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notice show up and basically they spent 30 bucks and guys two dollar coffee i get the whole socializing aspect but i don't know much since that makes early on in my frame of career if i was at the job site no matter what the weather i could almost guarantee that unless the hell freezed over we were gonna work that day so it's kind of what i got used to early on okay another thing guys it's good to kind of know is how to what the gun feels like when you got a good solid connection behind your nails so i know attache is pretty good no pass loads pretty good and you know when you got it good and you know when you kind of shank the nail so more for safety reasons than anything else just kind of understand the gun you're using and how to make good strong connections each time and if you miss to put another nail because if you want to instill um confidence in your crew you can do that by building solid frames for them to walk on whereas if your crew is questioning if something's gonna fail well they're gonna hesitate and that might lead that might lead to danger two more hangers to go here all right so these joists here came pre-cut which is kind of nice 16 on center so instead of putting them in line half and half on the wall i like to stagger them i think it's more bearing i'm not worried about the walls being off or anything it's just something that i got used to kind of a habit of mine there's nothing wrong with giving these joists two and three quarter bearing and putting them all in line might actually speed up the plywood but you know if it was my house i would want that extra bearing over halfway in the water um oh boy we had an early day yesterday because well the floor wasn't here and also england was playing at three o'clock so kind of worked out in a way but all worked out england won and the floor showed up so [Music] guys i don't know if there's a framer watching out there or should i say framing box who doesn't own one of these guns positive placement nailers as they refer to but if you don't i would and they are a huge time saver and i actually own a few of them i own two of the inch and a half models one block stitch one hitachi that you just saw and i own a new tools pneu model that i use for shooting the bigger two and a half inch number 16 nails and i use those for the lvl connections you see there and just even having that one tool pay for itself in no time just from not having to get out the palm nailer [Music] okay so that's that all right so we got that side done i'm gonna quickly i'm gonna quickly cut this side now let's see here okay i'm gonna put a joist i'm gonna cut this one back and put a joist right there on the corner just so i can avoid the insulation stops now this specific run i will go hop in half and with a little bit of luck my four foot sheet will break halfway so i'll put these more or less on their marks and then chuck that line cut that line when you're working alone you want to find it's important to find a pace that works for you because it's a it's a different animal and working with a crew there's obviously benefits to both but you kind of you don't want to over tax yourself at the same time you want to get stuff done it's human nature but just doing little things like having the radio going i can't do it right now obviously under normal circumstances i would
Channel: Framing Beast
Views: 99,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yocUlB1Hu4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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