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[Music] welcome to watch Mojo and today we're taking a tantalizing journey into the world's biggest mysteries and secrets and we'll tell you why they're likely never to be revealed and we're starting with history's biggest secrets that refuse to be unraveled there's no Area 51 there's no recovered spaceship oh excuse me Mr President that's not entirely accurate welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the greatest Unsolved Mysteries and strangest secrets from ancient times through today Freemasonry brings together people of diverse background number 20 Metro 2 you may have heard about the British Shadow cabinet but have you heard of a Russian Shadow Subway rumors have swirled for almost a century about Metro 2 a secret subway running parallel to the Moscow Metro code named D6 by the KGB this clandestine network was allegedly built during the rule of Joseph Stalin it lacks public entrances but could be used as a shelter in the event of an aerial assault on Moscow in times of Crisis while panicked civilians crowded onto the public Metro government officials could easily escape the city using the trains in Metro 2 which are supposedly battery powered despite widespread speculation the Russian government has never acknowledged the system's existence nor officially released any details of its function number 19 the Lost recipe for Greek Fire centuries before Oppenheimer created a super weapon by splitting the atom the Byzantine Empire ruled the Mediterranean with a super weapon of their own a mysterious substance that when ignited Burns bright and hot known as Greek fire this formidable tool has somehow eluded a concrete definition with some simply referring to it as liquid fire that could never be extinguished by water the recipe for this weapon was held as a closely guarded secret and with it the Byzantium resisted Muslim conquests for centuries streams of flame shoot out from Byzantine vessels lighting the water on fire and incinerating the Arab ships unfortunately the danger of tightly held Secrets is that they can easily be forgotten by The Fourth Crusade the Eastern Roman Empire lost the recipe and was ultimately annihilated in the subsequent centuries though historians and chemists have tried to recreate the recipe they have never been successful there is certainly speculation as to the different recipes for Greek fire but it would be very difficult to say what the classic Greek Fire actually is number 18 Tesla's missing papers it's just amazing from a history standpoint Tesla helped create the foundation of our electrical grid history Buffs may know about the Rivalry between Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison in the nent days of electrical power but did you know that after his death in 1943 some of Tesla's research mysteriously disappeared Tesla was allegedly working on particle beam weapons that if successful could have altered the outcome of World War II the day after his death his nephew the Yugoslavian ambassador to the US discovered that his notebook and many crucial documents were missing as the FBI didn't trust Tesla's nephew with his sensitive research they later confiscated all of the scientists items for more than five decades Grant bont know as Jim lived with although some of Tesla's work was returned to his family years l later a significant portion of it has never been found number 17 Oliver cromwell's head of all the bizarre and bloody ways in which English rulers have met their Destiny the strangest concerns the only British sovereign who was not a monarch Oliver Cromwell was a leading parliamentarian during the British Civil Wars of the 17th century seizing control of the nation through a military coup Cromwell ruled as Lord protector for 5 years before dying of natural causes shortly after his death the monarchy regained Authority King Charles II then ordered the exhumation of cromwell's body so he could be postumus executed cromwell's head was removed afterwards and put on display in London for at least two decades over the next three centuries it passed between private collectors of creepy historical objects occasionally giving rise to fake replicas the authorities were certainly aware that um people's heads traitor's Heads could become objects of veneration in fact Cromwell himself had authorized Charles I's head to be re and reattached to his body the final owner decided to secretly bury the head on the campus of Sydney Sussex College which Cromwell attended its exact location there remains unknown number 16 Copper Scroll treasure when Scholars Finally Revealed the contents of the Copper Scroll in June 1956 it caused excitement around the globe in the 1940s and 50s archaeologists found a Treasure Trove of ancient Jewish manuscripts in The Kuman caves of the West Bank collectively they became known as the Dead Sea Scrolls one of these manuscripts was different from the others inscribed on copper plates instead of parchment and Papyrus this unique document referred to as the Copper Scroll not only differed in its material but also in its content it's an ancient Treasure Map listing 64 locations of buried jewels and gold written out in 12 columns it's a verbal treasure map 12 columns over over 60 plus locations unfortunately the map is outdated by about 2,000 years treasure hunters and archaeologists have tried to find the modern locations of these ancient sites to this day no treasure has ever been discovered number 15 letters of Last Resort this is the stuff that spy movies are made of belonging to the United Kingdom the letters of Last Resort are exclusively written by the newly appointed prime minister four different letters are penned which are then given to four submarines means equipped with destructive Trident missiles within the letters are instructions telling the commanding officers what to do in the event of a nuclear strike on Britain no one but the Prime Minister knows the exact contents of the letters as they're kept sealed until nuclear war breaks out in the event that nuclear war doesn't break out which thankfully it hasn't the letters are destroyed upon the inauguration of a new PM number 14 Taj Mahal Oro Mahalia in 1989 historian p and Oak stirred controversy with his book Taj Mahal the true story in it Oak opposed the majority of historians and scientists who believe the structure was built in the 17th century instead contending that it was actually constructed in 1155 also contrary to its designation as a tomb Oak claimed that the building was originally a Hindu temple according to him Shiva worshippers had constructed it and called it tjo Mahalia Oak even filed a petition demanding that the Taj Mahal be declared a Hindu Monument but it was dismissed by India Supreme Court in 2000 in recent years with the rise of online conspiracies the theory has become a rallying cry for Hindu nationalists organizations are now claiming that once you open the doors you will see you will find a Lord Shiva temple in fact most of the people have gone ahead and said that what you see behind me is not Taj mahel has always been Teo Mahala number 13 the Coca-Cola recipe Coca-Cola has been around since 1886 and try as as desperately as they might no one has been able to replicate its distinct taste that's how you know you have a good beverage on your hands the people who handle the concentrate are as in the dark about the secret formula as anyone I've been working 11 years now I don't know what's in the formula all my job is to load it up and send it to the line and let them run it inventor John S pton kept his recipe a secret and even refused to write it down for fear of people copying his success it was finally jotted down when Ernest Woodruff purchased the company in 1919 the first recipe called for cocaine but over time the narcotic ingredient was removed but not the secrecy the physical recipe then made the rounds between New York's guaranteed bank Atlanta's Trust Company bank and finally the World of Coca-Cola which is where it resides today it is currently housed in the so-called Vault of the secret formula and it remains a very closely guarded trade secret at least once a year somebody show up say I have the original formula for Coca-Cola how much will you pay me for it well we don't need to pay him anything for it cuz we have the only real one number 12 the world's greatest card trick David berglass was a mentalist and magician who gained notoriety in the 1950s particularly for his iconic trick known as the burglass effect this particular cut effect is a version of a classic plot in Magic called any card at any number for this deceptively simple feat burglass would produce a seemingly ordinary deck and ask a spectator to name any playing card another person would then pick a random number from 1 to 50 2 by the time the cards were dealt One By One The specified card would be found at the specified position it's a trick that stumped and astounded other magicians for years which made him a legend amongst magicians and a career that spent over six decades however burglass maintained that it was unteachable and he took the secret to his grave in 2023 this covert technique is now widely considered the Holy Grail of card magic number 11 the origins of HIV AIDS sunus has feared this unknown unnamed disease so much they wouldn't even go near someone with AIDS the fear was pervasive while HIV is largely linked to the 1980s it remains a global public health issue in 2020 alone it was estimated that nearly 40 million people were living with the disease 70% live in subsaharan Africa but anti-retroviral drugs offer hope new infections are down by over a third motherto child transmission has more than halfed and globally there's been a 35% decrease in deaths but regardless of its prevalence and very public history there is still a lot about the retrovirus we don't know even those of us who are in it from day one were shocked by the uh enormity of the problem for example humanity is still mostly unsure of where it came from the leading theory is that African hunters in the early 20th century killed and ate chimpanzees infected with SIV the S standing for Simeon which then mutated into HIV in the human body however this information is typically populated with words like probably and likely indicating that the origins of HIV are not definitively known even to this day number 10 the Farmers Almanac formula wow listen to this we are in for a brutal winner that's according to the Farmers Almanac Farmers Almanac has been annually published since 1818 so it's obviously doing something right the almanac makes long-term weather predictions in North America and various scientific Studies have proven a roughly 50% rate of accuracy so basically take this with a grain of salt not bad considering the predictions come up to 2 years in advance and it seems like the local weather station doesn't even know if it'll rain tomorrow and according to their website they use an exclusive mathematical and astronomical formula that relies on sunspot activity tidal action planetary position and many other factors weirdly almost nothing is known about the making of the almanac the forecaster is kept secret and the almanac itself has never revealed how it makes its predictions the formula is reportedly kept inside an impenetrable box and the world is left wondering just how the heck these Gods can so accurately predict the weather oh it's kind of like the Coca-Cola recipe number nine the Rowan Oak Colony the first English attempt to colonize the new world took place on the island of Rowan o in 1585 it failed due to a lack of food and clashes with indigenous peoples two years later John White made another effort establishing a larger settlement white left his settlers there hoping to come back with supplies the following year but his return was delayed until 1590 but Governor white doesn't return to his family he returns to a mystery upon arriving on the supply ship white found the settlement completely deserted the only clue as to the whereabouts of his people was a strange carving on a post that read croat toan over a 100 men women and children had disappeared Without a Trace there's no evidence that there was any kind of battle there's no evidence of bones or bodies that might indicate an altercation between the colonists and the indigenous people while theories of their fate abound none has ever been proven number eight Bohemian Grove Bohemian Grove is a compound sitting on a massive 2700 acre slice of California Redwood country it's a gentleman Club of sorts catering to the conservative Elites of American society its membership includes almost every Republican president since Calvin kulage other politicians as well as some of the wealthiest Business Leaders in modern history for over 150 years Elites have flocked to Bohemian Grove on semi- Retreats which typically take place in mid July every year for about 2 weeks do you know what they do there though rumors of their bakanal esque revelries abound what we do know is that there is a reasonable likelihood that many of the world's historical events may have been shaped within the confines of the Bohemian Grove number seven the Hanging Gardens of Babylon a garden known throughout the world for its beauty a name now synonymous with the Disappeared Riches of an ancient Kingdom today all but one of the seven wonders of the ancient world have been lost to time among those that no longer exist one has continued to spark controversy historians and archaeologists have long endeavored to find find proof that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon actually existed a number of contemporary accounts described a massive collection of lush plants in the center of the city it appeared they said as if there were a Green Mountain in the center of sarb's Palace no physical evidence has ever been found whether swallowed by the Euphrates or a myth meant to spread Babylonian Glory we do have some quite good ground sensing um equipment that might just help but people will rob Stones away and put them in their houses so anything that was stoned there has been robbed long ago the truth of the Hanging Gardens is still a mystery number six The Man in the Iron Mask I'm sorry you've never seen me before I must shock you the story of The Man in the Iron Mask has been a staple of French culture since Duma published his novel in 1850 while he theorized that the mysterious prisoner was in fact the identical twin of Louis the 14th the truth remains a mystery what we do know is that at the turn of the 17th century there was a masked political prisoner contrary to fiction his mask wasn't iron but rather made of black velvet rumors swirled about his identity volt believed that he was a secret Royal relative held captive to keep Lou Crown safe others claimed that he was the son of Oliver Cromwell whomever he was the mass French prisoner's true identity is likely to remain a secret forever I waited six years to ask this question why was this done to me number five genas Khan's tomb living in the mid 12th century to the early 13 genghiskhan is the infamous instigator of the Mongol Empire which was the largest connective Empire in history he rose from abject poverty to rule most of the known world it is claimed that one in every 200 men alive today is descended from him after taking over over much of the Known World Khan died under unknown circumstances and was returned to his home country of Mongolia Legend has it that the funeral procession killed anyone who witnessed it in order to keep his final resting place a secret if that's true it certainly worked because no one today has any idea of where genghiskhan is buried the Mongolian belief is that if you disturb the tomb of jask Khan the reason why that area was so forbidden is because if you Disturb This tomb that you might cause this curse that'll end the world right modern scholars believe believe his tomb is somewhere around the Buran khaldun Mountain but research in the area is difficult owing to restrictions imposed by the Mongolian government finding the two of genas car would be the greatest archaeological discoveries of Our Generation the potential for riches in genas Khan's tomb are extraordinary you think of it it's the world's largest land Empire the riches that must have been plundered and the riches that might be inside this tomb Boggle the mind Number Four The Lost Years of Jesus Christ many scholars and historians agree that Jesus Christ was a real person and that he was born sometime around 4 BC however a large chunk of his historical life remains unaccounted for as no one knows what he was doing between the ages of 12 and 29 during all this time there is but one story in the Gospels it describes Jesus as a precocious 12-year-old discussing the Hebrew Bible with rabbis in Jerusalem these are referred to by a variety of names including his silent years of course there are many theories some believe he was in Britain others India there are said to be records originally written in India in the ancient poy language and later translated into Tibetan dealing with the life of an extraordinary Saint known to the Buddhists as Esa the life story of St Issa closely resembles the life of Jesus Christ Christ but the leading theory is that he was in Galilee a region of both Israel and Lebanon working as a carpenter under the tutelage of his father Joseph once in the New Testament in the gospel of Mark Jesus critics in his hometown ask is not this the Carpenter and then in the parallel text in Matthew they ask is not this The Carpenter's son following Jesus's unknown excursions he was baptized in al-as around 28 ad and it is here that his world changing Ministry began number three the USA's missile submarines there's something about submarines and secrecy the United States owns various missile submarines that are Guided by nuclear power including the USS Ohio Michigan Florida and Georgia still very secret well guarded it's dark and it's massive it's as long as the Washington Monument is high nearly the length of two football fields the sail as it's called stretches High into the air these are known known as ssgn the missiles on board these Subs have the potential to cause great destruction but their whereabouts and activities are generally unknown unlike a a surface ship that someone can see or a satellite then when they cover they they um they don't know we're here however they literally surface from time to time for example Michigan appeared in South Korea in 2017 in Florida took part in operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya during the Cold War the USS Florida prowled the oceans equipped with Trident nuclear missiles ready to carry out an attack at a moment's notice on June 28th 2010 a rare event occurred which saw three of four surfacing at once in response to Chinese missile tests these four Subs have been ssgn since the 2000s but most of their actions and locations have remained a secret we won't go any further but you're literally standing 10 to 20 ft from an operational nuclear reactor right now number two Freemasons many of the founding fathers especially the influential ones people like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were Freemasons for 300 years conspiracy theories have swirled around the Freemasons officially founded in 1717 many believe to this day that the not so secret secret society has been operating behind the scenes for centuries the truth is likely far less Sinister publicly they advertised themselves as a group of civic-minded men looking to propagate charity kindness and stability throughout the world Freemasonry brings together people of diverse backgrounds freedom from ignorance freedom from Superstition freedom from intolerance freedom from extremism women are not allowed and members must have some kind of belief in a Supreme Being they are famous for secret rituals handshakes and lodges regular civilians driven by curiosity have long sought to uncover their secrets fuel by rumors that have linked them to everything from the new world order to aliens number one Area 51 take my word for it there's no Area 51 there's no recovered spaceship oh excuse me Mr President that's not entirely accurate when it comes to highly classified areas it doesn't get more famous than Area 51 found in the Nevada desert Area 51 is a top secret military facility with time to Cutting Edge technology the military base 80 M from Las Vegas has become infamous for conspiracy theories about little green men they certainly appear to still be covering up what exactly goes on at Area 51 the place is so secretive that it wasn't officially unveiled by the CIA until 2013 even though it was very obvious that something was in the desert Area 51 is officially known as a military training facility and supposedly a testing ground for both experimental aircraft and high-tech Weaponry the area 51 designation is said to come from atomic energy commission designation maps in the 1930s it was a wildlife reservation under the department of the Interior but the war department then took it over in 1942 during World War II owing to its secretive nature both trespassing and flying over the site are grossly prohibited and dangerously enforced naturally this has given rise to a swath of conspiracy theories are aliens inside Area 51 perhaps we'll never know but because of all this secrecy many made up their own minds along time ago about Area 51 and that's why it may never lose its extraterrestrial excitement are you a super sleuth with knowledge of some of the world's greatest Untold Secrets what happened to that colony is one of the big unanswered questions of American History fast food is a way of life for many people but from guarded recipes to mystery Aromas there are many fast food secrets that will never come to light to give you an idea of the scale of the problem over 34% of McDonald's ice cream machines are broken right now in the state of New York welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down fast food facts that are kept on the down low hidden hard to access or just hard to believe chicken and pancakes like chicken and waffles ask for this yes number 10 a Whopper of an issue Burger King employs a cooking approach in his kitchens where both plant-based Whopper patties and traditional beef Whopper patties share the same cooking space in the broiler tastes like a Whopper tastes like a Whopper tastes like a beef burger this unconventional method is justified by the fast food giant as a means to preserve the flame grilled Taste of a classic Whopper Flame Grill [Music] tastes but although the plant-based option contains no animal meat there does exist a potential for some level of mixing during the cooking process process with oils and meat juices possibly transferring between the two varieties it is cooked on the same Grill as regular Burgers he's now fining a class action lawsuit accusing Burger King of deceptive practices the company so far isn't commenting now you're in the no number nine roaming Aromas malls have a lot of smells going on for many one nostalgic smell in particular stands out sweeter than the crowd but here's a secret in some Cinnabon stores the enticing scent isn't just a byproduct of the baking process it's a carefully crafted experience they warm up baking sheets dusted with cinnamon and brown sugar to ensure that sweet Aroma captivates every passer by once that smell hit the mall and the Shoppers followed their noses a franchise was born however not all malls Embrace this aromatic strategy as some have implemented Aroma restrictions it's a fascinating glimpse into the behind the scenes efforts to create a sensory Journey for Mall goers where even the air is curated and the smell was just just as irresistible and good for business as hungry Shoppers in search of the scent found themselves at the Cinnabon counter ready for a taste number eight wrap sheet we have a foil wrapped Burger looks nice and neat ever wondered about the paper your burger is wrapped in a study published in a scientific journal might make you think twice it turns out that these seemingly innocuous packaging materials could be treated with so-called forever chemicals heos known as forever chemicals are in the grease and waterresistant wrappers and fiber bowls used by many fast food restaurants according to the research which tested hundreds of samples from various fast food chains many food wrappers and french fries sleeves contained Florine this Revelation raised questions as these Florine based chemicals have been linked to health and environmental concerns pasts have been related to types of cancer for example liver and testicular cancer some of the pasas have been related to lower fertility number seven soft serve hard cell that delectable blizzard cone or parfait from Dairy Queen might not be what you traditionally think of as ice cream first you fill the crevice of the cone followed by making two balls you're dropping as you do this and then a flick of the wrist and you have the perfect curl the soft serve at DQ boasts a modest 5% milk fat content falling short of the fda's requirement of at least 10% milk fat for a product to be officially labeled as ice cream fall in love with the new fudge brownie Temptation at Dairy Queen topped with fudge moist brownie pieces and whipped topping Dairy Queen is legally transparent about this distinction openly sharing the information on his website FAQ section where it clarifies technically our soft serve does not qualify to be called ice cream but how often do you check out their website before you order peanut buster parfait from Dairy Queen creamy DQ soft serve crunchy peanuts and hot fudge for just $249 number six flurry no hurry that craving for a McDonald's Hot Fudge Sunday might come with a side of uncertainty about the soft serve machine status a curious investigation by The Wall Street Journal unraveled the mysterious Saga of McFlurry machine malfunctions why is it that their ice cream machines are always broken it's become such a problem that even McDonald's has joked about it contrary to the Assumption of Perpetual breakdowns it turns out these machines are not broken but are in fact seemingly engaged in a lengthy and meticulous cleaning process the soft serve Contraptions dedicate up to 4 hours each day to this essential cleansing ritual ensuring the hygienic standards required for the delightful frozen tree and if you show up at a McDonald's at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. and they tell you that their machine is down it's probably because it's running through this 4-Hour heat cycle so the next time you encounter the soft Sur dilemma it's not a case of malfunction it's simply the machine undergoing its daily Spa session to serve up that perfect swirl what do you get when you blend tempting candy or cookie toppings with creamy soft serve ice cream presenting McDonald's new McFlurry number five the truth is out there craving something beyond the usual at your favorite fast food joints you're in love there's a world of secret menu items waiting to be discovered ever heard of a MC brunch Burger this is like a breakfast Burger McDonald's breakfast Burger check it out right there what about something whipped up with Skittles at Jamba Juice off menu Delights while not always available offer a tasty twist for curious orderers if you order the Flying Dutchman this is what you get it comes in a box people a collector's edition box check this out the Flying Dutchman the adventure doesn't end there with many secret menu items spending various establishments the options are diverse Fruity Pebbles Frappuccino apparently it tastes just like the cereal I'll be the judge of that I taste it and I kind of like it just be ready to play the role of menu Maestro as explaining your order might be necessary after all not every employee might be acquainted with a full secret menu number four you're being watched as the great Rockwell one sang I always feel like somebody's watching me and I have no well when it comes to drive-throughs you may not hell how you doing today hi how are you can I just go ahead and order what the person in front of me ordered an employee at Starbucks shared videos on Tik Tok capturing the reactions of drive-through customers as she serated them during their order pickups that's right the workers can see you you're on display hello y totally normal order thanks thank you picking your nose dress like a slob well you just have to live with being visible but don't expect the change to let you know they're looking in and listen in number three how fast is too fast fast food is meant to be duh fast but when you place an order for a beef patty at the golden arches you have no idea how absolutely wild the process is that is set in motion McDonald's Target is to feed hungry customers inside of a minute 60 seconds yeah absolutely talk about warp speed as revealed by McDonald's employee to reader digest the secret lies in the clam grills that operate at a scorching 750° in just 38 seconds the grill transforms the ingredients into the iconic regular beef hamburger the new grill for example is automated it simultaneously Cooks both sides of the burger there's no Burger flippers anymore in seconds 38 seconds 38 seconds that's it that's it and if you're craving a quarter pounder it takes a mere 70 seconds we've come a long long way from sitting around campfires with meat on a stick there's no system better than the McDonald system number two no end to the spin do you think you're in control immune to ordering more when you don't feel like it technological makeovers restaurants around the globe are getting these days almost always involve kiosks that allow customers to personalize orders and place them quickly well here's the thing when you opt for a self-service kiosk instead of the drive-thru or counter at restaurants expect that you might end up spending around 20% more it's not just a coincidence these kiosk are cleverly programmed to upsell suggesting additional items to enhance your order if you've ever used a kiosk you probably notice it's a lot easier to upcharge you because they offer you things like do you want avocado do you want a pastry with that do you want this special drink or sauce or whatever it may be things that a cashier may not ask you this combination of digital upselling and a laid-back atmosphere creates an environment where customers might find themselves treating their taste buds and wallets to a bit or a lot more than they initially planned one of the positives about technology at fast food restaurants is that you can customize your own order so that you can get it however you like it number one what's in the box before you zoom away from the drive-thru it's a good idea to take a quick peek and double check your dinner order welcome to McDonald's can I help you yes I would like a number two please all of us have probably dealt with a drive-thru order mistake according to one study the chances of order errors Spike significantly during the dinner rush the wrong sauce on an order of Sonic chicken tenders reaching a boiling point at Southeast 44th in Sunny Lane guess they were upset over their order one estimate is that some 20% of orders go a ride during the bus Le dinner hours in contrast to the relatively smoother operation during the less crowded midm morning stretch where the error rate stands much lower at 133% Thursday night the drive-thru at this McDonald's detectives say when 22-year-old tianis Jones got the wrong order her frustration exploded into frenzy so it seems like a bit of extra vigilance might save you from any unexpected surprises when you're unwrapping your too meal in the evening hustle do you know any fast food Secrets the kiosk is a great way to get you moving in and out of that restaurant very quick quickly and maybe customize your order and spend a little more money along the way from fast food secrets to Hidden historical truths we go as we continue to put a spotlight on the world's biggest mysteries the astonishing Copper Scroll a treasure map written at the time of Jesus divided the academic world welcome to watch Mojo and today we'll be counting town our picks for the top 10 historical secrets that will never be revealed for this list we'll be going over the Unsolved Mysteries lost knowledge and other Secrets which are unlikely to ever come to light in the modern day number 10 Greek Fire Greek Fire is often a catch-all term many cultures have used to refer to incendiary weapons throughout history however the original article came from the Greek speaking Byzantine Empire also known as the Eastern Roman Empire in the late 7th Century CE the weapon consisted of a flammable substance projected through pressurized tubes and set a light kind of like an ancient version of a flamethrower frequently used in Naval Warfare Greek Fire supposedly remained burning even on the water which made it especially deadly however its exact composition was heavily guarded information by the Byzantine Empire and Records if there were any have been lost to history he's got a secret ingredient what secret ingredient chili powder probably for the best honestly get down number nine sfum ancient times had many secrets and one of the most intriguing relates to a plant a secret garden I love it syum also known as laer or Lazer wart yes really was a a plant highly valued by cultures of the Mediterranean considered to be worth its weight in gold syum was used for everything from cooking to perfume most strangely of all it was both an aphrodesiac and a contraceptive try it it's an aphrodesiac you too my strange foreign friend no thank you Tom eat some it may have even been the origin of the heart symbol however the plant sfum refers to has remained a mystery in modern times it's likely the in question went extinct either through over farming or possibly through climate change number eight Roman concrete Rome wasn't built in a day but it was built to last many of its legendary structures are still standing because Roman concrete was so wellmade constructing an unreinforced concrete Dome on the scale of the pantheon uh is just an incredible engineering achievement but how it was made is still not completely understood today as the process was lost during the Middle Ages the Romans were very Architects and engineers and they recognized that by mixing volcanic ash uh from Lake boli in Italy they were able to get a concrete that became very hard it's generally believed that some of the secret ingredients may be volcanic ash and or saltwater attempts to replicate the process with the far more common coal fly ash have proven promising even so it may take centuries to know if our efforts can match the Romans uh-oh Romans everyone remember where we parked number seven the Copper Scroll treasure oh a scroll I like Scrolls they're my third favorite system of transmitting the written word one of the vaunted Dead Sea Scrolls the Copper Scroll is not a religious text as you might assume instead it gives cryptic Clues to over 60 different locations that may contain hidden caches of gold and silver possibly the inventory stories of temples at the time the scroll was made actually if this text were literally true the way they were translating it then they would have 25% of the gold that existed in the world at that time held in this collection unfortunately the directions to these locations were made over 2,000 years ago naturally a lot has changed in the intervening Millennia while many attempts have been made to reconstruct the hiding places of the treasure it's highly unlikely that we'll ever locate them at all caret you see anything no no nothing here nothing this [Music] way number six the princes in the tower in the late 15th century Edward V and his brother Richard were confined to the Tower of London by their Uncle the Regent later known as Richard III they were removed as one contempor said from Men's sights and never seen again never seen again alive or dead the two of them were only 12 and 9 respectively before Edward could be crowned both were declared illegitimate and their Uncle ascended the throne that's what marks Richard II out from any other of the usurpers of the 15th century and people believed that he was responsible for their deaths both disappeared mysteriously sometime during 1483 numerous theories abound as to their fate with the most common assumption being that their uncle had killed them and two small skeletons found in the tower centuries later lend Credence to this Theory and they found these bones the bones of two young people however some contemporaries of the time claim to have been one of the princes and plenty other theories abound number five the Hanging Gardens of Babylon the seven wonders of the ancient world are all some of the most legendary constructions built by human hands at least in Antiquity however one of them has never been confirmed to have definitely existed the Hanging Gardens of Babylon tell me something does it actually exist you know Ally I don't want to give away the ending according to many accounts these were a series of tiered Gardens so verdant that they resembled an artificial Green Mountain in the middle of Babylon however no such ruin has been uncovered in the Babylonian ruins it may be that the Hanging Gardens never existed at all or that they are simply too worn damaged or buried to be identified now they're a wonder that must remain a mystery how much more proof do you need Number Four The Lost Colony of Rowan Oak in 1587 a colony was founded on the island of Rowan o off the coast of present day North Carolina it was intended to be the first permanent English colony in North America the colony's founder John White left to retrieve supplies from England when he returned 3 years later he found the colony abandoned with the word cowat toen written on one of the walls that had been erected he found that the houses had been been taken down which means disassembled there was no evidence of violence attack stress in any form this likely referred to an island of the same name however neither investigations then nor since have been able to discover the true fate of the 100 plus inhabitants between 1590 when white left unable to find the colony and the establishment of jamest toown there were no further attempts to locate the colonist were they killed or captured by natives or Spanish sailors did they relocate the answer like this Colony remains lost anyone can speculate anyone can theorize about it that is until we find some solid evidence number three The Man in the Iron Mask even if you're not familiar with the historical figure many fictional accounts have been made of the Man in the Iron Mask a prisoner held in France during the late 17th and early 18th centuries contrary to the prisoner's title The Mask wasn't actually made of metal but rather of cloth regardless the identity of this mysterious prisoner has intrigued many theories about his identity range from being a brother of King Lou the 14th to a French General to a scandal prone man are you think you got problems The Man in the Iron Mask over there is the rightful King of France hey wait did you guys hear that he just admitted it whoever The Man Behind the Mask was the truth would be hard to iron out I've waited 6 years to ask this question why was this done to me number two genis Khan's tomb for being a man who caused so Much Death the greatest mystery about genis Khan is his own or rather where his body lies according to Marco Polo the great KH instructed that soldiers kill the slaves who buried him and then for those soldiers to be killed as well ensuring the secrecy of his burial sight kill you kill us kill kill everyone why would you not tell me this news earlier the prevailing theory is that genas was buried on or near burkham Calon a mountain sacred to the Mongol people due to its religious significance any excavation of the mountain would likely be objected to and that's if the mountain is right at all this uh this is the wrong Mountain my Cals are killing me number one the paternity of cesarian Julius Caesar was dictator of Rome from 49 to 44 BC when he was assassinated while he was seceded by his great nephew and adopted son Octavian Caesar also had a biological son with Cleopatra named cesarian well maybe some contemporary accounts call into question whether Caesar actually fathered cesarian a man without Sons is a man without a future I never thought of it that way he had no other confirmed children it was certainly a politically advantageous move for Cleopatra to claim that her child was with Rome's upand cominging political power Octavian is said to have cesarian killed to consolidate his own power I sent you to find cesarian what happened I found him he's dead you're certain killed him myself how cut his throat both Caesar and cesarian resting places remain unknown so we can't know without a DNA test so unless somebody wants to give myy Povich a time machine we can only go by the official story okay for our last video we're going to delve into unsolved crime territory but sadly the exact details of these crimes are likely never to be revealed the official police file disappeared it's gone welcome to watch Mojo and today we're looking at 20 crimes that will never be solved one day men will look [Applause] back and say I gave birth to the 20th century for this list we're examining the most puzzling disturbing and elaborate cold criminal cases that will likely never reach a definitive conclusion we'll be excluding closed cases where the public and authorities disagree over whether the true culprit was implicated which of these crimes do you hope will get solved one day the mystery of Bob Crane's death after kicking off his career in radio Bob Crane made a name for himself in the 1960s as the star of cbs's Hogan's Heroes less than a decade after the show ended crane was found dead in his Scottdale Arizona apartment after missing a lunch meeting the Beloved comedy actor was left near unrecognizable by his killer following a lengthy investigation the authorities zeroed in on Crane's friend John Henry Carpenter and unsuccessfully tried him for the murder since Carpenter's acquittal in 1994 the case has still not been solved and due to the passage of time it's highly unlikely that it ever will be further complicating matters is Crane's controversial sexual escapades which provides a wider pool of suspects with endless motives he made some bad decisions you know people he hung out with the Ketty quadruple homicide this perplexing case occurred in Ketty California between the 11th and 12th of April 1981 the morning of the 12th the bodies of Sue sharp her son John and his friend Dana were discovered by Sharp's daughter Sheila Sharp's other daughter Tina was reported missing while her two other Sons Rick and Greg were found in another bedroom alive and well it would take another 3 years for Tina's remains to be discovered about 100 miles away from KY due to the fact that the crime scene was contaminated and potential leads were overlooked by police the investigation of the murders was badly compromised as a result it Still Remains a mystery they literally fled the area uh within a day or so of of the of the crimes and uh and we spoke to the person that drove him out of town The Disappearance of the bont this shocking crime remains one of the most infamous missing person's cases in Australian history on January 26th 1966 three siblings Jane ARA and Grant bont took an unsupervised trip from their home in Adelaide to the nearby Glenelg Beach and were never seen again the matter captured attention around the world and sparked one of Australia's largest police investigations there were multiple reported sightings of the children afterwards some of which placed them with an unknown man in his mid-30s it's a person who's died and that makes some of our inquiries hard when people are nominated who are already deceased um because obviously they're not there to interview despite extensive efforts by the authorities and a long list of possible suspects the case slowly grew cold and remained that way Witnesses saw a man lying on a Beach Tow looking at the children and then later the children talking to this man and playing with him sadly the Bowmont parents passed away in 2019 and 2023 without ever knowing what happened to their children what happened to Marilyn Reese Shepard in 1945 Marilyn Reese got married to Ohio neurosurgeon Sam Shepard my girlfriends and I nicknamed Sam and Marilyn the prince and princess of Bay Village they were high school sweethearts the two remained together until July 4th 1954 when Marilyn was murdered in their home by an unknown as salant although Shephard claimed to have wrestled with the killer before being knocked unconscious he was tried and convicted of his wife's murder Shepard appealed this decision all the way to the Supreme Court which struck down his conviction citing an unfair trial due to extensive media coverage a retrial ended in an acquittal since then an alternate suspect has been linked to the case but DNA analysis of the evidence came back inconclusive with many decades having passed it is a increasingly improbable that this mystery will ever be resolved the Cleveland torso discoveries over a span of 4 years in the 1930s the city of Cleveland Ohio was terrorized by a still unidentified serial killer referred to as the Cleveland torso murderer this individual picked his victims from lower class neighborhoods and would typically leave behind only their torsos after taking their lives this led to the remains of at least 12 people being discovered in and around the city most of the victims were Drifters and as such they were never identified by the authorities one major suspect in the case was a doctor named Frank Sweeney but with only circumstantial evidence authorities couldn't definitively pin the murders on him so the fact that he would call himself the American Sweeney it's the kind of joke he would love to play to date the truth behind these horrific crimes has remained unknown the boy in the Box on February 25th 1957 the body of a then unidentified boy was discovered on the roadside in Philadelphia Pennsylvania the corpse was wrapped in a blanket and placed inside a cardboard box for decades police were unable to identify who the boy was let alone what had happened to him in a bid to overcome this obstacle posters were made of his postmortem pictures and added to every gas bill in the city of Philadelphia my own family of family members who remember this and they do remember this flyer on the grocery store wall it wasn't until December 2022 that police using genetic testing and investigative genetic genealogy were able to publicly identify him as Joseph Augustus zarelli regardless there is still little information about how zarelli ended up in a box on the side of the road the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist many Hollywood movies have depicted elaborate heists of museums and jewelry stores but sometimes the simplest plots can be the most intricate on the 18th of March 1990 two men disguised as police officers gained entry into the Isabella Stewart Garder Museum in Boston and CED away with 13 works of art basically told them that they were under arrest and to assume the position they handcuffed them these included masterpieces by verier rembrand and dega estimated to be worth around $500 million over the years various suspects and theories have emerged including one that involved the Boston Mafia however none of them has led to a breakthrough in the case there's a pretty bold crime uh in and of itself dressing up like police officers handcuffing the guards and then taking their own sweet time today empty frames hang in place of the missing artworks in hopes that they will be returned someday but we doubt that day will ever come the Long Island serial killer also referred to as the Gilgo Beach killer this unidentified individual is thought to be responsible for the deaths of up to 18 people in Long Island New York the case first came to light when a woman named Shannon Gilbert disappeared in May of 2010 police combed the Ocean Parkway area for her and instead found the remains of four other people as the months went by they discovered even more sets of remains including those of Gilbert this is an individual who has this whole thing thought out and thought through how he's going to do it where he's going to do it most of these victims were sex workers who had advertised their services on Craigslist which further complicated the identific if ification of their killer even with a detailed profile of the likely perpetrator out in the media no one has ever been charged with the crimes the infamous Alcatraz prison escape the Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary located off the coast of San Francisco was once considered to be inescapable in June 1962 however three inmates would go on to void that statement the men Frank Morris and John and Clarence angan successfully escaped the prison by tricking the guards with papier Mas dummy heads they made an inflatable raft out of their prison issued raincoats and vanished Into Thin Air an extensive Manhunt was launched by the FBI but no concrete trace of the escapes has ever been found some speculate that they drowned in the freezing tidal waters While others believe they were able to reach the mainland the FBI took the former position and closed its case in 1979 but questions about the truth still linger they left at lights out they had a 9 and 1 half hour our Head Start I wonder if they made it The Disappearance of the solders five children from the solder family vanished Without a Trace after their house in fville West Virginia caught fire on Christmas Eve 1945 while the parents George and Jenny solder were able to escape with four of their children all attempts to rescue the other five were futile the family initially believed that they had died in the fire but a thorough search of the debris yielded no remains this led to speculation that that the children might have survived despite reported sightings of the missing children and a host of possible theories the case turned up no substantial leads and eventually grew cold as of 2021 all surviving solder family members have passed on with no conclusion ever reached in the case DB Cooper it's not often someone holds an entire plane for ransom and gets away with it but that's exactly what happened in 1971 a man dressed in a suit and sunglasses ident ified only by the name Dan Cooper on his ticket boarded a flight from Portland to Seattle he calmly told the flight attendants he'd brought a bomb on board and demanded four parachutes and $200,000 cash Miss you're um you're being hijacked I've got a bomb come sit next to me not wanting to risk 40 innocent lives the FBI gave Cooper exactly what he wanted he also expressed that he wasn't going to be taken alive the plane landed at Seattle Tacoma airport to collect then took off again whereupon Cooper parachuted out of the plane and disappeared forever we slowed the airplane down and I got on the phone then and said all right now you should be able to lower the stairs in the years since the FBI has yet to conclusively identify him the Tylenol poisonings seven people mysteriously passed away from cyanide poisoning in Chicago over a matter of days in 1982 exactly what is going on right now they're just assuming that it could be the cyanide lace capsule also police found that the victims had one thing in common they had all recently purchased and taken Tylenol that had been laced with a large amount of the substance although the Tylenol bottles were of the same batch they were bought from different stores while suspects emerged there was almost no evidence thanks to a total lack of CCTV Witnesses and forensics well we we are 99% sure that the putting of cyanide in these capsules occurred after the materials got to Illinois number one there was a massive Tylenol recall the case led to the implementation of tamperproof medication packaging to stop this from ever happening again the strange nature of the crime seemingly designed to cause Mass hysteria and nothing else has left it unsolved for decades the atlas vampire despite the crimes sensationalism and violent nature the culprit behind a gory vampire-like crime in the atlas area of Stockholm has never been caught in 1932 a sex worker named Lily Lindstrom was found deceased in her own apartment but she had lost all of her blood chillingly whoever committed the crime seemed to have taken it with them investigators also found a ladle with lindstrom's blood this led the police to believe someone may have consumed it before leaving it was this aspect of the horrific crime that made the police nickname the culprit Atlas vampire although it doesn't seem they ever struck again this criminal was never caught Jimmy hfa's final fate after disappearing under very suspicious circumstances in 1975 Jimmy hfa's body has never been found it's highly likely that the mafia was involved in his untimely demise you know they're trying to tear the union apart big business and the government hafa was a prominent labor leader and Teamster who was once in the mafia's pocket but after he got on their bads side the organization may have come after after him the person who did the deed may have been Frank Sheeran one of the mafia's most famous hitmen he reportedly confessed to the murder although this is disputed regardless the lack of forensic evidence and a body have made it impossible to put this crime to rest number six the mystery around jeanan ramsy in 1996 stories spread throughout the United States of a horribly tragic crime the body of young beauty queen jamban Ramsey had been found in the cellar of her own home in initially reported missing because of a ransom note found in the house the discovery of her body changed everything how long ago was this I don't know I just found note my god do it say who took her suspicion immediately fell on her parents and it was theorized that they could have faked The Ransom note however there's no evidence to implicate them I did not have anything to do with it I love that child with my whole of my heart and soul and while a few other suspects who had disturbing fixations on Ramsay while she was still alive emerged the crime scene still had almost nothing by way of forensics by the time the first officer arrived at the scene the house is filled with paty and John's friends this has left the case with no conclusive suspect there may have been hair fibers from the perpetrator there may have been footprints on the carpet there may have been fingerprints so now you have everybody going all over the house you know the whole place is like a a little bit of like a train station by then who put Bella in the witch Elm during World War II a group of young boys made a Grizzly Discovery there were human remains in a forest in rural England the police soon found that there was an entire skeleton inside of a tree trunk although the woman was never officially identified ominous graffiti asking who put Bella in the witch Elm began to appear nearby theories about the woman who may or may not have been named Bella very significantly there are people that believe that she may have been a German spy and Cabaret performer who parachuted into the UK and met a grim end others believe the fact that she was inside a tree means her demise had something to do with witchcraft either way the question the graffi asked remains unanswered Tupac and Biggie within a brief period in 1996 and 1997 hip hop Legends Tupac Shakur and Biggy Smalls AKA The Notorious BIG were shot in separate incident in Vegas and La respectively Pac is a strong dude yo I know Duke you know what I'm saying he real strong so when it was like he got shot I was just more like again you know what I'm saying he always getting shot or shot at they were both incredibly prominent figures in the famous East Coast West Coast hip-hop rivalry at the time this has led people to blame their shootings on everything from gang violence to corruption in the LAPD David Mack and Amir Muhammad are somehow involved in this case and the Department it time and time again has avoided the truth and since biggie was attacked second some believe his demise was retaliation for Tupac suspects did emerge in the cases from Crips member Orlando Anderson to record executive sug Knight I got a deep slash of a bullet Grace the back of my neck which if if it went another inch it hit my spine and paralyzed me but the FBI has been unable to arrest anybody for either crime the Zodiac Killer San Francisco's most infamous criminal took the lives of at least five people he claimed to have taken 37 in total don't get up I want her to tie you up throughout an investigation that took police all over the San Francisco Bay Area the only major piece of evidence the authorities had was one sketch the Zodiac perpetrator is so notorious because he taunted the cops with ominous letters and complex ciphers and when the text were decoded officials got deranged messages that didn't offer much evidence he will get tired then leave me alone I'm waiting for a good movie about me who will play me I'm now in control of all things whoever the criminal was he seemed to disappear in the 70s for a mysterious reason authorities still don't know who it was the Black Dalia in January of 1947 the bisected body of Elizabeth Short dubbed the Black Dalia in the Press soon after was disc overed in Los Angeles the grizzly crime has haunted the city for decades because despite the high-profile nature of the incident nobody was ever charged the most popular suspect for shorts demise today is Dr George hodell not only is he suspected by many including his living relatives he's also believed to be responsible for more gruesome crimes the black dollia case may have even spawned copycats like the horrifying lipstick murder of Jean French just weeks later even if hodell was responsible he died in 1999 and could never be brought to Justice Jack the Ripper one of the most notorious and gruesome criminals in history was Jack the Ripper he haunted the Streets of London for months during 1888 Jack the Ripper took the lives of at least five women and may have attacked even more people in horrifying ways yeah last night a s face all the victims shared the same adult profession this this may have been why the police at the time didn't do a great job of investigating has it never occurred to you that she's the sort of woman who likes to make up stories particularly about men she is after all a [ __ ] vital pieces of evidence in the case were lost and since this was the 1800s forensic science wasn't ready to help after the criminal was named Jack the Ripper he later wrote letters to the authorities taunting them for being unable to catch him he eventually disappeared leaving the terrifying case open one day men will look [Applause] back and say I gave birth to the 20th century all right well that's going to do it for all the things that will likely never be known I've been Matt from watch Mojo and I'll see you next time [Music]
Views: 91,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Education, Facts, History, creepiest, creepy, crime, crimes, crimes that will never be solved, disturbing, historical secrets, historical secrets that will never be revealed, list, mojo, mysteries, mysterious, mystery, secret, secrets, secrets that will never be revealed, shocking, top 10, true crime, unexplained, unsolved, unsolved crimes, unsolved mysteries, watch mojo, watchmojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 34sec (3754 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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