Seed Saving for Beginners

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hello lovely people ordinarily i'm bringing you into the garden to show you something beautiful and flourishing but today i'm going to show you something shriveled and dying but amid that ugliness is absolute treasure and by that of course i mean seeds today we're going to be talking about seed saving it's a great activity to do with your kids and if you've never done it before the easiest way to start is with beans come on [Music] so i grew four types of beans this year dragon tongue purple teepee and two kinds of long beans we're going to save beans from all of them now the secret to seed saving beans is to let your plants go dry and nasty just like this it's the end of the season you're not harvesting any beans and when you stop harvesting your beans that signals to the plant that it should then send its energy to the remaining pods on the plant that those are going to fully mature into seeds picking seeds when the pods are nice and dry and crispy just ensures that your beans are going to be dry enough to store as seed however if you pick a pod that isn't as shriveled up you can still take these beans out this is a very mature chunky pod um but i would bring them in the house lay them out on a paper towel to fully dry remember what signals seeds to germinate these beans are seeds is light sometimes water and temperature so you want to keep them dry and in a dark place do you have a question yes yes what's this white this seed coat protects what the seed holds inside which is a baby plant and the food it needs from which to grow until it can grow its roots and leaves right and then it can suck up nutrients from the soil and then it can absorb energy from the sun come on let's get picking yep yeah oh beautiful yeah that's a good one beautiful are you having fun yeah little fingers can make quick work of this that's not a shade who wants an egg it looks like an egg doesn't it but do you see the difference look at this pot it's still um yeah it's still green it wasn't a fully mature seed like that so let's save that does that feel dry let's see that's dry all right put it in our jar and because they look incredibly different i don't have to worry about getting them mixed up but if they look similar put them in separate jars when we go in the house we will separate them out and put them in little baggies and write the name of the seed on it okay the name of the plant [Music] [Music] for such a long bean look how little can i get in my fingertips just that little bean this massive bean pod and vine yeah look at this little baby there's a lot of beans in one potty pod pod pie that means that we can share our seeds with all our friends right that's right you bet so then people grow their own things yeah these beans are tough now remember you can only save seed from an heirloom variety or an open pollinated variety if your seed packet that you grew your plants from says hybrid then that seed is not guaranteed to grow the same plant the following year i got all my seed from baker creek heirloom seeds who guarantee that all of their seed is heirloom and open pollinated they are our sponsors for this gardening series so big shout out to them so don't waste your time with hybrid seeds if you're planning to seed save at the end of the season okay guys happy seed saving [Music] peter piper picked a pack of papery pods
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Keywords: home gardening, organic gardening, heirloom vegetables, open pollinated, seed saving, how to save seed, baker creek heirloom seeds, nicole jolly, gardening with kids, what is a seed, seed anatomy
Id: fntRLp_E2YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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