Sebastian Maniscalco - Customer Service (Aren't You Embarrassed?)

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but the customer service right i i run into it a lot customer service because i handle in my house all the hookups internet whatever we need gas i do all that got on the phone with the cable people right i don't know if you ever try hook up cable over the phone with these people there's a pre-recorded message that says we're gonna monitor the call for quality assurance right so as soon as i get a live operator i tell them just so you know i'm recording a call on my end too okay you got me i got you behave behave so the next morning i come down for breakfast i got a guy in my yard already cable guys in the yard already my wife is like what is he doing i don't know now i handle that that's another thing you handle as a husband you got a guy in your yard you take care of that you don't send your wife oh go out there as a husband you have to handle stuff you make reservations to a restaurant as the man you check in you go right up to i got a two man a skunk up tonight you got that you don't send your wife i see it all the time wives go up hi we're here two for uh johnson it's ready honey you wanna it's ready hon you wanna come up here handle it so i handle the cable guy i come outside in the air okay what's going on what are you doing ah now i can do it i can do it i can't get it what you don't come to the door or introduce yourself how'd you get back here i can't do it i gotta take a break break he didn't do nothing he's telling me he can't hook the cable up because the cable's in my neighbor's yard i gotta ask my neighbor if it's okay for him to go get the cable i go julio you broke into my yard can't you just break into his it's your cable go get the damn thing i can do it so me and julio go over to my neighbor i just moved into the neighborhood i don't even know the guy i knock on the door the guy came to the door had a full medical mask on if you have a medical mascot and you answer the door that's got to be the first thing out of your mouth okay why you got this damn thing on i come to my door with a medical mask i take it down listen doing some painting in the garage gets into my lungs that's why i got the mask this guy nothing on the mask started talking through the mask he's like what's going on i go no no no what's going on in here i just bought the joint next door do i gotta put it up for sale why the hell do you got a medical mask on on a monday morning okay let's get into that i'm gonna send julio in your yard is he gonna come out with no head what are you doing with the mask i live in the negative live in the negative my wife is in the positive okay came back to our house i said put the for sale sign up there's a guy with a medical mask living next door she's like maybe he has a respiratory problem and that's why he has the mask i go or maybe he's got 16 bodies in drums in formaldehyde in his basement put the sign up we're moving
Channel: Sebastian Maniscalco
Views: 1,419,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Customer Service Comedy, Sebastian Maniscalco Customer Service, Sebastian Customer Service, Husband Comedy, Aren't You Embarrassed/?, Cable Guy Comedy, Watch more Sebastian Comedy!, Sebastian Maniscalco, Sebastian Comedy Special, Netflix Comedy, Sebastian Comedy, Gym Comedy, Netflix Is A Joke, Well Done With Sebastian, Netflix, Sebastian, Maniscalco
Id: uYS0XouYilY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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