Season 5: Going IKE Muscle Shoals with Gerald Swindle!

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now here we go folks we're almost here we've literally been driving all night driving all night to get to a lake in Alabama called Wilson Lake Wilson Lake is a lake on the Tennessee River it's part of the TVA chain of lakes that include Pickwick Guntersville wheeler chicken bog with all these amazing famous lakes but wet Wilson Lake today and I'm going to get the fish with a good buddy of mine Gerald swindle I'm headed to the ramp geez probably going to be late because he's always late but we're gonna see if he's here also we'll let you know that we went through hell to get here driving all night zero sleep traffic rain being pulled over by police officers all for the opportunity Fisher Gerald swindle come on let's fish [Music] fishing hard you wanna see [Music] [Music] what a hack is gerald you know the great thing about being here at Wilson Lake is neither G or I have been here in over ten years we're really going to be fishing the moment today and because of that I'm bringing a lot of stuff I'd like my boat today I'm a writer so I'm trying to bring a little bit of everything spinnerbaits casting rods spinning rods got all my tackle of course and my little trusty bags but if there was one more I'm gonna guess one more that's gonna really really work today it's gonna be a spinnerbait it's gonna be this little mullux spinnerbait it's cloudy it's windy there's rain coming and it's fall and fall means bass eating bait [Music] that feeling about us get a feeling about a spinnerbait death pretty sure [Music] here's gentles he's already over 30 minutes late he said what's the name of the ramp again come on J rolling in to Wilson like on an October rainy day to pick up my co-anchor my co-host and y'all know him is Mike Iaconelli and I know that's crazy look at this is there's nasty here's the good news rain for days and that doesn't mean green fish that major green right listen do we hardly ever get a chance to fish together even if it's an hour today I'm so stoked to be your specular let's take it but I won't be honest with you there's like 19 rods to Ike bags and they all got treble hooks all treble hooks am I the worst going ever ever this is this whole number 51 of the BFL has just arrived I gotta admit I'm a bad color we've all had them but I'm probably the worst right here today geez seriously this is a lake that we've fished a lot in the past in the past but we haven't fished it recently no I mean we member back in the day when Menendez blew it out up here jerking in the world but we don't have many events here and the few that we have have on pit Whitten I try to run up here that never works out yeah so today we're gonna try the waters up you know everybody says it's tough but we may crack the code I like it dude I have a saint called fish the moment you do it better than anybody I know even if we have two hours is there a chance we can figure something out oh yeah we'll figure something out we call scramblers all right me and you scram [Music] [Applause] donal goes all the way up and all the way yeah no I'm just if you have one gear why has every co-angler officials got my boat looks very scared my job with that I'm just saying I'm telling you a form of asking for a friend then you ever just put it in medium gear is there me but I thought it was back my man to your microwave you're either off our 400 and cooking already tim horton's up here somewhere your hometown town Timmy and get you a lecture you can't catch you on your first calf go ahead you catch on my first kid I kinda ruined this day I ain't dying here I like a bite hey hey we're learning something Wow Oh God yeah so we just ate right there go somewhere are you familiar with Wis comfort zone go to the creek you know the shad are migrating in the creek somewhere it's been hot but in here somewhere we'll find them so hey it's simple starting to back we'll work our way out when we get bites we'll look at each other said this is where that we've seen a little deeper grass we're seeing some bait back here yeah but we're looking for bait oh you look far to fall bate bate bate keywords he were in the fall baby without a fishing bait back here you got baits that look like babe you find yourself in the fall night fishing shallow enough yeah I did I catch myself and then you like make sure you just keep going back keep going back fall fishing meets fun dude okay it's usually that struggle I enjoy it keeps you on your game yeah my colorway feeling let's see here I'm thinking like disco shad I love me some disco oh my G that's a good color who might that original lover something like that ah it was the original maker that color right it's an old Norman or something alright was it an old normal old Bagley's on that one I can't remember I might have been a bag it was a bagless if that was a bass that it's a good one yeah it's kind of we need look at that water going back in watch this doc it's that grass what the hell is backing it up and dumping more in there backing it up so mmm she's rising so I touched that Bank grass was looking at maybe yeah water is there so they're backing up their back I'm feeling it yep yeah should push him not on back up talk real quick sure you talk a little about that because this is this is a TV a lake right and that that like ultimately controls a lot of stuff and what makes Wilson different the rest them is it smaller and it's sandwiched in between wheeler and pit week so when they if they need to fluctuate the to the big brothers they can start dumping than end up around the Wilson and it'll start backing in like this just real quickly and then two or three hours it may be going back out but at TVA's controller they're moving water on the big lakes which really can't control this one and they do have charts that you can call and all this and look at and but no mistake about it when you put the boat in you better be watching because they'll change the water flow and it does triggering the by yeah I just hold on it feels good look at that look at that there got a bowl of boiling water get him get him get him come on swim bait they're gonna buy something dude I just God I just wear my jig their attitude you see that wall I'm telling you dude what do you got - what is that turtle what you got turtle soup no that's a big bass that's a big turtle what that's the turtle meow live action sure you've caught a turtle oh don't bother grab the turtle belly I got a belly lay in them yeah this is a good one let this one get off how do you let a turtle like like that oh it's the belly cradle right just like a small mouth just like a small mouth right there turtle soup it's never give up never give up I like turtle the number of times you can pull up on your first and catch him never very limited oh cool where they leg feels everything we asked for I think it's more point my legs that's yeah I don't know I haven't I haven't seen it effect but Oh little know what the hell they are they best so this is our safety zone right here you got it and Stacy loves Eddie apparently so yeah that Jordan the Nicki I see and Eddie's still in love over here did you see that that had to be a copy to this pecked it hit him again you talk about turning points of the day a strategic decision a change in the day you notice me and G are in a little idle zone here and we've gone to moon pie and Little Debbie honey bun and sugar all this is going to be the moment you get your sugar on yeah no what is that I don't know but I've got a lot of fish on it whatever it is can you hook no grass or nothing like it's got it marked like right there where you're throwing where I'm throwing looks like a lot of bait right here I know I'm dying I turn there's you a log to G yeah yeah I don't know what that is but I say you got that ten oh don't let me off far though all right right there Shore there with all that you know me drawn you could catch on the tail race at this and how many heads you could lose some damn Chesapeake Bay right here oh this is this is bad this has got to be drama sorta strikes come on keeping it wild like you know this is either I would say an eight pounder or drama sovereign gold drum I don't know he's got he's got you're a going now yeah just working I mean this oh this is the big fish this is what we like to work this is a good gluts area on this type of cast and how he gets down shape how we gotta get are you kidding buns of steel by cannelli oh my gosh are you kidding me Oh see that one schooling there Austin that was I fetch the goddamn in oh boo boo got a Mentos right there that wasn't a decoy now that was actual probably what we're looking for right there Austin ouch that there's some more getting some minnows over there so keep your eye on those two yeah they're busting around now trying to Wampus compass on us [Music] they're here bad [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] that we've been able to complete Danielson way will some shadow wrap shed [Music] Bartek founder [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are the landing that carbo [Music] Oh God [Music] working on the super sack baby working on the supersonic and apart and here we are this is unbelievable man if this isn't if this isn't a lesson in fishing today look what happened man watch the tape keep working keep changing do we went through we went through seven or eight different deals caught a few but then when you finally figure it out there it's like magic the other thing don't be afraid of this heavy current I swear when G pulled up I'm like this ain't gonna catch anything here it's it's ripping too fast but there's current brakes that's the key to this spot dude banging that crank bait down there then rocks are providing little dead spots behind them they're feeding on shad imitate the shed get some nice brown ones Wow yes and no Gatsby double Gatsby fishing a little rock pile here if you looked at watercolors dirtier oh geez using a dt 6 and this go shad I got a DD 6 mu by Karen catches some fish look at that thing gee this has been this has been the longest day we had a lot of down moments but in the last couple hours we turn it around turn it around Oh watch it watch it and the small mouth on a spinner back you get that dude it has been a grind it's been a gun I mean that's junk fishing 101 and we've had we thought we had it figured out fell on her face false positive false positive a couple of times riding some bluffs sort of a false positive keep grinding gotten some dirtier water got near some current and some rock and and figured a little deal out I like it I like it too small map on the trailer hook I'm on the trailer hook tell you how good right there Maalik spinner bait on the trailer huh dude what a what a nice save you mentioned talked a little bit about there's more of these days than there are then there are good days I think it is in my whole career I seen I find myself in a survival mode with a lot more than that attack winning mode and I think that's what people misunderstand yeah they see you make a comeback or see myself catching them out man they catch me all the time there's a lot of times you're just surviving yeah from the start to finish you're you're scrambling and scrambling and you get a little figured like it's something here or something there and then it falls apart with your constant like it's almost like a heart meter all day long and to me that's what fish has always been yeah is who can survive the roughest days and this would have been one it was raining we talked about it on the phone text this morning it's gonna pour all day and you know dude we don't get the fish together much let's try it we and neither one that's been here yeah and we just kind of scrounging scrounge to scrounge and then you caught that big one yeah we realizing without a backup you caught a melon I'm like and here you go that's just how easy you could turn it around but it'll been real easy to go home yeah yeah you want to do that yeah it's a good we talked about it in the fall when things are tough keep changing keep grinding Gerald's one the best jump fishermen in the world have 30 rods out keep switching and see you get that rhythm and just grind don't give up man it was it was a grind today bro I appreciate it man we got to do this at least once a year we caught a pretty good sack Best Buy would be a decent day of fishing up here I think we caught a good back I'm happy with it Austin you owe us a chicken sandwich thank you also chicken sandwich and a beer and a whiskey let's head to the house man gee tough day this is a hell of a bag any day we should be proud of it it was tough dude oh that's an incredible watch you catch that one back the big one landed go back up catch a no that's impressive that was awesome day I appreciate anything you got it man let's do it again you have mixed bag mixed bag baby [Music] it's the intensity level and I true I fashion is like this yet sinful sin Auggie's do it I do this jerk him again Mike alright come off that make you horny yeah it's got a lot of time come on does I that's just all I can do to keep with my pants so horny I just can't stand I like it getting in darlin I got a P Austin urination you want to see my wiener off and unit urination but I'm already an outlaw so I don't say much I'm just like whatever forgiveness family it's been a lot of done to the pilots over the years yeah say that I'm one of YouTube's me a video and they're getting a shower and I want to get one of them to call my name over the loudspeaker one time Swindell shower 21 is now ready but did anything happen was there an emergency was there a situation like a melon store Tigers go ahead I'm just like I'm so horny I just could slap the out of James Watson for the big time like the MLF call up Xiao Dre I'm gonna sign off and that sounded like hey just in case yeah yeah stay on your line bro I liked it it's good entertainment I thought there'd be one under that trade yeah [Music] for information on the product and gear used in this show go to mike iaconelli calm and follow me on my social feeds at mike iaconelli and if you want to help grow the sport of fishing get kids involved go to the Ike Foundation org to figure out information on how you could help get involved in getting kids fishing
Channel: Mike Iaconelli Fishing
Views: 96,801
Rating: 4.9185686 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Iaconelli, muscle shoals bass, gerald swindle, gerald swindle 10 pounder, smallmouth bass, bass fishing, gerald swindle fishing, gerald swindle funny, g man, going ike, fishing videos, bass fishing productions, going ike muscle shoals, mlf fishing, elite series bass fishing 2019, how to bass fish in the rain
Id: BW1QRtf_PCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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