Sean Lock And The Twins | 8 Out of 10 Cats - S14 E03 - Full Episode | All Brit

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thank you an eight out of 10 cats allow  meow China it's Mickey Flanagan doing   his Mangan style it's Stephen Mangan  and their team captain Sean Locke and   facing them tonight nuts entertainment  it's Natalie Cassidy Standing Tall it's   Humphrey car and their team captain John  Richardson now welcome your host Jimmy hello and welcome to 8 out of 10 cats  a show about opinion polls surveys and   statistics did you know for example 16  of women say they lie about their age   from time to time and those times  are between the ages of 28 and 53. if men would rather be single than bald so  finally some good news for Justin Lee Collins and 23 of people think they're more  productive when they work from home I know   I am but that's because I'm a self-employed  erection checker right let's get started what are you talking about that's the name  of our first round it's our panelist's job   to guess the British Public's top three most  popular talking points John's team what do   you think people have been talking about  over the last week oh I feel good for that um are you so nervous in that moment  ago who's he going to ask first and   you ask John phew it's not  it's not Sean and the twins we look like finalists you know what's  Mika going to look like in 20 years what people were talking about over  the last week what do you think Natalie   um the guy who did the nearly  Marathon full Skydive thing nearly Marathon things nearly  American isn't it it was 23   miles up though that's not I mean  traditionally how a marathon is run like that dropped me from 26 miles  I reckon I break the world record   as well like that suck on that  Paula Radcliffe I don't mean that that's it because there's so much Cockney on that   side you know I nearly said  then when I see me done it was like [ __ ] you know I still need done it when I saw him what  he'd done fell out of the sky hunting   because initially when you're watching it's  amazing once the footage of it I thought that's   amazing and then I thought actually you just  ruined Alton Towers for yourself though yeah   for the rest of his life now should we go on  Nemesis no that fell out of the sky you dick   when he when he felt I was really disappointed  when he said I'm I'm coming home or whatever it   was he said they I thought all austrians spoke  like Arnie that's he's the only Austrian I've   ever heard before I'm coming home get ready  everybody oh have a look at Felix In Action   what I don't understand is why has he got handles  on that thing he's going to fall off it anyway why why has he got like safety but all careful  he's gonna fall off and to be honest I wasn't   impressed with the whole feat in any way it's just  falling any idiot can fall I can fall anytime you   want he's got a special suit if I had a special  suit I'd fall over pretty much all day long   I don't see what the impressive thing is  well the impressive thing is he didn't die   so it was two hundred thousand dollars you could  try and get older to receive your next tax return I'd have to wear it on the show  I'll put any more of that coming up   beforehand on the news they were saying if if  the suit fails if the suit fails he's blood   he's going to boil and his eyes will pop out of  his head you're going wow this is going to be   awesome that's fine well if you paid that much  for soon it didn't work my blood would boil as   well I was hoping that they've got the they've  got the calculations wrong and then when he   let go they've got the gravity calculation  he'd gone up and stuck to the Moon foreign or a trampoline at the bottom  you can just trampoline   making the record twice if you'd had  a trampoline and when he jumps out of   that thing there's someone in there  and they push an anvil out after him oh and it's a race to the ground   should we look and see whether he's up  there Felix Baumgartner the skydiver   saying over the last week yes Austrian skydiver  Felix Baumgartner became the first man to break   the sound barrier by skydiving from 24 miles up no  human has traveled as fast unassisted since 1978   when Jimmy Savile heard Saint Mary's School  choir were going on top of the pops foreign tax they don't pay any tax they manage to sell hello get your head around there come on now I just saw 400 million pounds worth  of coffee last year and Associated sundry items   and they lost 33 million I assumed down the  back of those epoxy sofas they're having   them but they've managed to make their books  appear that they're losing money and basically   what they do is they they take the losses  from other countries and lump them onto the   business here it's endemic it's not just the  companies but some of the staff as well look just after a meeting with their accountant laughs you know what good luck to him  good luck to you if we could do it we   would no I don't agree why should  they take advantage of a society   which we paid for by selling us  stuff and not contribute to that Mickey shop from Amazon I was I was I I had a  Kindle I love kids I had loads of them I like   them so much an old bookshelf for Kendall yeah  then I found out that Amazon don't pay any tax   and I had to get rid of all these Kindles I was  given away I said there's Pride and Prejudice   let's take the two cities there don't no  no don't let these people get away with it   I will try and take your advice Sean but  I love a skinny cappuccino from in there   I think it's the best one because they are very  passionate about getting their moderately tasty   hot beverages out to people who can enjoy  them in a sterile faux cozy environment   INE music have you heard the new  Jack Johnson album for example   I went to a coffee shop I have to say it  wasn't Starbucks but a while ago and uh the   two people behind the bar having a blazing  Rail and I've stand there for a few minutes   and eventually one turned to me and said what  I'd like a cappuccino please and they gave it   to me I said oh do you mind putting a  little bit more milk in there she went   it's okay turn around to the milk frothy  machine I could see in the shiny thing for the drink she put it down I said did  you just dribble into my drink she said   no I said I saw you in the shiny silver  thing and she said well what if I did shopping it was actually at a Motorway  service station oh well you're asking for it the wild Bean Cafe was it no because don't break  my heart that just well-being Cafe Gourmet on   the go one if I do get married that's where  we're having our reception Starbucks defense   that was incredible Starbucks defense was yeah  we don't pay a lot of tax but we do buy a lot   of local produce yeah more convey coffee  beans are you getting coffee beans from   in the UK so we buy cakes you everyone  buys cakes doesn't make you tax exempts   I mean they're not telling you do  anything illegal are they Jimmy it wasn't for me to joke about it would be  sort of to use a coffee analogy it would be   the pot calling the Kel black it would they  are one of the few places you can have a   coffee and watch women getting their tits out  there's another mother's breastfeeding weekly   didn't buy one where where I am there's like  a thing there and there's all bushes on it   and when the breastfeeding mothers come  in you can just peep through the bushes   it's almost like they're  saying oh God enjoy your coffee they do encourage crime because they  put all the chocolate there don't   they and then the woman turns around  and looks the other way oh go on then I think though that it's different you know a huge  corporation like this I mean of what I would say   is if you do go into a Starbucks if you go to a  Starbucks you know they do that thing goes what   would you like your name on the coffee you know  they do that thing now just say yeah I'd like   my name can you put the name of taxpayer on  the coffee there you go coffee for taxpayer let's have a look and see whether this is up there so I've avoided paying tax for  three years I'll tell you what   if Starbucks get taken to court  they better have a good Barista okay fingers are buzzers is it the this this  football match this wasn't so much the football   match that's the Hideous racial abuse I like  to focus on the positives John yeah that was   a brief 90 minute period of football yeah and  then some racism I think the serbians saw it   the other way around I think they thought we  were having some lovely racism and then there   was a Bloody Chicken it sort of ruined it for  everyone they did Monkey chants at Danny Rose   because he's black and they threw a seat at the  goalkeeper Jack Buckland because he has a bottom parties I've actually blamed the racism on  Danny Rose they said they said it was his fault   it sort of blanket denial it's just you sort of  can't argue with it when they just when there's   film footage and they go no we didn't it's really  difficult it's almost brilliant you think but they   clearly did if they say they didn't then maybe I'm  wrong because I seem so sure even though I just   watched it if you'd have taken a a documentary  of the 70s in football in the UK and then took   it anywhere else you just said look at these  people they're they're Maniacs you know they're   all racist so we can't be sure that just a few  supporters are symbolic of the whole Serbian race   with fairly sir you know they were 99 sure but we  should allow a little bit of Doubt there was one   fella who wasn't racist he was black and the other  thing that the England team were playing in Poland   in that very exciting roof Fiasco uh the forecast  very heavy rain so they decided to leave the roof   open and then there was heavy rain and they wanted  to shut the roof but they can't shut the roof   because it was raining the next day the sun came  out so they shut the roof players had all been   given Pro Plus apparently before the game to get  them all you know awake and stuff but they didn't   play the game so they hadn't sort of run off all  the caffeine so they gave them sleeping pills   and they reckoned this is absolutely true they  reckon the sleeping pills are the reason we were   so I'm surprised though that they only gave them  sleeping pills you imagine the England team have   got a night off in Eastern Europe I'm surprised  they weren't shooting them with tranquilizing what's incredible about the the state of British  television is that they're just an empty Stadium   just literally two hours of wet grass still  got more viewers than Great British Bake Off   a face with the option of going sure what's  that wet grass or someone doing a cake   never know the grass might grow a bit  brilliant how you could just see all   the ITV sort of commentary team and pundits just  panicking and like all the cricket commentators   were like get a load of these wankers we  often do three days worth of just wet grass   I was hoping at one point agent Charles  would start doing magic stuff like going I think your view of magic  in mind may be different boys thank God you got into comedy show well I can tell you it's not one of the top three  but last week the England under 21 team were   subjected to alleged racist abuse during a match  against Serbia I'm not saying the Serbian team   are Romans but suspicions were raised when they  brought out their mascot and it was John Terry okay fingers on buzzers one more  thing to get going what do you think   Sean is it the Rolling Stones uh back on the road   let's have a look at the Rolling Stones I think  they look like a great collection of Toby jugs it's a mighty money-making Venture isn't it  they're getting 15 million quiz from doing   this and on top of that they still get  their winter heating allowance as well   they're charging 400 pounds for the top tickets  they're going to make 15 million in four shows   because they're all about the fans and because  they're all about the fans they let their fan   clubs have the first dibs on the oh no they  didn't sorry they let the American Express   card holders have first American Express card  has got first go on the we now smell of We Tour if the merchandise will probably be like  something you pee into during the gigs on   it yeah the stones have been ruined for me  because I mean Keith Richard's autobiography   he talks at Great length about the fact  that Mick Jagger has enormous testicles   and a very small penis and now whenever  I think about the stones all I can think   about is mixed little chipolata on top of  it to space Hopper bollocks which is is a   very unpleasant image they've said they might  play Greg Glastonbury haven't they yeah they   said they might play they might do if the  weather's all right now if they're still   alive you know the massive road crew they're the  one guy whose job is just to iron Keith foreign this is the shittest album title I've ever heard  their greatest hits album is going to be called   girl I think what it was is they were typing  Greatest Hits and one of them just fell asleep so long they can remember when Jimmy  Savile was young enough to be a victim that is not one of the most talked about things  this week but the Rolling Stones are getting   back together the core lineup of the stones  has remained unchanged since 1962 with Mick   Jagger on lead vocals Charlie Watts on drums  and Keith Richards on heroin and amphetamines   foreign for touring again normally  at their age rock and roll is just   what you have to do to get out of a low chair fingers on buzzers it's it's the Scottish  independence uh they've agreed to have a   referendum on Scottish independence they have  indeed they've set a date they've set a date   I've actually set the date well 2014 yes because  they're going to let 16 and 17 year olds vote in   Scotland so they've got to give them a year to  sort out babysitters and things like that oh why if I had to set the date for 2014 why  can't they do it earlier than that go give me I think John's ordering cake it's a 700th  anniversary of the battle of Bannockburn this is one of the only two  battles Scotland's ever won   yeah there's only one question allowed in this  referendum they wanted a second question and   and Parliament would allow them and the second  question was what the [ __ ] are you looking at   I think before the referendum we should sell  it off so it'd be called like the O2 Highlands and what are they going to do about  everything what are they going to put   on the uh the notes out there in the  money what they can put Lulu on them   or something so they've inventured this  they've mentioned a lot of stuff they   invented the the steam engine the electric  light bulb the television this expression before when people felt like that South  of the Border they used to go laughs then the Scots came along well they show very they've just canned a  marketing campaign this is how confident   they are with Scotland they had this gem  lined up to advertise Edinburgh incredible and I shelved it they said we  don't need it we don't need   to go there I say every town should  be advertised like that well done d hahaha all right I love it what  about in the best go [ __ ] yourself let's have a look and see if  the referendum is up there tomorrow foreign so those were the most talked about things  this week but in other news former Bosnian   Serb leader radovan karadich is on trial  for orchestrating genocide bad enough to   commit genocide but to set it to music that's  just sick the attorney general has blocked   the publication of candid letters written  by Prince Charles I think Prince Charles   should get back to doing what he does best  waiting grimly for the death of his mother John Terry isn't appealing I could have told  you that yeah so at the end of that round   John Natalie Anne Humphrey have one point  Sean Mickey and Stephen have two points welcome back our next round is pick of the  poles Sean Mickey Steven your turn first   what do you like the look of the cups for party  you're going for the party well here's a clip   to illustrate your question well it's the  real life Risky Business a teenager holds   an alcohol-fueled party for hundreds of kids  while his unsuspecting parents are on holiday   16 year old Corey Worthington is now  facing not only the Roth of mum and dad   but a twenty thousand dollar fine from  police I spoke to him a short time ago   Corey thanks for joining us the only question  that I can think to ask is what were you thinking um I wasn't really did your  parents say you could have a party   um no your parents were out of town you put out  the invitation you started it why don't you make   a grown-up decision now and accept responsibility  take off those glasses and apologize to everybody   that you frightened to the police who were forced  to retreat and whose cars have been damaged and to   the community who've had to pay for this take  your take a few glasses and apologize to us   I'll say sorry but I'm not taking  all my glasses okay we'll go back to   back as you say to other kids who were thinking  of partying when their parents are out of town   get me to do it for you for you not don't do  it Nah Get me to do it for you best party ever   so far that's what everyone's been saying  so well we've got to go but I suggest you   go away and take a good long hard look at  yourself I have everyone knows I love it what's the story what happened there  well he basically organized a party   and like hundreds and people came to  the party when his parents were away   and there's a massive riot  did they find the AdvoCare there's been a party you got I think I had  an AdvoCare you know you've drunk everything   out of a dog bowl I still got a bit of dog food in the corner most people would rather host a house  party than go to one true or false I   don't go to many House Parties anymore  I go to a lot of four fourth and fifth   children's birthday parties these days I  don't have kids I just further food and games about pies I like doing a big shop and putting  loads of nibbles out and then I always disagree I   genuinely realize I haven't really invited anyone  because I don't really like people in my house is   that bit when you've got a text people you think  I don't like you I don't mind you but not in my   house I invite you I'll have to invite him yeah  and you'll bring your girlfriend and touch each   other and talk about it come to my house and  Fiddle in my Conservatory not on my snacks you want to be in love you stay home and cater for  yourself bloody traveling Chef for your sex games   thank you don't put that on the invite though I  had a party a little while ago at home did you it   was my daughter's second birthday what it is with  toddlers your parents can't leave two-year-olds   so you have to invite everyone you invite I'd  like a plus two plus two so they can't get there   no they can't get there when  there's five or six jobs people Nick remote controls I'll ask Mickey yes because you lose yours  and you think it might work I think you might have lost it no I've not lost  it do what I do when If Ever I drop a piece of   hash turn all the lights off and you get down  on the carpet with a torch go across the carpet Mickey they're going to take your kids away my mom and this is all from 10 12 years  ago you know for insurance purposes   what is the latest you've ever left a party it  was my birthday recently and I was out until 4 A.M thank you I left the party once um half past ten  in the morning I went over the park   and sat opposite a pub that I knew  was going to open in about an hour   and then reached in my pocket  and found a can of Stella   and ended up still drunk in this Park opening  a can of Stella waiting for the pub to answer   and a woman sat there that I went all right   your dog's quite nice to me so I  realized I'd become a [ __ ] in 24 hours actually walk past people in in the park you think  oh it's terrible something Horrible's happened to   him but maybe they just had a big night out yeah  got a big night out and the collected loads of   cardboard and some [ __ ] stained sleeping bags  piled them all together in the doorway of a shop   and they've got a dog and a chopping trolley  full of bags and cones and stuff they've got   the dog down they've written loads of stuff  asking for money just one night out foreign things came together they  had sex with a tram recently changed and you can't just  walk past and give them nothing okay so most people would rather host a  house party than go to one trophos what   are you going to go with Sean false  you're going Force okay what do you   think John we're going to say true  this ain't true okay so most people   would rather host a house party than go to  one true or false okay the answer is false only 24 of people would rather host a house  party than go to one I like to party like it's   1999. everything's a little bit cheaper  and I'm not with my current girlfriend quite funny but she's gonna kill me  the worst thing is when you turn up   a house party dressed as Batman and then  you realize a is not fancy dress B you   haven't been invited C it's Christmas Eve  and D she won't let you in to see your kids after the break foreign ERS is the  name of our final round here's your   first one coolest job window cleaner  it's that bit when you know in the   windows all they've sponged it on it's  all messy and then they get the squeegee imagine a round window I'll  get right around it like that what about at the beginning when they  toss the whole bucket all over the window   laughs oh nice big window like  that excuse me oh it's dirt it's   filthy that window John there's there's  grain's been caked on there for months dribbling down at the side oh yeah  it's getting down onto the window   below and that's even dirtier I'm gonna get it sorry in Spanish because I used to uh  be a window cleaner you go up into the   corner there around right and then and then  you get two little flicks you flick to the   side once bang you flick to the other  side bang until in the end you end up   with a little Arc of foam there and there's  a final little pull away sham was out Lively and the interesting thing is Mickey was never  taught that the cockneys are born with it it's   just it's their way I can um in a dog food factory  my job was to make sure the dog food really stank   because you know when people so people don't  confuse it with normal meat so they put you   have to put this stuff in it you know when you  open a ton of dog food you go oh and I know it's   this thing start to mix it up this stink stuff  and as it came past I used to just put a bit in   one day I mixed it up a bit too strong and  a lot of people complain the company was   sued because there was so strong people  were opening and snapping their necks never getting Whiplash from dog food  I made it too stinky and then I got to   the parachute Factory what did you have to  do the parachute Factory I used to have to   cut all the wires of the parachute with  scissors I didn't that's what I thought that is the coolest job being a sales  assistant in Topshop because they seem   to think they're pretty [ __ ] cool  we buy a new trousers that go up to   size extra small no I struggle I'm six foot  seven I struggle with trousers you struggle   with trousers struggle with finding trousers  that will fit me I put my leg in the pocket   only six foot seven yeah you don't look six foot  seven he's sitting down I don't know I told you   I'll Stand Up oh John can we get you to stand up  as well let's give Rico a bit of a humiliating this equation yeah that looks like a really  awkward first day in prison uh well before I came on I thought  an actor would be a cool job but is   it not great well my first audition there was a  middle-aged sweaty man on his own with a camera   he said he said look into the camera say your  name take your top off growl like a tiger Stephen you got the right answer apparently  the coolest job is working as an actor the pretty girl that lived next door to me has   been in a few films should be  delivered if she ever finds out okay best way for a man to show his  sensitive signs cry during sex all right you can't buy them in the corner no I  can't bear him they're only two times   when it's acceptable for a man to cry  in public and that is when your team   gets relegated and when your family gets  killed on the day your team gets relegated I do sometimes cry when bad things  happen yeah in the cupboard's not   quite right the handle's first in the wrong way   foreign I like it when the handle's moved when  the handles move that means I've had visitors let me see if I can still smell them on it I don't like sensitive men do they  women don't do they no not really I   don't think I'm supposed to sell  out oh yeah everyone's dead LOL you played uh pregnant yeah how  did it pan out in the end was   it did it all work out well I've got  postnatal depression after the reviews okay best way for a man to  show a sensitive side is it   talk about your feelings that's  exactly the right answer right yes the best way for a man to show his sensitive  side is for him to talk about his feelings I find   it difficult to show my sensitive side because  it's the area between my balls and my anus I consider myself a metrosexual by which I mean  I try and hide my erection with a free newspaper all right well that sound tells me it's the  end of the round and the end of the show which   means the final scores are John Natalie  and Humphrey have one point Sean Mickey   and Stephen are tonight's winners they've  got five hours that's it from us good night thank you
Channel: Banijay Comedy
Views: 354,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: britcom, british comedy, british humour, british comedy series, 8 out of 10 cats, 8 out of 10 cats full episodes, 8 out of 10 cats season 14, 8 out of 10, 8 out of 10 cats season 14 full episodes, jimmy carr, 8 out of 10 cats full episode, british panel show, sean lock, 8 out of 10 cats season 14 episode 3, 8 out of 10 cats series 14 episode 3, 8 out of 10 cats s14 e03, 8 out of 10 cats series 14 episode 3 full episode, micky flanagan, stephen mangan, natalie cassidy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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