Roof Sheathing 101

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how's it going YouTube Adrian back with you for another video so just uh getting ready to sheet this uh this side here first then I'll jump on this side and then uh eventually we'll fill that in both valleys um on top of the sheets sometimes I like to put it on top like the valley sometimes I like to uh Trace pieces it's all different uh based on different uh situations and scenarios okay so let me get that piece done first this is all going to be full sheets except maybe for that one corner so 7 half [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] okay [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] f okay so next one's going to be full sheet so if I had a guy I'd probably just tack the first couple staples in and then call out another sheet but I am that guy so [Music] all [Music] [Music] come [Music] h so a couple of you guys have been asking me what pouch I'm using these days and I switched back to the apron style this one here as you can see is the Walt I got it at Lowe's which I guess is now Rona plus it's awesome pouch perfect for my uh perfect size and uh find them pretty particular on which ones I like and which ones I don't but I will say this to be fair the one thing I can't stand about this pouch and for weeks now I've been trying to think why am I miss why am I keep losing my hammer keeps falling out and here's the one weak link on this pouch check this out all right so when you're when you need a hammer you're kneeling down doing face shy the hammer twists and turns bam right it's very frustrating so compared it to this other DeWalt one and you can just see the size difference right if there was some kind of solid back in here no wor no room for the uh or no play for the hammer to go but I have to use my old um the wal one not a huge deal but just a bit of an inconvenience all right third sheet let's [Music] go [Music] okay [Music] you notice how I just missed there see the difference that's a Miss that's a Miss that's a hit so keep a an ear listen out for every staple so if you miss not a big deal but make sure that uh you put good Staples right oh a lot of framing is common sense so that's 35 up 39 3/4 back [Applause] that 35 39 3/4 2x4 is a tracer and that we throw [Music] underneath [Music] [Music] okay now and to the perfect stagger guys I know this for a lot of you guys Common Sense perfect stagger is four feet so I'm going to go four feet I'm going to cut this sheet after in a perfect world that goes for roof plywood floor plywood wall plywood any type of plywood you want to kind of give a 50/50 Sager so guys this is a 612 so it's not by no means steep but you always want to one joke for yourself don't uh don't just think cuz it's not a steep pitch something still can't [Music] happen [Music] all right
Channel: Framing Beast
Views: 25,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V-sypA9dBNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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