Stump Master Magicians With This Card Trick

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get ready guys this one is a total magician Buhler it fooled this magician and the weird part is you probably already know the secret what what all right toast me you beautiful gentleman okay well it finally happened we're doing the one thing I swore I would never ever do on scam school which is have four male magicians sit around a table and geek out about magic but what a crew we got we got mad of course longtime friend Michael Carducci and of course my old friend Nate stand forth Michael before we got started here said he has one effect that is his magician fooler and I thought it's too good it's too good if it's a magician Pooler we should have a triad of magicians to see if we are fooled no I I discovered this well I'm not gonna tell you too much about it just yet these are actually beautiful by the way why thank you well mix them up a little bit I'm getting nervous I don't know I don't because because he's like he's casually shuffling a brand-new sealed deck of cards that came from my warehouse I don't know I don't trust him I don't trust I'll trust none of this I'm regretting my decision to have magicians on the show I've discovered this years ago years ago in a really old book by Ted animun and today I mean if you haven't read him it was a brilliant thinker very creative he just had good magic he had a lot of books he was famous in the like the early part of the 20th century and he had a little manuscript culture it's a secret and this trick right here he called the thousand dollar test card location and I discovered it and it's just it's so brilliant so I would show this to magician and they had no explanation because maybe if you're watching a magician work and they're doing something with whatever they're doing there's a move maybe it's difficult to see but you know it's there you know what to look for when you're looking for move I like this because there are no moves it is the fair thing that you can possibly do with the deck of cards and Matthew I'm gonna give these to you oh yeah hands to you and just if you want you to give a quick mix before we even start yeah makes me nervous makes me nervous I do one more why not why not and set the cards down in front you will make a little bit of room here all right so Matthew here's deal okay you're gonna make a free choice you're gonna cut those cards anywhere you want now you'll notice that obviously Brian these are your cards you gave it and broke the seal you know there's there's no little crimp surion like that but I want to make sure I want you to be confident that this is a free choice yep so you're gonna decide where you're gonna cut before you cut you can cut near the top then the witness people are fond of saying you've got near the middle if you want to or you can cut well hardly anybody cuts it just towards the bottom most people cut towards the middle some people cut thin to win some people cut really deep but this is totally up to is a free choice and I don't want to see where you're cutting because even though these are your cards I don't want you think they're marked or anything like that so I'm not gonna look I don't wanna see the front or the back of your cards so I'm gonna turn my back decide where you want to cut okay and cut right there and I won't even see roughly where you cut okay complete the cut now there's a card on top that's the card that you freely cut to take that card peek at it you can show to the camera if you want to or not we could reveal at the end okay but I want you to put that out of sight in your pocket in your jacket somewhere where I can't see it this way I can't see the front or the back of the card is it safe to turn around yep and we don't even need this so we're done with this it makes me worried card in your mind I don't know if you showed it or not but if you haven't then it's known only to you and to God okay picture that card hanging in the air okay it's a red card yes just stare at me don't say anything poker face ace two three four five six seven eight nine ten Jack queen king ace two three four five six seven two three four five he's given a little too much away I'm gonna stop there it's otherwise it can get way too easy yes yes pull a card out right here that's my guess I'm committed okay we can't go back to recap he shuffles yeah he cut he shuffled a lot yes yes pull your card out put it right next to mine is there any way after you shuffled that many times you've kept freely my back was turned I could possibly know what your card was I do this every single time and for magicians it's inexplicable how you can nail it under test conditions no es posible it's okay so um I have questions first let us toast all right oh my god all right Michael you shut your filthy piehole well well the magician's sure heid to figure out what you just did all right oh is this is Brian brushwood full of I like this so okay the pieces are that was a brand new deck of cards your cards and we and and we did see him do something so so in my mind if he had superly talented fingers he would magically make it in a certain order but all that was undone when you shuffled the cards right that was a fair shuffle I was watching it yes yeah certainly enough like like if I had a pre-arranged like if it was inside Stefan's order or something you would have ruined yes that stack yeah and he didn't know you weren't going to you know bear them match them around on the table like you could have done anything yeah so whenever i watch magic tricks I think about structural elements that don't need to be there right stuff that like like like it doesn't seem like it would make a difference whether you held the card or put it in your pocket or whatever buddy how'd you put it in your pocket any the rest away right he cleared the table yeah but but I don't see how that would give them an any enough information to exactly nail the card is it fair to say that as magicians were fooled yeah I mean at this point I I could not possibly replicate it the way he did it that's that's exactly fair right there's that thing where when you watch magic and you see you know something that you understand but there's a part of it that you do not understand right like for me that's enough to to want to learn as a whole thing I'm fond of pointing out that magicians are all junkies at some point we work out our minds blown and we're all chasing that high and there's nothing we want more than to be pulled and and at this moment there is a beautiful black box of mystery floating right in front of me and so I say god damn it let me buy you a drink so you teach me how this thing works this looks amazing I will take a drink ah there it is boom okay so you were saying this was published by Ted annum and a billion years ago 100 years ago something like that so it's in a little manuscript show it's a secret a lot of this these great works are available inexpensively they're out of copyright Dover has a lot of them google books has them as last week's episode somebody posted up like oh hey here's the original reference that you can look to and it's and it's just excerpted right in google books the title of this piece was Ted an immense thousand dollar Catholic our location and it's funny so there was a structural element that was absolutely necessary that you thought had nothing to do with it and that was the act of putting the rest of the cars away getting these out of sight oh so there's some kind of peak like like you you can see what the bottom card is but I still don't see knowing that as shuffled how that gives you enough information yeah the shuffle they are they are not shuffle and it's a very subtle thing there is an element of risk of it there is a chance that it's not going to go right believe it or not but that's what makes it when magicians try to reverse-engineer the whole thing they just reverse engineer what they saw right it never think okay this is like a 90% chance thing right and it's actually more than that so and by the way that's one of the things that we that we talk about on scam school is part of the reason you learn so many different effects is people are like well what do I do if a trick doesn't hit right then you just say ha and then act like it was a joke and then move on right you just taking a whole different directions that we're going to do so this is another vector of information knowing that it's only 90% effective which by the way I'll take I'll take those odds any day of the week it's better than some pieces just in my show so the other thing you nailed it size Stebbins no really no I spoke aloud the actual method and then explained how it can't be that method exactly this is Niels magician do you michael Carducci this is why Phil's magicians and so the key thing is when I handed you the deck I didn't say shuffle this is really important to the language I didn't say shuffle yeah I said this literally give them a quick mix yeah if I'm performing for people I will I will hand it to the person who can't shuffle right I'll watch the person who doesn't have good card handling skills so in this case you took a brand-new deck and you knew a secret method that magicians know to get it in sky Stebbins order yeah normal humans will have to arrange this one at a time we've talked about sighs Devin's on the show before but if you missed those episodes it's very simple every card is three more than the one before it and it goes in clubs hearts spades diamonds chain as we call chased order CH s D so is okay but even then it doesn't seem like it should work so I want to just make sure I understand you're banking on the probability that he will mix the cards but not enough to separate partners from each other okay watch this I'm gonna just do a pretty standard overhand shuffle so we'll go here right there are five cards that are out of sequence right now hi you're dead right yeah oh that's so happy that brilliant so now you're ninety percent so basically the way to pool magicians is to have the balls to do that risk failing I think we need that anyway Darren brown and his books talked about taking chances of things like that in a pure effect that that's what separates like great magic from miracles yeah is when you take that shot because nobody knows that oh this is the best-case scenario and it's a great skill to cultivate as a magician being able to have out okay what am I going to do if a riffle shuffle so right we're doing it so it seems like the easiest version you would set up two decks with size Stebbins and then you would do exactly like you did you would have them mix the cards just to prove that they're not in any special order yep you would get your man you would you would just take a look at the one card on the bottom knowing that the one next in the order is theirs and then for example let's say I saw a four of Hearts right then I would go through looking for the four of Hearts then the next one he makes this is like a crib sheet yeah exactly what I would do one more thing I would add is when I peek when I drop the cards in there I do I look at two cards I look at the front card and the back card I just hold on to use a little bit friction as I'm dropping them in there you see you get two peaks and then that way you need to tell if there's only one card that should belong between those X or if it's for seven Jack they know you know 100% you hit it that's great otherwise there's only there's only it's only one of two possibilities well then you know you hit on a break and that you can't do this trick you can't rely on it yeah and so then I would just do some other trick or maybe even never come back to it I've done that where I've had someone try I've tried to force a card and they took the wrong card I'm like hold on to that Matt as our resident scam school student in chief can you perform this for us yes all right all right all right and do this we'll just jump into it actually I don't touch this day yeah one of you just take it coming the devil max give it a bit of a mix maybe a mix give it to cuts to cuts to cuts and a mix okay can I do this part okay and I want you to cut it as well Bret and complete the cut yep then I want you to touch it is also but I'm gonna up the ante and I'm gonna look away okay keep it a mix as well to mix and I'm gonna look away there's no way you're just showing off and I want you to do a cut anywhere you want all right complete the cut there should be a completely random card on top yep I have it I have that right here Jordan what have we here and I'm gonna hold it here yeah I want to keep it right here in front of me put it somewhere hidden somewhere I can't get it somewhere you can't get to it okay turn around and I don't even want to use these anymore let's go and just put them back in the box okay and you have the card you know what it is I do I do it's little black yes yes yes yes it's a number card it is it is a snob a letter card it's two three no no it's not it's a big number it is okay I'm gonna lock that prediction in oh my god I want you to turn them over Jim what a ballsy move gotta give a huge thank you to Michael Carducci for slumming with us fantastic job on this one Michael it is a true magician Fuller and of course got to give a shout out to my buddy Nate stand forth and his brand-new book here is real magic a memoir about what it means to love an art so much that you become disillusioned with it and travel halfway around the world to rekindle that magic it is an amazing book preorder it now now now by the way if you have a favorite bar scam magic trick or any kind of unbeatable puzzle hit me up directly at Brian at Sherwood calm or of course we should be best friends at slash wood there is no C in SH wood and if you haven't done so check out our new adventure the modern rogue Jason Murphy and I are on a quest to become the ultimate gentleman warrior and scoundrel it looks like this man I got an elective man I got a it looks like this sign that's just flopping saying posted your your post your face is posted you're not my real dad sorry Deb I think my real dad might be watching that's gonna be really weird for my actual real dad we can't go back
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Views: 720,784
Rating: 4.9104733 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Brushwood, card trick, educational, how to do magic, puzzle, Si Stebbins Stack, card control, Scam School, Nate Staniforth, Michael Carducci
Id: edH6D4TqhOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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