Secret Eaters S03 EP8 | How To Lose Weight | TV Show Full Episodes

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wipe your whiskers secret eaters is back with a quarter of the UK now clinically obese we hold the crown as the heavyweight champions of Europe 15 stone to 17 and a half stone five and a half stone heavier than I wanna be just how many of us are in denial about what we really need I'm going wrong somewhere I just don't know where I eat healthy things I don't understand why I've got an eight stone it's literally like carrying a human being on my back RPI's and covert cameras have been catching the nation scoffing everywhere and I mean everywhere I've got a track on Tracy's car even if we lose her in traffic system find out where she is and when you see what we've uncovered the truth will really knock you out oh yes in the secret eaters incident room will be plating up the truth and nothing but surprise because if you really want to lose weight you need to know how you're putting it on oh please don't put any mouth please don't put any mouth it's going in are we hiding the true extent of our mindless eating from our loved ones and ourselves this is secret eaters [Music] Scotland home of haggis 15 michelin-starred chefs and unfortunately a deep-fried chocolate bar in fact Scotland is second only to the United States when it comes to the obesity tables so has Scotland really become Scotland I'm on my way to meet two lovebirds in the heart of Edinburgh 26 year-old Allen and 22 year-old Emma have been together for four years but their relationship is now starting to feel some unwanted strain I would say that our weekend has had an effect on a relationship because they're both sore self-conscious about it I want to live good forever I'm definitely sitting there with this barely second area I feel like I might attractive to her when we first met we were both quite slim and the last four years of put on roughly six stone stay-at-home mum emma has struggled to shift the baby weight following the birth of that child two years ago I think I eat less than I should I mean two meals a day there's small portions that I have I have tried absolutely everything possibly imaginable to lose weight and that can't find a way to solve it it's like a Rubik's Cube if you need to solve one say for the rest just the weak fallens please doorman Alan is also mystified by his expanding waistline once we do it to yourself statically but I don't see how there once a week treat it kind of fact my weight try and turn the fat off the meat that we use just trying to add the same fruit and veg to everything but try me a person of very large er than the meat but it doesn't really seem to work this is a mystery I'm determined to solve come in now of course having very much to say young love it's lovely Alan because don't you always kiss a nightclub okay so when you first met what size were you both well I was a size 8 I was very small very pretty oh wow what great picture that is thank you what is going on tell me well part of the reason is pregnancy I kind of felt that because I was pregnant I was I could eat for two but then after pregnancy it just kind of stayed the same even if I eat hell thinking I wouldn't lose the weight just kept going up Emma's cooked up a plan for her and Alan just shed those extra pounds but despite her best efforts all she's serving up is the bitter taste of disappointment I'd say that my diet is as healthy as it can be I've got plenty of veg plaintiff meat plenty of fruit yeah I had reasons to curry you know I'm not a bit lightly holding back so I don't know how much healthier I can get really what's the reason for your weight gain before I used to believe that no like I could eat anything as long as I worked off yeah in the past couple of years I'm not we have it has to do that when Allen isn't busy throwing his weight around on the doors about abreast busiest bars he's even busier worrying about it I'll be always trying to keep up with the other doormen don't be the one huffing and puffing behind them okay so you want to be fit you want to be trim yeah you want to be professional yeah because my job kind of depends on it okay you so know what I'm gonna say yeah is that moment of truth I'm getting the evil black scales out no you ready for it is 11 B if I'm to help I need to know exactly what Emma and Allen way okay guys how you feeling nervous so I know you think you'll be between 14 and 15 storms okay step on 15 stone 12 oh dear hop on lad come on 16 stone field Wow are you okay yeah just no no how much of it to lose Allen doesn't normally live with Emma but he's moved in for the surveillance period this devoted couple have agreed to let us monitor them 24/7 in order for us to be able to help you I need you to eat normally for the next week will you promise me from Thomas to get an idea of what they think they eat we asked Aaron Allen to complete a food diary over the course of a normal week Allen claims a healthy average of just over two and a half thousand calories a day the daily amount for a man with lots of fresh veg on most days in Emma's diary she listed home-cooked meals with plenty of fresh fruit and veg making her calorie intake come in and a healthy 2,100 calories a day the cameras are locked and loaded inside the apartment but we need to know what Emma and Allen are eating outside too so I've called in my own calorie commandos all right boys aka Duncan me and Cameron Galit are you in position yeah I'm in position these guys are two of the best pies in the business it's delivery time they'll intercept any illicit dietary dealings and get friends under cover in an attempt to discover if Emma and Allan are secret eaters it's just gone 3 p.m. the surveillance is up and running and Alan is hotfooting it to the supermarket to buy ingredients for the evening meal [Music] exactly as his food diary suggests Alan is buying lots of fresh veg it seems there's nothing else to check out him back home it's soon time for a fajita fiesta as Emma starts slicing and dicing a home-cooked meal Victor for her Scottish King this high-protein fajita should keep Emma and Allan fuller for longer as it el paso's as a healthy meal no incriminating evidence yet so for the next few days we'll keep the cameras rolling an eyes peeled as we try to solve the mysterious case of Emma and Alan's weight gain but this devoted couple are not the only ones we've been watching here at this London plumbing company around 90% of the staff eat in the canteen with a massive 70% usually settling for a humble 350 calorie bacon butty so today we've ripped the place with cameras and the chef has cooked up some calorific treats a Mexican chili at around 450 calories coupled with a collection of tempting toppings at around 50 calories plus a modern twist on an old favorite Yorkshire pudding roast beef wrap coming in at a huge 850 calories but which will our hungry work force prefer their usual bacon butty or the sizzling new editions looks like the chili is the hot favorite for this amigo who's piling it on his plate watch out he may need some pressure relief and when it comes to tickling the taste buds this guy must be having a right laugh cheese on your beef sir your downpipe and guttering might need an emergency call-out later with the first course complete this guy nava gates the nibbles and head straight to the chocolate with generosity like that he could be employee of the month we'll find out later which meal comes out on top [Music] the number of overweight adults and children in Scotland has continued to rise in recent years but latest figures suggesting 60 1.9 percent of people are overweight or obese and contributing to that big statistic is 22 year-old Emma who clocks in at nearly 16 stone and her 16 stone 4 partner Allen from our devoted duo of dumbfounded by the digits as neither think they overeat I think I eat less than assured to crack the mysterious case of this calorie confused couple they've agreed to go under round-the-clock surveillance for five days Helen's just arrived at work we're gonna keep our eyes on interesting do they eat more than they realize our pies monitor every mouthful in an attempt to discover if they could be secret eaters Aaron Allen think that Tom have been watched is over but sorry guys even though you're now in London the cameras are still rolling and that meter is running they've been fed a line about meeting our dietician Lyn Garten in this swanky apartment and our trusting pair took the bait we've ripped the flat with hidden cameras and off friendly host s miss honey trap is on hand to make Emma and Alan feel right at home but that's not all concealed behind this fake wall is our incident room where the true extent of Emma and Alan scoffing has been served up with a big dollop of all our surveillance on the side let's hope they don't spot the subtle culinary clues Emma and Allen still think they eat healthily and have no idea about the evidence will be dishing up [Music] I didn't come with me [Music] hello guys welcome come on in this is where it's all been going on here are your food tables if you come over here guys this is a surveillance board get right in have a good look eating with intent because we were following you 24/7 you were being tailed by a private investigators no so we've caught you on camera everywhere even when you were out if you come this way I'm about to give you a big fat reality check and first in line at the serving hatch of honesty is 26 year-old Allen a doorman who wants to show his excess weight the exit you said to me look you know me and Amma yes we do have the odd takeaway and I think you said you had one was it once a week I don't see how then once a week treat kind of it kind of faked my weight nothing wrong with having the odd treat shouldn't really affect your weight that much or should it it's Thursday evening and Emma is in search of something more elusive than the Loch Ness monster for her Scottish sweetheart checking every single place finally emma has been able to track down this mythical sounding dish [Laughter] there's a healthy section with a sighting of the Hokie reported pei-chun cone is determined to find out what goes into this mysterious meal following a couple the area can you tell me exactly what they ordered please the order of kebab meat hoagie it's been prepared before with the hoagie fully loaded RPI has a cunning plan to make sure this monster creation reaches its destination as well delivery guys wears a helmet it's delivery time as Duncan dares to get up close and past not swollen he's in danger of blowing his cover [Music] [Laughter] Allen wastes no time getting stuck in [Music] [Laughter] and in just 15 minutes the hoagie is well and truly extinct [Music] dietitian Lin gotten has got our hands on Alan's hoagie to unwrap those hidden calories he starts off not too badly with a raft at around 170 calories but then he adds a load of high fat fillings his chips at 500 calories the Donna meat kebab five hundred and seventy calories and finally the melted cheese it's 250 calories this takeaway treat will have cost Alan one and a half thousand calories now I've seen some food sights in my time a hoagie yeah it's different which I like just put together okay Lynn please fill us in with a hoagie the amount of fat an average man should have a day is around 9 to 5 grams and that's the upper limit it's not the recommended amount into the upper limit and in that hoagie there was around 95 grams and put that into context this is the amount of fat so I'd like to present you an alternative to your hoagie that is bad but it's just it's filling and it's enjoyable that's why I have it Alan is a furtive fat fan someone who enjoys a fatty treat but doesn't think about the consequences of what he eats if this is you be aware that pre-prepared food can contain high levels of fat aim to cook with leaner meat cook thick straight chips rather than french fries as they don't absorb as much oil and always read food labels to help you make healthier choices the other thing as well I think it's new were saying I want to be fitter I want to be you know enters my job as well my career yeah that I didn't help him know whilst Alan digests the details of his spooky horror story it's time for 15-stone 12 Emma to have a generous portion of the truth you said to me that you're having maybe two meals a day roughly I think the two meals a day these small portions that I have we wanted to get to the bottom of what was really going on yeah so have a look at what's going into those two meals day okay back to that first night of surveillance and those chicken fajitas that mo rustled up they're good to go and her stomach is ready to rumble it's round one and Emma prepares to do battle [Music] seconds out and that fajita barely touched the sides Brown to our champ is showing great staying power even when she has to take one on the chin that fajita didn't stand a fighting chance of survival two wraps down can she match Allen for heater for fajita the fajita takes a blow and Emma's appetite still hasn't been knocked out round four and this supper is more heavy weight than the featherweight male she claims she has and all those calories will be sure to deliver a knockout punch below the belt two days later emma has a lunch date planned with friends but Camryn has already sent out a few friend requests of his own so I heard that you're meeting Emma for lunch of hoping one of you could wear this secret camera in the shirt with Emma's friends on side and undercover Cameron takes a ringside seat in order to keep tabs on all the table top action as Emma tucks into another mighty Mexican meal I've just bought exactly what Emma had for lunch so let's have a look so we've got chicken fajitas salad and in there you got sour cream guacamole and here we got nachos as loads of cheese sour cream this doesn't look good I'm gonna get it back to Anna Emma you are getting through a lot of food so if you're saying I only have two meals a day check out the bills do you think you picked the healthy option I did actually go for the healthy option the natural is maybe not so much but the salad was meant to be a healthy salad even said in the menu healthy salad okay so you did go for the healthy options yeah so for fajitas you had yeah in one meal well you're aware of how many you ate when I eat three pieces I generally kept them and we generally have four each okay let's find out from our expert what that is doing to your weight or do you those large portions of fajitas came to nearly 1,500 calories the same as Allan's hoagie is really not good I didn't expect it to be that much because of all the vegetables in it that's most of the calories you need in a day just in one meal it's not good at all it's just just eating way too much and you think you're making the healthy choice as well but actually not necessarily I think we both came over because it was home cooked as well it was kind of um scratch we can have thought that that would account for less calories imagine this you're in the office it's lunchtime you're starving so you go down to the canteen or nip off to the local shop and suddenly there before you is a smorgasbord of gorgeous food the sights the colors the smells next thing you know your good intentions have gone out of the window and you're at your desk stuffing your face so the question is this is there a way that we can stop our senses ruining our stomachs and ruining our waist lines to find out I've come to this busy Manchester office to meet food psychologist dr. Christy Ferguson okay so why are we in this office blog you know in that working environment we're all doing longer hours we'll get deadlines demanding bosses yeah so we're looking at the difference between pre-ordering and of impulse choices so if you decided what you're going to have for lunch time in the morning you know when you've just had your breakfast you're more likely to make healthier choices and therefore obviously consume less calories then if you actually wait until you're at lunchtime and you know it's like you're sort of feast with all the smells and the delicious looking food and if you're starving you're much more likely to have those unhealthy options what I was just gonna say I mean I would never think after breakfast well let me just prove out what I'm gonna have for lunch I mean most people do do that sort of impulse thing to put the theory to the test we've separated these office workers into two groups and given them the same calorie control breakfast they think they're taking part in a documentary about office team-building but dr. Christy is actually monitoring exactly what they eat immediately after breakfast the green group had given the opportunity to pre-order their lunch whilst the orange group I put straight to work and will make the choices on impulse at lunchtime so what we're anticipating is that the pre-order group are going to make healthier choices and therefore eat less calories very interesting box is ticked the menus are hot-footed over to dr. Christy and her colleague Tom but how many people in the pre-order group will have made healthier choices find out later if a little pre-planning could go a long way in reducing all waste lines over the last five days we've been tracking lovebirds 22 year-old Emma and her 26 year old boyfriend Alan from Edinburgh they've asked us to solve the mystery of their ballooning bellies I've tried absolutely everything possibly imaginable to lose weight and as the details of their sinful scoffing unfolds they're facing the cold harsh reality of what they've really been eating we've already dished up one serving of evidence but it's now time for 15 stone 12 Emma to have a second helping of the truth now a bit of a flashback because when we met you said to me I'd say that my diet it as healthy as it can be they've got plenty of veg plenty of meat plenty of fruit still standing by that I'm judging by the tables and everything here don't think so should we have a look at your worst day yeah it's Friday morning and after missing breakfast Emma opts for a healthy apple good work Emma my little devil but that saintly snack hasn't satisfied the stomach and away from the house cameras Emma takes a pilgrimage to the heavenly gates of the golden arches and that 590 calories chili chicken sandwich is something she'll have to add to her confession shoot better pray our pies don't find out about this one too late it's dinner time and the virtuous apple is a distant memory as Emma gets to grips with yet another rap this time chicken tikka making this her second fast-food hit of the day and this rap attack is washed down with a large bodka and diet cola [Music] after dinner she's off out again and heads straight to the pub for a spot of karaoke and our pies have got themselves the best seats in the house they watch our lady and red cent the drink until the early hours then there's looking at the way ballin and in total she consumes over 626 liquid calories including full fat Cola a shot of whiskey and over three-quarters of a bottle of wine I think that's what they call letting your hair down at 3:30 a.m. our karaoke queen returns home and before bed manages to squeeze in an extra 510 calories with some fried rice not exactly a day of healthy eating would you say Emma I don't even know what with that 24 hours you you started off really well with the Apple yeah they weren't a little bit pear shape from that dinner to be honest to be honest I didn't really eat lots of the food because there was just focusing on the conversation fair enough I think it is fair to say that you were really not focusing yeah and what you were consuming that day and I think Lin can probably tell us the damage that was done you only ever on that day you got through three thousand one hundred and fifty calories about that's one and a half days worth of food for an average woman so in effect you've eaten half a day's worth of extra food now if you did that every week over a course of a month that's the same number of extra calories as not just one not just two box of X the only box of X not four boxes of X the knees aren't any old X these are [Music] 26 chocolate eggs that's really unexpected that is not good at all Emma's food diary before surveillance revealed she often skipped breakfast if you are a graphic skipper you're more likely to reach for fatty high-calorie foods throughout the day introduce a protein-rich breakfast such as poached eggs on whole grain toast into your diets as this will keep you fuller for longer and you'll be less likely to snack avoid sugary breakfast after the initial quick rise in blood sugar you may experience a dip and you'll be desperate for a sweet refuel a few hours later around 70% of staff at this London plumbing firm down tools at lunchtime and settle for a bacon butty but today we ripped cameras in their work canteen we ask the chef's to dish up higher calorie fare a spicy Mexican chili and a roast beef Yorkshire pudding wrap but when our work has be tempted by the new offerings or prefer their old favourite this plumbing Pro demonstrates a trick of the trade by making a snatch Oh for a nacho though looks like they're all assets here's an office worker who knows how to control a leak [Music] but with all that salt his tank might need flushing out later this young apprentice knows what he's doing carrying out a personal inspection of potential work before getting on the job what's this looks like you could have something for the complaints department [Music] there's clearly nothing wrong with his overflow but somebody might need to find his stopcock lunchtime over and the dish of the day was the 450 calories chili with 33 servings going down the hatch the 850 calorie Yorkshire PUD beef wrapper trails behind with seven and only three people opted for a humble sandwich looks like there'll be some extra pipes to clean tomorrow so far in our instant run Dorman Alan's takeaway treats have come under the microscope it's now time for him to take the stand and face the final piece of evidence now when we met and I came to your house you made the secret eaters pledge that you are not going to change your behavior will you promise me promise you asked me to help me solve the mystery of your yes weight gain and your weight gain I need you to help me solve a mystery of my own can we just have a look at this allons food diary mentioned a certain drink he likes and today it appears he's all out and needs to stock up so he's off to the shops and RPI Duncan isn't far behind I just followed the alan ramen shop colas interesting to see what no sooner is Anand through the door but he sent straight back out again he's keeping our p eyes busy today well this is interesting I've just followed Alan back to the shop the only thing he's bought this time is another quad pack of 2-liter bottles of Cola but this time it's Diet permanent as he returns home with another 8 liters of pop it's time for Alan to go to work and boy during surveillance did he work oh but away from the prying eyes of the house cameras will this Fizz fanatic go back to full fat when he thinks no one is watching are you we got ya Allen's in this pub behind me and there's some great sounds coming out of his mouth but unfortunately what's going into it are two full fat cokes he told me only had one during surveillance Alan guzzled his way through over five litres of Cola the big question is what is his normal tipple full fat or diet it's time to pop the bubble of this secret Eaters mystery full sugar or no sugar with your colo which is it well I will go for the full sugar yes you little beggar you would because you walked into the set with one where do you go for the full sugar pop and with the energy from okay we need to talk to Lynn about what that sugar hit is doing Allinger and surveillance when you were at home in terms of your diet drink you only got through around 39 calories if however you would normally drink the standard Cola in that volume you would have got through over one thousand five hundred and fifty calories just in drink are you surprised to hear the difference in the calories between the two cars race between the day and the regular core I've followed a just like a false thing to no salad I hate coaching or it's got less than it but now I really see that it does actually have considable it the diet colas really do have negligible calories in yeah with all the evidence stacked up against Emma and Alan it's time for them to discover the difference between what they think they eat and what they actually eat Emma your food diary said you were getting through around 2,000 170 calories a day but during surveillance you actually got through 2,600 calories a day which over a course of a week works out to be 2 extra days worth of food each week it's not good it's really not good Alan from your food diaries you were getting through around 2,500 calories a day but during surveillance you actually got through two thousand four hundred and fifty calories a day so you were eating less than what you were eating when you completed the food diaries if however you are actually drinking the sugary drinks rather than the diet drinks that you did during surveillance it would have brought your average intake up to two thousand nine hundred calories a day now we weighed you at the beginning of surveillance and at the end of surveillance and you've lost two pounds just in those four days so let's talk about the future because now that you've seen some of your habits there's some of your pitfalls how'd you feel about moving forward now that I've seen it all it's don't intimately thinking all I can actually do this it's all flexible so you're the girl that can have the power to actually you know change your life definitely yeah and Alan have we armed you at all with some more information today you can have you kick up the arse I wonder whether maybe you both need two dates I definitely think we both did you know I have just one more thing to ask you Allen are you a secret eater yes I'm a secret you too Emma are you a secret eater definitely I am a secret year after seeing the true extent of their secret eating Aaron Allen have agreed to adopt a healthy eating plan in order to start shifting some pounds emma is going to have to stick to 1900 calories a day she must reduce her monster portion sizes and introduce more whole grains fruit and vegetables into her diet Allen needs to reduce his calorie consumption to 2,100 calories a day he must eat 3 regular meals and sugar free alternatives instead these simple changes should give Aaron Allen a fighting chance to lose around 1 to 2 pounds a week earlier we set up an experiment at this internet hosting company in Manchester the staff here think they're taking part in a documentary about office teamwork but we're actually secretly testing the scientific theory that if we pre pan our lunch we're more likely to choose the healthier option and consume fewer calories there's research that shows if we buy on impulse if you select an impulse for being ruled by our stomachs the green groups are asked to pre-order their lunch immediately after breakfast whilst the orange group chose from exactly the same menu on impulse at lunchtime they might even push it further oh yeah oh really going for it [Music] food psychologist dr. Christy Ferguson has been busy processing the data and weighing up the leftovers so she can see which group ate the most time to reveal the results to our unsuspecting lab rats you obviously thought that you were taking part in a documentary about team building you've actually been taking part in secret eaters I'm gonna introduce you to dr. Christy Ferguson okay so there's been like previous research done where they tested whether if you preorder your food or if you just impulsively eat which one you're gonna make healthier decisions and what they found overseas if your pre-planning you're actually gonna make healthier choices and eat less calories so that's what we were tasting out to do so the big question was did you prove the science okay this is the impulse group this is the pre-order group so the pre-order group is averaging around a thousand calories per person the impulsive group you had a bit 1,700 calories so that was on average 68 percent difference between the pre-order group and the impulsive group is huge well take a message from this experiment days before having a meal I really should prepare it rather than go in there or guns blazing and just take what I want because most likely overdo it and take more than they actually need from today we've taken the fact that if you do Peoria DuPage think about what you're going to eat you will leave out there so there you go the science has been proved once again if you pre think pre-pack or pre-order your food in other words prepare what you're gonna eat for the day you will end up eating significantly less and that's they said that has got to be good for our waste lines five weeks ago devoted couple Emmer and Alan were desperate to solve the mystery of their widening waist lines I have tried absolutely everything possibly imaginable to lose weight and I can't find a way to solve it they agreed to go under round-the-clock surveillance for five days and we had two private investigators tracking all their snacking I was hoping one of you could wear this secret camera in the shirt it's now time to see if Emma and Alan have become champions for change as soon as we got home I think the first thing I did was went into the fridge and I in the majority of fancy things as far as shopping went I was still buying the same ingredients but it was portion sizes that mainly changed I have made their dispatch from regulars diet on occasion they'll probably have a glass of food sugar but I have made the conscious switch to go to the diet word on drinks on the eatin point I have being quite a bit more active if I know that I look good and look fit there are no that other people will perceive me that way I think we're definitely equally kind of pushing each other to eat healthily we've definitely kept each other in check I don't see it as a diet I see it as a definite lifestyle changed I've not cut anything cut that on portions maybe a little bit more veg it's easier than a diet the weigh-in is still to come but remember it's not just Emmer and Allen's secret eating that we've been spying on KELOLAND stopped earlier last year it was estimated that Britons spent a mouth-watering 32 billion pounds when dining out and a survey reported that women are 25% more likely than men to order dessert so tonight we've ripped off hidden cameras in a restaurant where we're flying the flag for the Great British PUD special tonight just for tonight only all your your British puddings on the menu there are some old-school favorites but will it be the pudding princes or the dessert divas who are crowned head of the class this star pupil is the studious type doing his homework before taking a slice of a sweetstuff grill this promising young student knows what she wants she should have a bright future ahead of her our star pupils back he has an unrivaled attendance record and a second piece of cake this man might need to see the school nurse here's a guy doing some last-minute cramming but why choose one PUD when you can have two or three or four final scores are the doors revealed that the delayed is only just outnumbered the men 29 women made a play for our puts whilst the gents came in second at 26 the proof is in the pudding when it comes to desserts we all have a sweet tooth that needs satisfying five weeks later and back in Scotland with Emma and Allen they've been following a healthy eating plan set out by our dietitian Lynn Garten after facing up to the truth about their secret eating you got through three thousand one hundred and fifty calories if they've stuck to it both should have lost weight scales time what are you thinking I'm scared first to step up to the scales Emma whoo five weeks ago weighed in at nearly 15 stone 12 right it's 15 for will partner Allen be just as successful he started out at 16 4 come on stop the lane 15:10 both lastly between them Ameren Allen have lost a respectable 16 pounds in five weeks I've noticed quite a massive change in the confidence I'm getting a narrow glass figure back which I used to have it actually is really really amazing to feel this good about myself again and now they're putting their weighty ways in the past what does the future hold for our devoted duo there's one decided to be all romantic in 1d Emma will you be my wife he kind of looked at me like what are you doing so I stood up but he said yes [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: All Real
Views: 957,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secret eaters, secret eaters full episodes, secret eater, secret eaters season 3, #secreteaters, losing weight, balance, tv shows full episodes, lose weight, #tvshowfullepisodes, weight loss, weight loss shows full episodes, anna richardson, anna richardson weight loss show, how to lose weight fast, how to lose weight, weight loss show full episodes, secret eaters tv show, balance secret eaters, secret eaters season 3 episode 8
Id: 7A06jw1lD0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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