Internet Network Backbone - BGP Assessment | FREE CCIE Practice Lab

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okay here we go with our first major task in this journey into the ccie practice exam our first task is going to be all about bringing up the internet backbone there's seven routers that we need to work with in the internet backbone they're all labeled starting with isp hyphen something so that's what we're going to be focusing on in this video this is going to be a major bgp assessment so get ready let's get started with task number one the internet network all right so without further ado let's have some fun here and start bringing this lab to life so what i'm going to focus on first is the internet section here this is going to be isps 100 isp 200 300 400-1 2 3 and 4. those are the ones that we want to bring to life first so that way when we bring all of our branches to life all of them will have connectivity over the internet and that simulates that way as a quick refresher this traffic will be sent outbound towards this net out router which if you've got it set up right in your environment this will actually send it outbound toward the actual internet so our lan devices will actually be able to simulate the internet when the time comes so let's take a look at these lab tasks here if i jump over to the left hand side and choose lab tasks i'm focused on the internet network section first and here's also what i'm going to do i'm going to bring the consoles of these devices up by using secure crt so when i give them a click here it'll launch secure crt and i'm going to do a little split screen action like this here we go so i'll choose isp 200 300 oh come on 300 there we go 400-1 2 3 and 4. cool so all of my consoles are up here let's start by just getting a little lay the land i'll do isp 100 show ip interface brief in fact let's clean this up a little bit i've got a little quick shortcut item here so this is show ip interface brief exclude unassigned and administratively down so this just shows me all of the ip addresses that are assigned currently the layout is like this the 192 168s typically are going to be used for anything outside of the internet so this is how our customers connect into the internet it's also how we connect to the nat outbound router 2. the 17230s are going to be bgp neighbors if they're in a different autonomous system so if we look at the topology here let me move things around just a little bit so we can work with this a little bit better hit over a couple times great so isp 100 is going to have only ebgp neighbor relationships uh so we think we'll see what the tasks have in store for us um same thing is going to be for isp200 because there's only let's just take show ip actually you know what i've got that quick button here at the bottom let's just do that so that way it's nice and easy and clean there we go so again we've got the 172 30s so i see there's going to be three and then of course a loopback same thing with isp300 let's get into enable privilege mode takes the lay of the land there okay let's do this one the four hundreds just doing the lay of the land get her feet a little settled here take a look at the ip addresses cool now notice here in the isp 400s we're going to be doing some ibgp relationships and some some more configurations beyond that so those internal bgps are going to be 172 31. if i also jump back to isp 400-1 um i say i've got the 192.168 again that's so it can connect to it looks like it's got two outbound connections to r9 and r8 so that's going to be customer one and customer two's routers all right let's take a look at isp 400-3 cool there we go i also see some outbound connections here for customer one and customer two and then the internal one seven two thirty ones and let's give this one a run okay so now we've got a lay the lamb we've seen all of the ip addresses why wait any longer let's just start from the top configure bgp on all routers in the isp network according to the following so this task so this internet network test is going to be almost exclusively bgp but that does not mean this is the only place that we will see bgp throughout this journey we will absolutely see bgp again it's just that the internet network section is going to be heavily focused on bgp so let's get to it isp 100 should operate in asn 100 so let's do router bgp 100 there we go so that's operating in a is 100 200 operates in 200 300 operates in 300 so let's get that done router bgp 200 cool isp 300 big t router bgp 300 cool now isp 400 should all operate in as400 but like so isp 400-1 and isp 400-2 should participate in the confederation asn 65005 and use authentication cisco now i believe that's 400-1 and 400 s2 should authenticate to each other 400-3 and 400-4 should participate in a confederation the same confederation but asn fi 65006 and use authentication cisco one all right so we're doing a confederation here let's get it going this is going to be router bgp for 400-1 we said that's 65005 so they're going to be participating in the local autonomous system of 65005 representing asn 400 as part of the configuration so let's say bgp confederation identifier is going to be 400 and bgp confederation peers we're expecting to be 6506 okay same thing's going to be on isp 400-2 so i'm going to give this a do show run section bgp and just copy and paste very cool here we go config t paste it in there we go so now my confederation is set up for 65005 we also need to configure the neighbor relationship between these two such that it uses authentication so let's say neighbor this was going to be do we want to do this by loopbacks we probably do want to do this by loopbacks don't we okay so the loopback address on 400-2 is 142.142142142 and the issue that i have here just looking at this is that these don't have no do show iprout these don't have routes to each other so let's do this in order to make this happen let's just make this come to life real quick by saying router ospf one let's just run ospf between all of the devices in isp 400. so i'm going to say router ospf one network we need to turn the network on for one of these commands let's do 172 31 41.0 these are all 24-bit masks in this area or in this topology and this was 43. cool if i jump back over here we'll back out of bgp configuration real quick ospf 1 network this was area zero that'll bring that to life real quick and 24. that'll bring that to life real quick let's bring these to life with the ospf real quick network zero and 43. cool router ospf 1 network 0 and 24 right here okay so if i give us a do show ipospf interface brief let's verify that those are participating here and you show ipospf neighbors we're in a drutherstate which means it might be coming to life looks like i'm getting some full adjacencies over here now we need to get those loopbacks into ospf so that we can make our bgp neighbor relationships based on the loopback addresses so let's get those loopbacks in and i'm going to do a network statement set like a redistribute connected because actually you know what yeah i'm going to do it that way okay 141 let's do zero zero zero area zero over here i'm going to do network 142. zero zero zero area zero let's jump over here network 143 ah and enter too many times 143 143 143 0 0 zero area zero why can't i type there we go and isp 400 network 144 zero zeros user always forget that wild card mask all right so at this point let's do a do show ip route ospf cool i'm starting to see okay i got all the loot backs in so at this point i can start building my bgp relationships so i'll go back into bgp this is 65005 on isp 400-1 just making sure you all can see me okay yeah okay we're good um and i'm going to say neighbor is going to be we were going to do authentication for between uh isp 400-1 and isp 400-2 and a different password between 400-3 and 400-4 so i'll say 142 142 142 142 remote aes is going to be 65 0005 we're going to do update so that it's peered based on the loopback address and let's throw in that password shall we password was all caps cisco let's bring this bgp relationship to life over here and we're going to say new nope nope nope it's got to be in bgp 65005 and we've got our neighbor statement 141 141 141 141 remote as 65005 update source loopback okay and lastly the password let's let it sit for a second and just verify this comes to life come on baby give me a bgp relationship to debug bgp ipv4 unicast is that it all right i think that's a good sign do show bgp ipv4 unicast summary okay we've got an up no prefix is received because we're not advertising any prefixes into bgp at this time uh but it looks like everything is doing good do undebug all all there we go cool debugging's turned off so the relationship between 400-1 and 400-2 is brought to life so we've got that one checked off let's bring up 400-3 and so let's exit out of this router bgp this is 65006 and this is now going to be our neighbor statement of remote as it's going to be our remote as because this is an internal bgp session we're going to do the update source loopback and we need to do a password this was password cisco one cool all right let's do this guy over here which is going to be isp 400-4 router bgp 65006 neighbor 143 143 143.143 remote a s is our a s because it's internal update source loopback and password is cisco one let's do two debug bgp ipv4 unicast watch come to life come on baby cool looking good adjacency is up we've got the little adj change neighbor status of upright give me one thing so i mute this this keeps going off all right um there we go silent mode sorry about that okay now we've got the bgp relationship between 400 uh between within the local autonomous system now we need to get that outside of the local autonomous system but still within the confederation so this is going to be peers between 65 000 and 5 and 65 000 and 6. so this is going to be isp 400-1 over here to 400-3 and isp 400-2 to isp 400-4. so on this side we're going to say neighbor remote autonomous system 65006 update source loopback zero there's no authentication requirement here uh so i'm not worried about it let me do a do undebug all here there we go okay um neighbor 141 which is the loopback address of 400-1 remote autonomous system 65005 updates so enter too many times there update source loopback zero okay so that should bring that relationship to life let's do 400-2 and 400-4 here we go so neighbor statement here autonomous system 65006 update source loop back zero cool and in the other direction neighbor 142. thomas says 65 five and update source loopback zero okay just let everything come to life do active open failed no route to pier no route do show iprout ospf what's up with that you definitely have a route to pier buddy no route to pier do ping 142 142 142 142 source loopback zero okay well we definitely have connectivity um okay do show run section bgp where did i go wrong to show bgp ipv4 unicast summary we definitely have not established a connection for 142. oh i didn't configure the confederation duh okay um bgp confederation identifier 400 bgp confederation peers 65 0005 and did i do the same thing here do show run but i didn't section bgp y'all hpp confederation identifier 400 bgp confederation peers five still says no route to peer to show section bgp okay i did type this right and it does have a route because i can ping it show run section bgp to show ip route okay so not only does router three here see the route to router two through one and three so this is this is some tom foolery here to show ip route it learns the route via ospf okay active open field okay let's see what's going on over here do show run section bgp 65006 update source loopback zero do show run section bgp 65005 update source loopback zero source from loopback zero round-trip traffic but this guy says there is no route for 142. okay let's do this no just wipe these out real quick try it again make sure i'm in the vgp configuration yeah okay neighbor is 142 142 142 142 the remote autonomous system was 65 0005 neighbor 142 142 142 142 update source loopback zero oh do i not have a loopback i do have a loopback active open failed no route appear why do you think you have no route to pier let's try this because this is going from even though this is part of the confederation this is going from loop back to loot back so it could behave like an ebgp so let's do this let's do ebgp nope that's not it it is the ebgp multi-hop let's do neighbor 142 142 142 142 bbgp multi-hop let's give it a 5. and let's do the same thing on the other direction neighbor 144 144 144 144 e bgp multi-hop give it a 5. let's see what happens ah look at that yep okay so because we're appearing between autonomous systems even though they're within the same confederation that still behaves like an ebgp relationship so we have to have multi-op so that means the same thing is going to be true over here between one and three and i see that relationship never came up either so nope three evgp multi-hop five just you know give myself some padding it doesn't specify anything like that neighbor 141.148 nope this is two so we'll do that in two let me do this one three neighbor ebgb multi.5 and let's give it a second there we go neighbor adjacency is up okay so now i have my adjacency for autonomous system 400 up next step is step five form ebgp relationships between directly connected neighbors in different autonomous systems so ebgp relationships are going to be from 400 to 200 400-2 to 300 400-4 to 200 400-4 to 300 300-100 and 200-100 so let's actually start from 100 and work our way out so we're going to go into router bgp 100 neighbor is going to be in this case we actually need to see what our ip addresses are to show ip interface brief okay our first neighbor adjacency is going to be 172.30 200 is going to be for autonomous system 200. the remote autonomous system is going to be 200 neighbor adjacency here for the 103 is going to be between 100 and 300 so i just use 103 right there 103. 30 i think is what i set him at we'll verify that okay so that's going to be isp 100 neighbor adjacency statements let's do isp 200 bgp 200 let's bring up 100 first our autonomous system is 100. let's bring up now we're connecting to 400-2 and 400-4. i have no idea what those ip addresses are okay 172.30.42.something hiccup's gotta look um let's see so we've got 172 30 42 is going to be 400-2 okay 42 is 400-2 which is 20. 20. autonomous system is 400. cannot configure the local system as neighbor because i am looking at the wrong ip address so this is 400-2 24 oh 42-40 i was looking at the 31s of course yeah i did that on purpose i'm tricking myself up i even said like i'm gonna do this to trick myself and that is exactly what happened so uh if that one then this one is gonna be 24.40 okay so then on this side i will say neighbor 172.5 autonomous system is 200 and over here we'll say neighbor let's do do show ip interface we do show ip interface brief so i'll take a look okay neighbor is autonomous system is going to be 200. so this should bring my ebgp relationships up there they go they came up to life right there and from isp200 perspective do show bgp ipv4 unicast summary because we don't have any prefixes advertised yet okay i see my three ebgp relationships for isp200 are now brought to life uh everything shows in the upstate with the timer kicking there so let's move on to isp 300. let's give it a show ip interface brief because i can already tell i'm going to need it router bgp 300 neighbor let's bring up the relationship to isp 100 first 100 remote autonomous system 100 neighbor and then 34.40 cool so from 400-2 neighbor from the autonomous system 300 and from 400-4 okay let's just do on debug all do on debug okay do show ip interface brief neighbor is going to be remote autonomous system is 300. okay do show bgp ipv4 unicast summary and i see all my relationships are alive here cool cool cool cool all right so step five is done form ebgp relationships between all directly connected neighbors in different autonomous systems so an isp 300 should check that neighbors are only one hop away so that's going to be the ttl statements let's see is this a neighbor statement believe it is neighbor security um hops let's just say you know i know it says one hop away i just feel like i should say it needs to just in case you know okay fine fine fine fine you win one hop um one hop away 30.43 and 40 and 34. so we're checking the ttl on these that we should be receiving that um they are only one hop away uh so this is checking um that the ttl on these that comes in is gonna be one hop away cool advertise all loopbacks into bgp all right so let's do this it doesn't say how we could do a redistribute connected we could also do network statements um in fact i am you know what just to make things easy on me since it doesn't specify i am going to do redistribute connected on any of the isps that have my endpoints my my customer endpoints connected to them so that way it also brings in those and i don't have to do so many network statements there and it gets really clustered so let's do should i go into ip address family redistribute connected cool so we're bringing in the connected routes into the ipv4 unicast address family on 400-1 i also see 400-3 is going to do some redistribution because i have the customer addresses here redistribute connected um and then i have isp 100 which also has some customer routes that i'm going to bring in redistribute connected now something that i'm expecting to have a problem with here is the confederation items here there's probably going to need to be some next top self uh otherwise some routes are not going to be resolvable but i also need to do network statements on isp 200 300 402 and 404 so let's do network what is the loop back here 130 okay network dot 130.130.130 dot 130 mask 255 255 this is on isp300 cool looking good there 200 we need to do the same thing this is 140 nope this is 400-2 we need to go to isp 200. do show iep interface brief network statement 120 20 120 120 mask 255. and then we have 400-2 and 400-4 okay so i was on the right one after all 142 142 142 mask 255 255 255-255 and four hundred dash four one forty four one forty four one forty four one forty four mask two five five two five five two five five two five five now my hunch like i said was that we're gonna have some next top self problems um for routes so in this case i'm looking at like isp 300 it's going to be advertising its loopback over here to 400-2 and 400-4 my expectation is that 400-3 won't know how to reach that um so let's let's just check it out nope look at that something just changed there ah 30 went down probably because of the ttl didn't it probably because of the ttl let's fix that probably needed that ttl statement to go in two directions don't you think so let's say 172 got 30.34.30 ttl security hops one and 30.43.30 ttl security hops one and here come the relationships one more time let's fix isp 102 ttl i'm in the address family so the issue here is that the ttl security has to be in two directions um the hold timer on bgp was three minutes so three minutes just passed and they probably dropped out because the whole timer was not because the ttl security the hops were not matching on both sides they hadn't agreed on that security feature yet but the relationships are coming back now that i've set it up to be in two directions so like i was saying i'm expecting three isp 300 to advertise this loopback into isp 400 but the the distant routers won't be able to receive it so let's verify that real quick i'm going to look at do show bgp ipv4 unicast and let's see so that was 130 130 130 130 and sure enough i don't know how to get there because this next hop is the path to isp 300 and i haven't learned about that route via ospf or via bgp so i can either advertise this into bgp or which is you know i probably should just advertise all of these links into bgp i probably should just do redistribute connected everywhere actually uh that way every router knows about every path within the environment do i let me look ahead and make sure i don't have any only i do have some some things advertise all routes into bgp well there you go asn 400 should show asm 400 route should show incomplete so there's redistribution all of the routes should show an origination of i so should have done network statements on isp100 and redistribute connected is what we need to do on all of the items in isp 400. so without further ado let's just get that going isp 4 just redistribute connected cool and let's do this on two address family ipv4 unicast redistribute connected cool now that that's done i can go over here now to 400-3 press up and sure enough now i can actually get to the 130 i now actually have a little carrot here showing that i have a best path forward and it does show as originating internally now this one is showing this is isp 100's loopback it's showing as incomplete we do need to fix that because it says all other routes should show an origination of i so let's do this do show run section bgp and let's wipe out my address family ipv for unicast and no redistribute connected exit now we have to do all these network statements man why do i do this to myself okay um okay lots of network statements i've got to go network same sorry ipv4 unicast there we go network all right mask 255 they're all 24-bit masks so keep it easy at least in that regard seven now jumping ahead i see i've got one in ten and eleven so 10 11. now let's do the 172 30s 200. and lastly the loopback 100 at 100 at 100.100 wipe out this guy here cool so if i now jump back let's see what we got looking a lot better i think we have now accomplished our goal all right cool so that knocks out seven and eight isp 400-1's loot bag should not be advertised outside of asn 400 there's a few ways you could do that you could do a route map that filters it out or the easier way is actually going to be bgp communities so let's do this let's say time to start sending some communities do show run section bgp cool tackle my first neighbor send community both and 143. cool let's do got to forward these communities on throughout the topology section bgp neighbor send community what's that address family that you do that must be 144 134 134 144 send community yep both cool we'll send it back to 141 just for good measure and for cleanliness sake 400-3 show run section bgp neighbor 141 141 141 141 send community both and 144 and lastly we're going to do this coming back this way 143 143 143. send community both and 142 so we needed cool so now we're sending the communities now we actually need to set a community so let's do a route map a prefix list and a route map okay ip prefix list uh what am i going to call this prefix list let's call this 400-1 loop uh sequence 5 permit and the prefix is 141 141 141 141 32. let's make our wrap map that matches it route map what's a clever name to call this uh loop column for community string i don't know i'm not good at names guys i'm sorry match ip address prefix and let's just grab this right here cool set community okay let's take a look at our options so we can see we want to do no export do not export to the next autonomous system because we do want to keep it within advertise we do want it to go outside of this autonomous system so we're going to export it out of our autonomous system and into um the confederation peer system but it won't go outside of that so let's do no export and now we're going to set our new neighbor statements router bgp 65005 and now our neighbor statement 143 143 143 143 route map nope not remote is that in the address family and what do we call that route map loopcom nope out you know what i did that route map has a implicit deny all so we need to fix that don't we route map loop com sequence 20 per minute permit 20 there we go show route map okay so at this point let's see let me show bgp ipv4 unicast okay we still are receiving 141 141 141 141 which is cool um but now if i do show b actually let's just use show ip route bgp still have 141 there let's do clear bgp ipv4 unicast star let's just bounce them all actually i wonder if that [Music] i think it might actually be that we didn't want that sequence 20 no route map loop com permit 20. do clear bgp ipv for unicast oh not parentheses bounce them all again okay okay still receiving it here from isp200's perspective let's bounce this to clear pgp ipv4 unicast star and do clear bgp ipv4 unicast star because i just don't want to wait i'm still sending it outbound hmm to show bgp ipv4 unicast 141 141 141 141 i don't see the community being set here is this because we redistributed this yes yeah actually pgp 1005. dress family ipv4 unicast network 141 141 141 141 mask two five five two five five two five five two five five i am going to set that route map back to have a permit statement map was it 141 141 149 might be something wrong with that prefix list so this this standard acl permit post can never remember what i typed no and this loop acl is what i named this bounce the neighbors ah it's looking better not advertised to any pier not advertising any peer no best path available though that is peculiar you know why i think we're looking good cool let's now check over here no still got it okay so here we've got the community of no export set here we've got the community not set learn from router 2 since you do clear bgp ipv4 unicast call let's bounce the session back on looking better okay cool now from this point of view if i do do clear bgp ipv4 unicast star bounce the session no more 141. but no more 140s anyways show route map there we go just took a moment just took a moment to resync everything's okay just take a moment to resync and we're all good here almost have you freaking out okay all right should not be advertised outside okay so nine is done configure icep 300 to only advertise its loopback to isp 400-4 so we want isp 300 to only send its loopback outbound towards 400-4 we're not going to send it towards isp 100 and we're not going to send it outbound towards isp 400-2. that's pretty simple to do there's no really struggle here we can just use a route map that stops the advertisement in that direction so let's do configure let's do ip access less standard let's call this loop something simple like that permit host and our loopback was to show ip interface brief permits 130. 130.130.113 let's create the route map route map when in doubt make a route map let's call it stop loop permit 10 match no no not permit 10. deny 10 match ip address what do we call that loop and then we'll do route map stop loop permit 20. so if i do do show route map i see that my first set is going to stop the advertisement of the loopback the second one is going to permit the advertisement of everything else so exit map config router bgp 300 uh my neighbor towards 400-2 what is neighbor towards 400-2 to show ip interface brief 43. so come on mouse address family ipv4 unicast my neighbor statement is route map was stop loop out and the same thing was 103 100. okay do clear bgp ip glitch because i'm just bouncing them i'm just clearing up at this point i don't want to wait for all these things to sync up so we're just going to reset them all um so at this point i stopped the advertisement towards ice let's just see on isp100 show bgp ipv4 unicast so that was 130 we are learning 130 via 200 which is probably good because it learned it from 400 who related to 200 and so on so if i actually check out 200 show bgp ipv4 unicasts i'm learning i'm going to have 130 so we're just waiting for it to expire at this point on 100's point of view cool so that looks good all right moving on so 300 advertises it's loopback to only 400-4 the next step is configure bgp such that isp 400-4 does not advertise that loopback outside of the local autonomous system so let's do that exit exit we're going to create an access list standard let's call it um 300 loop something like that invalid access list name 300 loop maybe no okay because it wants to be loop 300 cool um all right permit post 130 130 130 130. route map let's call it just loop 300 again permit 10 match ip address loop 300 set community this is going to be no advertise so don't advertise it outside of our local autonomous system um cool and then we're going to say a everything else goes so route map loop 300 permit 20. cool and now we're going to go back into router bgp 65006 my neighbor over here is 143. this has to be done maps have to be done in the address family mode okay route map nope not right map it's getting towards the end hang in there 143 143 143 143 rap map and what was that called loop 300 cool out okay all right so now we get fun configure isp 100 to propagate a default route does isp 100 have a default route isp it does have a default route can i ping the internet and such sure can so let's propagate this default route okay two ways to do this i have to have a couple commands to make this happen bgp 100 first is a default information is that in address family mode information originate second is a redistribute static okay that should do the trick we have default information originate as well as redistribute static it is a static default route so that should do the trick in just a moment i should start seeing there it is default route is being learned this way can i ping there we go so isp200 can now reach the internet thanks to that default route configure asn 400 such that traffic entering asn 400 will enter through asn 400-4 so we need to make 400-2 look less attractive somehow maybe by like pre-pending an additional autonomous system hop to the end of it so let's do routes that we're advertising dustin this way should be coming out of 400-2 should have extra autonomous system hops so if you do that we need to do an a s path acl and always create this part let's just give it a number permit and our regular exposure so routes that originate from us carrot dollar sign that's how we do that and we are going to be using a route map to append autonomous system hops to the end of that so route map we'll call this prepend not apenned that's what i should have said pre-pinned um permit and we will say match a s path one that's it match as path one and then we will say set and that's going to be a s path right as path pre-pinned and then however many autonomous systems that's just three or something like that let's now do the rest of them we're going to do a route map we call this pre-pinned right permit 20 okay all good there now we need to advertise those additional hops to isp 200 and 300 so let's go back into config t router bgp 65005 address family ipv4 unicast neighbors this direction what was 200 let's say shoot i'll never remember that to show ip interface brief okay neighbor route map three pinned out out always forget the out always forget the out this is gonna be 43.30 pre-pinned out so now the routes originating from 400-2 will look like it has to go through 400 three times okay uh configure asn 200 and 300 to summarize asn 400s lootbacks as they are advertised to asn 100 so that's the 141s through a 140 fours so we're trying to do the aggregate address command but not on isp 100 knox we're doing it on 200 and 300. okay two router bgp 200 address family ipv4 unicast the aggregate address command and it wants to know what the address is so let's say i did what would the mask be that would encompass 144 actually we could do something more specific than that uh let's think think think think think think uh 128 32 38 plus eight so 138.00 and then a eight bit block size would put me up to 146 so that would be 54 52 40 no 254 252 248 right two four eight yeah i think this is it um i don't have any other parameters at this point well that's not gonna work is it okay it doesn't like that um okay i think okay because it's 8-bit block size so math 128 36 nope that wouldn't work because that would go up to 144. so it's gotta be 128. and that would need to be a 32-bit size to reach over 144 because the 16 bit size would stop at 144 so the 32 bit size 8 40 224 okay and this is what also needs to be on isp300 so we should after a while start filtering those out into the summary addresses let's just bounce it let it all sync up while it's thinking about that we'll come back to this create the summary such that isp 400-2s loopback is accessed through isp300 so isp300 is going to have to leak isp 400-2s loopback which is 142.142142 so let's look at isp 300 here for something so i have a route yep i have a specific route to 142 142 142. so i can create a route map that leaks that out let's do this ip access list standard uh let's it's actually an unsuppressed i keep saying so let's just call it unsuppress i'm not even sure if i'm spelling on suppress right i don't care they're not going to judge me for spelling on the exam i hope uh 142 one four two one four two one four two cool exit route map unsuppressed um i'm never gonna spell that right match ip address on surprise yeah that's really all we need to do on that case um router bgp 300 raptor bgp 300 this is going to go into address i'm pretty sure you have to do the unsuppressed map on the neighbor statement yes okay so now isp 300 should be advertising one four two one four two one four two outbound perform a soft reset outbound from 300 to 100. clear bgp ipv4 unicast 172 30 103 100 soft outbound that should drip cool cool cool cool cool cool all right i think we've just been accomplished all of our goals here it's a lot of goals a lot of good work today a lot of fun just curious about this aggregated dress oh you know what i did the aggregate address that's not gonna work summary only yeah there we go i knew i was missing something it was still sending those more specific prefixes router bgp 300 there's family ipv4 unicast where's that aggregate address command there you are there okay bounce them all one more time now yeah all right let's let it sync up find its feet there we go i love it there's the summary address there's the more specific prefix coming in i love it this makes me happy this is great cool so that's it that summarizes our first task there bringing the internet network to life really took our bgp skills up a notch uh so that's it that's it for the first one in the next one what we are going to work on is the mpls network we're not going to bring layer 3 vpn to life uh we're just going to bring the network to life and then we're going to bring the customer sites to life and then we'll bring the mpls layer through vpn and dmvp into life after that so that's it that's it for me that's it for the first task here bringing the internet network to life thanks for stopping by y'all see you in the next one
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Id: ryrObdH_wUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 17sec (3977 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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