because so Co Scopus is taken to account mainly journals and publications that are listed only in the Shema go list however Google is taking any kind of citation and any kind of publication that cited my work which means that the scope was H index it is more severe but it's more serious and it represents more reality today when we look at a researcher we try to know what is her or his H index because it represents the impact the citation the productivity and Scopus H index is always lower than the Google's index because Scopus is only taking publications that are already listed in the Shema Gollust meaning that the reliability of the H index of Scopus is higher than the reliability of Google because Google is simply taking any citation even if you are cited in the newspaper if you are cited in a blog if you are cited in any document that Google can reach they will add it to their calculation number so keep into account that you have an H index and Google and you have an H index and Scopus and the most representative is disco post H index so this is the overview for the bibliometric indexes and now I would like to share with you a table that I created to kind of summarize this information well the most important to keep retain from this presentation we have different journal ranking indexes those are three the journal indexes Scopus Thomson Reuters I can factor Scopus worldwide and known in China for example Thomson Reuters worldwide and Europe this is the impact factor the journal ranking indicator cold improv impact factor and the journal ranking indicator here is called SGR this is calculated during the three previous year this is during the three previous year and the five years the SGR is older in a sheet 1960 the science Citation Index in 2000 and the eigen factor is very recent still it is less used so this is on the level of johna rankings now you need to know that H index there are different age indexes we can have the Thomson Reuters H index we can have the Scopus H index and we have the Google Scholar H and X the most reliable so far is the Scopus H index that aims to quantify the scientists productivity based on the most cited papers and I advise you to follow this and follow this Thomson Reuters also I have to change that sorry for that improvisation but this is the let's say the summary of the presentation that you should focus on the H and X and Copas and look at Journal that are indexed in the science Citation Index under Thomson Reuters okay so I can move now to the third part and the last part of this presentation how to select now the journal now you know that joiners are published in publishing offices they need to have a ranking they need to be part of ranking that recognized them as quality Journal's you need to know that they have an impact factor and this impact factor ranks their importance and shows that they are belonging to the scientific real scientific community now you know that let's go select a Johnny I advise you first a thing to do to create a checklist and you ask yourself is this journal the right fit for my work does the topic match the journal scope the topic I'm working on does the journal publish this type of article is it a review article or other or is there a reasonable chance for acceptance very important to keep these questions in you your mind is the read is it read is it read within the communities I want to reach because you're publishing you should publish in your community make sure that you are publishing in a journal that is read in your community and you ask yourself is the journal of a good quality or not and can it be trusted or not so that you avoid any predatory practices so there is a website you can have a look at it it shows you think check submit and it can help you to identify the journal that you might publish in you can make use of june and directories they're very useful we have the journal guide we have the directory of open access journals these are directories or platforms that shows you or help you to identify donor to publish ad there are also tools that match your paper title abstract to potential journals we have the advanced editing tool you can type the keywords type the title potential title and then finally this engine will tell you what are the potential journals that match your topic there's also the journal author name estimator very useful and we have also Elsevier journal finder you can use it to identify the best matching journal this is the Elsevier journal finder it looks like that it's an interface you can google it you will type the potential or the prospective the expected title of your work you put some key words you put the abstract and automatically the finder will search for potential places where you can publish and give you some recommendations already these are some recommendations to that can come out it will come out in a shape of a series of June as related to your topic don't get trapped many times people they know that they need to select a journal they published maybe something in a conference a conference paper and then directly they get attacked by a journal like that it's saying dear mr. X we have learned that your paper whatever the title got published in the conference this the conference we sent our call for paper to you some days ago and we know wondering whether you have received it or not since we have got no reply from you it would be kind of you to inform if if you received it and actually they are simply starting to wait that you answer them and then they start to tell you okay you can publish with it it will be very easy our published process is fast and so on and then suddenly discover yes I published in a journal but it is not indexed it has no impact factor so this is under the predatory work also keeping to account that many professors in order to get tenured they have the pressure to be editors so many researchers or or academics they want to become editors so they take the lead to edit some journals and then they make calls in public they say there is a special issue on this kind of journal and it's a scientific journal you can publish with this and you have a publication and then first thing I always pose and the question I say there there is there a journal impact factor and then people start to say nearly it will come in the future and simply this shows that there is a kind of [Music] hesitation and unclarity about how to deal with this kind of issues of a free girl in publication so from one side you find many people promoting that you publish in their journal but in the same time their journals are not indexed or ranked especially in the Thomson Reuters science Citation Index which is the most seriously or seen as the most serious ranking junior ranking index so I advise you whether you get a fishy invitation or you get a generous invitation from professors or scholars or editors whoever invites you even if it's your own personal supervisor take this invitation take the journal check it on the science Citation Index make sure it is indexed check it has an impact factor and then I advise you that you publish in that June also keep into account don't get trapped that there are something is called the conference proceedings today Elsevier is doing a very interesting service which is allowing people to have something called procedure in science direct and in the procedure they allow any paper on a conference based on certain conditions to get online via Elsevier okay so many students when they see a publication like that and they find here energy procedure science direct they think that this is a journal publication in reality it is not it is just a kind of platform that holds the publication and as you can see it's talking here what international conference and of so-and-so and I can find authors this does not mean that this is a journal publication this does not mean that it has an impact factor this does not mean that it is indexed this publication in a journal that is indexed in the science Citation Index of Thomson Reuters so please take care of these things it's very difficult I know to get out of these invitations they come every time you are going in a conference you will get receive this invitation everywhere on LinkedIn or on different Public Media's social media invitation and also the new ScienceDirect is creating some kind of confusion for many researcher they think that this is a journal publication so please make sure that you are not getting trapped this is an example that I am using this is in my lab these are the publication journals that I am looking at and I created my own list I always make sure that the titles are written the publisher I need to know who's the publisher what is the impact factor and I'm always looking to updating that so by this I make sure that the journal is ranked in the science Citation Index and the eysie journal citation under Thomson Reuters and then I can be sure that it works to publish here make sure you are always having a publication with impact factor now comes the question select low or high impact factor journals this is a challenge you have here some journals in my field of specialization the journal for example of energy converse the conversion and management it has an impact factor of five relatively high and then another journal like the Journal of renewable energy it has an impact of something like one point something or even sometimes less than one between how impact low impact this comes a difficulty to go through it so I always advise you to make a balance you need to have a balance between low and high impact and middle impact and with experience you will be able to identify the best journals that match your research area once you have selected a journal it's important to carefully study its aims read the journal aims the scope of the journal and some recent issues of the journal to understand whether is it writing matching your topic or not so here is the abstract for example does the subject match the journal is the journal priority no Valatie or something else some journals they are very focused on experimental data and monitoring some donors are focusing on reviews some donors are looking for statistical representation some journals are looking at modeling and equations and algorithm so you have to see what is the scope of the journal to make sure you not get rejected does the journal welcome interdisciplinary work this is a big problem a big challenge because many journals having this silo focus so they only focus on particular problems one you come with interdisciplinarity it's not seen as a positive thing so make sure that you are covering this issue does the journal seek theoretical papers or more applied papers like I said earlier so the poor match is a common reason for editors to reject papers before even starting the peer-review process so it is your responsibility to make sure that you studied well the journal that you are looking to publish at so that there is a kind of match at least okay this is my list and I want to share it with you I have this list in my office and it is my sustainable building design lab list this list simply is having AI updated every year I have here the journals that I find matching my labs interest and then I write the impact factor in the last year and then the impact factor in the last five years and then I write here the publishing name and as you can see I advise you to have your own list my own list is always updated I'm using it to show it to my students so that they make sure that they're selecting proper publications already I am having strict criteria to make sure that this is a quality list I am excluding any publication that is not having an impact factor so I'm sure making sure that there is an impact where to publish a publication otherwise I cannot let it in to - well you can do something else seek advice you have a supervisor I guess you have a colleague you have peers you have other professors seek advice talk to them make sure that you publish and joiners with impact factor unless your community or your supervisor is not interested in that so my final recommendation before closing this video and this is the end for today it is that you should look at how to select journal for publication it's an important thing look at the impact factor make sure it is listed in Thomson Reuters list of the science Citation Index avoid predatory publishers and conferences that's my advice make sure it is indexed like I said make sure it is peer-reviewed we need to have good input and good feedback make sure it has an impact factor I mentioned that explicitly many times so that you don't forget make sure your paper matches the journal scope the match is very important as I told you it can reduce the processing time because until between the time you submit and you get a reject for a paper that is not matching the scope this can take weeks so you are losing time make sure the scope is matching your topic and seek advice before submission with your supervisors it's very important create your own journalist like the one I have here I think it would be worth it to make your own list so that you leave your institution or university or the place you work on with your own list that you feel that you belong to the community of these journal editors and reviewers so this is my advice for today I would like to thank you for your attention I invite you to like the video if you find it valuable share it with others subscribe to my channel just is very important don't hesitate to comment on the video if you have any feedback or any comments don't hesitate to contact me it's very important to hear from you what you find useful if you need specific topics to be covered and thank you for your attention for the topic of today how to select a journal paper for publication thank you [Music] you
Channel: Shady Attia
Views: 46,328
Rating: 4.9478126 out of 5
Keywords: Scopus, Thomson Reuter, impact factor
Id: qdsJX6lQ6Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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