Secrets of the NOTHING GRINDER

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Welcome to another Mathologer video. Today's mission is to do nothing. Well sort of. Today we'll reveal the secrets of the mysterious trammel of Archimedes also known as the nothing grinder. This gadget here is the basic model but there are many more complicated incarnations. Lots of really satisfying visual aha moments and beautiful maths coming your way. Enjoy :) Ok, let's have a look at what this thing does. And, yes, at first glance it really does seem to do nothing. It just spins and spins like a particularly pointless fidget spinner. Hence the colloquial name nothing grinder or do nothing machine. A lot of people even call it the bullshit grinder. I did not make this up, promise. But first impressions can be misleading. Let's zoom in to have a closer look. I've highlighted the point on the arm exactly in the middle between the two screws. What curve do you think it draws? Well of course any time someone asked you that it's a good bet that the answer is "a circle". And it sure looks like a circle. And looks are not deceiving, yep it's a circle. Neat! Here I've marked a couple more points along the arm. The blue button traces a perfect ellipse and so do all the other buttons. Now of course ellipses are some of the most fundamental curves in mathematics and nature with planets zooming around the Sun on elliptical orbits and so on. Turns out the do-nothing machine produces ellipses of all possible shapes. Super neat don't you think? Mathematically probably the easiest way to construct all ellipses is to simply squish a circle in one direction. For example, here are the ellipses that we just saw produced by the nothing grinder. Alright, neat huh. Here's a puzzle for you: Given one ellipse of a particular shape, say the blue ellipse, how many points on the arm of the nothing grinder trace an ellipse of the same overall shape. Here I'm assuming, in typical mathematical denial of reality, that the arm is in fact an infinitely long ray that continues beyond where the physical arm stops. Share your thoughts in the comments. Now since ellipses are super important and since nothing grinders are super good at drawing them is there maybe a practical use for our nothing grinder. Well not so much now but in the good old pre-computer days the ellipseograph was indeed a standard and important mechanical drawing tool. So there's a picture of a really beautiful antique ellipseograph. You can adjust the positions of these bits over there to draw ellipses of many shapes and sizes. Here is a different nothing grinder featuring three sliders instead of two. Mesmerizing isn't it. Also pretty amazing when you think about it. Two linear sliders giving two degrees of freedom to allow the arm to spin in a fixed way makes sense. But how come it is possible to insert a third linear slider into this setup without the whole thing seizing up? Oh, and by the way, I 3d printed the model over there and I'll link to 3d printable STL files of this and other nothing grinders in the description. Some early Christmas presents for all of you. These models print out perfectly without adding any supports on my monster Zortrex 3d printer but mileage will almost certainly vary depending on what sort of printer you have. Let me know in the comments if you succeeded in printing a copy. Okay so what sort of curves does this more complicated do-nothing machine trace, what do you think? Maybe it's a little surprising but nothing new happens. This thing also traces ellipses and nothing else. So the three screws you see here are the corners of an equilateral triangle and the midpoint of this triangle again traces a circle. Unfortunately my aim was slightly off when I pushed the pink pin in and so we don't see a perfect circle here but a slightly squished one. All very pretty but where do these circles in the middle come from? Why can you have more than two linear sliders? And why all those ellipses? I know you won't be able to sleep tonight unless you know the answers to these questions so let me inflict some really beautiful and surprising explanations on you. What do you see? A little circle of points rolling inside a large circle? Sure, but do you also see a bunch of lines? No? Let's make it clearer. Whoa, I bet you did not see that one coming. Really amazing don't you think? I still remember being very taken by this the first time I saw it. So what's going on here? This phenomenon is known as the Tusi couple named after its discoverer the 13th century mathematician and astronomer Nasir al-Deen al-Tusi Regular mathologerers will remember the Tusi couple from our recent video on epicycles and Fourier series: if a circle rolls inside a circle of twice the size then any point on the circumference of the small circle traces out a diameter of the larger circle. Super duper pretty :) That's exactly what you see in this animation: eight points on the circumference of the small circle tracing diameters of the large circle. And when we focus on just these two diameters here and the points moving on them we're looking at an exact replica of our original nothing grinder. The Tusi couple also makes it clear at a glance why nothing grinders can have as many linear sliders as we wish. So another way of looking at this animation is to interpret it as a nothing grinder with eight sliders and with pivot points evenly placed around an invisible rolling circle. Here is a six point grinder I printed, complete with the stationary large circle and the small rolling circle. It's also now really easy to see that the midpoint of the pivot points is tracing a circle. Why, well this midpoint is the center of the rolling circle, which of course traces another circle. At the end of this video I'll also explain where all those ellipses come from and why the Tusi couple does what it does but before I do this here is a quick show-and-tell of some other pretty stuff. Here again is the basic setup with the rolling circle highlighted. Let's first play with the position of the pivot points on the rolling circle and move them inside the circle. Alright here we go. Then, as shown, instead of line segments these pivots will now trace ellipses this means that we could have the sliders run in elliptical grooves instead of straight grooves and still have a smoothly working nothing grinder. So let's have a look at this. That's what it would look like. Next, if we modify the size of the rolling circle other interesting things start happening. Here we go. Let's roll! Yep it's spirograph time. If we have both sliders move along the red trefoil groove, then other points on the arm trace rounded triangles. And we can get rounded squares... and pentagon's and a lot of other spriography curves that I talked about in the epicycle video. The 3d printing part of all this is still work in progress but you can see I'm having a lot of fun again. Now to mathematically round of things, let me show you where all those ellipses come from. We begin with the familiar unit circle in the familiar xy-plane and head out from the origin at an angle theta. Then the point on the circle has x-coordinate cos theta and y coordinate sine theta. Now let's stomp on the circle squishing it into an ellipse. This amounts to multiplying the y-coordinate by some small scaling factor a. As theta varies the point sweeps out our ellipse and so this gives the parameterization of the ellipse. The theta is the theta of the original circle. We can still clearly see the x-coordinate cos theta of the original triangle in the ellipse. So there we go. We can also visualize the y-coordinate in a scaled down triangle, with hypotenus a, like this. Ponder this for a moment. All under control? Great! Now just bring these two triangles into alignment and the do-nothing machine materializes right there in front of our eyes:) Now as we change the theta the arm traces our ellipse. Super neat and very natural, isn't it? And what this also shows is that our picture that goes with the standard parameterization of an ellipse is a natural generalization of the picture that goes with the standard parameterization of the circle that most of you will have done to death in school, right? Let's go back and forth a couple of times, really pretty, isn't it? So unbeknownst to you, every time you drew the circle diagram you were just a mini step away from understanding the fabulous do-nothing machine. Recently 3blue1brown did two nice videos in which he talked ellipses. What I just showed you also makes a nice addition to these videos, so definitely also check out the 3blue1brown videos if you haven't seen them yet. And that finishes the official part for today. Hope you enjoyed this video. BUT for those of you who like their maths to be even more mathsy stick around a little longer and I'll show you a pretty visual proof that the Tusi couple draws straight lines. Okay, here's the starting position for the little rolling circle. I want to convince you that the red point will really run along the orange diameter. Let's roll it a little bit. So if al-Tusi is correct, where in this picture should the red point now be? Well, obviously, here on the orange diameter. How can we prove that it's really there? Well what we have to show is that these two arcs along which the two circles have touched during the rolling action have the same length. Remember that the larger circle has twice the radius of the smaller circle with proportionally larger arcs. So to prove that the green and red arcs are the same length, we simply have to show that this green angle here is half this red angle. But showing that the red is twice the green is easy. Here's the first green angle inside the red one, there we go. Now here is an isosceles triangle with pink sides equal and that means we also have a green angle over there. But then this zigzag here shows that we've got yet another green angle here and so two green angles make a red. Tada the magic of maths :) and that's really it for today.
Channel: Mathologer
Views: 521,587
Rating: 4.9085498 out of 5
Keywords: nothing grinder, no nothing maching, ellipsograph, trammel of Archimedes, 3d printing, Tusi couple, circle illusion
Id: 7Fn-26Jmi5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
Reddit Comments

Loved the 3d printing aspect of this video. Why is it you think that there seems to be so little interest in 3d printing on this subreddit? At least I cannot remember any post about anything 3d printing related and there is so much great stuff being done in this space, for example, Henry Segerman's topological prints.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/taugreaterpi 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

Interesting, two posts of the same Mathologer video. Which one will do better?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/poincaree 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/physics_is_fun 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

Anyone knows where can I buy something like this? I'd really want to gift this as a Xmas present, but it's tricky when you don't own or have access to a 3D printer.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/iwanabana 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
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