Secrets of Cymatics

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Thought you guys might find this presentation interesting. Presented by the inventor of the cymascope. Precision engineered using an analog oscillator with an accuracy of .001%.

Towards the end of the video he shows an experiment where dolphin echo location sounds are targeted at an object like a cube and recorded. When those echo location sounds are played through the cymascope an image of that object appears.

He also presents some quantum mechanic wave-particle duality stuff that's way over my head to explain.

Anyways it's fascinating stuff that deserves more views, check it out.

"Secrets of Cymatics" is an inspirational presentation by acoustic-physics researcher, John Stuart Reid, filmed at the Water Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2016, on the physics, chemistry and biology of water. The title of the talk was originally "The Holographic Properties of Water" and focuses on the CymaScope instrument and the emergent science of Cymatics, including significant implications for medical science and positing the first two laws of Cymatics.

Audio is a little low, I'd recommend turning on subtitles.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Pipe13omb 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

OMG so good. I learned a lot. Thank You! <3

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/infinalOFFICIAL 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

Really interesting, thanks a lot!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Passion4Wisdom 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
good morning everyone in the words of the inimitable John Cleese of Monty Python and now for something completely different so the holographic properties of water before I begin I just like to say a big thank you to Vladimir Voigt off and to Rupert Sheldrake who both proposed me and of course very big thank you to the general Pollock or sending a kind invitation so let me begin by just explaining a little bit about the cyma scope instrument that I developed and over a number of years just so you get a feel for how it functions and what these various aspects are so I think you can see quite clearly in the center here that we have what looks like a petri dish it's actually it is a kind of petri dish but really what this is it's made of fused quartz and the bottom part of it is the actual bottom is black quartz and the whole thing is precision-engineered so it's a little bit of a kind of upscale petri dish you could say and from the center axis of that that's more what we call the visualizing cell from the center axis is a piston that piston goes down to a voice coil motor and then obviously we put some form of liquid in the visualizing cell in order to make sound visible so the essential aspect of this instrument is that it makes sound visible it does so by imprinting the sonic periodicity onto the surface and subsurface of water thereby essentially making them visible what you've really done is you've transcribed the sonic periodicity z' into water wavelet periodicities now the parts that you can't see of course we as I mentioned we've got the voice column motor that you you can't see but then there's a whole chain of audio equipment that drives that voice coil motor in the example that I'm going to give today we start off with a very standard audio oscillator but this is an analog oscillator not a digital oscillator and it has an accuracy of 0.001 percent total harmonic distortion so when you get a sine wave out of this oscillator it's extremely pure from there we go through a series of other signal processing techniques we have a for example a compressor limiter which just controls the dynamics of the signal we also have obviously an amplifier but the other key component that we have in the signal path is a 30 band Clarke technique graphic equalizer and the purpose of the graphic equalizer is is this you might already have imagined that mechanical or electromechanical system comprising the visualising cell the piston the voice coil mode and so on all of those components combine to have a series of natural resonances first of all we identify those resonances and it's a simple process you use a in this case where you use the B and K accelerometer system it's a tiny tiny little with one of the world's smallest accelerometers of has hardly any mass you apply that into the center of the visualising cell and then you run the sweep as a frequency sweep through the bandwidth that the cell is going to be used for and then of course what you what you see on the resulting frequency sweep is a number of peaks and troughs so the peaks are obviously the resonant peaks of that particular electromechanical system and then in order to neutralize or effectively neutralize those Peaks we then use the 30 band clock Technic equalizer and what we do is simply dial in a kind of inverse profile so that it gives you a virtually flat frequency she responds so that you know whatever signal you put in to the Simon scope you should get an analog a model if you like of that frequency made visible it can be a single frequency or it can be a complex frequency like music or voice whatever you put in you should get a fairly accurate analog in the forms of packing rather than in the form of a spectrum analyzer that we come to know and love you know for a long long time so this is a completely new type of instrument I've built a number of them for scientists around the world and so it's it's not that I'm not looking for business here this is basically a tool I don't you know we just basically want to see this out in the world because we really do believe that it has a huge potential in terms of a scientific instrument so going on from there this item that you see in the corner here this is a Peltier control module so Peltier you probably know is the system where you can control temperature just by putting a current in and if you reverse the current in one direction you will get the Peltier system will heat and if you reverse it in the other direction the Peltier system will cool and it's very important to have the correct water temperature for whatever the experiment is that you're doing in the visualizing cell I've tried a lot of different fluids one of the fluids I tried was scotch whiskey and while it definitely did not image as well as pure water which is that we normally use a medical grade water it has one advantage which is of course at the end of the experiment you can just you can just drink it but anyway we have found that the pure water is really the very very best at providing beautiful imagery so I think there the that's the essence of the of the instrument I don't want to belabor it because we've got a lot of material to cover here but I do want to mention a few of my scientific heroes have been quite a lot of talk about scientific heroes at this wonderful conference and some of mine that relate directly to this work then we move forward to one of my perhaps my greatest hero Michael Faraday and Michael Faraday in 1832 did some experiments he called crisp Asian experiments and the reason I'm particularly mentioning Faraday was because all those other people were seeing forms in sand or powder or dust or this kind of thing whereas Noah's particulate matter whereas Michael Faraday actually thought well I wonder what happens when we use liquids and so Michael Faraday did a lot of are you doing about six months of work on this and he was seeing beautiful patterns forming on the surface of the liquids I think the problem was it was really a long way he didn't have the electronics you know to drive he didn't have the controls we really need to do this kind of work and so after six months of work interestingly about Faraday it didn't find any applications and you know Faraday was a little bit like me in the sense that I love applications to come from science and so it was interesting that he didn't find any but I again I think it's because he just didn't have the tools at his disposal in that era anyway I put this little note in as you can see current hydro dynamic or hydro mechanics as sometimes called theory includes non nonlinear standing waves which are nowadays in you know scientific speak called Faraday waves but also in the modern vernacular this is the science of cymatics or let's say it's an emergent science because it's still it's still coming I love this quote by Louis de Broglie the actual state of our knowledge is always provisional and there must be beyond what is actually known immense new regions to discover well we can certainly say that in the case of cymatics that's that is absolutely true I'll just take a drink of water moving on from there this is also related to the Broglie cymatic phenomena in which fluid particles act in a wave-like manner can be considered a class of matter waves sometimes referred to as de Broglie waves which are a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics being an example of the wave particle duality so if you think of it every single molecule within that area of water is you know essentially the particle and yet it's moving in a wave-like manner what excites me about this is simply the fact that here we have a medium cymatics fired a raised whatever you want to call it which is actually a potential tool for investing investigating quantum dynamic theories quantum dynamic experiments and so on so I think that's very it's very exciting now look at this absolutely beautiful photo what you can see is that as a couple of water drops have been ejected there this is not my photo by the way but nevertheless it's a beautiful photo what you can't see is what's going to happen next you know what's going to happen when one or more of those droplets of water enter the water I don't know if we have ever puzzled on this but I had for a long time what actually happens when a drop of water like that falls back into the water well we know what we can see with our normal eyes you saw a pebble in a pond and you get the concentric ripples rushing away etc but what's happening in the structure of the water itself under the water subsurface well it wasn't until a couple of years ago about three years ago actually it was now that we did some work where as a group of scientists called Mary on the Marian group of scientists and the result of this work after about a year's worth of work so it was published in 2012 I think it was actually was a 500 page textbook called the Marian matrix I highly recommend it to you it's a superb textbook and my lovely wife Annalise edited a large part of it put it into a language which hopefully is nice and clear and a large part of this this book the Merion principle if you haven't heard of it it concerns a numbers a thirty three digit number starts with seven nine seven and goes on many many digits and the belief is of this group of scientists that it basically encapsulates a creative principle of the universe so it's a pretty big thought and the book obviously sets out why that should be or why that might be so and the work that I did in contributing to that book I contributed a chapter on cymatics but I also did a lot of experiments with this group of scientists and this was one of them now what you see here is kind of you could call it a metal petri dish you probably can't see it on that screen but if you look at the monitors you'll see a little bit better because it's not terribly bright but you see a water droplet that's being ejected from the water this is running at seven point nine seven Hertz again sorry I mentioned that that long number the first three digits we use seven point nine seven in terms of Hertz and this is a pure sine sinusoidal tone going into this with that Simas cough instrument that you saw earlier so what happens when that water droplet re-enters the water is that it's a percussive action of course so it enters the water with some force and it creates a pressure wave in the water and the result is a torus as you can see it's a royal feature which you might have expected thinking well okay you've got a percussive drop of water hitting the ward hitting the surface of the water and going slightly under the surface and creating a pressure wave so you you you could think that that is the case in it there is some validity to that thought of course but then you would think oh well I know what happens next that that torus shape is going to rapidly expand away from the sight of this percussion but in fact it doesn't I could have put the video in but for lack of time we haven't done that but if you actually look at the video of this this is just one frame from the video you will see that that torus actually sits there quite nicely during as long as you leave that seven point nine seven Hertz going in there's the torus standing before you now admittedly in this case the drop of water is going flop flip flop flip flop is coming in and out of the water so you know you've got a mechanism there where you can kind of think is we know why that torus is is there but in fact there is something else at work here if you were to drop do put that drop into open water of course when you did that it would be a torus under the water theoretically and it would expand away just like we think but when you do it in in this sense when you have a boundary condition that tourists just sits there because of course there are opposing forces coming in continually from that boundary condition in other words what we're doing here through that percussion in this case is structuring the water and what we're actually doing is we are creating compression areas in the water they'll have a different refractive index to the normal body of water around it and therefore if we have a light source above I should have pointed that out on the on that earlier photograph of the sinus group we have a circular light ring sending light down on axis into the water if you have that situation then the light will obviously reflect off that different refractive index and allow you to see that with your naked eye or photograph it with a camera which is obviously what we've done here I should also mention that the camera in this case is pointing at a roughly 45 degree angle and it's focused under the water not on the surface you see so that's why we're able to that's why we can see that torus because we're literally focusing under the water so it's going on from there what about this is not a beautiful image what this is as you see it's 3d holographic like cyma glyph created at twenty two point two Hertz by Sonic Li compressed regions of water that have a different refractive index to the surrounding water now there's a lot of information that can be gained from this this image this is not something that's been made in Photoshop you know this is an actual sound image in the water you can't see the the boundary condition because it was removed that part was removed photographically but there's been no retouching absolutely of that image that is a real image of sound in water because it's a twenty two point two Hertz frequency and because it's coming from an analog oscillator that has this very very low distortion we can draw certain conclusions let's imagine if you will that we can zoom in on one water molecule in any part of that that beautiful what we call a sign a glyph you know the word that we've created to to say is effectively sound image if we could zoom in on any one molecule what you would have to find is that that molecule is vibrating at twenty two point two hurt obviously if you went anywhere else on that on that image and they zoomed in you would find the same thing or what does that mean and yet we've got all this structure this beautiful structure you see so this is why I think it's quite safe and conservative to say that it's holographic alike or that we could use the word perhaps quasi holographic but certainly there are holographic properties to this but another very important aspect to this is if we can create these kind of beautiful patterns in water simply by injecting a frequency or frequencies into the water then there are huge implications for medical science if you think about this so it means that all of the sounds around as whether it be people talking or music viim imagine classical music what that's what's that's doing in your body this kind of image could be appearing in the visceral waters of your body where you've wave got boundaries certain either there where have you got a boundary you're going to have images that can be conformed now one of the areas in your body that you absolutely know you've got nice clean boundaries others are the membranes of cells and in fact I have done some early work microscopy work with living cells where you can literally see the pattern on the surface of the cell so just thinking ahead a little bit about about the possibilities for sound therapy as a mechanism that we're looking into a mechanism why does sound heal we know it does ultrasound is used every day in hospitals as a as a actual therapy not just you know for diagnostic tool but as a therapy and yet no one knows in the medical community why that ultrasound heals and there's a whole group of people including my dear friend and colleague Gary Buchanan who's speaking next who uses sound therapy on a daily basis and I'm sure you'll give you some more insights into this but I think you can see that if we can create beauty in the body of the water not just on the surface then there's a big implication here for many many aspects of science the holographic principle itself there are many many definitions I like this particular one by Zimmermann Jones the total information contained in a volume of space corresponds to an equal amount of information contained on the boundary of that space and here you see a young lady playing a violin and of course the sound that's coming away from her violin is spherical because as I'm sure you know all sounds all audible sounds at least are spherical in their space form and all light or electromagnetism is spherical in its space form so when we're talking about sine waves and so on what we're really talking about this sound bubbles or light bubbles but of course the wave particle the graph is simply the oscillation the movement of the bubble in and out that's carrying the actual information the oscillatory information in somewhere anyway if we look if we again if we could go with a super microscope or something and go it'd have to be something very special go down to the surface of that bubble and actually see one of the air particles whether it be an atom or a molecule of some kind and actually see its vibrational data and then we were to go somewhere inside the bubble and do the same thing we would find the identical data wherever we went inside that bubble or surface or inside so from that point of view sound is very definitely holographic or has holographic aspects to it now have you ever wondered why the cochlea in your ear which is only about 30 millimeters long when it's unwound why it how it is able to detect very long wavelengths and I give an example here of a the lowest note on a piano which is twenty seven point five Hertz and has a wavelength of twelve point three seven meters how can that little 30 millimeter long cochlea actually detect those very long wavelengths well I'm putting forward a little hypothesis here it has not been peer-reviewed so take it as you will the compression and rarefaction in a single frequency or complex array sound wave I put that in quotes for obvious reasons now that we talked about the sound bubbles does not mean that different data is present a different part of the wave the frequency data is identical throughout the wave and the only the only the intensity of the periodicity is varies at different points in the wave so when sound vibrations enter the cochlea the cilia in the organ of Corti responds to the vibrations of individual molecules each molecule carries all of that vibrational data therefore sonic frequency is imparted to atomic and molecular particles may be considered as quasi holographic in nature at least that's my proposal it's my opinion and in it it would be one day I will publish a paper on this and hopefully I'll get it peer-reviewed maybe some people will agree with me I don't know but it's an interesting interesting thought as to why the react is able to do this and I did a lot of research on line and there are other places to try to find an answer to that question when I posed it and I could find nothing that give an ex gave an explanation moving quickly on from there how is the Simas group able to describe long wave life length sounds on to a small water membrane that question might have occurred to you and here's another potential answer to that pure water 20 degrees has a particular density of course air at sea level has a particular density therefore the transcription of airborne periodicity x' to water wavelet periodicity undergoes a compression ratio of approximately 829 to 1 and therein lies the potential answer to why this actually works I need to run a little video now this is looking at the camera looking down straight down on that 50 millimeter area of water in the cyma scope visualizing cell and what you'll see happen what you'll see you see these rings appearing I'm gradually increasing the amplitude that's entering that water cell and the Rings appear and then as a critical point called the Faraday instability point and suddenly bursts onto the screen a full expression of that of that frequency and then I simply I then decrease the amplitude and it goes back down but moving on from there here on the right hand side of the screen you can see the actual photograph of what you've just seen happening with your own eyes there and you can see that what's happened in effect is that the wave levels long wavelengths that would be talking about there have been compressed they're being compressed down and you can literally do the calculation using that 820 9 to 1 figure and it actually works so I think it almost certainly is correct that what is happening here is those long wavelengths those sonic periodicity czar being literally compressed down simply because of that differential in the density of air molecules versus water molecules if any of you want any of these PowerPoint slides by the way please simulate it and you can have them that way you can you can study them at your leisure if you wish to emerging from this experimental result a positive first law of cymatics could be expressed as this a fluid meet membrane compresses incident sonic periodicity x' in a ratio governed by the relative densities of the sonic and fluid mediums again of course not peer-reviewed so you might want to take it with a pinch of salt but I have posited a lot of other laws of cymatics as I think of them and perhaps in the future paper you know I will I will actually put them all forward and I think it will be quite an interesting paper also modal patterns on a circular membrane water membrane I should have put in can be considered representative of a 2d slice through a 3d sound bubble because the crests of the waves at the moment before faraday instability are in phase with the crest of the initiating sound in other words what you see in the simon scope as i mentioned earlier or literally models or analogues of the input frequencies now the last part of the talk concerns dolphin holographic echolocation of various objects we are collaborating with a wonderful guy in florida called jack Kassovitz who works with dolphins on a daily basis Jack had this idea I think it was 2011 originally when we first did this work to task a dolphin to use it echolocation beam on a number of Simba submerged objects so he had eight objects in the water there was a flower pot that you see here there was a plastic cross there was a plastic duck a square a cube a ball and so on other different objects he then asked - the dolphin to echolocate on each and then he had a hydrophone to pick up the reflected signal from those objects he recorded very high-end audio I mean in talking 150 kilohertz audio equipment which is really high-end recorded it and then he played back the sounds those same sounds to the dolphin and tasked the dolphin to pick out which object relates to which sound and the dolphin was able to do that with an eighty-six percent accuracy which is quite astonishing and what it meant was that the dolphin actually was seeing sound in these reflections from from the speaker that he put into the into the water then he had the brilliant idea of taking these objects on his sound equipment and going to a different dolphin facility two hours away by car put the objects in the water speaker in the water played the sounds to this mewed Alphin and the new dolphin was able to also identify the objects of the same high accuracy or similar high accuracy again kind of proving the point that the dolphin is literally seeing these sound images somehow anyway so then what he did was he knew about my work he came on the phone to me one day and he said I wonder what would happen if if we put these sound files these literally WAV files into your Simon scope John I said a hunger a clue jack but let's try it so he sent me these files on email and the first one that we did was literally there was the flower pot I put the flower pot sound file into the Simon scope and I saw the flower pot and I was absolutely flabbergasted how could this possibly be you can even see the hand that's holding the flower pot in the water you see so it's an astonishing thing I mean we obviously haven't got much time here to go into in depth there's a bigger image of that flower pot and the hand and because we believe that the dolphin has the ability to actually change the angle of its beam there's a cut-off point where the rest of the arm if you like this holding the hand is not seemed so anyway that we did that work in 2000 eleven and a lot of other objects besides I don't think we're going to have time to go into we haven't got time to go into these no okay we'll just rattle through this and I was going to show you the difference if you're imaging an object with light and imaging it with sound go this way there was the cube with the dolphin is a cube you can see the cube image very clearly and it is astonishing so you're going to ask me I'm sure well what's the mechanism behind that and we have got some theories but we haven't got it fully worked out yet but we think we have some of the answers this is the big thing that happened quite recently a few months ago the Jack saw had it again wonderful idea let's put a whole man in the water and what he wanted to do was to have tasks the dolphin to come up to the man and literally echolocate on his face he said John I think you might find as a face in this file well we put the file into the Simon scope and lo and behold we didn't see a face what we saw was a whole man so you can see that man on the left there and then on the right hand side there's a computer enhanced version of that of that same image again we were flabbergasted because I really didn't think that would be possible and I got on the phone to Jack and said Jack you said there would be a face that there was no face there was the whole man I said Oh John it anyway I'm not going to try and do his accent but he he basically was very excited as we were what had happened was as the dolphin was swimming in towards Jim submerge Jim it obviously took a snapshot at that moment as he was approaching the full man as it were and therefore we got the full image of Jim and later Jack was able to turn that file into a 3d plastic print of Jim under the water so that was that was fun but what this all proves so I can just quickly conclude it proves that the dolphin is actually seeing with sound because clearly the earlier experiments had shown that and now we're actually seeing it means that the reflections from these objects the dolphin echolocation reflections are carrying data that can literally return back into images the doll does it obviously and now we are doing it with the cyma scope even though we don't understand the mechanism fully yet was clearly there is a mechanism and it's exciting and it's something that we will be exploring in the future so there was a video there of that thing happening but we can't show that so I just I'll just end now because we did have some theories about how that might all work the paper being published a phenomenon discovered while imaging dolphin echolocation sound is in the Journal of marine science if any of you want it just ask me and and that's it thank you very much indeed thank you very much down for this wonderful dive into the ACMA's medium
Channel: CymaScope
Views: 153,965
Rating: 4.9155436 out of 5
Keywords: Cymatics, CymaScope, John Stuart Reid, Faraday Waves, Holographic, Dolphin Echolocation
Id: uMK3OVBjx2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2017
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