SECRET Meanings Hidden in Famous Logos !

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get in meetings logos like the adidas loca it's not really three stripes as everybody thinks those three stripes mean something they signify a tall mountain and it represents the difficult climb that all athletes must make to reach success I love this I didn't know it had that meaning but now every time I look at an adidas logo I would know what the truth baskin-robbins ice cream we scream we all scream for ice cream now if you look really close at the logo what do you see in the pink part there's the number 31 coincidentally baskin-robbins has 31 flavors so it's all the more reason to try all their delicious flavors but like what do they want to make another flavor then their logo makes no sense like what if they want to make 32 flavors or 40 flavors I see a flaw I'm sure you've heard of beats by dre you know those headphones but B the stands for beats on the logo actually suppose I look like a person wearing headphones you see he's a very brown face and then he has headphones and they're all like once you see you can't unsee it it's one of those situations this whole video is one of those situations many people are inclined to think that the logo for Honda is just the letter H you know the first letter of Honda but it actually means something a lot deeper the letter H symbolizes two people the client and the person working for Honda shaking hands probably after they made a really big purchase of a car the more you know did you know that the Oz Neyland logo is actually two people hugging I'm joking I don't actually have a logo but that should be my logo because I love you guys did you guys know that Pepsi spent a million dollars to create their logo and you're like bloody it's a circle and I'm like yeah they did it because it represents so many hidden meanings like deep hidden meanings they're mysterious and like secretive themes such as the Earth's magnetic field feng shui geo dynamics the theory of relativity and the golden ratio a lot of things we don't know that much about I didn't know Pepsi was so deep I was like I thought it was just a drink yeah we've been wrong what type of Secrets ever they holding in their labs a lot of people don't know this but the Versace logo is based on Medusa when Versace saw a tapestry in a Greek room and he wanted his logo to look like that and now if you know anything about Medusa when you look into her eyes she'll turn you to stone and Versace wanted to do the same he wanted to create clothes so beautiful that when you saw them it would freeze you in your tracks I like that as long as he's not actually freezing people into stone at school did you guys know that the famous Twitter logo bird actually has a name he's Larry the bird I didn't know that he was named after a famous basketball player and you might think why his Twitter's logo a bird that's because tweeting sounds like something a bird would do wait wait wait wait wait so they just made a bird logo simple and effective and they're doing pretty good now everybody knows a Domino's Pizza is based on the Domino's playing thesis no when you and a good representation but did you know that the dots actually means something the three dots represent the first three locations ever opened and their plan was to keep adding dots these locations were open but clearly they abandoned that plan because there are over 10,000 dominoes stores and imagine trying to fit 10,000 dots in a logo that would not work it'd be silly the logo will be massive you wouldn't be able to fit it on anything the logo would be bigger than the pizza wendy is maybe fast-food but it's also comfort food and they want to make you feel like you're at home you know moms can your home-cooked meal and you can see that they mean that because if you look closely in Wendy's collar she has the word mom written right there do you see it do you see it cuz I see it but personally I can't really see Wendy's as a mom figure not after all her Twitter roasts she's savage my mom is not that savage but she savage for example when he's tweeting in McDonald's saying when the tweets are as broken as the ice cream machine Oh Wendy's you savage Rob janeth the man who designed the famous Apple logo you've seen that we've all seen it he knew he wanted the logo to be an apple so basically he would go out and keep buying apples for a full week he'd buy apples and he was sketched in mind he'd buy apples and he had sketched them but one day he was like I'm hungry so he was like screw dried apples I'm gonna eat an apple and he took a bite out of the Apple and then it hit him bite sounds very similar to bite the computer term and that's how the logo is made the mercedes-benz logo symbolizes the company's confidence in its own perfection the three pointed star represents superiority in every environment on land water and in the air this cartoon is pretty self-explanatory they're like we're gonna glue your eyes to your screen to this hidden message is a little harder to detect but once you see it in between the two T's are two people sharing a tostito chip dipping them into a little bonus salsa which is actually the eye but it's salsa this is genius it's like a little salsa ball huh I really wish I was one of those people right now you know it's like the food not the dance like I like the dance I just can't dance if I could do it I would like it the bottom portion of Levi's jeans represents well apple bottom jeans I don't need to explain okay not actually basically it comes from the old logo which was two horses pulling apart a pair of jeans pretty much implying that they're that strong not even the horses can break it and am I the only one who kind of wants a it's like I don't know where I'm gonna find two horses but this needs to happen for research cuz it did work those are some strong pants man like no matter how many talk without even can't really Google's logo who represents their ability to have fun and not play by the rules the whole logo uses primary colors except for the letter L which is a secondary color hence them breaking the rules I mean it's not like a big rule they're not going to jail for it but they did break the rules yet again guys they did it it's playful it's fun and it's funny to say Google Google the Nintendo GameCube logo actually represents many things first of all it's a cube like the name suggests Gamecube but also you can see a G and if you look at the negative space it's also a see how can you be like three things in one can you guys find the third Hershey's kiss in the logo there's one on the left one on the right and in in-between the K in the eye is our third Hershey kiss fixes the Nike swoosh in name actually mean a lot more than you think the word Nikes actually the Greek goddess of victory and swoosh is supposed to be her wing those are my pathetic wings Pinterest actually has a pin hidden in the letter P because you get pictures onto boards how fitting in the world famous logo of coca-cola in between the oh and the L you can clearly see the Danish flag does this mean anything no it's actually just a coincidence yeah there you go in the Australian yoga Club logo the spacing between her like hands and feet is actually the shape of Australia I feel like I'm kind of doing it and my Australia ah I got it wait wait wait wait wait oh my god I'm Australia that's so stupid anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video I love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget me now each other bye bye [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 6,472,061
Rating: 4.8877563 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, secret, meanings, hidden, in, famous, logos, secrets, logo, meaning
Id: 5Jz2LEDtmqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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