Season 3 compilation | All episodes | Kids Learning Cartoon | Dr. Panda TotoTime

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search for dr panda oh yay [Music] oh it's getting late time for bed toto don't worry toto you can play again tomorrow night night toto sweet dreams what are you up to toto aren't you sleepy no worries toto i know a fun way to help you fall asleep counting sheep no total i don't mean counting real sheep huh it's really easy just close your eyes and picture a line of sheep jumping over a fence if you count them you'll fall asleep in no time do you want to try great [Music] can you help toto count the sheep jumping over the fence awesome let's get counting that's one one sheep that's one two two sheep [Music] one two three three sheep [Music] one two three four four sheep how many sheep can you see now one two three four five five sheets whoa those sheep are definitely over the fence now one two three four five six six sheep one two three four five six seven seven sheep that's one two three four five six seven eight eight sheep look at him go one two three four five six seven eight nine nine sheep [Music] let's count one more time ready one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten sheep awesome job guys all the sheep have jumped over the fence did that help you feel sleepy toto do you think he'll he'll fall fall asleep now uh [Music] [Music] oh hey there totals oh this looks like fun the panda city race do you want to enter the race then toto yeah okay then we'd better race over there before it starts ready everyone three two one go and we're off bip is in the first position mamie is in the second position toto in third olette in fourth ziggy in fifth and moo in sixth go guys go oh look a lit was in fourth place but now she's in sixth and she's not very happy about it oh look ziggy was in fourth place but now he's in fifth it looks like ziggy wanted a snack chicken oh mu's gone down to fourth position now [Music] i guess maymay prefers a shiny car to a shiny metal so now meimei is in third position toto is in second and fifth is in first it sure is getting exciting folks pimp and toto are the only two left in the race now oh that's bad news for bip now pip is in second place and toto is in first go go go toto toto you're going to win the race huh you're going the wrong way toto ah totto is helping fip to cross the finish line okay let's see our racers in their final positions olette is in sixth place ziggy is in fifth place mu is in fourth maymay in third toto in second and fifth is in first place ah pips decided to share his first place with toto now they've both won yay what an awesome race that was guys [Applause] [Music] whoa good morning to you too toto what's this oh a recipe book for cakes they look yummy cake cake oh i get it you want to make carrot cupcakes your favorite let's get started right away [Music] uh-oh it looks like we don't have the ingredients to make the cupcakes toto ah no worries toto i'm sure moo can help us make these carrot cupcakes yay the recipe says we need 10 carrots to make our carrot cupcakes can you help toto get the right number of carrots let's get started [Music] there we go that's one carrot awesome another carrot so one carrot plus one carrot equals two totto has two carrots wow toto's pulled up three more carrots so that's two carrots plus three carrots equals yep you got it five carrots i can almost taste those cupcakes now [Music] [Applause] wow toto you have five more carrots to make your cupcakes with so five carrots plus five carrots equals ten ten carrots awesome now we have enough carrots to make the cupcakes let's go inside and bake them those cupcakes look awesome be careful toto those cakes are still hot they need to cool down before you can eat them huh someone took a cupcake ten minus one equals nine there are still nine delicious cupcakes left huh what's going on two more cupcakes are gone nine minus two equals seven there are seven cupcakes left hey moo someone is taking your cupcakes from the window ledge huh bunny why did you take the cupcakes oh you just wanted to feed your hungry family i think we can share the cupcakes with the bunny family now we have three cupcakes left that's one for you moo and one for you toto hmm that leaves one more cupcake i guess we have one too many oh i get it the last cupcake is for me [Music] oh thanks moo ah these are delicious [Music] wow the panda city fun fair sure is awesome toto what shall we do shall we go on the carousel or ride in the hot air balloon or go in the house of mirrors yeah oh you want to go to maymay's photo booth and take some pictures good thinking toto all right toto ready yay okay on three one two three [Music] thanks mimi oh look toto this one is really funny toto huh maybe toto went to check out the other games at the fair [Music] have you seen toto very funny hoopa you know this isn't toto this turtle is much bigger than toto toto is much smaller can you help me find the real toto [Music] where can toto be [Music] oh you've spotted him huh [Music] nope this isn't toto this balloon is light so it can float toto is too heavy to float don't worry hoopa this mirror makes you look whiter than you really are it's a funny mirror see in this mirror you look longer huh i don't think we're going to find toto in here let's look somewhere else hey that's a picture of toto where did you find that huh more photos of toto i think i know where he is [Music] there you are you were in the booth this whole time [Music] come on let's take one more photo together [Music] ready [Music] look now toto is the biggest [Music] ah toto it sure is a lovely day for them [Music] as i was saying it sure is a lovely day for them [Music] thanks olet what's all this trash doing on the beach there's not even a clear spot for us to put down our beach towels will you be able to clean it all up by yourself owlette no worries olette let's call our friends and ask them to help if we make a game of it we'll have the beach cleaned up in no time yay all right guys whoever fills up the most trash bags wins the game [Music] let's see poopa has collected four cans and moo has collected five cans [Music] uh-oh that last can was that little crab's house now moo only has four cans hoopa and moo have the same number of cans nice work maemy you've already filled four trash bags you filled two bags bip that's fewer bags than maymay better get to it if you want to win this game that's awesome you have five bags now maymay has fewer bags than [Music] haste makes waste bip better start over awesome work toto toto has collected five bottles yeah and ziggy has zero bottles that means toto has more bottles than ziggy come on ziggy you can do better than that well i i suppose that counts now you have one bottle in your trash bag thanks for putting it in the bag and not throwing it in the ocean all right let's see who has filled up the most bags with trash moo has two bags and hoopa has two bags they have the same number of bags maymay has four bags which is more than moo or hoopa but phipp has collected five bags that's more than maymay ziggy has only got one bag of trash which means he has collected less than everyone else and toto has collected six bags toto is the winner because you're the winner of the game toto you get two more scoops than everyone else yay thanks for cleaning up the beach guys it looks beautiful again [Music] hi everyone i'm hanging up some decorations for toto's birthday tomorrow but i still need to get him a birthday gift hey there toto birthday birthday that's right your birthday is nearly here is this what you want for your birthday you want a tree house for your birthday no worries i'll call hoopa and he can build your treehouse let's take a look toto's treehouse is made up of different shapes the main part of the treehouse is square the window in the treehouse is another square the door and the ladder are rectangles the roof and the flag are both triangles and the swing is a circle okay hoopa it's time to start building yay hoopa needs to start with the ladder the ladder is in the shape of a rectangle a rectangle has four right angles and each side of a rectangle is the same length as the one opposite it now you can build the main part of the house oh you covered up the door to the squirrel's house the main part of the tree house is a square a square has four right angles and every side is the same length [Music] huh where did hoopa go huh did you build yourself into the house [Music] there you are and look you have made a square window now hoopa is going to make the roof the roof is a triangle a triangle shape has three sides toto's flag is also a triangle what's the matter toto did we forget something oh you forgot the swing hoopa the swing is a circle a circle shape is round there doesn't seem to be anything that hoopa can use where can he find something in the shape of a circle you got it toto hoopa can use one of his tires for a swing [Music] aw the squirrel is welcoming you to the neighborhood what a great birthday gift this has turned out to be i wonder what toto will want for his birthday next year uh you'd better start building now if you're going to finish in time for toto's next birthday [Music] wow that's an awesome drawing toto what's the matter toto do you want to draw more butterflies why don't we visit leo in the mountains he knows all about nature and wildlife he'll know where to find more butterflies all right we've got our backpacks a map and a book about butterflies we're all ready to explore nature [Music] this path splits into three we'd better take a look at leo's map to see which way we need to go look that's where we want to go to the field of flowers so do we need to take path number one path number two or path number three let's see where the first path takes us nope this path is blocked we won't reach the flower field this way let's try the second path yes this is the path that leads to the flower field let's go [Music] we made it look at all these beautiful butterflies [Music] right so that's the butterfly you want to draw let's see if we can find it the butterfly toto wants to draw is not red can you tell which of these butterflies is not red awesome these butterflies are not red the butterfly toto wants to draw does not have any dots can you spot the butterfly toto wants to draw that's right this is the butterfly toto wants to draw awesome work toto you're a real artist you want to draw this night butterfly total good idea leo let's see if we can spot it up in the trees now which one of these shapes is the night butterfly could it be this one nope that's an owl okay maybe it's this one there it is the night butterfly [Music] awesome you've done another beautiful drawing toto whoa look at all those stars toto hey do you see what i see in the stars toto butterflies yup it's a night sky butterfly ah well that was a great day of exploring guys but now it's time to go to sleep i bet we'll be dreaming of butterflies night night everyone [Music] toto where are you i'm all ready to go to the beach toto there you are you were inside the beach bag yeah awesome let's get going yay [Music] ah there's nothing like a relaxing day at the beach what's wrong moo uh-oh you've lost your chickens no worries moo toto has a great sense of smell he'll find your chickens in no time toto can smell one of moose chickens but he can't see it can you spot the chicken is the chicken behind or in front of the umbrella behind that's right moon's chicken is behind the umbrella [Music] is moose chicken to the right or to the left of the big rock that's right moose chicken is standing to the right of the rock is moose chicken in or out of the in water right moose chicken is in the water now moo's chicken is out of the water [Music] is moose chicken on top of hoopa or underneath him on top [Music] who are the chickens standing next to bipp or maymay maymay that's right moose chickens are standing next to maymay [Music] chickens look moo the chickens were making you an awesome necklace with the shells they collected with a little help from june of course hey where is your ice cream toto oh i see your ice cream is already in your belly [Music] whoa good morning toto you're up early huh who could be coming to visit so early moose chickens where's moo bye now have fun oh what's this dear dr panda toto is so kind to invite the chickens to spend the day with you i'll pick them up again tonight oh so you asked moose chickens to spend the day with us huh toto i guess they can stay but remember we have a timetable to keep today we're having breakfast at eight o'clock then we have to leave the house at ten o'clock to go to your basketball game in the park we need to take the bus at 11 o'clock to make it in time for the game that starts at 12 o'clock this afternoon but first it's time for breakfast i am hungry oh it's eight o'clock when the small hand is on the eight and the big hand on the 12th it's eight o'clock okay enjoy your breakfast chicken huh where did they go we don't have time to play now chickens we have to eat our breakfast so we're ready to leave the house at 10 o'clock when the small hand is on the 10 and the big hand is on the 12 it's 10 o'clock okay then is everyone ready wait a minute where's the other chicken no time to play we've got to hurry up or we are going to miss toto's game oh now where did the other two chickens go toto [Music] come on guys we haven't got time to play football we need to go let's go let's go let's go we don't want to miss toto's game oh no we've missed the 11 o'clock bus when the small hand is on the 11 and the big hand is on the 12 it's 11 o'clock [Music] awesome we can still get on the bus thanks bip here we go we're up to the park oh no it's already one o'clock when the small hand is on the one and the big hand is on the twelve it's one o'clock the game started at 12 o'clock we're one hour late so we missed the game oh i'm sorry toto [Music] hey toto i've got an idea why don't we have our own basketball game with the chickens ah it's finally time for the chickens to play looks like they are having an awesome time hey toto it's time to go and get our groceries at the supermarket huh oh what's the matter toto shark oh you forgot to bring your favorite toy with you no worries let's go get it hmm i don't see your shark anywhere but there are a lot of toys lying around no worries toto i've got an idea why don't we sort out all your toys and put them in these boxes that'll make it easier to find the toys you want to play with a shark is an animal let's try to find all the toy animals and put them in this green box can you help toto spot all the animal toys [Music] yep that's right these are all animal toys hmm but i don't see the shark anywhere [Music] where was the last place you played with your toy shark toto huh [Music] let's see if your shark is in the bathtub yeah the small toys belong to toto and the big toys belong to me the shark is a small toy can you help toto spot all the small toys in the tub [Music] that's right these toys are all small now only the big toys are left ah so where could your toy shark be toto do you remember where you took your shark after you played with it in the bathtub look at all these stuffed toys let's see your shark also has sharp teeth so let's try and find all the toys with sharp teeth can you help toto spot them dinosaur dragon tiger yeah you got it all these toys have sharp teeth oh but we still haven't found your toy shark i'm sorry toto oh it's getting late we're gonna have to leave without your shark or the supermarket will be closed no worries toto we can carry on looking for your toy later i'm sure it'll show up some toto can you guess which of your animal toys is blue small and has sharp teeth huh i found your toy shark yay come on toto we can finally go to the supermarket i'll buy you and your shark some ice cream yay [Music] hi everyone it's halloween we're going trick-or-treating to get some candy are you coming toto toto whoa you really scared us toto i bet you're going to scare lots of our friends tonight go go roar [Applause] [Music] trick or treat happy halloween whoa toto i'm not sure if owlette was ready for such a scare let's go to moo's house try not to be so scary this time toto trick or treat [Music] wait no it's only tote toe oh you really need to try not to be so scary toto you're making everyone run away [Music] okay let's go guys [Music] wow awesome all right toto you go first but remember to try to be a little less scary this time [Applause] [Music] twickle twink trickle [Music] oh toto now you're the one getting scared oh ghost ghost [Music] it's okay toto there's no such things as real ghosts [Music] see the ghost was just hoopa there's nothing to be afraid of and now it's time to enjoy our candy [Music] how sweet of you to share your candy with us toto happy halloween everyone [Music] [Laughter] [Music] santa ah no worries toto santa is sure to show up soon what was that [Applause] [Music] santa santa are you okay santa here let me help you no wonder you crashed onto our roof your glasses are broken how will you deliver the presents to everyone now no worry santa we'll help you deliver the presents yay [Music] okay let's go uh how do you fly this thing whoa this is awesome [Music] [Applause] oh i see this is the list of presents we need to deliver in panda city okay so hoopa wants a can of paint mamie wants a hat and olette wants a new basketball here's hoopa's place let's see if we can spot his present in the bag toto hoopo wants a can of paint it has the shape of a cylinder can you spot a present with a cylinder shape paint paste yes that's the cylinder next up is mamie here we are at maymay's house let's see if we can spot her present in the bag toto maymay wants a new hat it's a cone shape can you spot the cone-shaped present hot hot yep you got it that's the cone-shaped present [Music] okay the last present we need to deliver is for olette here's a let's house let's see if we can spot her present in the bag toto olette wants a new basketball it has the shape of a spear can you spot the spear-shaped present [Music] yep that's the sphere-shaped present score [Music] awesome work guys we delivered all the presents [Music] ooh it looks like toto has one more gift to deliver this one's for you santa [Music] a new pair of glasses awesome merry christmas everyone [Music] morning toto play time outside outside oh what a shame we can't play outside in this weather toto oh no play time no worries toto there's lots of fun things to do inside the house how about some drawing i'll go and get some paper and pens [Music] here we go what shall we draw first toto i guess it stopped raining have fun playing in the mud toto hmm i wonder if toto's still playing in the mud i sure don't want him to walk into the house with his feet all dirty [Music] toto what are you doing you're making everything dirty oops sorry ah no worries we can clean it up but first we have to get you clean time for a bath you'll have to wait a bit for the bath to fill up toto i'll go get some bubble bath to make some bubbles huh toto where are you going toto come back [Music] playtime [Music] there you are you're so covered in mud i didn't see you no playtime oh i get it no one wants to play with you because you're so muddy and hoopa didn't even recognize you i bet you're ready for your bath now aren't you [Music] playing inside can be just as much fun as playing outside yeah [Music] welcome to my restaurant moo roya here you are toto's brought the menu for you to look at ah the green salad that's a great choice moo and the corn on the cob for your chickens awesome [Music] [Music] chickens enough uh chickens in a restaurant you need to sit in your seats while you wait for your food you can't run around the way you can in a playground oh no worries moo i'll get you a new salad and some more corn [Music] [Music] here you go guys [Music] it looks like someone's forgotten that salt and pepper shakers aren't toys to play with no worries moo i'll get you a fresh salad right away [Music] [Music] huh i thought you ordered the green salad not the corn salad um no i think your chickens are forgotten that you're not supposed to eat with your mouth open no worries moo one green salad coming right up [Music] uh moo you might want to turn off your phone and put it away while you're having your meal thanks moo oh and one more thing enjoy your food [Music] and for dessert i brought you a delicious chocolate cake yum candy hmm no more candy never mind toto it's bedtime anyway right toto let's see those teeth ah oh look at all that sticky candy good thing we brush our teeth before we go to bed ready for the tooth brushing rhyme up down and all around up down and all around up down and all around one last time awesome your teeth are sparkling clean again toto yay good morning toto oh what's wrong toto oh oh your tooth hurts maybe you ate too much candy too much candy is bad for your teeth no worries toto i know who can help the dentist the dentist is a special doctor for your teeth he can take the pain away and tell us what's wrong with your teeth [Music] those noises are just the dentist's tools toto they make all kinds of funny noises nothing to be worried about [Music] richie here is going to have a look at your teeth you need to open your mouth as wide as you can [Music] it's only a light see [Music] that's called a dental probe and mirror they help richie see the hard-to-reach areas in your mouth they don't hurt look i'll show you see all good [Music] that's only an x-ray machine total it takes really awesome pictures of the inside of your mouth [Music] there all done [Music] oh i see you have a new tooth growing toto that's why it was hurting candy those are apples toto the best kind of candy you can eat yummy apples [Music] today toto is visiting moose farm to play with the chickens [Music] [Music] it looks like your favorite dress is ruined moo no worries moo why don't you head over to the shopping mall to look for a new dress you deserve it here we are at the panda city shopping mall where should we look for a new dress from lou maybe there will be some on the first floor what a sweet looking candy store but we won't find a dress for moo in there let's look on the second floor nope that shop sells furniture not clothes let's take a look at the third floor awesome the dress you want is on the third floor moo okay before we use the elevator we need to know how to use it safely after we go into the elevator we have to make sure we stay clear from the doors then we push the number of the floor that we want and if there is an emergency we don't need to panic we just need to push the help button and call for help got it guys awesome let's go remember to stay clear of the doors we're going to the third floor so you need to push the button with the number three on it [Music] chickens chickens that's not a good idea uh-oh the elevator's broken down don't panic chickens stop [Music] hello help well done toto when an elevator breaks down you don't need to panic you just ask for help [Music] make sure you use the elevator safely next time chickens you use the stairs instead of the elevator good idea moo or maybe not hi guys leo's invited toto and ziggy for a picnic adventure here in panda city forest toto's brought his insect guidebook so he can discover all kinds of insects insects have you found your picnic spot yet leo no worries i'm sure you'll find the perfect place soon [Music] what's the matter ziggy looks like ziggy found the first insect what kind of insect is that leo [Music] ah it's a fire ant the book says ants don't like it when their nests are disturbed i think you must have sat down on the ant's nest by accident ziggy maybe you should move the blanket somewhere else sorry little ant ziggy's going to move his picnic blanket to another spot lots of insects bite to protect themselves so you just need to make sure you don't hurt or frighten them [Music] oh looks like ziggy found another insect what kind of insect is that leo yep you got it toto it's a honey bee bees collect nectar and pollen and flowers so they can make honey but bees can sting you if you frighten them [Music] you must have scared the bee when you smelled the flowers iggy you'll have to be careful next time [Music] aha i think ziggy's found another insect [Music] what is it oh it's a spider wait ziggy the book says this spider doesn't bite [Music] [Music] looks like the muddy pool scared them off i think we'd better take care of those bites ziggy it's too bad you didn't get to picnic in the forest after all all you wanted was a bite from your sandwich and instead the insects got a bite out of you what an awesome idea leo you can have the picnic right here enjoy the picnic guys [Music] toto could you see who's at the door please hey there toto where's dr p [Music] hey there dr p do you guys want to go skateboarding at the playground today yay play play i'd love to bit but i'm not feeling well i'm going to have to stay inside and rest so i can't take toto to the playground i'm sorry toto hey dr p maybe i couldn't bring toto to the playground yay i guess that would be all right it's not that far to the playground but you'll both be careful and and look out for traffic won't you sure thing dr p this is the way to the playground first you walk all the way down our street make sure you stay on the sidewalk because the road can be very busy with traffic then you'll have to wait for the traffic light to turn green so you can cross the road once you cross the road you'll be at the playground you got all that bip bip no worries dr p we'll be there in no time see you later have fun toto god dude we can go much faster on the road sorry about that olette guess i should have stayed on the sidewalk like dr p said huh no worries i'll remember that all right there's the crossing we're almost at the park let's go toto what just happened red light oh i see it now red light right the light's red and that means stop stop hey it's turned green that means we can go you're so smart total awesome we made it to the playground toto yeah huh turtle where are you going the playground's over here huh aren't you supposed to be at the playground toto decided we should go to the supermarket instead thanks guys play play yeah toto let's play inside the house then we can keep you company dr p play play awesome i'm feeling better already [Music] what a beautiful day to fly through the sky uh-oh the wheel's broken i'm going to crash who will save me [Music] it's super turtle to the rescue [Music] thanks super turtle you're awesome you saved the day again oh what's up dr p what are you guys doing oh hi bip we're playing toto here is super turtle he just stopped my plane from crashing oh did you say super turtle excellent guess what i've got two tickets for the new super turtle movie do you want to go toto yay movie go go go wait a minute toto no you can cycle to the movie theater total but you have to wear a helmet it's to keep you safe anyway if you wear it you'll really look like super turtle okay how about you bip where's your helmet oh i don't need one dr p i've got my cap on let's go toto i mean a super turtle have fun at the movies guys all right it's race time super turtle dude first one at the movie theater wins no helmet ah no worries i'll count down from three then we'll race no helmet three two one let's go woohoo this is [Music] has the movie started already what happened i had a bit of a wild ride dr p oh that's one big bump on your head there guess i should have had a helmet on huh [Music] luckily toto here was smart enough to call the emergency number you really are a hero [Music] too bad we missed the movie toto sorry about that ah no worries i brought a super turtle movie with me on my tablet yeah awesome you guys are both my heroes [Music] here we are toto the panda city shopping mall shopping yay toys we're not here to buy toys toto we're here to violet some flowers for her birthday ooh owlette flowers we've got to go up to the third floor to get to the florist follow me toto [Applause] [Music] thanks june olette will love these beautiful flowers don't you think toto toto huh where could he be dr panda hey what's up little toto are you looking for dr panda oh no worries toto i'll help you find dr p do you have his phone number cool i'll give him a call toto where are you hello bip hi dr p toto lost you i found him at the toy store oh phew thanks bip i'm in the florists and was getting really worried cool i'll come to you we'll come to you bill oh hey dr p there you are i thought i was coming to you no i said i'd come to you whoops but where's toto huh he was here a minute ago you know bip if someone's lost it's a good idea to tell that person to stay in the same place then they're easier to find oh whoops again i'm sorry dr p ah no worries bip we'll find toto i'll look on the first floor and you search the second floor [Music] phew there you are toto i'll call dr panda hi dr p i found toto he's on the second floor i'll stay with him this time and wait for you awesome i'll be right there oh what are you watching toto this looks pretty funny [Music] toto's missing again ah now where could he be dr panda ground floor panda ground floor oh that's toto he's on the ground floor dr panda ground floor toto yeah you went to security guard olette to call me through the mall speakers how smart of you thanks for helping toto owlette you deserve an early birthday present these are for you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday hi there stick around for more toto time episodes and be sure to subscribe to our channel
Channel: Dr. Panda TotoTime – Official Channel
Views: 14,273,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learning cartoons for kids, learning cartoons for toddlers, learning show for kids, kids cartoon, baby cartoon, kids learning, educational, fun learning, children learning, songs and stories, dr panda, toto time, tototime, dr panda tototime, dr panda cartoon, good habits for kids, learn with toto
Id: G7cE0KEJcbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 27sec (4227 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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