Secret meeting may have led to change in COVID origins story: report

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all right here we go for nearly a year Dr Anthony fauci talked little about the coronavirus lab leak Theory right we know that but did he pressure other scientists to do the same you got a new report in USA Today it reveals that a secret meeting happened in February 2020 to discuss covet Origins prior to that meeting infectious disease expert Dr Christian Anderson told fauci the virus may have been engineered but just days after the meeting the article reveals that Anderson miraculously switched his point of view suggesting the lab leak is a fringe crackpot Theory so what happened here now with Steve Hilton has been all over this from day one you know that from his show on the next Revolution uh Sundays at nine and Laura Logan Hoster Laura Logan has no agenda on Fox Nation you see them a lot together they're back together for us tonight first off does this story surprise you Steve well no because it's typical of the pattern of behavior we've seen from fauci all along so we now know thanks to those emails that were released that right at the beginning of this he was told that it looked very much like this was an engineered virus he then now says in an interview oh I took that seriously I convened a meeting we had an open discussion he says that now that the emails are out there but at the time and for the last year he hasn't said anything like that he's been completely happy for the whole Lab leak Theory to to be dismissed as a conspiracy and the reason that he's been so he's been dodging and deflecting and specifically lying to Congress as he did to Rand Paul about all this is because he knows he's got a guilty conscience to bring he's guilty because we know whatever you call it whether it's gain of function research you can argue about the label there's been this dispute about that there is no dispute about the specific experiments that fauci commissioned starting in 2014 they were to take bad coronaviruses to enhance their transmissibility to make them airborne and to make them infect the human respiratory system that's specified in the documents coming from fauci's Institute going to Wuhan on top of that we have public documents and have had for months now we've been airing these which showed the progress reports which confirm that They carried out those experiments in the lab with the commission that felt she gave them and the final point I'd add to this is people say well how can fauci the great savior of the nation and the world through the pandemic why would he do something like this in his own words back in 2011 he wrote In The Washington Post that it is a risk worth taking in his words to engineer a potentially dangerous virus in their laboratory he thinks this is useful it's an experiment that went totally wrong and he's wriggling because he knows he's guilty and see by the way just on that meeting they all agreed to keep what it was talked about in that meeting in confidence so we'll never know Laura today uh on everything that Steve knows I know you have something to go on with that but today it came out and yesterday as well the Chinese are saying we want an investigation of the Americans the Americans might have started this whole pandemic what are your thoughts on this well the Chinese are playing their strongest card because the Americans did have a hand in this and as precisely as Steve said this goes back not just to 2015 or 14 or 13. this goes way back to 2002. coronaviruses were not originally transmittable to human beings that was before the first size outbreak and Dr fauci was funding gain of function research through niaid long before it was farmed out to the Wuhan lab what Americans really need to understand is that gain of function research was being carried out at North Carolina's Chapel Hill University long before it was farmed out to the Wuhan lab right that had that happened because it was deemed so dangerous that that's why it was banned by Congress and that's why fauci pushed it abroad to the Chinese so the Chinese know that their best defense is to point a finger at the U.S because the U.S does have their hands dirty and what fauci has done is spin a Web of Lies and cover-ups cover up over cover-up over cover-up it's like peeling back an onion he's counting on the fact that we're going to peel back the first layer and find the first cover up and we're going to give up right everybody's going to say okay well you know we proved that China was involved but actually what he's hiding is that he was involved long before this and there's a much deeper DACA cover-up at play here economy collapsing we didn't really know what uh Wall Street was up to we are now finding what science was up to but go ahead exactly and I think that Laura is exactly right and then to further add to her point I think the thing we need to zero in on now in respect of fauci's behavior is the fact that as Laura said this was regulated because it was so dangerous this was control you had both the Obama Administration put a complete ban on this in 2014 and you had the Trump Administration lift the ban but replace it with a very tough regulation of this so that any experimentation of this kind had to be flagged for a specific review fauci went around both of those restrictions that's where I think we've got him because that is professional misconduct of the highest order there's an IG investigation for the HHS now I don't know if that's going to be a cover-up tool we need to focus on the question did fauci go around the regulations that were in place by the previous administration and the Trump Administration to push this research that he was such a champion of all right uh Steve we're going to see you at nine o'clock Eastern you'll build on this go ahead Laura always yes we'll get them in the end so what I what I would add to what Steve is saying is because he's completely right about everything that he just said and there's an there's another part to this how did that virus when why was it carried back here in 2015 to the University of North Chapel to the laboratory there to Dr Ralph Barrick he's also needs to be in the hot seat here right and by the way uh we will continue to follow this we're going to look forward to July 11th for another reason you got a brand new season on Fox Nation uh privacy in the digital age man is at apropos and just for the record Laura you can back me up on this Dan bongino's now got a show on the weekend he also doesn't wear a tie or a collar Steve you were there first he is copying you all right you were there first bongino's trying to be like Hilton that's the story we're going to run with this weekend can you do it thanks so much can you try to lose the hair as well are you next he's coping my hairstyle right that is true I don't know if I'm next Laura I will oh I only feel comfortable when I'm wearing a tie I even wear it to bed uh thanks so much guys appreciate it all right uh coming up straight ahead NASA's got a new hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: anthony fauci, anthony fauci secret meeting, dr fauci, fauci, fauci secret meeting, steve hilton, lara logan, fox news steve hilton, fox news lara logan, covid origins, brian kilmeade, brian kilmeade primetime, brian kilmeade reacts, fnc, fox news, fox news brian kilmeade, fox news channel, fox news kilmeade, fox news media, fox news network, fox news prime time, fox news primetime, fox news primetime brian kilmeade, fox news primetime today, kilmeade, primetime fox news
Id: 1DPH6sLtSdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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