Season 03 : Episode 05 : Jennifer Pan Part 1

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jennifer pan had her every move controlled by her parents she began lying about her activities in order to keep up with her parents expectations but when the lies began unraveling she had to take drastic action to free herself from their grasp this is monsters [Music] han pan was born in vietnam and after school his family immigrated to canada in 1979. bick also immigrated to canada around the same time and the two eventually met and married they both began working for a local manufacturing company magna international han was a tool and die maker and bick made auto parts they settled down in the scarborough area of toronto they had two children jennifer in 1986 and felix in 1989. their family placed a lot of importance on success and image wanting both of their children to be the best they could be unfortunately sometimes that family dynamic can become more of a burden for the child than a benefit jennifer started piano lessons at age four and began figure skating at age eight she began competing in figure skating competitions and was hoping to make it to the 2010 olympics that dream was ripped away when she tore her acl and had to stop skating she took martial arts classes for a while and after she gave up figure skating she began playing the flute people refer to han and bick as tiger parents wikipedia says tiger parenting is a form of strict or demanding parenting tiger parents push and pressure their children to attain high levels of academic achievement or success in high status extracurricular activities such as music using authoritarian parenting methods jennifer was not allowed to go to dances parties or have a boyfriend claiming that she should refrain from dating until after graduating from college jennifer attended mary ward catholic school and she stayed up late into the night studying in order to keep up with her parents expectations her father han was baptized at birth as catholic and her mother bick was a buddhist jennifer said she practiced a combination of both religions she was an excellent student until the ninth grade when her grades started falling she always got top marks in music but the rest of her grades were in the 70 range she would use old report cards in a photocopier to forge report cards with straight a's to give to her parents this is where the lying to keep her parents happy started in 11th grade jennifer met daniel wong who played trumpet in the school band where she played flute these first clips are from her second interview where she goes into more detail about the incident and her life we went to high school together he helped me through a really difficult time in high school when i have asthma but it it wasn't a concern it was only a concern i was younger um but when i went over to europe um a lot of sick people were smoking cigarettes and it acted up over there and he took care of me over there when did you go to europe 2003 p and how long were you there for under two weeks i think okay so this is 2003 when you and danny were started dating later on in 2003 we were just friends okay during a school band trip to europe after performing in an auditorium full of smokers jennifer had a bad asthma attack and daniel calmed her down and coached her through her breathing after that the two became good friends and eventually started dating so how does your relationship with danny develop where does it go and how long does it last about six years um it began in the summer of 2003 before my grade 12 year we were just really good friends and i guess it just happened like we just started going out well saying that we were going out but um i didn't really get to see him much let's talk about that why didn't you get the chance to see him much i wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend and that was when you were 18. i was 17. 17 turning in your 18th year maybe grade 11 or going to indiana okay and uh so who was against you having a boyfriend my father your father how was your mother in this she took a backseat to his opinion um she would tell me that i gotta find someone who was devoted to me but at that time she just my father was the one that enforced the rules what were the issues your father had with a boyfriend was it danny in particular or was it just a boy just any boy daniel and jennifer started dating in secret due to her father's prohibition of boyfriends they started the 12th grade attending the same school but daniel started falling behind in mary ward and was transferred to cardinal carter academy he would still come to jennifer's school and visit her and she would skip school to go visit him this didn't help her grades but even though she wasn't getting straight a's she was still accepted to ryerson university but then she failed her calculus course and didn't graduate from high school due to her failing grade ryerson withdrew their offer in an effort to not have her parents find out about her real high school grades she dug her lie a little deeper and told them she would be starting ryerson in the fall i wanted to do kinesiology but my my father was very adamant on doing something in the medical field that was a little bit more um in his opinion more like a more successful i guess you can say um he knew i didn't have the stomach for being a doctor so he wanted me to become a pharmacist okay did you go to school for pharmacy to get into university for pharmacy so if you're you finish your grade 12 you go to y your oic year like grade 12 is you're finished you're all i see here i don't have always i didn't have oac i finished my grade 12. and then where where do you what do you do for the next few years while your dads want you to get into the medical field what do you do i was trying to get into piano what school i i was still taking classes at a conservative like a a school but it's still recognized in the community as a teacher's license through the royal conservatory you can correct me if you're canadian but from what i can find an oac year is an additional year of secondary school for students who plan to go to college it looks like they have eliminated it from being mandatory though she wanted to study kinesiology which is the study of the mechanics of body movement which sounds interesting she says her father wanted her to do something more successful but what i think she meant is that her father thought that becoming a kinesiologist wasn't good enough and that she needed to get a career that held a more respectable view she says at one point in her police interview that her parents weren't rich but her mom drove a lexus her dad drove a mercedes and they had a nice big house her parents wanted to maintain that type of image what did you lie to him what did you tell him that i was going to school four uh four just pre-med uh not pre-med sorry science for science bachelor of science you would have had bills for school how was how was that coming up how are these bills being paid for for university that you weren't going to i was working at eastside marios and i took care of myself so financially my father was never he never took hand in bills so he didn't know anything about pills did your mom know that you weren't going to university no so both your parents thought you had gone to university yes okay and um how long did that how long did they still to this point in time think that you had gone to university for for pharmacy for sciences yes jennifer told her parents that she was going to do two years of science and then transfer to the university of toronto's pharmacology program she told her parents that she had gotten a loan and that she had won a 3 000 scholarship to cover the cost of schooling she even went as far as to buy used textbooks and other supplies to keep up her charade each morning while her parents thought jennifer was going to school she would really take a bus downtown and use the internet at the public library to look up science topics and make notes about the subject to show her parents back at home she of course would spend any time she could with daniel and also got a job where he worked jennifer first started working as a server at eastside marios but eventually started working as a bartender at boston pizza where daniel was the kitchen manager she also taught piano lessons and took some classes at the royal conservatory to become a piano teacher after two years of lying about going to college han was expecting jennifer to transfer to the university of toronto instead of fessing up to her deception and getting her life back on track she told her father that she was accepted into the school's pharmacology program and would be attending u of t that fall not only that but she doubled down on her lie and suggested that she stay with her friend topaz three days a week in order to make her commute better her parents believed that would be a good idea less commute meant more time for studying the reality was that jennifer actually went and stayed at daniel's house during those days daniel still lived with his parents and jennifer told them that her parents agreed to let her stay there daniel's parents constantly suggested meeting han and bick but jennifer kept blowing them off as if her current lies weren't enough she eventually told her parents that she started volunteering at a blood testing lab at the hospital sick kids she told him that she would be working late night shifts and suggested that she stay over at topaz's house more often this eventually aroused han's suspicion and he insisted that they drop her off at her shift the next day when jennifer went into the hospital she noticed that her mom was following her so she hid in the hospital until her parents left the next morning her parents called topaz and asked to speak to jennifer topaz forgot which day it was and told the pans that her daughter wasn't there when jennifer arrived home her lies finally came crashing down around her she confessed that she didn't volunteer at sick kids she wasn't attending the pharmacology program at the university of toronto and that she had really been staying with daniel her parents didn't take it well my mother she said at first she was like not supportive but she said you need to tell me and she basically gave me the um the sex talk which basically was one moment could ruin your entire life but once my father found out without even knowing him he automatically put judgment what kind of judgment did your father pass on him he blamed my lying and even racial um profiling on him and what does that mean i don't know about the racial profiling um he is half filipino half chinese yes and my father associated him with filipino and said that you know he wasn't a good match for me he wasn't going anywhere in life and that he wouldn't be able to support a family because he was filipino he wasn't a good match for her so they took away her phone and restricted her to a curfew they pretty much make sure that i wouldn't contact him again and how do they do that they take away my cell phone and restrict internet access like they have to be in the room or not at all do you have a curfew if i go out with a friend that they know i have to be home before nine four nine o'clock yes and is that even up until monday did you have a curfew up until monday uh technically but i don't i haven't gone out for a while and why is it that you haven't gone in for a while because they gave me an ultimatum to either choose daniel or to choose them about a year and a half ago or two about a year and a half ago and i chose to stay home with my family but even though he had moved on i we still wanted to be friends we went through a lot i was there for him and he was there for me when we needed each other so i whenever i could i would sneak a phone call here sneak a phone call there i'd ask a friend of mine to pick me up and take me to see him and then take me back she's 22 years old at this point her parents have taken away her phone and given her a curfew like she's a teenager they basically told a grown adult that she's grounded jennifer's parents made her quit her jobs other than teaching piano which was the one thing that jennifer still loved doing after a couple of weeks she was able to go out and give piano lessons but her parents kept a close eye on her even then she still visited daniel when she could and talked to him on the phone in secret she also enrolled in a calculus course so that she could graduate from high school she must have had to do that in secret because she had admitted that she hadn't been attending u of t but as far as her parents knew she had graduated high school and attended ryerson for two years jennifer got caught another time after sneaking out of her house at night and going to see daniel she had forgotten that she had beck's wallet and when her mother went into her room in the morning to get it she noticed that jennifer was gone she was ordered to come home immediately they gave her an ultimatum that she could either go be with daniel or stay there with them in police interviews she tells the detectives multiple times that she chose them because family was always more important she told a detective that her father told her that if she chose daniel he would hire a private investigator to follow her around so i'm not sure how much of a choice it was she was still willing to sneak phone calls with daniel but she was too afraid to leave the house daniel had grown frustrated with the situation and broke up with jennifer obviously jennifer was upset about the breakup but when she found out that he had started dating another girl christine she really fell into a depression she was hoping to ride out her parents control until they could finally be together for good and she felt like she wasn't good enough because he wasn't willing to wait jennifer turned to the only coping mechanism she knew lying she told daniel that she was home alone one day and she was attacked that is something i lied to him about okay tell me about that um i told him i was raped but i was just very depressed and sorry this is very embarrassing don't don't you haven't reported it to the police right this is a this is an interaction between you and an ex-boyfriend okay so you're not in any trouble for this and it's important that we clear it up because he's telling us stuff yeah and then we're coming back to you so but this is something i lied to him about okay um and why did you say you were depressed and and when did this happen when did this what did you tell him about this maybe a year ago a year ago and what was it that you told me that um someone came to the door and when i went to open the door they pushed me down and raped me did they did you give descriptions did you provide descriptions to them about it to him about it i might have i i don't remember exactly what i said okay but you're telling me to my face that this never happened okay so it's not this isn't something that we need to be looking at as something that's tied to this no this is that was my lie to him okay she lied to him to get attention and also to make christine look bad she claimed that christine had orchestrated the attack and then said that she had sent her a bullet in the mail daniel told her to report it but she couldn't because well it never happened she also told the detective that she had been receiving threats have you have you been experiencing anything what you would call in the last little while of any type of threats or threatening behavior yes tell me about that um his i don't well he says it's just a friend but everyone says it's his girlfriend um she has messaged me telling me to back off to leave daniel alone and he's messaged me and he's like is that you calling but i wasn't calling or i'd be on the phone with him and he's like your other yeah my roger's line because i called him on the phone that he gave me yes and he'd say that my rogers line was calling him and when i looked into it it was like on the on my bills those phone calls were made but i know i didn't make them so i couldn't explain it and i did get a letter in the mail saying that uh you're a dead person walking now why didn't you tell me about that why when i spoke to you the other day i everything had just happened i wasn't it was it just simply a letter yes it was uh cut out where is that letter it's garbage it's in the garbage yes i didn't think too much of it at that time and what did you equate it to just jealousy you still equating it to the friend of the girlfriend well i don't want to like i don't know 100 so i don't want to point fingers why so if you're not 100 and you don't want to point fingers why do you believe it's her because she has personally messaged me on facebook telling me that i'm stupid and to back off and to leave daniel alone just another death threat no big deal she claimed that daniel said christine was only a friend but when he was interviewed by police he had no hesitation calling her his girlfriend in early 2010 jennifer contacted a former classmate from elementary school named andrew montemayor jennifer claimed that andrew used to brag about robbing people at knifepoint and after hearing about jennifer's problems with her dad he claimed that he had once considered killing his own father after expressing her own interest in a similar solution andrew introduced jennifer to his roommate ricardo rick duncan jennifer claims that she gave rick fifteen hundred dollars to murder her father in the parking lot of his employer they were supposed to meet again to pick a specific date but he stopped taking her calls and she realized that he had ripped her off according to rick jennifer called him in early july and asked him to kill her parents he was offended and said no he said that the only money he had ever taken from her was 200 which he borrowed and then paid her back by the end of summer of 2010 daniel and jennifer were back in regular communication the two devised a plan to hire a hitman to kill han and bick jennifer would be looking at a 500 000 payout if her parents died then the couple could finally be together daniel gave jennifer an iphone with a new sim card for her to use only for the planning of the killing he put her in touch with a man named lenford crawford who told her that it would normally be twenty thousand dollars for a hit but for a friend of daniels he'd do it for ten thousand dollars fifty percent off what a deal just before 10 pm on the night of november 8 2010 three armed men entered the pan residence and demanded money they took money that jennifer had saved before tying her hands behind her back they demanded money from han and bick who only had the cash in their wallets and they found over a thousand dollars in u.s currency in the bedside table in the master bedroom they tied jennifer to a stair banister on the top floor before taking han and bic downstairs to the basement where the assailants shot them both the three men ran out the front door and shortly after han climbed up the stairs and stumbled out the front door he ran into a neighbor who was about to leave to go to work jennifer had stuck her phone in the back of her pants before being tied up and claimed that she had been able to get her phone out and call the 911 had also called 9-1-1 police and paramedics were quickly on the scene bick was pronounced dead at the scene and han and jennifer were transported to the hospital after a short visit at the hospital and some anxiety medication to calm her nerves jennifer was taken to markham police station where she was interviewed by detective randy slade at about 2 45 a.m detective slade is very nice to jennifer which is understandable because she's not being interrogated she's making a statement as a witness to a crime i don't believe she's being considered as a suspect at all at the time of the incident jennifer's brother felix wasn't living at home he was getting a degree in engineering and only stayed at his parents house periodically at the time it was only han bick and jennifer who were in the home detective slade asks her to start at the beginning of the day and tell him what happened she explained that her mother had awakened her at about 9 30 in the morning so they could go visit her grandfather he was in a nursing home and wasn't doing well so bick and another relative were going to visit him when they left the house she said there were police officers all around and they told them that there was a gas leak and they wouldn't be able to use that part of the street bick was going to go down the street and use a friend's car but the officer told her that he had just received word that the street was cleared and they could use the road at this point jennifer decided to stay home and practice her piano bick returned home at about 3 pm and began making dinner shortly after han would normally arrive home around 4 pm but that day he was late because he forgot to lock something at work and had to turn around and go back the fact that he didn't call to let her know that he was going to be late was something that bick argued with him about jennifer said that she and her mother ate dinner together and her father ate alone after he got home after dinner she called a friend adrian and had him come over to watch television something they did on a regular basis han had gone out with her uncle after dinner to go shopping and he returned home about 6 30 p.m then bic changed and left to go dancing at 7 p.m something she did every monday with other family members by then han had gone upstairs to the office to read the vietnamese news and watch vietnamese soaps adrian left the house at 9pm and jennifer went upstairs to get ready for bed han was still in the office on the computer bick came home at about 9 15 while jennifer was in her room talking on the phone to a past co-worker named ed she asked ed to hold on and went downstairs to say hello to her mom before going back up to her room by now han had gone into the master bedroom to go to sleep ed had hung up the phone so jennifer called him back and they continued talking sometime between 9 30 and 10 pm jennifer heard her mother calling for her father she said that her mother's tone indicated that something was wrong and she also heard unfamiliar voices she told ed that she had to go and went to investigate suddenly i just heard my mom calling for my dad to come down and that's when i lowered the volume on my tv and i could hear the voices weren't any voices i was very familiar with and so i was scared and i couldn't move i just sat in my room for a while and then i thought i heard them all like leave the top floor and i peered out of my bedroom door and the guy was there and he came at me and had string in his hands and tied my arms back and said i have a gun behind your back do what i say if you do what i say then no one will get hurt where is the money show me where your money is i am i have still a few a bit of money put aside from when i was waitressing cash so i showed him where it was and he took it and put it in his pocket i think and then that's where they pushed me to my parents room and asked me where the money was there and i didn't really know so they kind of like one was right beside me blocking my way to the door all the other ones turned over the bed to find some more cash in my mom's bedside table the intruders were looking for money this is her initial story which is quick and not extremely detailed she says that she doesn't know how they got into the home normally the last person to go to bed checks to make sure the doors are locked and she wasn't sure if anyone had done that yet as her mother was still awake the sliding glass door is it locked all the time occasionally it's forgotten to be locked but for the most part we do check it before we go to bed before everybody the last person is supposed to check everything before turning in but on some occasions it's how do you know that it's been unlocked when my mother goes out to water the plants the next morning it's open and she makes a comment about that is she comments to my father that he had forgotten when he went out to water his grass and blocked the night before what about your front door how do you what is that when you guys are home or when you guys are home in the house do you lock your front door do you keep it or do you keep it unlocked occasionally it's left unlocked because the way our family is we have family that come over after dinner so sometimes we leave the door unlocked but it will always be locked before bed the last person going to bed the last person always locks it yes and you said something about activates the alarm as well um we activate the alarm before we go well we leave the house so there's it's not activated when you're in the house and you're going to bed it's only when there's no one in the house yes she explained that there were three doors into the house the front door the back sliding door and a door that goes into the house from the garage he told he grabbed my arm and he pulled it to the back and said give me your other arm as well okay and then i was trying to make a wide x so that i could later loosen if i needed it to but he had pulled really really tight and i guess he felt my flinch and that's when he quickly tied the second knot i think i don't exactly know all i know is like i flinched and then it got tighter so you were taught you were bound behind you fine yes okay she said that she was tied up in her room and then taken into her parents room next in which then they dragged me down the stairs and made me kneel at the bottom telling me to face down on the floor while the other guy had a gun behind my head and asked my mom where her purse was my mom kept trying to get up and they kept telling her sit down and so i didn't want her to get hurt i told her mom sit down they were trying to find her wallet but she her english thinker so she kept saying first they kept pushing her down onto the chair okay take your time take your time all this is very important so take you to it they kept all the lights up on the main floor the only time there was light was when they opened the fridge door to see if they could find where my mom's purse was i didn't at that point i saw three figures of men one with the hoodie but the one i could see the most clearly he had a hoodie on and i believe he had a bandana of some sort covering from like his lower under his eyes down it's important to note that she said that they took her downstairs and had her kneel at the bottom of the stairs and to face down on the floor she can see one of the men has a hoodie and a black bandana she eventually explains that there are three men all black and her and the detective start referring to them as number one number two and number three number one is the one that does almost all the talking he seems to be in charge and he has a pistol uh he was medium filled okay i didn't i don't remember any of his clothing unfortunately the only thing i can remember was him was he had dreadlocks he dreadlocks so are you can you describe his race to me he was black did it was his head covered was his face covered do you remember anything about that just that his dredge blocks were like kind of like flopping all over the place i couldn't really see his face and they kept the lights dark as much as much as possible how long how long were the dreadlocks was it were they you know like when you say their dreadlocks and they were flopping all over his face it's hard i i don't remember a hundred percent i think some of them were like around his face was a little shorter and then in the back there were longer ones okay now his complexion um there's various degrees of of of back dark to medium dark to to actually light and so he was he i wouldn't say he was the darkest person i've seen but he was on the darker side any facial hair i'd like to say maybe say only what you can think just just say what you've what you think i don't want you to say what you're doing i don't want to say something wrong exactly so if you don't know then it's okay to say it's okay okay so can you give an age approximation for this guy well when the other officer asked me i was leaning along the ages of 28 to 33. so and someone who's established in life i would assume like not an establishment meaning that he's been around been around so a 20 year old talks completely different than a 30 year old as you know he seemed to be the one in charge he seemed to be running the show he's the one that had me like he pretty much did not let me go he was in charge of me and all the money i showed him he pocketed okay did he have a gun did you see the gun i only saw the top part what did it look like um kind of black yeah and it kind of not triangular but it was slightly wider at the end than it was closer do you know the difference between what a pistol and a revolver is yes okay do you know if it was a pistol or a vault revolver that particular one that he was holding i believe should have been a pistol a pistol okay so the difference is the round part right so you tell me what's a pistol and what's a revolver which one has the round part i would think that the revolver has the one sent the bullets go around okay and it didn't look like that it looked like more like a handgun so it looked more like a pistol yes what you're saying not a revolver she describes him as being just a little shorter than her she's 5'7 with shoulder length dreadlocks she estimates his age to be between 28 and 33 which seems like an oddly specific age range number two never talks and only looks around for money and number three talks sometimes and has a revolver and then for some reason i think one of the gentlemen asked my father if he had money in his wallet and where his wallet was so they took me because i was next to the stairwell they took me up the stairs to show them where my father's wallet was but i'm i didn't know they had turned the room upside down i didn't know where his pants were at that time and then after they had gotten that they had taken me and they tied me to the top of the master just with one string i could still move but i was afraid to because the one guy just had that gun another important detail is that they took her back upstairs and took her into her parents bedroom a second time detective slade asked her if she was able to see any details of their clothing while they were in her parents bedroom now they they had like something blind me like they number one once when we first got in the room the light was on and he's like hold on and he grabbed i don't know what he grabbed jacket or sleeve or something and he kind of like shielded me with it and that's why he took my glasses and he like tossed them so he took your glasses off okay how did you get your glasses back i asked the officer okay they didn't find han's wallet and they took jennifer to the top of the stairs where they tied her to the banister she said they didn't tie her to the banister with the same string they used to tie her hands number one told number two to quote tell cuzzy to get the string end quote number two comes back with the string and they tie her upper arm to the banister so you're now tied to the banister yep he calls for cuzzy so they get cuzzy to give me that string i just gave him and who is he talking to number two so he says the number two tell cozy to get me that string do you hear any other names during this whole time because just cuz jennifer also remembers that her mother had eleven hundred dollars in u.s currency in her bedside table they had recently gone on a trip to buffalo new york in the united states and when they came back bick still had eleven hundred dollars in cash so that eleven hundred dollars did it get taken tonight i believe so and where would that where would that have been in my mom's bedside table and you said you saw them did they go into that bedside table um and then was that the second time that you when they were upstairs and they were looking for your father's wallet while they're looking for my father's wallet they flip flip the bed off and they're like oh you didn't you missed that drawer like number one told number two you missed the drawer so he number one was the one that leaned over and pulled it open okay you guys are inside the bedroom i was just a doorway of the bedroom okay so in where in relation to this bedroom and where is this very tight very tight space okay so he he could stay with you and still reach around and grab this and open this drawer and that's where he kind of pulled me with one hand closer yeah as he leaned over but it was close enough that you could maneuver okay and um so they grab that that american money you see it go i saw him fold it and put it in his box okay and did that seem to agitate them did you see any change in behavior after after that there has to be more details about her being tied up to the banister come up again and now she says that number one asked for cuz okay and who ties you to the banister uh i'm not sure if number two help number one but it was behind me i'm not sure who did the time but number two goes downstairs to get the string to tie tie you up and brings it up and brings it up from this cuz and you're sure it's because like cousin because i'm assuming no i'm not saying that that's what it is but it's on that line of cuz yeah hotel cuz eventually jennifer is left at the top of the stairs tied to the banister and she can hear her parents being taken down to the basement next thing i know oh i think i heard my parents going down the stairs and my mom was asking them for me to come with them they wouldn't let me come with them and after kids said the last things i heard them say was you lied you lied to us you lied to him and then i heard two pops my mom screamed i yelled out for her and a couple more pops take your time take your time and i think i heard my mom say a moan or something and then they did one more before they left and then one of the guys said we have to go now too long and then they ran up the door and i think once they were out the door i heard my dad go the stairs and at that point i had my phone in my in my on me behind me that i had hidden there that they didn't know about so when i when i when they when i thought that they had heard them i'll leave and my dad ran up the stairs i whipped up the phone and i called and went but i i still hadn't heard anything from my mom and all i could hear was my dad running on the street moaning challenge she explained that she had stuck her phone in the back of her pants after number one had come into her room but before he tied her hands behind her back she was able to pull her phone out of her pants twist herself around and dial 9-1-1 she told the detectives that she didn't hear the door open or close when the men went out because there was too much thudding from the footsteps they had an alarm in their house but they only said it when they were gone not at night when they went to sleep she did hear her father open the door and go outside and that he was also moaning she believed that he must have been injured in a way that affected his speech the way she was tied made it so she couldn't see the front door when police arrived she was begging them to free her but they had to clear the house first eventually one of the officers got a pair of scissors out of her bedroom and cut her free apparently she also asked the officer to get her glasses detective slade asks her why anyone would think that they had cash in their home and she can't explain she brings up the fact that her parents both drive nice cars and keep up a good appearance and maybe that gave someone the wrong idea at the end of her interview detective slade asks if he can have permission to pull her phone records maybe it's hindsight but she seems very uncomfortable that they want to look at her phone records she agrees because i think she doesn't want to raise any questions by saying no but she's visibly rattled by the idea when the detective steps out of the room for a minute to get the consent form she gets up and paces around the room she doesn't do any handstands and she doesn't sing amazing grace she just stretches her legs she actually seems to be limping as she paces around and i'm not sure why maybe from the torn acl when detective slade comes back she asks him about the phone records my question is how far deep into this well i look for my phone just like comment like regular phone calls to people just stuff like that really it's just the time stamping of of the you know we we're putting nine days down because it may come back to you that um oh i spoke to him and it may be able for us to be able to identify people that we may need to go back and interview the the interest of us is obviously tonight between nine and ten right after about two hours the interview is over and she's free to go during the interview she left out many important details she told him that she lived at home because quote my parents needed me there end quote not that she was in trouble for her relationship with daniel when he asks about her schooling she tells him she planned to go back to school in january but she doesn't tell him anything about lying about going to college in the past when she finds out that her younger brother felix is also being interviewed in a different room she doesn't ask how he's doing she says quote oh he has to be interviewed too and quote yeah his mother was just murdered and his father is fighting for his life in the er we're gonna have a few questions she's another one of those people who are surprised that after a major crime is committed police want to question everyone and investigate every lead she thought they would just listen to her story and then case closed there were other investigators who were watching the interview while it was happening and they noted that the tissues she used while crying all appeared to be dry they questioned why three men would go into the pan home shoot two people and leave one witness they also questioned why they would demand more money but not ask about the safe that was clearly visible in the parent's room why didn't they steal either high-end car even though the keys to the mercedes were clearly visible on the table at about the same time jennifer's leaving the police station han was being airlifted to a trauma center in central toronto where he's placed in an induced coma three days later han would wake up from his coma and tell police what happened at his home on the evening of november 8th he had retained his full memory of the events leading up to being shot in the basement of his own home as soon as police hear his version of events they know that they need to talk to jennifer again the second part of this story will be available on wednesday the 19th make sure that you subscribe and turn on notifications to ensure you don't miss it you can also go to our subreddit r forward slash this is monsters to discuss these cases if you're the victim of domestic abuse please reach out to someone for help please call the national domestic abuse hotline at 1-800-799-safe that's 1-800-799-7233 or go to to chat with someone online the great thing about this website is that at any time hitting the escape key twice will instantly take your browser to a google search page in the event the abuser is nearby you can assure that you don't get caught trying to get help if you're having feelings of harming yourself or someone else or even just need someone to talk to please contact your local mental health facility call 9-1-1 or call mental health america who operate the national suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-273-talk that's 1-800-273-8255 they're available 24 hours a day 7 days a week be safe thanks so much for watching this video you can help us out by hitting the like button or leaving us a comment you can also subscribe to the show to ensure you don't miss an episode also remember that if you'd like to support the show the easiest way is to donate a few bucks at buy me a coffee or check out some of our merchandise at teespring you can find information on how to do that along with links to our social media at thanks again you
Channel: this is MONSTERS
Views: 466,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: True crime, jennifer pan, murder
Id: 30cT_iJUaPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 37sec (2857 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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