SD-Access Assessment | FREE CCIE Practice Lab

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all right the sd access challenge i know some of y'all are really excited about this because it's hard to get real sd access experience out there now here's the thing if you're new to sd access if you if you haven't watched our content on cbt nuggets this part's going to be pretty challenging because the real challenge here is that you understand the design of sd access and the key terms like how does an interior border node differ from a default border node and how would you configure their fusion routers that are pairing up to them based on their behavior in the first place that's the real challenge here so in this video we're actually going to be configuring fusion routers as part of the challenge but the understanding is how does a interior border node handle the connection to the fusion router and versus a default border node trust me it's going to be really cool if you've watched our content let's get going all right time for dna center i've got my dna center shirt on so you know i'm fired up about this because i really love all of the new things that are coming on the new ccie it's not just the routing and switching anymore which is you know cool it's fun and sometimes i i limp through it as you've been able to see but the software-defined networking and the automation that's really my sweet spot and if you're if you know me if you follow me at all you know that you know python automation dna center and sd-wan that's that's where i really like this so time to jump into sd access first thing let's bring up the tasks right now so we can see sd access so you can see here there's like three tasks and here's the kicker if you haven't watched our content on cbt nuggets if sd access is even a little shaky to you you're not going to understand any of this the expectation in this case is that you understand what a border node does what an edge node does and what a fusion router does and how you would deploy them in the real world so here i'm looking at you know border one should behave as an internal border border 2 should behave as a default node and while the configuration of those devices does behave like that how you handle the route leaking on the fusion router matters so to set up what's going on here let's bring up these devices i want to show you this is actually really cool um we'll bring up r69 here we go i think we actually have to set some ip addresses on these because i just kind of fired up this lab here we'll do the split screen one more time fusion router 1 fusion router 2 border 1 border 2 so this is really cool i actually fired up my dna center lab and copied and pasted the core chunks of my sd access fabric so the border nodes and the edge nodes are already deployed and that's what the task tells us so let's bring it back up again yeah so a new sd access fabric was deployed for customer one bright pink site there are three virtual networks participating in the fabric id virtual network iot virtual network and hr virtual network check it out if i do show run immediately right here at the top so again this was all basically copied and pasted straight out of my sd access fabric i omitted things like certificates because that's a huge chunk of the running config and i omitted uh cts which is cisco trustsec and i omitted all of the policies because like it makes the just the running config absolutely gigantic but the core routing functions they're all there so each virtual network as we know because you've studied sd access is a vrf um and if we look at these like if i do show ip interface brief there's a whole lot of addresses going on here right so the lisp domains right here and the loopbacks these ip addresses are the anycast gateways within the environment so when a user in the it virtual network let's do like show run interface loop uh 1021 so we can see here this is the hr virtual network when someone in the hr virtual network plugs into the fabric this is going to be their gateway 172 1721 and that's going to be the exact same address that's on any edge device or any border device within the fabric but those devices all still communicate between each other um using vlan interfaces or lisp interfaces uh and of course these point-to-point links are the underlay itself um so if this is totally new to you you probably want to spend a lot of time understanding what's about to happen here because these so the loopbacks are the anycast gateways whereas the vlans are the actual border node handoffs so the border node is going to trunk up to the fusion router we're going to form bgp relationships based on these vlans and look so let's do show run interface let's say vlan 3005. see this so this is in the hr virtual network or the hr vrf and this is in the hr vrf2 so we form our bgp relationship to the fusion router based on the vlan interface but then we'll be able to share via bgp the actual ip address or the actual vrf and ip address scheme themselves in fact when you deploy a border node and you tell it you're a border node here's the border handoff interface it configures the bgp items for you already see i'll do section bgp see this so here's like the hr virtual network bgp system and here it's expecting to appear peer with a remote an ebgp relationship 65005 our bgp asn 65001 it's also worth pointing out that we do have a neighbor relationship and ibgp relationship based on the connection to the other border router so that's all to say that our tasks here are to configure the fusion routers to forward traffic to and from the fabric border one should behave as an internal border node so that means we are selectively going to be pulling routes into uh or leaking routes into each vrf um towards the shared services block so this would be a dns server dhcp server or an active or a domain controller so every device within the fabric potentially needs dns so it would all all of these vrfs still need to communicate back to one shared subnet which is what the shared services is so let's do that let's let's just handle this right now let's do let's do border one to fusion router one so first thing we need to do on fusion one this is actually switch under the hood so we're gonna configure it like a switch uh we need to get our vlans created so let's do show vlan brief okay so and if i do show ip interface brief so we're looking at vlans 3005 through 3008 that we need to create for sure vlan 3005 exit vlan 3006 exit vlan 3007 exit and vlan 3 8 exit so we have the vlans created we need to create the interface vlans 3005. now here's how i'm going to do this if i look back on border 1 it tells me based on the bgp relationship so if i look at show run interface vlan 3005 i see this is in my hr virtual network so now if i do show run section bgp i'll look in my hr virtual network configuration and it tells me this is the ip address we're expecting so i'm going to cheat a little bit and just say this is going to be the ip address now the other thing is i'm pretty sure let's look these are slash 30s now the underlay networks i think this is pretty cool the underlay networks all the point-to-point links that isis has configured on they're actually slash 31s but the interface vlans are slash 30s so let's do ip address paste it in 255 255 255 252. no shut interface vlan 3006 so let's see what 3006 is show run interface vlan 3006 there is no vrf here so this is going to be just plain old ipv4 show run section bgp so i'm looking at this guy right here 192 168 140 50. so ip address two five five two five five two five five two five two no shut exit okay um let's do show run interface vlan 3000 what are we on seven this is the it virtual network show run section bgp the it virtual network here it is right there that one interface vlan 3007 ip address right there no shut interface vlan 3008 let's check out what we got here so this would leave the iot virtual network left so let's do this neighbor one this guy right here okay and that's not gonna work ipad 255 255 255 252 no shut okay so now my interfaces are up there i should actually be able to ping one of them because it's in the global routing table 140 was it 53 yeah cool so we've got round trip connectivity now which is a good sign so now we need to create the vrfs let's do show run section vrf a lot of stuff happening here let's just grab it all yeah that looks good to me um exit out of interface configuration mode paste in the vrs now the vrfs are created now we need to go back into the interface vlans here and create uh the actual configurations the actual vrf assignments so interface vlan 3005 that was oh i've got to do the ip addresses again man that always gets me okay hr underscore vn note that um the the caps matters um on these virtual networks or at least in somewhere within the sd access fabric i'm pretty sure the caps matters so this iot virtual network it's i lower o upper t that matters uh interface vlan 3006 was in the global routing table so we're going to 3007. uh what was 3007 it right yes i t okay so this is going to be interface vlan 3007 vrf forwarding it underscore vn uh grab that ip address from 3007 one more time it is right here paste interface vlan 3008 vrf forwarding iot underscore vn grab that ip address right here cool do ping vrf it underscore virtual network look at that cool so now we've got the vrf's all in place we have connectivity all in place um i think we need to bring up the bgp relationships um so here's what i'm going to do to do that i'm going to create a new little notepad document here and i'm just going to script all this out basically and i am going to just copy that and paste it now we're just going to adjust these okay so i'm not i am going to set up okay let's do this 49 remote autonomous system 60 000 okay yeah i'm one and this is going to be my neighbor which is going to be fusion one who is fusion i don't think i have an ip address between me and fusion one right show ip interface brief i don't so i need to do that let's configure some interfaces real quick interface ethernet 02 let's call this ip address 255 255. 255.252. no shut let's do this on fusionrouter2 and actually let's fix this too so i'm going to set my internal bgp relationship what'd i say i was two yeah okay enable config t interface ethernet 0-2 ip ipaddress 255.255. 252. you know shut exit and let's look at why do you not like ip address ethernet zero two what interface ethernet zero two okay oh because this is a switchboard man i know this the hockey puck okay no switchboard ip address no shut same thing over here no switchboard interface ethernet 02. no switch port okay cool so those should come to life here so now i've got this set up let's do this and this um i need to have a loop back here so let's do ip add let's call this like 111 111 111 255 255 255 255. let's do a loopback over here interface loopback zero ipad one two one one two one how about something like that one two one one two one two five five two five five two five five two five five exit uh need to get a static route to each other's loopback address so ip route 101 111 111 0 000 destin 410 99.991 and inconsistent mask what do you mean inconsistent mask oh it's gonna be two five five so keep thinking wild card mask come on cisco you knew what i meant man okay exit ip route one two one one two one one two one one two one two five five two five five two five five two five five testing four ten ninety nine ninety nine two okay so now we should be able to reach the other loopbacks let's do this we've got the neighbor relationships now for what have i done here that's right but why does this guy say 10 oh because that's uh my 10 99 99 okay okay now into vpn v4 information this is going to be 1099.992 let's just copy and paste this how about we this is my ibgp information we're sending community information so i'm just going to delete that out we don't need to do any route map tagging here um okay so now we're doing the hr virtual network we're not we don't need to advertise a network here we're just learning networks um our neighbor relationship is going to be based on 45. and i don't need to set a weight i don't need to alter the priority here i do need to change the remote autonomous system so i want to make sure that those all look good here yeah let me set this guy too right 49 okay so here we go um don't need to advertise a network in it set this to 53 set this autonomous system to 65001 53 53 53 so this will bring up my ebgp relationship for the it virtual network i don't need to advertise i'm not i don't have a network to advertise for any of these this is all stuff that should be coming from the border router so 57 and 57 change this autonomous system let's delete these weights because i don't care about the weights on my fusion routers and yolo all right here come the bgp relationships so hr iot and it there they are they all came up no problem if i do show bgp ipv4 unicast summary i see that's my global routing table um and if i do unicast prefixes there's the prefixes that i've learned so far let me back up could you show bgp vrf let's feel like i t underscore virtual network um yeah that works so now i see that this particular device is learning 17217 30 via the next top of 192 168 140 53 um not showing as it is showing as valid not showing as best which is if i interesting show ip route vrf it underscore vn is it in there it's not in there so that's interesting that they advertised a route to me via an accessible next hop so if i ping prf it underscore vn um to 192 168 140.53 like i can reach that next top no problem but it isn't installing that route for this prefix in my route table which is peculiar and that's something i'll probably want to investigate later fascinating okay i wanted to look at the other ones real quick show bgp vrf iot underscore vn okay so those shows valid oh look there we go just took a second uh after refreshing a little bit now we've got bests so there we go all right cool um okay now let's do we need to bring up the ebgp relationship between border two and fusion two uh so i could pretty much almost go actually we gotta bring up all the vlans and stuff too don't we um okay so the vlans are different on every device so if i actually do like show run section vlan uh see these are the vlans that i need to bring up over here so let's go to fusion2 there we go um let's do show run interface vlan 3001 so this is my hr so it's going to be the exact same thing show run interface vlan 3002 3 is going to be it and four is going to be iot okay cool um so this won't be too bad but i learned the hard way we need to create our vrf's first showrun section prf okay cool um here's the vrfs exit address family so let's go to fusion2 vlan config make the vrfs interface vlan 3001 this was the hr virtual network uh which needs to be let's just like copy this and then just change the ip address after the fact how about that like that okay border two let's show this is gonna be right there fusion 2 interface vlan 3002 oh no interface vlan 3002 paste it change this to 34. and interface vlan 3003 wait did i forget no shut again 3002 no shut interface vlan 3003 there we go um back to border two so here's vlan 3003 that's my it oh okay yeah we gotta forget don't freak vrf forwarding that's important okay this is going to be 38. no shut interface vlan 3008 nope 3004. and let's jump back to porter 2 get interface vlan 3004 fusion 2 paste it in cool no shut okay uh-oh there we go i think we're looking good now so if i do show ip interface brief i can do ping vrf hr underscore vn towards 192 168 140 29. let's change this to it virtual network make sure we got connectivity there this is going to be 37 and let's do iot virtual network and that's going to be 41. looks good all right so now let's bring the bgp neighbor adjacency to life show run section bgp a lot to configure here let's fix all this stuff up here so this can be 33 fix our autonomous systems 33 this is going to be my peer at do not need to advertise any networks here don't need to advertise that don't need ooh wait maybe i do let's see that's 10 99.99 so this is the default border node configuration um i don't know what this 130 is i think that might have been something that i actually used in my configuration earlier i'm going to keep it in there just in case actually no i'm not this is going to be something that the border node is going to be handing me so i'm going to delete those out this is going to be 33 33 i don't care about weight this is going to be my pier at 1099.991 i don't care about the route map i'm going to fix this ipa address real quick to get the community sent okay this is also 1099.99 1099-991 1099-991 and deleting this out okay we don't need to advertise any networks we don't need to advertise any summaries we don't need to redistribute list because that's all default border node configuration we just need to configure our remote here 29 29. 29 actually i don't care about weight deleting all of this stuff out because this is not stuff that i need to worry about 37 fix the remote autonomous system 37 37 and do not care about weights yet again lastly the iot virtual network same thing as before don't care about these items that's all stuff for the default border node 41 41 fix the remote autonomous system before i blow that up 41 and don't care about that grab it and yolo all right let's see there's our first neighbor adjacency second third fourth there we go all the neighbor adjacencies have come to life um except one show ip show bgp ipv for unicast summary why oh why oh because our do we configure the autonomous system incorrectly we sure did 5005. now that neighbor relationship should come up i had the wrong autonomous system for my ibgp relationship to my peer over there which it's still not coming up why is not coming up show bgp ipv4 unicast summary debug bgp ipv4 unicast um what do i want to debug all of it connection refused by remote host okay show bgp ipv4 unicast summary debug bgp ipv4 unicast connection refused by remote hosts okay so they can talk they can reach each other's prefixes okay let's do show run section bgp let's see what we configured here why is this not coming to life okay update source sleep pack and fusion 2 show run section bgp router bgt 65005 [Music] dress family ipv4 unicast no bgp aggregate timer no it's in community both no network statement do you debug bgp ipv4 unicast this is some some weird tomfoolery happening here oh no no because i'm duh i'm trying to peer based on loot addresses and then i used our our routing addresses okay okay okay okay okay let's fix this real quick 111 111 and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 okay no neighbor let's see this copy this address family ipv4 unicast place that in and now let's fix this on fusion two bundy bug all right man these brain farts are killing me no neighbor 121 121 121 121 update source look like zero uh neighbor one one one one there goes one oh man the basics the basics update source loopback zero okay finally okay so we got the bgps all around the horn stood up here so we've got uh bgp relationships from um the border nodes to each other the fusion nodes to each other um and between the fusion and the border nodes let's make one more thing come to life here um let's bring up r69 have i really gone through 69 nodes in this show ip interface brief so it's expecting a peer relationship on 192.168 so let's make sure fusion router has that ip address 192 168 111.1 255 255 255.0 no switchboard shut nope wrong ip address two no shut and now i'm going to actually run eigrp i'm just going to call this like 99 network one two three two five five over here on r69 i'm going to run eigrp that way route fusion router 1 receives all of the prefixes so that they can get to the shared services block which i see off of e01 that's 192 168 110. so now if i look at the route table i see i can reach the shared services block 182 168 110 and that's what i need to get into my border nodes and into each vrf so we have to perform some route leaking so let's create all of our prefix lists and then all of our maps so we'll call this our first one is going to be ip prefix list let's call this services and we'll say permit 24 less than or equal to 32 something like that um let's create the next prefix list uh this is where we're going to be trying to leak routes out of the vrfs into the global routing table that way uh our shared server we can advertise them into the shared services blocked and it can then get the return traffic uh so let's get that going so let's do show it so supposed to ip prefix list let's start with like uh the hr virtual network which i have already forgotten what that is so let's do show ip interface brief do show ip interface brief okay so that was going to be ip prefix list let's create this hr let's call this hr prefix let's say permit 192 168 140.40 what is that 44. slash 30 i think that's right yeah that's right let's now do the it prefix which is going to be 140.48 yep that's right and then high ot prefix which is going to be 56. now we need to create our route maps so i'm going to create my first one called global this is going to identify the traffic that's going to be coming out of the global routing table which was going to be our services prefix list so i'm going to say permit and i'm going to say match ip address prefix and we call this services that's it i'm going to create my next route map which is going to match the hr so let's call this something like hr to global how about that it's going to be a permit match ip address prefix hr prefix exit i'm going to create my next route map which is going to be it to global permit match ip address prefix list it prefix exit of this route map was the last one iot to global permit match ip address prefix list iot prefix exit okay now let's do show run section vrfs because we need to perform the route leak so here's how it's going to work we're going to go first into vrf definition let's do hr virtual network i'm going to go into ip address family ipv4 and the first thing we need to do is we need to import that global prefix into the routing table here so let's say import ipv4 unicast then the map was called we would just call global right uh yeah this was global but it was all caps and carriage return we're now going to export to the ipv4 unicast table the hr to global let's make sure that was right hr hr was capital okay now let's exit out of this and go out of this vrf we're going to vrf definition who's next it underscore virtual network back into ip address family unicast perform the route leak import ip this is the exact same command as before let's just like thumb up a few times okay i can actually come up a few times to get to the export we can just say it t2 global right scrolling up yep it2 cool exit out of that vrf let's go into vrf definition iot underscore virtual network address family ipv4 unicast um import global export i o t to global now this is importing this exporting in my experience this always takes like a long time to actually take effect so if i did like do show ip route right now i might not see them at all actually i see hr took place there it is there's hr virtual network came in um so that's cool the other thing that needs to happen we need to leak out of there we need to leak out the actual learned prefixes we need to learn the client we need to leak the client prefixes so we need to let's adjust these prefix lists real quick to add one more sequence so let's do this i'm going to say sequence 20 make something up uh and now this is going to be those 172 addresses so that was 172. what did we say hang on come on show ip interface brief so 172 uh what do we got here show run interface loop 1021 is hr and that was 172 make it up again 1720 1720 dot zero let's say slash 24 less than or equal to 32 or something like that let's now fix the i t prefix which is going to be 1 7 2 17 something else so let's do show run interface loopback 22. okay so that's 30. and now the iot prefix i'm going to guess is the next one 10 23 yep 10. okay very cool so again this will probably take a while for all of these routes to show up i see the iot virtual network made its way in that's cool um an it virtual network just appears to always be lagging behind for some reason okay so cool uh that stuff is all making its way in which is you know fun um yeah and there we go there's my 17217s have now been leaked into the global routing table now if i do show iprout vrf let's say like take a look at the hr virtual network i don't see that that global prefix has been leaked in yet that was going to be the one oh you know why because this route this route is learned via eigrp in order for route leaking to occur it needs to have vpn v4 information so it also has to be advertised via bgp so let's go to router bgp 65005 advertise i'll go to address family ipv4 unicast and advertise that network 192 168 110 0 mask 255 255 255.0 and now after a few minutes i should expect to see there it is right there so we've now leaked the address out of the global prefix into the hr virtual network and probably the rest of them too to be honest let's see uh like iot yeah it's there so now that prefix is now via bgp into those virtual networks and if i jump down to the border node and i say show iprout hr vrf hr virtual network we now have the internal routes participating in the correct virtual network which means they're now in the lisp domain and our devices our edge router devices all of our edge nodes and our clients who are accessing the fabric can now communicate internally to the shared services subnet sort of there's one last thing we have to do see if we look at r 69 here i can do do show iprout it doesn't know about those routes so we need to make sure that we're advertising those routes via eigrp as well so let's do this let's go to router eigrp what i call this 99 and just send every to send it all so hopefully now in a few minutes uh router 69 will start getting all of those routes um and learning about some some meat right well i'm not seeing those wraps up here but uh the idea is that we could maybe we could put in a static route that points to 172 17s um and get them that way we can also those are bgp routes right they are bgp routes so i could also redistribute bgp 65005 metric gajillion um delay reliability load mtu let's see if that does the trick there they are cool so that was the trick we had to bring in we had to redistribute uh the bgp routes and yeah eigerp and now the shared services subnet where dns is now they have a route back to the sd access fabric so our final trick now is we need to um perform similar route leaking into fusion 2 but fusion 2 is going to be sending a default route into um oh yeah we need to undo bug so we need to send a default route into the actual border node 2. so if i do show ip route do i even have a default route right now i don't and my connection to r15 over here would be my way out to the rest of the world so let's bring up r15 and see what its ip address is there because i'm pretty sure i don't have an ip address set on fusion 2. show ip interface brief let's look at e01 110 0 122. so config t interface ethernet zero one ip address no switch port it's going to get me again my pdrs 10 0 122 um 50 i don't care 255 255 255 at zero no shut exit out ip route zero zero zero zero zero zero 10 0 122 i'm pretty sure that's 15 let's make sure yeah okay so we now have a default route do show iprout so what i'm going to do is i'm going to send a default route into um bgp but the real kicker here is is like my default route is going to be you know via via me so they're going to have to know how to like all of these other devices are going to have to know how to get to me too and that's going to have to mean we're going to have to configure we're going to have to advertise some things into bgp in the first place so my default route is via 100 22 115 so we need to send 10 0 22 15 into bgp so let's do this let's go router bgp 65005 and we're going to advertise that into the address family we're going to advertise 10 0 122 0 mask 255 255 255.0 so that when we send in the default route it'll also have a valid next top because it'll know about this particular prefix so we need to now that this route is in bgp we need to leak it into the vrfs and then we can do default information originate in each vrf so uh let's do this let's exit out of this and let's create our prefix list um let's call this prefix list global permit 10 0 122 0 24. that's right that's what i want to do i'm just just thinking through it in my head and let's do a route map global permit match ip address prefix 10 0 122 0 nope that's not what we're doing match the the prefix list by the name of global okay um so now what we're going to do is let's go into uh let's do this now let's leak that route into each of those so let's do do show run section vrf and let's jump into vrf definition hr underscore virtual network and let's do address family ipv4 and let's do import ipv4 unicast map we called it global we're not going to export anything yet i'm just going to bring it in let's do the exact same thing for the other brfs brf definition it underscore virtual network address family ipv4 unicast actually just ipv4 and import and exit and vrf definition iot underscore virtual network rib loop that's fascinating um i'm going to proceed like that never happened oh you know why because it was brought in uh nope that shouldn't have been brought in anywhere else oh yeah it was because i advertised it over to fusion one then fusion one no that fusion one shouldn't have advertised it down um okay so maybe something else was happening else somewhere else but anyways we're good um let's do show iprout vrf hr underscore virtual network okay so now i see that this exists um in this particular vrf that's good so now what i'm going to do i'm going to create a static default route for the hr virtual network and i'm going to say zero zero zero zero zero zero towards 10 00 122. 15. that might work now if i do show ip route vrf hr underscore virtual network i now have a static route a valid static route uh in that particular in that particular it's just it's there okay cool it's in that particular um virtual network let's do the rest i t and iot so now if i do show ip route we can check out it it has a valid static route and iot has a valid static default route as well so now what i can do but wait there's more we can go back into bgp 65005 let's just actually bring up the running config section bgp i'm going to go into address family ipv4 vrf hr underscore virtual network and is this where i can give it a default information originate yep i believe you can also do it on a specific neighbor configuration too like 140.29 default originate let's see if this is on border 2 at this point though i don't think it will it might be show iprout vrf hr underscore virtual network it's not there yet um so let's do this default originate you can also do redistribute static which we may end up doing still nothing here pointing to that so let's try redistribute static and there it is okay so that did the trick so now my default border node is acting as a default border node for the hr virtual network yes okay um then we can wrap this up by changing address families address family let's do it virtual network default information originate redistribute static i'm not going to do it on the neighbor command because i'm just curious i want to see if this works show iprout vrf it virtual network yeah okay so we don't need to actually set the neighbor command you can do it with just the default information originate and then redistribute static so now we can go to the address family for iot default information originate redistribute static okay the last thing we need to do now is the exact same thing we did on fusion one which is bringing in those other prefixes uh from the client networks into uh fusion one so it knows how to send return traffic in there so let's do show run section prefix okay cool yeah sweet um so let's just grab all of these prefix lists here jump back over to fusion two exit out of this paste in my prefix list and create the route maps now show run section route yeah cool um so i'll do hr2 global next exit out of that i'll do let's create these just like this cool so now i have the route maps and now i can perform the route leaks let's do show run section vrf cool so i'm just going to grab hr virtual network and we're going to say the export command right there vrf definition hr underscore virtual network address from the ipv4 paste in my export command exit exit erf definition let's go into it underscore virtual network address family ipv4 and grab that export command exit exit the last one vrf definition iot underscore virtual network address family ipv4 and this should be the last command we need to run in order to complete this task all right and show route should i be wrapped so like i said it does take it takes a little while for these vr there they are right there so uh we've now successfully leaked all the routes into the global routing table we've gotten a default route into each of those vrfs and our sd access fabric is up and running so we've done it and again if you haven't watched our content on cbcnice that sd access course it's a doozy that is uh we i have put more effort into that course than anything else i've ever done in my career um that was that was a labor of love let me tell you um very proud of it and i definitely think like this that course will help you get through this and so much more like actually seeing dna center from the front end and actually knowing how to configure ice for those authentication policies because that was a whopper too so that's it that's been configuring our dna center sd-access fabric challenge completed way to go uh made it to the end so proud of us so proud of you all um again if you like this stuff like comment subscribe comment below hit me up on twitter let me know what you think thanks for stopping by y'all i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Data Knox
Views: 1,584
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ccie workbook, ccie practice lab, ccie practice exam, ccie practice, ccie enterprise infrastructure, ccie journey, ccie enterprise infrastructure lab, ccie routing and switching, ccie enterprise, ccie sd-access, ccie routing, ccie cbt nuggets, ccie bootcamp, eve-ng lab, ccie eve-ng, cisco dna center, configure border handoff cisco, sd-access border node, cisco fusion router, sd-access fusion router, dna center fusion router, sd-access bgp, sd-access route leak
Id: q9uv9Qm-1vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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