Sebastian Maniscalco - Vegas Pools (Aren't You Embarrassed?)

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so i'm like you know what let me go relax at the pool go to the pool area now i don't know how you people do the pool but when i go to like a public pool hotel pool i go away from the people i don't go near people i don't chit chat all right i know a lot of people like to go in the midst of people oh hi oh we love the weather we come once a year i don't do this okay i go away from it i set up in my own little corner i got three piles i start making the thing right like a fitted sheet everything tucked in me i brought a book i see people doing this on vacation they bring a book to the pool you ever seen these people i watch i go how do you read in here 118 degrees they're reading a full blown book so like you know what let me try this let me bring a book to the poll so i sit down i open up my book now my biggest problem i can't mind my own business i'm halfway through the first page and i started looking around like what the are they though what is this why are they doing that there's a group of guys came down loud i'm not into loud people i heard them before i saw them it's this group the high five group never get this group that comes down why you're 42 years old why are you high-fiving you're at the pool you didn't score a touchdown what are you high-fiving people for at the pool [Applause] and they sit right next to me i'm like a magnet for these types right they sit right next to me now i'm honed in on this group guy took his shoe off four band-aids on his foot how does it get the four band dates how does this happen after one band-aid isn't that a hospital visit what are you trying to fix at your home with four band things one box of band-aids should last your entire life this is a one time purchase when you die you should have leftover band-aids for generations to come and i'm thinking if this guy gets into the pool with his band-aids they're gonna have to drain the pool and refill it i'm not getting into the pool with band-aid juice floating on top of the pool all right i don't know what's underneath the band-aids there's always a band-aid there's always a loose band-aid in the pool it will find you you'll be talking hanging out right and the damn thing will just come in you're like oh god it's a bad day get it away from me get away from me you're wearing band-aids you should be disallowed in the pool area okay
Channel: Sebastian Maniscalco
Views: 406,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sebastian maniscalco, Aren't You Embarassed?, Netflix Comedy, Italian Comedy, Sebastian Comedy, Comedy Clips, Comedy Special, Vegas Pools, Vegas Pools Comedy, Pool Comedy, Vegas Comedy, Sebastian, Maniscalco, Vacation Conedy, Poolside, Sebastian Poolside
Id: Vt7_aLij6mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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