SECRET BUGSNAX | Cappucceetle Catching Guide

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get in my trap now go no that was not for you centipede that was for the cappuccino i'm gonna show you exactly how to access a secret area and bug snacks from the isle of big snacks dlc and that's also where you can find a secret bug snacks the cappuccino first things first we need to get ourselves the triangle key i'm gonna show you exactly how to get this so right now you can see we are in broken tooth we are at the camp we're gonna start from this campfire here you're gonna use the trip shot and you're gonna transfer the fire here we're gonna try to transmit the fire from section to section all the way over to the end once the fire is transferred here we're going to take the trip shot once again and we're going to transfer the fire all the way over here and as you can see step by step we will be transferring the fire from one sconce to another from this sconce which you could jump up these stones to get there we would transfer the fire from here down there to that sconce as you can see using the trip shot again of course from this sconce to there and then from this sconce to here from this sconce to here from this sconce to the one over here now when you get here you're gonna notice that this door is locked it will be closed for you it will not be open and you can see there's a sconce right there but you do not have direct line of sight with the trip shot to be able to fire to that sconce over there it's not possible so what you need to do put your trip shot there and send it over to that campfire and set the pilot bite on fire yes that's part of the process then you put the trip shot here and then that's how you get the fire to reach over here and then once you do that the puzzle is complete this door will open you'll be able to enter and you'll find the triangle key right here you'll pick it up and you'll be able to see it in your inventory here the triangle key a strange triangular key what sort of space might this open it doesn't tell you where it goes but i'm going to show you exactly where to use it we're going to fast travel over to boiling bay we're in boiling bay i'm going to show you where exactly that secret door is that you use this key we're going to run past the lava here run along the beach don't get burned don't get frozen by the popsicle there's a couple ways to get there but one quick way to do it is we're going to take a lunch pad and we're just gonna launch ourselves on top of the ship and then just run along the mast here and jump off here and as you can see we are here the triplicate space we use the triangle key to get inside it's not exactly an interact you just jump in and now you'll notice that there are these tape recorders i won't be playing them during this video but there are 10 of them and i'm going to show you their exact locations where they play audio logs where you can learn more about the backstory of this game now when you first access this area this triangle door in front of you is going to be locked it'll be closed but i'll show you exactly how to open it but first off there is a second tape recorder right here we're going to go over to the right and i'm going to show you how to solve the puzzle in this room so when you enter this room you're going to see these three statues you can even scan them and they'll give you a little bit of information we need to rotate them to open the doors in this room it is worth noting there is a tape recorder right there that you are able to interact with so what you ultimately need to do is you need to rotate these statues so that they're pointing towards the center of the room towards that pendulum so we're going to spin this thing twice so it's pointing to the middle there we go so now you can see it's starting to pull this thing and that will open up the room a little bit more and you need to do this for all three statues so we're going to take this statue spin it twice so that it's facing the middle as well now in so doing you will reveal the locations of more of these tape recorders so you can see there's one here it is possible that you might need to spin this one as well in order to achieve it just ultimately make sure you get all the statues facing towards the center to open up everything in this room i already solved the puzzles so they're already open you'll see that tape recorder there that plays an audio log there's a tape recorder here that plays an audio log and then if you go in there there will be yet another tape recorder playing an audio log right here and you can also push the switch in the back to help finish this section of the area so you can progress a little bit more so now that that's done we're gonna progress back to the central area make sure you've interacted with the switch here by the way if i'm not mistaken there should be a switch in the central room that you need to interact with too but now we're gonna go to this left area this one has a bit of a puzzle as well and make sure you don't miss out on the tape recorders there is one right here and there's going to be another one at the top over here this tape recorder and there's also one in the back over here it's a little bit sneaky so in order to solve this puzzle you need to get all of these statues facing forward you don't want any of them facing sideways but whenever you move a statue it also moves the ones right next to it so it's quite simple we're gonna move that one i'm just focusing from left to right trying to get them all forward so then we're gonna move this one and bam just by moving this one they'll all be facing forward on this side so now we're gonna move over to this side we don't wanna move this because that one's already facing the right direction so we're gonna go ahead and start from here just kind of focus on trying to get the move from the adjacent point of view rather than directly so that in so doing now we can get all of these facing forward and the puzzle is solved which will enable you to press the switch i believe it's that switch back there becomes exposed once you do that you can interact with it and then that'll open up the central area so if you did everything correctly this central room should be open now and you can see there's a cup of coffee in the middle and the last tape recorder is right there in the room but if you walk in you suddenly notice it's alive it's a bug snack and it's very fast if you scan it the fastest snack alive when starter will flee to an entirely different region of snack tooth island i've named him joey quick beats he's my best friend i've been here for a very long time so this is the only bug stack of the game that'll actually leave area completely it'll go to a different area on snacktooth island if you scare it away unfortunately you were not able to use your traps here so you can't capture it here so we need to follow it out there now it's worth mentioning you cannot actually fast travel out of this room you need to leave manually by going out the way you came so here we are in boiling bay and you can see the cappuccino here he is so fast he's running on water it is tempting to think that you could put a trip shot to try to intercept him at that tree but that will actually not work he cannot be affected by a trip shot and he will not be affected by the snack trap so what we need to do is not get rammed into by palais toss we need to get help from the other bug snacks to help catch him we're gonna put some chocolate here because it likes chocolate put the chocolate there we go the grapple picked up the cappuccino and then in a moment the grapple's gonna throw the cappuccino oh no no don't do that yeah yeah okay fine fine now throw him there we go and now as you can see the cappuccino is capturable you could just use your neck easy capture if you do end up getting too close to the cappuccino you are going to scare it it's gonna make that expression and if you don't heat it and you scare it too much then it's gonna run away so you missed out on your opportunity to catch it in this area but that's okay now one thing worth mentioning you might be wondering well where exactly is it running to it leaves area right so you might think it's going to be right here in simmering springs in fact it's actually impossible for the cappuccino to be here in simmering springs i'll show you exactly what are all the four possible areas he ends up in so he starts in the triplicate space of course which is in boiling bay so once you chase him out of triplicate space his spawn point then he'll always end up in boiling bay for the next area after that if you chase him out of boiling bay you can end up either in sizzling sands frosted peak or flavor falls or back to boiling bay after you chase them out of these other areas of course you're not gonna get boiling bait twice in a row so as you can see our cappuccino ended up in sizzling sands boiling bay is the best one to work with however we do have a few options here once again we do need to get a different bug snack to ram into him so we do have a few here that are good at that we do have the loaded spuddy we have the picantes we have the flapjack around we're gonna try with loaded spuddy our goal is to get the loaded spuddy to intercept the cappuccino well that works i was gonna intercept a path but sure good job spuddy i just had to hold this guy in place gigi and that's how you get the cappuccino in the sizzling sands cappuccino's spawn point in frosted peak is up here along that path now frosted peak is a little bit glitchy with the beetle he always stops right there for some reason so you might be tempted to think we could use the scoopy banoopie if you start putting chocolate you can get these two to touch but there's a problem if you freeze him it's some kind of weird bug the ice block that he was in will stay up here but the cappuccino will actually fall through the mountain so you cannot use the scoopy banu in a frozen state to try to capture the cappuccino so we need to melt the scoopy banoopie first so we're going to bring the scoopy banoopie over here scoop scoop all right good he's melted oh watch out there we go and the scoopy banoopy in its melted state stuns the cappuccino and now we can catch it with a net but you got to make sure that the scoopy banoop is melted first because again if the scoopy banoop is frozen and hits the cappuccino the cappuccino will fall through the mountain as you saw while the ice block remains on top it's a bug and they'll probably patch it eventually i'm pretty sure it's supposed to work but that bug ruins it all right so now i'm going to show you his spawn point in flavor falls if he happens to choose to end up in this area it will be specifically in the mama melon boss fight room which you can get to by following this path all right and then once you're here you will see the cappuccino in the mama melon bathroom like i said now i don't really think there's a way to get the wee melons to incapacitate the cappuccino so we need to get him out of this room the only way to do that is to scare him off so he's gonna make a run for the exit but he can't jump off the ledge he's gonna have to run all the way around which will give us enough time to set us a tripwire trap to obstruct the path of the cappuccino so that is what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and startle him here but then we're gonna run ahead of him before he can escape all right so he's startled now we gotta be quick he is faster than us but he has a longer path to take the goal is we're gonna use the santa peed to knock him over so go ahead and put this down put this here careful careful use ranch to distract the centipede we need to distract the santa fe there we go and as you can see we intercepted the cappuccino while he was trying to escape and now we can cap him just like that i've shown you how to catch him in all four areas that he can run to boiling bay flavor falls frosted peaks sizzling sands as you can see we've collected quite a few cappuccinos he's actually not that hard to catch once you know how to do it i hope this video helped if it did please leave a like and comment subscribe it does help out a lot i appreciate the support happy hunting
Channel: GaroShadowscale
Views: 156,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SECRET BUGSNAX | Cappucceetle Catching Guide, Bugsnax Cappucceetle, How to catch cappucceetle, Bugsnax how to catch cappucceetle, cappucceetle catching guide, Bugsnax Bigsnax Cappucceetle, Bugsnax the isle of bigsnax cappucceetle, Bugsnax secret bugsnax, secret bugsnax, bugsnax triangle key, Bugsnax how to find triangle key, Bugsnax the triplicate space, bugsnax cappucceetle catching guide, bugsnax triangle key guide, bugsnax secret area, bugsnax garoshadowscale, garoshadowscale
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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