Secrets Of Hebrew Language

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first of all I just like to say that tonight's here is going to be the Alina Shama Riva hiya boss Stella and in the merit of the turn tonight we hope and we pray that her neshama should have in alia Buescher mine I'd also like to say that like to give the shear tonight in the scores for all the members of these really Defense Forces who are on the border right now of Gaza and some have actually entered into Gaza and the supposed to the Torah inspiration that I hope that you will receive tonight as well as Shem it should be a special merit for the safe safety and security and the accomplishment of the mission of the Jewish Israeli Defense Forces so thank you for having me here tonight in Brooklyn usually I lecture around in Queens and there's a pleasure to come down here tonight and see what's happening in Brooklyn you have a beautiful synagogue I got the tour and it's pleasure to be here and to speak to everybody tonight and tonight I'm going to speak to you about a topic which I think when you investigate it carefully and we'll begin to do it tonight I think we're going to discover that it might be one of the greatest proofs that we have for the fact that the Torah is a document that was given from above and perhaps the big statement but we'll we'll try to flesh out the statement as we go along tonight the name of this lecture is the secrets of the Hebrew language the DNA of creation and we'll explain what that would mean in a moment before we do I just like to speak a little bit about language in general you know in English we have a language but the reality is the words that we use don't really mean anything of great significance for example if you know the answer this please don't say it my socks are made out of what my socks are made out of nylon who could tell me why they made out of nylon chemistry majors who are those whites called nylon piays biologists come on something who's in the sciences who are the scientists who are studying the sciences whoever's ever taking the course of science see if you've never taken a course in science you become a rabbi but this I do know who can who can tell me why it's called nylon good why it's called nylon because it was created by the DuPont chemical company and the DuPont chemical company happens to have an office in New York and London so my socks are called nylon okay any real meaning in that nope you know if we look at the where would be the cord or even where we had an overhead projector or that cord over there to the court against the wall the cord that that holds like the the wiring is if I know that cord is made out of what's minute second actually it's made out of Beca light back alight get back there the back alight who can explain to me why back alight is called back alive back light is oftentimes the electrical cords that we use and projectors or in cameras and things like that who knows why it's called back alight let's call the back and it's light okay good good something a little more technical someone who's in the science is a little more technical oh good good guess under the belt they do with some chemical yeah let me would you be surprised if I told you that it was created by dr. Joseph feedback alight so he named it after himself is there any real meaning in that no the language is random I will suggest something to you right now that every language out there and there are 70 of them have no intrinsic meaning except one language the Hebrew language and the Hebrew language is called lashauwn Hakodesh kodesh means different distinct unique there's like there's no other language like it in the world however there's one language that's similar who those with language that is who said Russian listen with anyone says before in now it's not provided okay is that but Nabu IRA making the sister language it's a sister language a mega sister language you know yes good guess though good guess who knows what language I'm talking about glad you boys are back there's one language that the Hebrew language is similar to it's this language right here it's called the chemical language for example if I were to write on the board h2o what do you know about h2o it's water and what does it contain two two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen if I were to write NaCl sodium chloride in other words these letters actually describe the essence of what's there you will know the properties of water exactly it's atomic quality by that symbol however why we chose to call hydrogen why we choose oxygen why we choose sodium why would your chloride that is random we call whatever we want but it is getting a little bit descriptive about what's there now the Hebrew language is completely different why because what we believe and which is a tenant of Judaism fundamental is that when a kodesh powerful when hashem created the world he created it through speech fact the first act of creation was the Hebrew language where do we see that the zora tells us listen carefully pour a bara elokim what's next two letters at hashem i'am Varis zohar says voracious bara elokim in the beginning God created at olive through tough and with the olive through top the Hebrew language he created the rest of creation that means God created the letters he spoke the letters and by speaking the letters the thing formed that's wine he brewed by the way what's the word for thing devar what's the word for word devar you know God you have an infinite imagination couldn't you thought of two different words one for thing and one for word why is it the exact same word in the Holy tongue because when God spoke it it became the thing so they listen what this means and this is the theory that means if we are to know we were to know the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and we know their meaning and we understood reality we could construct this language let me say that again if we were to know the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and we were to understand what something really is we could construct the language because God created everything very specifically not randomly he took letters and he formed them so if you know the meaning of those letters and you know what something is you will say it's logical this is what has to be but God made it easy for us what did he do he gave us the 22 letters he gave us the language and so when we analyze it you know what we could discover all the secrets of reality we could discover all the secrets everything you want to know about everything it can be understood by simply analyzing the language analyzing the letters and that's what I'm to do with you right now now first thing we have to know what a letter means how do we know what a letter means we have four sources source number one is actually very simple it's the meaning of a letter Aleph what does I love mean it means the champion the great one bait bite is a house gimel Kemal camel doll Adela door etc the meaning of the letter gives us one reference point second thing we have is the shape of the letter I'm going to look at in a moment in the olive we'll see the shape of the letter is very important each letter is composed of other letters another way we understand the letter is the sound gives us insight another insight has to do with the numerical value we know that each of the letters has a numerical value not only a letter and finally a very interesting source is that the first time a letter begins the root of a word in the Torah that word will teach you the meaning of the letter for example where does the base begin the root of a word of the Torah you can tell me what grace is not a root it needs in that's a preposition where does it begin the root of a word bara create it's gonna have something to do with advice a house creation okay we'll talk more about that but those are our clues rule number one is always going to be the meaning of the letter food number two is with the shape of the letter by the sound of a letter either Gomorrah speaks also about the meaning of letters and the fourth is going to be the first time the letter appears in the term okay so let's begin let's start with this letter over here let's go placed it again is with the Aleph let's analyze the Oliphant see if we can understand this one of this primary building blocks of creation you know I should mention you know what I call this lecture by the way the DNA of creation what is the DNA described for us it describes everything you need to know about the person doesn't it you open up the DNA and you can tell me exactly what that person looks like in all shapes and colors you open up the Hebrew language you could see reality perfectly we'll show you what I mean this letter Aleph let's analyze it whenever we see an Aleph in any word in the Hebrew language it's always going to something to do with who with the Almighty put the Shem well let's see what's the numerical value of olive numerical value is one good let's see another clue that we have that's always there something to do with the Shem you know if you look at the out of the shape of the olive you'll notice that's composed of actually three letters over here a good a good and a above let's do a little numerical analysis what's the numerical value of you would ten good numerical value above six someone add that together for me what do you get 26 what word in Hebrew has a numerical value of 26 have it this word right here you would hey love hey which means God Judas and hey is five above it six hey is five someone that across for me what do you get 26 so another hitch that we have that the olive always has to do with something about God question first time we see the olive at the beginning of a word in the Torah what word is that Bure what a root word beret bara elokim ones that'll came in God first time we see the Torah it spells hello hello Kim another hint that we know that it means God okay you know obviously to point something out to you Aleph numerically is one how do you say a thousand in Hebrew and he said Elif Elif I love means one elephant means a thousand it's the exact same word could someone explain that to me God listen you have an infinite imagination couldn't you have fall of two words one for one and one for a thousand you have to use the same word Aleph Elif what's the connection what's the connection what's that you know a thousand what giggle how you don't know thank goodness say something important I'll tell his story that one time I was giving a lecture and I was about 11:30 at night and I had a headache I felt really tired I had a call for my wife and she says you know we had a student student of mine unfortunately got caught up with Christian missionaries and she said that she and a priest or by the house and she's ready to talk she brought the priest with her and I said oh gosh you know it's a quarter to 12:00 at night you know I said you know I'm really not like up to this right now my wife's like a lot another here what should I do with them you know I felt about my wife by the way you know like you know she had them marry like an out a key word guy iq of rabbi so I like from a nice religious family you know you know she's not being used to like priests coming to her home at midnight like so I said look just I don't know make tea or something you know until I get there so I get there and I walk in I'm not the guys name was Don nice guy very sweet guy says to me rash we sit down the table my wife serves tea you know I'm trying to think what am I going to say to this guy this girl is like listening wants to hear like you know who has the truth over here and I'm like I had this pounding and I'm thinking like just asking a sheperson help over here so he says to be rabbi you know you know the Hebrew language very well don't you I know a little bit they said you know rabbi Aleph it means one Elif $1,000 always has to do with God doesn't it so therefore doesn't it make sense therefore that you could perhaps divide God up into different pieces perhaps the Father the Son and the Holy toast that was his opening attack so I said to him Don you know you have to be polite you know light up a light purse my head is killing me but should I put this one into my head I said Don let me explain tonight to you you look out in the world and what do you see let's take a look analyze things for a moment you know that we know that there's a force in the world called the Sun right 93 million miles away it's perfectly located in the exact position to get the exact amount of heat to the universe into the world what does it do it beats down in the world and as a result it causes the evaporation of water the pointer then rises up and another force kicks in force called the wind and the wind blows the water together and forms clouds but you know most of this evaporation takes place over the ocean because most the water is so the wind then has to utilize another force and blow the wind back over the land and then another force kicks in called gravity and gravity brings down the rain in the perfect proportion so it doesn't flood the earth but allows the earth just the amount of nutrients of water that it needs to sustain life and then what happens the water mixes it with all the things in the soil and guess what a sea dissolves and from the death of the seed comes up a plant a plant produces a fruit I said that much a question are all those individual gods that are causing each of those occurrences is there a wind God and a Sun God and the gravity God and a soil God he said rabbi that's ridiculous so I said to him well isn't it possible that our job in life is to look at all the thousands of forces in the world and realize there's one commanding force and therefore what does it make perfect sense that the same letter that means one would mean a thousand that were to look at the multiplicity of all the force in the world and see the unity that's why I said to when I have such a headache it was major you know major divine assistance of Ellen that's why it means of course that's why the word for Elif means Aleph and Elif are the same worth question oh good go go good okay smarter than me here we go so let's take a little just a little numerical value over here let's take a look let's take a little look look over there please sorry to erase so let's look at the olive go little deeper in the our if you look at the other and if you were to spell it out spelled out like this I'll let Flom it okay you know it's interesting again don't want to do with the oneness of God what's the numerical value of olive one numerical value of lamb in 30 numerically of pay eighty someone had that across to me what do you get 111 1 1 1 the olive always brings you back to the oneness of God you could see additive thousands of forces but only one God let's go a little deeper to the elf I want to prove to you without a doubt the Aleph always means God always means that connection with the supernal how do you pronounce an olive let me share part of a good appreciation of alpha some pronounce and Allah for me no that's to be put enough you know a comets on dirt a particle comets can you translation pronunciation of an olive I'll just let see plants to pay at the end pronounce the Allah for me somebody somebody 100 yeah yeah provides a base for me sometimes a bait that's a bait what's the sound of a bait but what's that of a gibble go go back the AL what sound of an alpha that's if you put a valid er Nathan listen to my olive listen carefully listen carefully I'll say it again did you hear silent has no pronunciation there's no sound because the Aleph is always that transitional letter between this world and the spiritual just like the spiritual you can't get your hands around there's no sound The Aleph is no cell you have to give it a vowel without a valid there's no sound let me say it again stay with me one two three no they gave it out said again there you go no sound because it represents the connection between this world and the spiritual holy spirit but go a little deeper with it let's take a look at the words themselves you know I live what does it mean numerically it means one but what does it mean I'll loop in the Hebrew aloof means a champion someone who's strong the strong one like for example the aloof a the Aleut their loop is the general in the Army Aleph also means Aleph also means wisdom you know there's a beautiful description of God number one he is the one of our power he's the aloof and number two he's the Elife he's the one who provides wisdom you know it's interesting every letter will always reflect two things one way God relates to the world in general and one way he relates to mankind because mankind is the purpose of creation to the world he's the old powerful one but the human being he is the e life the teacher of wisdom now isn't it beautiful if you look at the three letters that spell out of watch this Aleph means Hashem the teacher the powerful one what Islam it mean rabid means to kneel mode to teach what is pen mean the mouth Hashem teaches he teaches the mouth he transfers his wisdom to us by the vehicle of the mouth how do you communicate the motional bait on our sea knife through thee mouth how do we communicate to each other with the mouth how do we teach wisdom with thee the mouth again we see everything we know about God and the way relates to men I left love pay God teaches wisdom with the mouth now there's another thing you learn about God to the dollar here's the question to everybody question is got all powerful yes his God will knowing yes is God all loving is God we said he's all-knowing he's all-powerful and he's all about love true good explain the Holocaust to me explain the homicide bombers usual I have to me explain little children dying of cancer to me he's all loving I was in that position your love he's old knowing he knows about it he's all-powerful he could stop it explain it to me somebody tell me if you were to spell this word backwards loaded spell if you put the pay first the lot of second the olive what does that spell somebody and Penda what is Pelham in Hebrew pala means a wandering it's a wonder a amazement Heather I'm amazed because you have to know something in your relationship with God you're gonna have to appreciate something there's always going to be something that you don't know something is always going to be a Pelham a wonder if you think you're going to know God completely you're barking up the wrong tree I'll tell you secret if you really want to love God you're gonna have to love what you don't know that guy because just like I have to love what I don't know about my wife you know what I really love about my wife I'll tell you secret sort of the camera what but I really love what I really love my wife is not what I know that that's what I don't know better in other words if I were to love my wife based on what I know Who am I really loving loving me my mind's perception but what I have to love about my wife is what I don't understand it's when she tells me to go to the store to buy organic broccoli and it's three times the price and organic collard greens and it looks ridiculous but she wants because she wants what I don't understand that's what love really begins isn't it what God is the same thing Shem says I want you to love me but not what you understand about me because that's loving you if you want to love God you got to love what you don't understand about me you're gonna have to accept the fact that there's always going to be hella Wonder amazement and you know what what you don't understand you can have to trust you'd have to trust you have to use your heart to go beyond your mind and that's wealth a secret my friends when we dive in twice a day and we put our hands over our eyes when we say shmaaya throw a little okay know I share my card here is with the Lord our God the Lord is one meaning God you are the source of everything you were the source of the goodness in my life and you're the source of all the and pain but you know what what do we do with our hands we put them over our our eyes why to show that where our minds can't go then have to let our hearts go God I'm in the dark right now I don't only see it it's a pollen to me but I'm gonna have to let my heart feel where my mind can't understand you have to appreciate that look how beautifully it fits into the letter Alif means God it's elokim it has a good battery of 26 it means the enchantment it means the teacher it means a little rabbit pair the one who teaches the mouth wisdom and if you spell it backwards of course what do you see pehle one all the different aspects of God okay now with this as a foundation let's look at a few words that contain an olive and let's see if we can understand a little bit about the essence of what that word is let's begin with a very important word and a very poor part of our life let's look at the human being let's look at you and let's look at me how do you say a person in Hebrew a done like my Hebrew that'll s sorry okay a dumb question look at that three letter route if you looked at h2o you would know that contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen tell me what you know about a human being although means a human being what can you tell me about a human being but looking at those three letters what that's what did what what do we what do we see what do we see okay so let's look first thing we see we know the human being has in there's an olive was olive represent what's the main aspect that we are oh we bodies with souls or we souls with bodies result of bodies aren't we the essence of who we are is not a part of it that's going to decay and rot and go to the ground the essence of who you are is the is the olive the image of God the fact what created of Selman look came right tell me another part of the human being Wells do you see just by looking over here what do you learn about the human being what blood Dom needs blood the second thing you got to know about you and I is that we're physical we have bodies oh my god take care of the body yeah let's face it yeah what good job this blood this one oh that word um okay good question will point out a second damn you know why is blood by the way the perfect description of the physical part of who we are why is blood the perfect description of our physicality question if we were to lay out our blood vessels head to toe head to toe head to toe how many miles of blood vessels do we have in the human body you can tell me how many miles of blood vessels do we have three times exactly right one hundred thirteen thousand miles of blood vessels in the human body one hundred thirteen thousand miles of blood vessels in our body so what are we we're spiritual and we are physical so beautiful you know if I decide I'm to go off on a mountain somewhere and pray I'm not going to get married I'm not going to have children I'm not going to involve with friends I'm just going to eat you know bread and drink water and we're some sort of lone cloth am I gonna be happy why not because I forgot about this part of who I am now I'm physical what's one thing I say listen I'm going to be physical I'm gonna eat one slice of pizza two sides of the piece of three slices of pizza four slices of Pisa five slice of pizza am I gonna be happy I'm gonna be sick but if I combine my olive with my Dom if I integrate the spiritual with the physical beautifully I can have a really meaningful life in fact our rabbi's tell us you know when you make a blessing on your food you enjoy the food more you know why because food tastes better when you appreciate it it's a gift when my daughter makes me chocolate chip cookies the chocolate chip cookies can taste terrible but I love it you know why because from her when I make that blessing on pizza it might not be great pizza the guidance from you it's a gift from you to me you enjoy it more you combined the spiritual the physical what else can be though you by the way done by the way you know we say there are three partners of creation there's your father your mother and of course God who provides the blood in the body mother and father dumb what's the maneuver Khalid for numerical value of them 40 that's 44 right what's the word for mother in Hebrew and good what's the word for father in Hebrew good mister little Martin America developed numerical analysis Aleph is what 1mm is 40 that's 41 Aleph is one base is 2 that's 3 someone add that together for what do you get 44 that's interesting because that's the same numerical value is done oh nice coincidence but let's go deeper take a look over here what if I were to ask you what makes the human being a human being what is it it's the fact that we really have an image of God inside of us true that's what makes you special and me special and in fact you know it says that if I were to remove the olive take the olive oil over here I'd be left with dahm dahm happens to be the same route in Hebrew as Needham Nodame means death dead God means don't mess similar you know our blood is almost similar you might have type A my type B whatever it is but it's similar you know the physical parts of us are almost exactly the same what makes you different from me and be different from you and all of you different from each other is that we have different souls I need soul was brought here for a purpose they gotta find that purpose and you can't be me and I can't be you and you can't copy each other either and that's where the word dumb happens to be the same route in Hebrew as though met with me similar and knee down which means death through to copy somebody you're dead there's no room for copies here God needs you to be you God needs me to be me we can inspire each other but you got to find you I got to find me but the essence is that's because the essence of who we are is the fact were created in God's image that's the real you let me show you something here watch this carefully everybody could appreciate this watches carefully if I were to take the numerical value of Adam here so I told you that download is for and mem is 40 that's 44 correct numerical value of Aleph is what 1 so the numerical value of Adam is 45 now 45 is an interesting number number 1 it's the same numerical value as this word which means not what is Miami in Hebrew what 45 not what what am I going to be what am i what makes me different than you what's my purpose in life if you're not asking nah what am i you're not living if you didn't wake up this morning and say you know what am i doing here I might here just eat to to you know to go to school get a good job buy a nice house drive a nice car you know so that my kids could go to school and get a nice house so their kids could go to school yep come on like what MA what's it all about the human being has to ask MA what what's going on we got to be somebody your job in this world is to become greater to become more you know that's why by the way if you turn the letters around over here and you put the mem first what is this word spell then I love solid what's been out that spell mio what does Meowth mean it bode means it means more you got to become more yes look of greater than who you are that's your job you know the word for animal in Hebrew is a Bahama which I won't write it out but it means ba hey MA and it is what it is you know an animal a cow is born account a dog is born a dog you know you never look at your dog and you say hey look enough eating off the floor over here you know but your mother tells you all the time hey like you know let's not use our fingers like come on you know because you got to be more an animal doesn't because the human being is created in a way were God created us with potential with his image inside of us but we have to find our potential that's why a dumb happens to be the same route in Hebrew as what word ah da da da da da da now as another man was our mommy it means the dirt the ground question does ground of any real value at the mud this ground of any real value dirt is a what's just with the dirt on 51st and Lexington and the dirt in somewhere out of Nebraska a difference in the dirt same chemical property why is it dirt on 51st in lexington worth 1 million dollars per square foot and the dirt in Nebraska is worth about 2 cents per square foot location location it's what you do with it the value of dirt is dependent on you the potential is there but you have to turn into something so God is teaching us I created you from the ground because ground represents potential but you have to bring your potential out now you know what the Hebrew language is so beautiful if I valve this word like this it's called ah-dah-mah which means ground if I've a little differently I spoke like this I say ah ah now what does that mean adopt that at the mem means in Hebrew I will be similar I will be like I will be don't Matt I will be just like who I will be dull met to the olive I will be similar to God that's your challenge what are you going to be are you going to be dirt may be similar to God that's your free choice so you hear how the free choice of the human being is built into this word Adama but let me show you something even deeper than that what did I say the numerical value of other one forty forty five what did I say the essence of the human being is the fact that we're created with God's image on the inside why do you say God's name in Hebrew don't say for me but what do we say a Shem I spill it like this right good hey dub hey Creek and we said what's the numerical value of that Judas ten hey is 5 over 6 in hey is 5 is 26th right now watch this you know in interim the language of analysis another one we analyze is we break down each word each letter let's analyze it if I were to spell out a yield I would spell it like this good love salad I just felt the hey I would spell hey olive hey olive if I were supposed to follow it's called like this love olive love I just pull the hair it's bill hey olive everybody see that we have the key so everybody good hey love Hey ok see what I did all I did was I took each of the four letters of God's name and I spelled them out let's do a little numerical analysis of these letters watch this what's the America well view it 10 good you know five six above six your backup dollar for what does that equal 20 the America by of hey five olive six that's six numerical value above six Aleph one above six that's 13 the bread web hey five plus one is six if we add that across let's how it works six plus 13 is what 19 plus 6 is 24 25 plus 20 is 45 that's interesting because what's the numerical value of man 45 what's the essence of the human being that God is contained with inside of us and where is it contained inside of the letters of God we find 45 my friends coincidence or design did someone create this language or is there is it too intricate it's a too specific but it doesn't stop there one more point on autumn what really makes us different from the animal kingdom do you get there everybody solid what makes us different in the animal kingdom yes beautiful what's your second so yeah I met you in Becky earlier they carry all the Queen's you came to Queens the other night we could choose between right and wrong what's the vehicle that God gave us to analyze our lives he gave us the Torah I should say like this what do we have what what what's the relationship called with God whereby we can actually come to God and talk to God and discuss our lives with God and ask God for help and ask God for wisdom and ask God for everything we need what's that called in Hebrew the Fila tefillah true I dare say what makes us different in the animal kingdom first of all we have free choice but in order that we should utilize our free choice correctly God allows us to have a relationship with them to build ourselves in our relationship and thereby make the correct choices so we have something called the Fela which called prayer but you know really the word pl in Hebrew it means to judge so when I come before God you know I ask God for what I need I'm really judging myself meet Paul L is reflexive I'm in the act of judging myself you know and when I asked I said God listen God I need money you know I need money and if I what's the back of my mind I really want to buy that 2009 Lexus you know you know if that's what's in the back of my mind you know I might not get too far like I got him before the old body I before the creator of the universe and I'm asking for a car like with the fancy leather seats like you know I come to forgot I'd have to analyze why do I want money god I really need money listen bluefish I know a big family we need space the more space you have the more peace you could have in the home I want to be able to pay for tuitions my kids need things I want to be a good charity I like having a lot of Shabbos guests like I need more money Oh God can say listen there's a good reasons right so in the process of my request I'm really analyzing myself aren't I that's why pill L means judging oneself I do that before they almighty and I begin to build a relationship with God and I build that relationship I can understand a little bit how I can utilize my life for a proper purpose that's the human being now here's my challenge to everybody what's the premise of this talk tonight the whole premise is that God took the olive date took the Hebrew language and from the Hebrew language constructed reality that's the same he took an Aleph he took a dollar he took a mem and with that other dialed and then he formed Adam Adam that's what it means Baruch Hashem are viola it's not a joke baroque sham or blessing the one who spoke and the world came into existence and um God send these three letters and there was the man that's how it worked that's how creation came to being that means everything you have to know about the human being will be contained in that olive dollar than men I think I've shown that you a little bit tonight right I showed you that we have something spiritually it's letting physical that the Dom comes from the parents that inside which 45 it's the same numerical value of God himself but let me ask you a question and this is where I'm bothered and you got to help me with this because if the essence of the human being what makes us different than all their animals is that we could have relationship with God through the feel of being mitzpah prayer if I can't show you that that word that that constant is contained in the out of the dial of the man I haven't proved it to you anything because the DNA right and a gene has to teach you everything you know need to know about the organism if I can't show you that prayer is built-in to okay if I can show that prayer is built into this system into these three letters I haven't proved anything to you tonight so everybody ready for this you watching carefully watch this watch this watch this let's see if we can discover that the essence of the human being is prayer how do you say prayer in Hebrew say to me Davila and Hebrew shall hit parallel in if we're to say the human was humanly will meet parallel meet parallel means personally act of judging oneself or praying right you spelled me pilot like this me now okay and watch coffee everybody look at this how do you say the human being add up let's write out these letters how do you spell Aleph spell I love with me somebody Alif LAAM 'add thanks spilled out with me darling lamb it tough still men with me ma'am ma'am now if I wanted to take the first three letters of course it spells all dumb right obviously logically but that watch this spill these letters backwards MIT pas do you see that mitt ha now the essence of the human being is that we have a relationship with God through prayer all done myth ha lael almost an exact order except for one lamb is out of place mitt ha well coincidence or design pretty nice coincidence let's go on okay let's take a look at a few more concepts before we go to another letter who can define love for me so we'll define love what sir give it to somebody good what's that to give up your life the sacrifice okay yeah good yeah caring unconditionally nice ladies love time in love is you know I was once lecturing I gave this lecture to campus one time I think it was at Pace University so I asked diocese and what's love so they weren't so sophisticated like everybody here so one guy got up he said he gets rabbi he said love is a four-letter word the other person said he said love he goes love is just a second hand emotion I didn't know what I mean and then this other guy goes up he goes here he goes she loves you yeah yeah yeah I said yeah okay let's see if we could do a little better than what we did at this particular campus okay what's the word for love good with the root of the here is a hole okay I hope I hope means love let's see we could analyze it a little bit what love is we'll do a simple analysis that will do more in-depth analysis simple analysis numerical value of Olive one good numerical value base I love faith to remember we said that every word has not only a numerical value also as a meaning I'll look the champion bait white house gimel camel camel Dalit delle door hey what does hey mean hey what is she where the letter hey wasn't me nice a little hard but remember I told you one of our tricks one of our tricks or one of our points of analysis is when a letter begins the root of a word in the Torah for the first time that word will teach you the meaning of that letter when the letter begins the root of a word for the first time of the Torah that word will teach you the meaning of the letter now hey there are two times that we see hey one is where it says hi-yah which means existence but the time we see hey really used as a verb itself is in parshat by you gosh last which partial when the brothers came down to Egypt and Joseph says to his servants Hey look fem zero and if you look on the side the targum uncle is you know what hey means it means have which means give the letter hey means give and that's why it also the first time it uses the Hebrew language you see it's hiya table which means existence hi Tommy means was or is exists because the essence of existence is that God is constantly giving into the world if God were to cease giving for a moment would there be a universe no hey means give so look at look at the word love what you see the word love what's it mean the essence of love is what when one gives to to one gives to the other how do you know when you love somebody because you want to give to them how do you build love by giving them who loves more does the pet doesn't what you know it says that if you want to like somebody you don't like them you should do give to them give to them give them a present because you'll start investing in them you'll see you and them who loves war does the child of the parent more or does the parent or does the parent of the child more parent loves the child more I'm sorry to tell you no because it's the reason is because obviously the parent invests years and years and years on giving and children invest years of years of taking look you know I'm you know and I say old I am but I'm old enough to been around this world enough to tell you that I spend many years receiving from my parents be given given I have children well Keshava six children and I don't appreciate how much I give to them but the more you give the more you love and that's how you generate love and perhaps the reason most marriages fail today 65% unfortunately is because people really go into marriage of what can I get out of this people go into marriage and say what can I give I guarantee you have a lot more success let's go a little deeper nice your question what do you think is what type of gift do you think builds love deeper the following choices choice a you know like a Mosin sale occurs choice a is going to be the house out in Kings Point you know with the 2009 I don't know Maserati you know with the 100 inch screen television set like with the marble kitchen counters marble floors fancy chandeliers what's going to build love more those gifts to your spouse or sank to your spouse I have a word of terror I want to share with you I together I want together that we should keep Shabbat together Kim Chavez together you know together like let's let's let's learn something together that's all but the parsha together and let's share it what it is going to build a lot more okay you I know you agree with me but I want you to show me in those three letters why that is so remember these two letters the DNA of creation everything means know about love is right there so tell me why when you give a spiritual gift it builds a deeper connection when you give a physical gift show me in these three letters what did I say hey means give why say base means the other what is olive oyl's mean something connected to when you give the other when you give the other an olive when you give the other connection to the spiritual when you bring God deeper to the others life you give it to Vitara together you build a Jewish home together you raised Jewish children together we can accomplish a connection with God that we couldn't do by ourself well that's the basis of the marriage you give to base you give to the other an olive a spiritual connection connection with the transcendent oh boy then you're gonna have love you know I dare say perhaps you know again like you know maybe the reason we have 65 percent divorce rate is because people are giving themselves giving the spouses the wrong things it's not the car that makes her happy right it's not the marble kitchen that you know makes her happy right girls I'm all right guys it's not you what's gonna be happy also is is that she said you know she says to you look I really you know let's build a home to go what's gonna make you happy is together you're gonna give each other an olive you get it closer to that olive that's the real connection that's the real gift if you have that you can have love you know we could take it one step deeper I would see something very interesting you know if you analyze the olive you break it down it spells this world l hey L pay L in Hebrew means spawn names of God it means power like LaVon says yes laquelle BRD there's power in my hand hey what does the letter pay in Hebrew pay is a pat as a mouth what does the mouth do what's the job of about what's my mouth been doing all night over here the knob of the mouth is to express out Pat to express so it's interesting one of the names of God by the way is power expressed God is called Nozawa al Lupo shel Olam he's constantly empowering the universe expressing out his power so listen to this what do we say letter hei means it means give words letter bakery bait means well first time you seen the Torah is borrowed needs to create bite is a house bait always has to do with the aspect of creating so it's interesting the Lord love if you analyze it when one expresses one's power pat you express your l you press your power through giving what do you create love expressing power through giving creates love that creates off so simple it's much easier than a four-letter words second hand emotion you just have to know the lush and encoded just know the holy time it's also interesting by the way the numerical value of love is a noun if I take down its ahahah ahahah Aleph is one hey is five bases two and five watch the America by 10 plus 2 is 12 plus 1 is 13 it's a same numerical value as a hard what does it hard mean one because the essence of love is that to fuse to be one coincidence or design let's look at a few more things over here having a good time you enjoying yourself Hank fun everybody I having fun okay I'm having a great just so much fun okay let's see here what is the what is the female letter there's a female letter in a mail letter what is the female letter man the female letter happens to be girls this letter here called gimel give up what does gibble mean gibble means a means a camel that's right a good mouth a camel now why is that the female letter let's analyze it for a second gimel actually means what does it mean go Mel Cassadine what does go Mel pasady mean Camilla Cassidy means kindness giving right go Mel means to give kindness go Mel to give that's interesting go Mel means to get long is a question about giving everybody in the job loss of Jewish charity what's the greatest gift you can give 10% is the minimal gift what's the what's the greatest gift you can give somebody not the minimal gifted a temperature has a nice gift dampen has a nice for yankin it's a big test I shouldn't say that that's a JEP resides a very important gift but if you're going to help somebody the ROM mom sets up like this the rhombus says like this what's the greatest act of charity to give money or to set the guy up in his own business why why does this mean this but because you create self so self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency producer self-respect correct the greatest gift you can give is to help somebody to be independent you know you know if I have my you know what my little four-year-old is did you have to ride a two-wheel bicycle so what do I do is Ryan's to a bicycle you don't I do you put him on the bicycle and he starts pedaling and pedaling and pedaling and what do you do as a parent no you start running after it and then you holding it then hoping you like he let go you're like oh you close your eyes you know and you should hope he's gonna but you have to run after him that's how you do it that's the teacher foil to ride it to your bicycle so after what question I might I have an 18 year old also she's in Israel supposing my 18 year old gets on her bicycle I say to her one second honey I'm gonna run after you you know okay what have I just done to her I probably sent it to many years of therapy right I probably I dare say it's a guaranteed prescription for many years of of psychoanalysis why because the whole purpose of a parent is we're trying to give to create independence what's ours are my times up times up tempo go the whole purpose of a pair I'm on a roll this can go on just going on there a good time have a good time I mean the whole purpose of parent is to go okay if you urge them hoppers apparence to create independence look at this Kemal means give but look at the Lord's words Jim Olga mal is to give what is mild mean in Hebrew what's Mila Mila means to to cut two separate through look at this what's the tro active given give until the other is separate from you give to the point where you can create self saw efficiency gum out now that's interesting look at a camel why is a camel the essence of kindness what is kinds have to do with the camel how many days can it can will go without water forty days a camel can be self-sufficient the greatest act of giving is to give to the point of self-sufficiency true that's a female quality the job of a woman is to take a child as nurture the child so the child can be independent not dependent right not that not not guilty and not you know but to be independent that's why the gimbal happens to be the female letter now watch with me carefully everybody what gimel is the is the female letter let's put it over here what's the male letter what's that yeah I know Israelis are going to tell me to laugh but don't laugh at this it was a slang in Hebrew the mill that happens to be this it's a Zion Zion and Israeli slang but let explain to you unless you know kodesh what it means Zion actually means a sword means a sword the job of the man is to basically go out of the world and to earn a living they say Peck we'll talk alekum you know earning your bread earning our bread is a war to fight Zion also means Sun which means to nourish to provide the job of man is to go out there and wage war against all of the economy and everything has to do in order to nourish his family true first time you see the Zion in the turo where is it it's by the word zero what does that mean seed a man supplies the seed a woman takes a seed and nurtures and develops a child's the child's independent of her Zion is the male letter Gimbel as the female letter what's the letter of connection in Hebrew what is the letter that means to connect something well in Hebrew it's above above in Hebrew means end connection love also means hook find the first time you see evolved in the Torah where it begins the root of a word is Vevey Hamish can the hooks of the Michigan love is a hook it even looks like a hawk right above the physical description of the hook it looks like this right that's above dog is a hop it means and it's the letter of connection question how do you say a married couple in Hebrew so can it be anything else can it be anything else if Zion is the mail letter gimble as the female letter and bub is letter of connection what's the married couple as I connected to Gitmo so question what's the word for truth in Hebrew goods the name of your organization ever promoted them in my organization I met right Emmitt let's look at Emmett for a moment myth needs truth why are these three letters the perfect description of truth imagine good beautiful number one we have it all stand on two legs good truth has to stand firmly checker which means falseness is written like this right just one leg false this is one leg truth is - what's the description of truth that we see in this words this word truth happens to be Aleph is the first letter of the alphabet mem is the middle letter the alphabet and tuff is the last letter if you see one part of the story is that the truth or is truth sing beginning middle and end truth is having the whole picture what's the difficult about seeing God's truth in this world problem is what we're looking a little piece a little part of the story when we get the whole story opened up that we'll see the real truth that's interesting now it's interesting nothing is thickest about it is you see the word aim which means mother and you see mate which means death another thing we know about truth is that we're born from mother we're going to die if I want to take the olive out of mmm what do I have mate if I take it out of out of the world is the welcome that live is going to be survival this world death no existence let's look at a numerical value what's the American value of olive one numeric value of them 40 good numeric value of tough no there's something not 45 now there's something close in Hebrew we have what's called the miss spar cuttin the gum apricot that means like this you can add you can add it out to zeros and this across or plus zero plus zero plus four plus one equals nine 441 gotta 441 add it together you get eight plus one is nine okay nine what's special is number nine let's analyze nine for one moment what's nine times 1/9 times two what's one plus eight nine plus three nine thirty three twenty several students seven nine that is 4 6 plus 3 9 9 5 4 + 5 9 times 6 v is for 937 6 plus 3 9 times 8 simples - 9 times 9 a + 1 9 9 9 times 10 99 times 11 99 9 politely t-mobile's is done 9 times any number any number will always come back to the to the 9 do you believe me is that true ghost give me number anybody give me a number 36 I'll call ok 36 what's 9 36 54 9 times 3 is 27 plus 5 is 32 3 plus 2 plus 4 is 5 plus 4 is 9 yeah it works ok 9 times any number will always be 9 now the reason why the numerical value of truth is 9 is because how am i busy I'm teaching on that teaching it's a if something is true it doesn't matter what form or shape it's in you'll find the truth you'll find it 9 is a very important number for us and that's why let me show you sleeve a gesture got 9 you know the word Shabbat look at you but what is Shabbat testify about what truth the Shabbat testify about the God is the creator of the universe number one is actively involved in his creation number two what's the America by of Shin 300 good days too tuff 400 add it together what do you get 702 added together what do you get 9 interesting and okay wherever you see truth you will see 9 now let me just end with one example to one example here first we'll have to show you this but I said shoot two more examples don't stop okay exact two more examples some examples I love this one this one I love I love this you know the letter cool what's that a cool mean cool it was a monkey it looks like a monkey doesn't cool samake coughs a monkey why remember this member the premise let's talk tonight God took the 22 letters he created 22 letters these two 22 letters he formed and from these 22 letters he created reality why is one of the primordial building blocks of creation a letter that means a monkey because wonder what monkeys are smart well are monkeys smart or the monkeys imitate monkey see monkey monkeys imitate something interesting you know as Jews we don't believe I'll tell you a secret I know it's not a secret zombies we don't believe in evolution what we do believe in is the evolution the evolution means that it could be that when a human being doesn't act like a soul but just acts like a body you know he's similar to so to monkey in other words the monkey looks so human life they're so cute ever go to Bronx Zoo I was abroad to the summer with my children they're so cute they're you know what's it the Bronx are brought up sorrow at the Bronx I live in Queens I love Queen but you know I wanted the Bronx the actually look like people they take their babies and they hold the babies and they chase each other and they they hit each other but you know they look so human is which is wise we like to watch them but they're not human do they have free choice does a monkey there's a monkey a free choice does a monkey a free choice No I ask you to support abortion right you don't have free choice to the side a monkey is what the human being is not supposed to be the monkey is the animal in you and me but the animals at the eye what's the real eye is salt question how do you say a righteous person in Hebrew Sadiq what makes it sad exotic see me tell me what's the mate if you can be one definition of it Sadiq what would that be North I find ok that's been as you say but came to give me a give me a definition give me definition what do you say charity is good good Coover is good helping others is good what a secret everything you're telling is true but you know what the common denominator is of all of them you know it's difficult to give charity you know why it's mine like I don't want to help you I want to take care of me right you know I don't want to get up early right now I want to sleep like I don't want to learn right now I just want to relax right like I feel like I want to be angry I don't want to control it you know what makes it Sonic at Sonic is that they control themselves to conquer themselves that's an exit sonic inside no one's born at Sonic by the way become it Sonic by conquering the animal in you I have an animal of me that says look I want to eat I don't want you to share with me I want it I have an animal in me that says I want it for myself I have an animal in me that said I want to get angry but you know what what makes the righteous person righteous person listen carefully is that you control your animal you trap your animal you control it you harness your monkey look at this the word from Sadiq sadi valid co2 leather cuff means what monkey the two-letter would side me if it wasn't me sad and Chavez left sued means the trap or to hunt outside of the side the way you make a trap is you put sides around it what's on whose righteous someone who traps and controls their monkey they control the animal in them they're not ruled by the animal they control the animal that's it Sonic I'll show you something someone whose cub gosh someone whose condo she even higher holy high Kadosh he's cooked - - in Hebrew means to trample he tramples his monkey the satyr controls it the Kadosh tramples it but a male who was a Moloch was that was a male i'm malik is the nation that represents all of evil in the world if I splat the world am uh lake I spelled like this mo cuff a mullah expels on law which means the toil the work of the monkey what makes them evil is the act like animals they don't let the soul rule them the ruled by the animals of the are beautiful you see the connection one last example everybody I'm gonna quote you now is or how did we say God created reality he spoke the letters and the word came the world came to existence Baraka Marva Howell um the VAR means word the var means thing right God spoke and through speaking came reality if you're a magician and you want to create something from nothing what do you say a broker how do you say it in Russian hi said it before Ian Tyson Cup Kazi has a cup Ghazi you know it's interesting in every language I've asked this question many times in every language in the world the way a magician will always say I'm going to create something from nothing which is very hard to pull creation ex nihilo the one times everyone does God create the world he created something from nothing and he did it through the words worth the world of speech correct that's what premise of this talk tonight what's the word that we say abracadabra let me quote you from say forget Syria say Fiat Syria is one of the oldest works that we have in Kabbalah it's attributed to know other than Abraham Avram Avena we have in our Kabbalistic literature because say it's Iran it's close to me it I don't understand it but this I have seen either on describes how God created the world listen what he writes Cody Sparkle said ah Dada bruh a Dubrow Cadabra which means a Dabra I shall create I shall shoot me up bara sorry brother Brahm sorry coach Pablo said look at the chef said a bara bara Cadabra which means I shall create as I speak bara Cadabra Abra Cadabra it's interesting that in every language we still retain that vestige of the original words of creation and we have forgotten it we don't realize what we're saying we're actually quoting the Zohar which is describing how God brought the world into existence my friend that's your language my language is lush and our Kodesh it's a holy language it's a unique language it's the building blocks of creation the more you understand it the more you can understand God you can understand Torah can stand you you can understand life trying to understand her trying to extend God's will without the holy tongue is literally like trying to swim without water or trying to breathe without the air if you know the Hebrew language things just don't make sense you have to know the language from the language you can understand reality and a lot of questions fall off because you're getting to the root of what's really there it's oftentimes the English translation that causes us to be so confused you know I'll tell you one just last example I have to say it you know the word for punishment do you like the word punishment in Hebrew in English punishment does it ring with you punishment no in Hebrew the word is onna Sh ona SH you know iron in Hebrew means an eye to look to think with your eye nosh the Hebrew means to fall back so your punishment means look discover realize that you've fallen back but God brings pain to your life it's going to loves you he wants you to realize you fall in its own ish so when I hear that word in Hebrew in the Holy pen I understand how God try to communicate to be out of love when I hear the one in English punishment I get scared and turned off if you don't know they keep a language you're not communicating with God in the way God wants a significant we gotta know this language everybody it's your language it's my language passed down for the last five thousand seven or 69 years since beginning of creation and we're very special people that we are the inheritors of this ability to connect to God through this language thank you listen to me everybody
Channel: The Jewish Torah
Views: 61,105
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Keywords: Rabbi Mordechai Kraft, Secrets Of Hebrew Language
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 34sec (4474 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2012
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