Seascape using Tri-Art heavy body acrylics! Let’s do this

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said what me maybe if you're just joining me hello uh we're gonna do another tutorial today watch i'll just be painting like a seascape like a sand dune um we're gonna be using acrylics so enjoy the show yeah two days in a row cheryl you see that's why if you just hit the notification button then uh you get to catch me like right on time i'm going to be telling you in a second all the colors that i'm laying out for you thank you laura for that compliment i appreciate it so i'm using the try arts um acrylics they're from canada really really nice paints i really love them they spread very well and uh the colors are great um they have everything typical of your heavy bodies uh they do or should i say have a color shift just like just just like you know every other um acrylic paint the only acrylic paint that i know that doesn't shift in colors is the winsor newton professional artist colors those those paints don't shift on you they they stay true all right so let me uh often do i post uh well not very often i mean just sell them when it just comes to me i try to do a little bit more for you guys as much as i can but you know uh family and you know we have a small house and it's whenever it's convenient so it's not always easy it's not always easy so this is what we're going to be painting today okay now on the last video i replayed the last video it sounded like my voice was muffled now can any one of you guys tell me if my voice is muffled on this one all right so all right let me start on that okay so here goes the picture again all right so i'm gonna have this let's start drawing pick out a brush i'm not gonna be using any medium the only medium i'm gonna be using is water oh perfect thank you just want to make sure because the last video i found that my voice was a bit muffled all right so let's start the drawing um first we're going to start with our horizon a little bit yes i'm using an uh eight by twelve yes i did said eight by twelve nine eight by ten you find these at michaels i don't know why they have these special digital uh canvas is what they call them uh they're tailored to your phone uh screens so i guess that's why they did it's something new i've tried it it's actually not too bad like i said michaels is the one that has those so here's our horizon line and we're gonna have this uh uh the beach goes around like this a little bit angled off it's not going to be a perfect drawing just i just need to know uh approximately where my landmarks are going to be and there's some grasses back here and let me see we got a little pathway and it goes like this all right it's all the drawing that i need for now perfect thank you i'm glad the sound is good all right use my big flat brush now i was asked this question on my last painting is how to stay loose how do you like not you know uh concentrate too much on detail the secret to not creating too much detail in the painting if you want to learn how to do that start with small canvases like eight by eight eight by ten and it's almost like um having an emergency backpack right and it's a small one what are you gonna carry in there only the most important parts for important things that are important to you right same thing with painting if you spraying on a small canvas it's going to train you just you know put whatever is important first and uh not so much all the smaller details i really don't do much for the painting okay you just put what's important what you want the the viewer to see so same same concept basically hope that made sense all right and these paints i must say the cover they cover pretty well and if you want another another trick if you want your paint to last a little bit longer like to stay wet a little bit longer wet the back of the canvas okay keep it saturated wet and you will see that your paint will flow a lot easier it's the humidity back there that just helps that that helps to stay nice and moist so let me see now we're gonna have gonna make a little bit of a orange color mix these two together give it a transition color that was too bright of a red it's okay maybe a little hint of blue just to tone that down a little bit this red is very like powerful let me see maybe a little bit more let's go a little bit more reddish purple i may do something up here after a while i just don't want to see this sky too straight i don't know why something bothers me about that a little bit but we'll see all right let's do the water um let's see let's do just some ultramarine maybe a little bit of yellow so uh let me see i have some cerulean blue here let's use that maybe a little bit of yellow so okay okay maybe towards the end of the session we'll uh we'll add some waves or something okay so let's work on let's start working on some of the grasses and i'm gonna start working on the sand a little bit um i just don't want to mix the two together um the problem is if i start with the sand right now then the the grass is going to be too dark i just want to you know conserve the the purity of the grass as far as the colors go uh and not have anything mixed into it so i'm gonna start with the darks here the grasses and then i'll work all the lighter colors surrounding and then later on we'll go back to the sky and fix that so for the grasses let's start with a little bit let me change brushes here something a little bit smaller uh let me go with this this is a number four flat you like the sky great all right so let's go ultramarine blue burnt umber maybe a little bit of yellow make like a nice dark green and if it's too dark we could always lighten it up now if you see my previous videos we're not too concerned about uh perfection okay it's not the name of the game i'm more about you know likeliness of the picture of what i'm saying than i am really of being accurate some red tones and here goes up like this let me show you the picture again okay i'm using the corner of the brush and going up and down okay maybe a little bit more greener this time notice i'm using the same pile mixing inside the same pile here because i am not too concerned about how bright the color is i actually i really want muted colors okay and by using muted colors you're able to bring out more highlights into the painting some green here see now if this was in oils i would not be able to do what i just did here i'd have to be a little more calculating about where these colors go there's some more grasses here sparsely not parsley sparsely funny okay oh that was too much some grasses here as well some darks down here i see darks all right uh some orange color i see here let's do that a little bit red and yellow mix that together because i wanted like a subtle maybe that didn't look as subtle but okay now some grasses back here i see notice i'm still painting in the same pile here okay there's some grasses right in this sector right here it goes up higher here something like that put some of this green here all right actually the grasses go a little bit higher [Music] here all right and notice i haven't started making all these little individual sea oats and all that all right now let's start with the sand a lot of the sand is in shadow actually let me bring this beach a little bit further down you have to constantly constantly reevaluate your painting to make everything fit and the reason why you just saw me put a little bit of red in there to tone down that green because red and green are compliments so okay just to give some hint of this green in here put some more water on my brush and continue down all right let's work on the sand so let me find a good color here let's make a little purple let's mute that down a little bit it's quite different when you're on a spot painting and when you do it from a photograph sometimes you know it's advantageous because you like the colors that the photographs give and sometimes it's not okay so that's a little bit too too high of a chroma try this better let's try that again there you go we'll stick with that for now and this is just remember the base color okay meaning i may go back over this color with other like you know highlights of this orange in here you know to show some places in the sand so don't go haywire if you're like oh this does not look good together we're gonna make it look good maybe like you could see the sand here maybe a little more blue the beauty with acrylics is that you can auto correct really fast i know some of you were wondering he's like oh did he give up on acrylics no i just haven't painted in oils in a long time and i just try to i'm just trying to master it a little bit more just like i do with acrylics i'm trying to do the same thing with oils and the only way you do that is i keep telling you guys is just practice you have to practice if you don't practice well you know it's going to take you a very long time to get proficient so don't give up just keep trying keep going at it failure would only make you better at some point okay a okay apparently we have people from france watching which is good my native tongue let's put a little bit of [Music] red this will be the shadow okay turn this down a little bit put some of the red highlights here okay i know it looks a little bit different but you got to adjust your your picture here a little bit you can't go completely 100 by the reference photo okay you got to make it work and you can always add any towards the end what's missing and you always can tailor the painting to your liking mix some of these colors together not trying to be too careful just like that gives you like a gradient of color okay there you go so basically right now i'm at a stage of just covering the canvas with all the colors the approximate colors at that okay okay there you go now we have our basic colors down okay as you can see it almost already looks okay and we're not even there yet this is the ugly stage laura i've been painting for about uh should i say a little over 15 years um i started actually painting in oils was the first thing and then i uh graduated over to acrylics acrylics was not my favorite medium i'll tell you that right off the bat i used to hate acrylics hate it hate it hate it and then it'd be wouldn't you know i learned how to paint you know i kept practicing it became my dominant my dominant medium and now i'm just trying to you know do oils a little bit more from time to time so let's just see what we can do about the sky area and then we're going to work our way down to the rest of the painting so this is dry okay let's see let's put some let's put some clouds up here let's see yeah i like that and i'm just going to use the edge the flat edge of my brush okay and i'm just going to do this number here and i'm just twirling my brush around a little bit as well maybe a little bit more red a little more yellow maybe a little more blue yeah acrylics are great they are they have their they have their use for sure sometimes i will start a painting in acrylics and later on finish it in oils believe it or not it all depends on what you want to do you know if i want the softer look to the painting i'm just experimenting with the sky here for a little bit if i don't like it i can always change it and if i screw up well i just goes to show you that you know i'm not perfect and it's happened before where i screwed up like doing a live video and i mean i screwed up the whole entire thing i just changed it all right i know this guy doesn't look like nothing right now but let's continue working on it um actually let's start this is where it's going to get crazy all right let me see what i want to do what i want to do yes i've heard of florida hiring man i sure did uh they're they're part of my inspiration for painting um florida scenes also there's this great artist out there i gotta give him credit because he's indirectly my mentor who i learned acrylics from was roger bansimmer you guys can find him online really really nice guy great teacher as well and it's where i learned my acrylics how to paint with acrylics and he's the one who gave me really the confidence to continue with acrylics because i was really about to give up on acrylics until i learned his loose style of painting and uh it really changed things for me a little yeah oh don't like that color all right let me fix this like i said it's gonna happen i knew something was gonna happen well you know what that's what you you know you learn you learn from mistakes if you haven't made a mistake you haven't learned let's see i've got to fix this really badly okay okay it's gonna look like something uh just goes to show now i just got to figure this out here because i did i did mess up a little bit to be honest i didn't do it on purpose to show you guys but it is what it is now i just got to fix it and that's where acrylics come in you can just paint right over it quickly i think i got a little too confident in the colors here and so now i'm just going to start some blending here i'm doing this quick because while the paint is still semi wet and moist this would be the time to blend some of these colors and i'm trying to talk at the same time and if i don't like it you know what i'm going to do go over it in oils when it's done who knows just bear with me i'm trying to fix this hot mess that i created all right yeah i had to resolve this problem badly uh it was a bad mistake that i made so you know what whatever it is what it is it was a mistake for sure let's give oh this might be nice maybe a little more if he got into the water a little bit it doesn't matter sorry so i'm almost doing like a dry brush technique here my brush is barely like just moist let me add a little bit more red to this let's see let's put some so i'm trying to do this really quick that's why you guys see me painting quick i don't want to take too much of your time so i'm just going to paint fast okay i'm just making this up as we go because obviously you saw that this was not in the original picture but we're gonna make it i'm gonna dig myself out of this mess that i just created all right let's go okay all right we'll keep that for now uh let's work on the beach side a little bit more so okay you like the vibrant sunset now you like it better you see purely accidental and i promise you i did not do this on purpose to to show you what you know what you can do this was purely a mistake on my part i got a little too overconfident with the colors and that's what happened i did it to myself it's okay you think something's gonna work and it doesn't always work out the way you wanted to so you make it work that's why i say sometimes don't give up on a painting just you know if you just keep reworking it reworking it eventually it'll come out to be something better than what you initially expected all right now let's put some waves here and there somewhere oh that's too big let's use this uh let's see let's do something now remember these waves are entering quite the distance so no need to be too you know to exact with them all right all you're doing is just giving an impression to the viewer that oh look there are ways breaking back there yes there you go and if i want to get technical i could add some darks between these cut waves here so you make it look like they're rolling but that's next okay so now let me put a little bit of orange on this beach here all right for the reflection of this of the clouds oops i'm going to give some indication on the sand as well so going about this same mix that i had earlier let's go with this um maybe a little more red let's go with a little bit cooler red add a little bit of blue the reason i use the blue inside that orange is just to uh tone it down a little bit i'm trying to find a comfortable position i have the camera in a way here let me see there you go i'm just skipping around skipping around skipping around skipping around skip skip skip skip skip skip uh yeah even if i'm going over some of the work that i just did i could always go back and fix this if i don't like it what this does is it gives you like these little hills and valleys peaks and troughs and the sand you know just random random just randomly everywhere just random and i'm going fast about it there you go if i want to go back afterwards i can go back i'm just adding a little bit of water to smooth this out a little bit i got water on my finger now let me work out this sand a little bit more do a little bit more let's see make like a dirty purple because what that's going to do is give me like a really gray down purple maybe more white perhaps and i mix it in the same pile so i'll give it a nice transition see just going back over randomly over what i just did tone it down a little bit so it doesn't make way too vibrant acrylics baby acrylics try doing that with oils right away new siree okay all right anyhow this this is not the focal point of the painting so the background i really don't care too much basically where i'm gonna have you focus a lot on is gonna be this whole entire area this is just by you know this is the background noise basically all right that's all it is okay let's start working on some of this grass here um all right let's see what i'm gonna do what am i gonna do what am i gonna do [Music] uh let me look at this picture one more time okay all right so let's start adding a little bit of highlights here and there uh where's my fan brush we're gonna start working a little bit at the fan brush and i'm gonna show you what you can do i can mix it up a little bit using fan brush and um liner brush to to do different varied effects okay of this grass here so let's go something a little bit lighter maybe just a little bit of red to tone down the screen a little bit too much red i'm just using the corner of the brush just given some not everywhere just mildly here and there just change the value of the color add a little bit more yellow if i want to oh damn it damn it there we go boy what is this turning out to be my god okay one more thing to fix all right that part's just going to be a little bit lighter i'm going to let that dry and fix that in a minute that sucked okay okay let that dry a little bit all right so i changed the tone of that a little bit let's work on the sand itself all right let's get a flat brush not a flat a round brush let me get a fatty real quick that should work okay let's go all right yeah it you know things like that happen it sucks but whatever it is part painting you know and see by muting these colors you could better see the highlights afterwards if i didn't mute those colors then um i'm doing little c-strokes this way it's just i'm moving a little bit fast okay and i'm letting some of the base color show through it's almost like little footsteps then i transition to a little bit more red on this side go in there a little bit here and there see how much brighter because of the muted colors okay boom some here you know what let's uh make a little bit more on the purple side make a mixture that dirty purple create some cavities and what i mean by some cavities just like some spots here and there and you'll see that eventually the grass will go just go over what you just did and it's okay you know it's going to mix together that's fine let's do like a a two-tier layer of grasses here there you go knock down some of this okay all right same thing here actually more blue just basically giving like some indications of you know um peaks and troughs in the sand is what i'm doing basically is all i'm doing is just expressing uh that that's all a little bit everywhere there you go and eventually i might go even with a brighter highlight here all right so all right this is better um i'm afraid to do with the fan brush on that let's just see what i'm gonna do here spritz my pen paints a little bit that's just water in there nice just to add some of the darks that's all it is just adding darks here and there because i'm gonna put some light colors on top of that and it'll you know it will just show through you know it'll help the lighter colors show through basically all right there's some darks around here too somewhere let me show you the picture again whoops just as a reference you see there's some darks here there's some darks there and we're gonna put some of the highlights to go through that after a good part about acrylics you could just go back and forth back and forth back and forth with your i'm using the broad part of the of the brush and just doing this stroke this stroke just like this bring it down like that like that like that like that just doing it really quick there you go just adding some darker areas you could do that with a flat brush you don't have to use a round brush to do this is just i prefer you know all right start adding some some of the grasses let's start hey i used my fattest brush and um eventually i'm going to go to a smaller brush to do this basically right now it's just a visual texture here and there visual texture let me put some darts here and there um you know i created a little problem for myself here hold on it's all a process folks believe it or not it's all process sometimes the process doesn't always go the way you want it to go but you only got one one option and that's to work through it just adding some broad highlights here and there basically here what i'm doing is just uh glazing over what i just did just to give a different effect of colors here okay now where's that brush all right let's start doing individual grasses i really thin down the brush and even though it looks like i'm adding just highlights right now i can add darks as well in between them you'll see i'll probably have to show you that too you see the background was just visual texture that's all it was same thing here you could always fix all right this brush is too fat for this where is my other brush this is gonna be like a rigger brush wet it down really good there you go vary the colors as well don't make it all the same and vary the angle at which the blades of grasses are growing some here some straight up i'm going to show you something else that afterwards once uh almost all done let me show you how i can glaze this if i find an area to be too light once the once the paint is dry i could um darken the masses at will and this is how you create spacing between the blades notice that they're all here in one plane but now i'm going to show you like there are different planes of grasses so i'm like using dark colors and going right outside my boundaries of the grasses and just adding darks you see just like that now it's more a little bit more convincing a little bit less a little bit less of a 2d feeling and i keep my brush very moist do some longer ones that just shows uh perspective like you know like like you're really close you're really close to the to that sand dune and these grasses are high because if they're so short then you know it doesn't look this is gonna be like the main focus so i just um wanna you know focus more on these the elegance of this sand dune i'm holding the brush closer to the canvas like this almost like at a 15 degree angle lightly not putting too much pressure on it make some darker ones and make sure your brush stays nice and wet some others here and there's gonna be some highlighted ones as well just because i'm doing darks does not mean that's the end of it do some over here do so thank you guys for staying up that late to watch the video i appreciate it you guys thank you for the support it's cool of you thank you all as mata for watching taking the time um okay now for some highlighted grass um hope you guys can see this on the screen not every bits of grass can be highlighted just some of them just to give like an essence it's like a transition you know sometimes i just do the tips of the grasses and notice i don't start from the bottom and all the way up i just start like you know from a mid ground let me see if i can get like a more pure yellow really have that sun hitting there you go look at that and put them on different planes okay don't put it all all on top and then you know some all in the bottom just zigzag up and down up and down different on different planes you because remember in nature not everything's so symmetric and i've seen the common mistake that people make is put everything on the same plane and uh it just does not look right you have to vary what planes they're on let me just it's like almost the sun is hitting those tops and then you know put little clumps together to give that realistic feel to it there you go let me do something about here i don't want to give too much importance over here but let's uh let's do something about that this little guy over here is lonely like saying where's my dude i deserve to be seen i deserve it yes you do my friend let me do some darks offset some of these grasses here because what i was talking about being on an even plane look this does not does not look very natural so let me just put some grasses to offset some of this break down some of these lines okay let's put some um [Music] let's put some um [Music] is what i'm doing right now is just putting the darks for some of the sea oats here because i'm going to put some highlights on them in a minute [Music] okay all right now let's put some highlights on these sea oats i'm gonna make it like uh kind of orangey color make them like golden color a little bit so now we're gonna put the highlights there you go let's put some here in the grass there's some here hi everybody that was my lovely wife sophie she says hi all right let me put some oranges let me make like a nice bright golden highlight here so all right didn't turn out too bad did it what do you guys think so far i'm gonna darken this up a little bit here all right let me darken some areas a little bit uh ultramarine blue maybe a little bit more burnt umber here's what i'm gonna do i'm making this mixture like really wet so and then do this with my hand you see some spots not everywhere you see just like that just glazing basically so i'm here use my finger wipe it off same here you see i just darkened things up a little bit so if you find that some place is like way too light just go back over it with like a glaze of dark you notice how very liquidy it is and just a few strokes and wipe it off don't let it sit there just use your hand and see how the difference now so it's going to let some of the highlights show through and let some of the darts what that's going to just create depth like forward backward forward backward that's what it's going to do okay there you go all right let me finish one more thing and then uh i think we could call this painting done i want to fix this down here a little bit turned out fabulous you like it i'm glad you love it thank you very much it really means a lot that you guys like the painting and really you know i i did not take a lot of my time i was trying to make this painting really fast and try to get a lot of information to at the same time um i know it's late in some places but uh i just wanted to show you like various techniques i did not intend on the sky you know that was a that was a mistake on my part but uh you know we we worked it out there you go let me put that highlight back here first i gotta fix one more thing um i just wanted to fix this part right here some highlights here okay let's give it some bright highlight let's use a thinner brush what do i have what do i have what do i have all right highlights in the sand uh i'm making little c's like this because just to show you know um that their sand has contours some here let's go with some pure yellow all right well what do you guys think they turn out all right not too bad huh for something uh that's done a little bit quickly but you know i uh i tried the best that i can to make this painting really fast for you let's throw a bird in there somewhere let's get some life let's get some life let's see what do we have uh let me get a liner brush i don't want to put the birds like right in the middle so i'm going to offset them either here or there but the problem is if i do it here i just separate things and i don't want to i want to clump everything like in one particular area so let's see let's uh white maybe a little bit of cerulean blue in it or even ultramarine blue doesn't matter i guess load up the brush really nicely let's do small birds put one in here somewhere all right i think i achieved everything that i needed to show you as fast as i can show it to you so i guess it's time to just sign my name and uh call it let me see entire truth i'm gonna tell you right now i was sweating when i messed up on the sky i was like oh no not again on live live video i was like this gonna suck but i'm glad it turned out it's not easy talking and painting at the same time i promise you that now i know what my the ones who taught me how to paint online i could see what they were going through that's how you do it all right and here we go do you guys approve what do you think so let me know in the comments if you have any questions please do hit the like and subscribe button you're really helping me out when you do that because it changes uh youtube's algorithm and you know it shares it among other people and others will see it and uh you know i could do more videos i try the best that i can to do this for you guys and that's all i ask is just you know if you could just uh do that for me and share with your friends it really helps me out and and i will try and get more videos out for you guys you know and uh also don't forget hit the notification button because when you do that then when i'm on live or i'm doing something you'll know right away like hey kareem is on right now you might want to watch this and you'll get notified so that's the importance of the notification the subscribe button and the like button crunch it and i thank you guys so much for staying with me love you all like i said leave in the comments and i will leave in the description where you can buy these try art uh paints okay i'll leave a link in the description and uh you could go and check it out for yourself by the way in canada they don't call it um heavy body like we like we do in the united states they say high viscosity that's what they use and if you see five stars on the on on the bottle in the united states the luminous light fights is nice light fastedness if you see five stars usually in the united states that means it's not you know the the greatest pigment it's not light facet uh it's not that great but in canada apparently theirs works the opposite way and i let the rep know because i actually checked each one of the pigments that were used in here on all the paints and they were using high quality pigments and i compared it to some of my other professional high heavy body paints and they're actually one or two star light fastness so i called one of the reps representing the company i told them that you know maybe they should talk to somebody up there and change the ratings for the american you know standards uh so that people don't get like put off by uh when they see light fastness you know it makes it look like it's a low end paint but it's not it's actually heavy pigmented and it you know the colors are really nice and crisp and i really fell in love with these uh with these uh with these paints here so just in case you want to try them out so once this video is over what's going to happen i won't be able to answer any questions like right away because the video apparently takes time to load but once it's loaded by tomorrow all your questions that you may have i'll be able to answer them for you so let me go ask c through the chat see if anything that you've asked and i have not answered uh okay i think i pretty much answered a lot of questions from what i see here okay yeah i think i answered pretty much every question but if you have any other questions leave them in the comments i'm very good at answering everybody's questions and uh i will do so for you again thank you guys guys um love you all i hope you all have a great weekend and uh stay safe have a good day or evening
Channel: Gebahi Artworks
Views: 32,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seascape demo, How to paint a seascape, Seascape painting in acrylics, Acrylic painting, Simple acrylic painting, Acrylic tutorial, Mixing colors, Gebahi artworks, Acrylic artist, Painting grasses, Painting a beach, Simple landscape painting in acrylics, Simple landscape painting tutorial, How to paint a sunset, Loose painting, Acrylic painting for beginners, Simple seascape, How to mix colors
Id: jENmnzyYwoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 54sec (5454 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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