Sebastian Stan speaking Romanian to fans 🇷🇴

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Eu sunt optsprezece <I'm eighteen> [Dayna] Sorry I'm really nervous [SS] You're from Scotland [Dayna] Yes And I'm just translating as well [SS] Wow, happy birthday! [Announcer] Happy birthday! (says it in romanian) [Dayna] Thank you You are fucking amazing [Announcer] And happy birthday [SS] Um, my hat off to you, thank you for for even being interested, and, and curious that way [Background] Did you go out that way? [SS] Yeah did you go out that way? [Background] Did you go out that way [SS] Oh my God, good morning! [Woman] I only know a little [SS] I love you too, I can't believe-- Finally, people are learning Romanian Otherwise we'd never get on the map [Women] Bye! Thank you! [SS] Nice to meet you guys [Man] Gesundheit [SS] Um... Wow. Should I respond in English or Romanian? [Man] I--If you're giving the answer in Romanian that's the end of Civil War, I'm gonna be really mad Eu n-am mai fost în România din 2000...și 3, dar ar trebui să mă întorc, mă gândeam vara asta Putem să mergem împreună? Ah! Și Civil War o să fie un film nemaipomenit Mersi frumos! Cu plăcere [SS] *notices phone recording him* Oh [Background] I'll turn on the air conditioning [Woman] Jennifer Roberts? [SS] Jennifer Roberts, ok [Woman] In LA? [SS] In LA, yes yes yes <da da da> I think she says "Anyways" right here [SS] Thank you for coming, you're a true friend, great fans [Recorder] Can't wait to see you! (I, Tonya) [SS] Okay, I'll see you guys in a little bit! [Recorder] Alright
Channel: email
Views: 145,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i8CJhnaiHCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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